Translation of Alea jacta est in English

alea iacta est translation

alea iacta est translation - win

Julius Caesar's famous words, "Alea iacta est", literally translate to:

submitted by tsealess to AskOuija [link] [comments]

Flatten the Curve. Part 70. Project Rome. Rubicon. Libra. President Trump. Peter Thiel. Eric Prince. And Mark Zuckerberg. There just might be more than meets the eye here. Stay safe and stay aware. This election might not be over yet.

Flatten the Curve. Part 69. Source Here
Words matter. I've said it before and I'll say it again. So let me show you some words that have caught my attention In the last few months.

Rome • Rubicon • Libra

Let's start with Rubicon.
“It was the intelligence coup of the century,” the CIA report concluded. “Foreign governments were paying good money to the US and West Germany for the privilege of having their most secret communications read by at least two (and possibly as many as five or six) foreign countries.” The mention of five or six countries is probably a reference to the Five Eyes electronic intelligence sharing agreement between the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The operation, codenamed Thesaurus and then renamed Rubicon in 1980s, demonstrated the overwhelming intelligence value of being able to insert flaws into widely sold communications equipment. The CIA’s success over many years is likely to reinforce current US suspicions of equipment made by the Chinese company Huawei. Source Here
This was massive. The five eyes had penatrated almost every country on earth, and were privy to any intelligence shared through that encryption.
And look at the name, Rubicon. Ring a bell?
Alea iacta est ("The die has been cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase (iacta alea est [ˈjakta ˈaːlɛ.a ˈɛst]) attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 BC, as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy. With this step, he entered Italy at the head of his army in defiance of the Senate and began his long civil war against Pompey and the Optimates. The phrase, either in the original Latin or in translation, is used in many languages to indicate that events have passed a point of no return. It is now most commonly cited with the word order changed ("Alea iacta est") rather than in the original phrasing. The same event inspired another idiom with the same meaning, "crossing the Rubicon".
So the Rubicon was crossed and it was point of no return. And when was the project exposed? February 11th. By who? The Jeff Bezos owned Washington Times. And guess what, if the information is out, then they wanted it out. Because after Jeffery Boy got a share of those cloud contracts, I'm pretty sure he wasn't about to bite the hand that feeds him.
The Central Intelligence Agency has awarded its long-awaited Commercial Cloud Enterprise, or C2E, contract to five companies—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM.
So, have we crossed the Rubicon? Let's keep digging.


The long-awaited Facebook-led digital currency Libra is preparing to launch as early as January, according to three people involved in the initiative, but in an even more limited format than its already downgradedSource Here
Can't wait to grab some of that Zuckercash! Can you? But hold on and look at this:
The Romans associated the scales with trade, since measuring equal quantities of items being traded was very important to their culture. They also associated it with the Roman goddess of justice. We often see artwork related to the practice of law depicting a woman blindfolded and holding a set of scales. The concept of “blind justice” goes back to the Roman times when Libra was invented. Source Here
Well, that's crazy. We've got Trump going on about the deep state. Now you could say that he is at his Rubicon moment. And now we have the Libra set to debut. Unrelated? Maybe. Maybe not.
Trump hosted Zuckerberg for undisclosed dinner at the White House in October. President Donald Trump hosted a previously undisclosed dinner with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook board member Peter Thiel at the White House in October, the company told NBC News on Wednesday. The meeting took place during Zuckerberg’s most recent visit to Washington, where he testified before Congress about Facebook’s new cryptocurrency Libra. Source Here
Oh. Thats odd. And don't forget that Theil also invested into Facebook, and that he owns Palantir, which is in 60 countries and works with the CIA. Is that why Rubicon became worthless?


So we have Rome. Or should I say, Project Rome.
What was Project Rome? It's allegedly the campaign run by the Psy Group with Cambridge Analytica to manipulate the elections on Facebook.
Project Rome PDF NY Times
A third mapped out a months-long plan to sow discord. Together, the proposals were labeled “Project Rome,” and referred to Trump, Clinton, and Cruz “Lion,” “Forest,” and “Bear,” respectively.Source Here
I don't know if you saw it, but I believe Trump shared a photo of him in front of a lake, with the reflection of a lion recently. And it's in his campaign slogan. And the Psy Group called him LION. And this is Psy Group’s ad. It's a cat with the Shadow of a Lion.
Yep. Those are a lot of coincidences, and I don't trust coincidences. And we have more. Because Peter Thiel’s Palantir was implicated into Cambridge Analytica. And Eric Prince may have brokered the deal with Psy Group, and Eric used to run Blackwater. And now we have reports coming out of Rome about election tampering? Real? I don't know, I really don't. Welcome to the New Normal Information War.

Final Thoughts

There sure is a lot of Roman terminology floating around. And then we have Peter Big Brother Theil, Blackwater Eric Prince, Mark Zuckerberg, and the Israeli Psy Group. And then Jared Kushner gets back from Saudi Arabia and signs a peace deal for the with the UAE. Did he get the Kingdoms support? Connected? Time will tell.
And I know that Peter Thiel backed away from Trump recently. That could just be a part of the act.
One last thing, I don't trust any politician, I just write what I see.
Heads up and eyes open.
Talk soon.
Oh. And Eric Prince, Donald Trump and Peter Thiel?
January 17, 2017: The Intercept • According to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, in December Prince attended the annual “Villains and Heroes” costume ball hosted by Mercer. Dowd wrote that Palantir founder Peter Thiel showed her “a picture on his phone of him posing with Erik Prince, who founded the private military company Blackwater, and Mr. Trump — who had no costume — but joke[d] that it was ‘N.S.F.I.’ (Not Safe for the Internet).”
Yep. There just might be a run on toilet paper soon. Again. Welcome to 2021. Stay safe.
submitted by biggreekgeek to conspiracy [link] [comments]

What is your favourite Latin phrase?

submitted by Mellow_mad to AskReddit [link] [comments]

A clever little in-joke/some humour for the ancient Romans among us.

A clever little in-joke/some humour for the ancient Romans among us. submitted by ProteusRex to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

A brief rundown of Latin terms used in Memoria Misera (tiny spoliers)

Whilst some of the terms used for attacks in the trial are rather self-explanatory, SE has also slipped a few very interesting names that I peronally really appreciate! So, as follows;
Memoria Misera - "Sad Memory", very simple
Ignis Est/Ventus Est - "The Fire/The Wind"
Alea Iacta Est - "The Die is Cast"
Festina Lente - this is one of the interesting additions! Festina Lente is a Latin phrase that translates to "make haste, slowly", famously used as a motto by Roman Emperors Augustus & Titus. The meaning of the phrase is to undertake activities with a proper balance of speed and attention to detail.
Citius, Altius, Fortius - "Faster, Higher, Stronger" (another interesting one, as this is the motto of the Olympic Games!)
Vivere Militare Est - "The Military Life" "To live is to fight" (Thank you to u/EzyLemonJuice for correcting me)
And finally, Terminus Est - roughly translated as "It is the end"
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by LordKimmington to ffxiv [link] [comments]

I found an old post of someone translating Journey, but I found quite a few errors in it, so I decided to re-translate it myself. Here are the results!

I found this post by u/AtlyxMusic, and most of it is pretty decent, but there were some unfinished or incorrect translations here and there. I've done line for line Latin to English, as well as some commentary of my own. TL;DR at the bottom that's just a translation if you don't wanna read the chunky stuff.
ex igne pertinacia - From the fire (we) persist - ["We" is inclusive and the best way to put the sentence. "Pertinacia" is just a verb, and it doesn't relate to "igne" (fire) as they are declined in different ways. The actual Latin is relatively rough around the edges, and, as is common in Latin songs and poetry, you take some liberties to fit the syllables necessary]
Lux nos defendit - The light defends us - [Not to be confused with "We defend the light"; "Lux" would need to be "Lucem" for that to be the case.]
Post te ne bras lux - After darkness the light may come - [The original post doesn't specify if the clause comes with a question mark at the end, but the existence of "ne" in the sentence implies that it is a question.]
Sub dio fortitudo et fides - Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith - [Like I mentioned previously, one has to take liberties to properly translate it.]
Alea iacta est - The die have been cast - [A classic quote by Julius Caesar]
Luctor et emergo - I struggle and I escape - [I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but "emergo" literally means "I emerge from (the) water", and I can't help but be reminded of this cutscene.]
Ad vitam aeternum salva ve - Save (us) with (your) eternal life - [This line is a bit iffy, and the translation is a bit odd. I think this is meant to serve as some prayer to the Traveler, given that the use of "I" and "We" beforehand implies that the song is being spoken from the perspective of either the player or at least a guardian.]
Ritate pro memoria - Recklessness before memory - [I genuinely have no clue what this is.]
lux et veritas - Light and truth - [The intention might be to combine this clause with the previous one to make something along the lines of "we were reckless before we remembered the light and the truth", but the literal Latin is a little odd. "Lux" is in the nominative case (subject of the sentence) and "veritas" is in the accusative (direct object). So, unless I'm missing something, the Latin here is just wrong.]
pactum serva - Keep the promise - [I assume this is meant to mean something along the lines of "stay true to your alliance with the Traveler. Oddly fitting in these times... The literal translation is "preserve the agreement" but that just sounds dumb.]
Ad vitam paramus - We prepare to live - [Again, the Latin here is a little odd.]
In memoria vita - In memory of life - [It is literally just "in memory life", once more, I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if the Latin is wrong, but it probably should be "vitae"]
Lux nos defendit - The light defends us
aequitas enim lucet vita nos defendit - Indeed, life makes justice clear and defends us - [I assume "life" here means the Traveler, but I could be wrong.]
ex igne pertinacia - From the fire (we) persist
Lux nos defendit - The light defends us
Constantia fortis juvat - (Our) strength gives us courage OR our courage gives us strength - [The Latin is odd here. Both "Constantia" (courage) and "Fortis" (strength) are subjects in the sentence, but "juvat" (give) only accepts a singular subject. It might be meant to be taken both ways? I'm unsure.]
Luctor et emergo - I struggle and I escape
lux et veritas - Light and truth
pactum serva - Keep the promise
in vertu te pax - In the virtue used for peace - [This is weird, and "vertu" isn't a word according to my dictionary so I'm just assuming it's virtue.]
Vita nos defendit - Life defends us - [Same clause as before, but replacing "light" with "life"]
Constantia fortis juvat - (Our) strength gives us courage OR our courage gives us strength - [Same as before]
age quod agis - do what you do - [It's a common phrase.]
praemonitus praemonitus - Forewarning, forewarning - [A warning for what?]
sit tibi terra levis - Let the Earth be gentle for you - [Levis is a bit of a strange word. It has a lot of translations, and "gentle" is the one that fits best. You could argue that it should be "let the Earth be kind to you" but it's basically the same.]
ex igne pertinacia - From the fire (we) persist
Post te ne bras lux - After darkness the light may come
Sub dio fortitudo et fides - Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
lux et veritas - Light and truth
pactum serva - Keep the promise
pax vobiscum - (May) peace be with you - [Sounds like a church phrase. Then again, it's Latin, so everything sounds like it belongs in a church.]
Ad vitam paramus - We prepare to live
in tertu te pax - In third age of peace - [Like Vertu before, "Tertu" does not appear to exist. I assume "Third Age" as it seems to follow Destiny's pattern- the Dark Age, the City Age, and now the "Red War Age", even if that isn't a formal age. Also, "of" is a very rough translation of "te", but it's the only one that makes sense without being too cumbersome in the sentence.]
pro memoria - for the memory
lux et veritas - (of) Light and truth - [I put the "of" in there to link it with the previous clause, but it technically would just be "light and truth" normally again.]
pactum serva - Keep the promise
ex igne pertinacia - From the fire (we) persist
Lux nos defendit - The light defends us
post tenebras lux - After darkness (there is) light - [Tenebras is plural, though I excluded it since "darknesses" sounds weird. Perhaps it hints towards some type of cycle?]
Sub dio fortitudo et fides - Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
The translation is a little rough, but it's generally solid. If I missed anything, please let me know.
TL;DR - Below is the English translation without any of my notes.
From the fire (we) persist
The light defends us
After darkness the light may come
Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
The die have been cast
I struggle and I escape
Save (us) with (your) eternal life
Recklessness before memory
Light and truth
Keep the promise
We prepare to live
In memory of life
The light defends us
Indeed, life makes justice clear and defends us
From the fire (we) persist
The light defends us
Our courage gives us strength
I struggle and I escape
Light and truth
Keep the promise
In the virtue used for peace
Life defends us
Our courage gives us strength
Do what you do
Forewarning, forewarning
Earth be gentle for you
From the fire (we) persist
After darkness the light may come
Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
Light and truth
Keep the promise
(May) peace be with you
We prepare to live
In third age of peace
for the memory
(of) Light and truth
Keep the promise
From the fire (we) persist
The light defends us
After darkness (there is) light
Under (our) god (there was) strength and faith
submitted by Portal3_1 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Translating "Roll for Initiative"

Trying to put together a "crest" for my gaming group, and looking for a translation of the above. I'm about twenty years removed from my days as a Latin nerd, and the closest thing I can parse together from my old textbooks and - god help me - google translate, is "volvite [preposition] marte", or something along the lines of "roll for action."
All well and good, but I'm pretty sure "volvite" speaks more to the act of rolling your own body (doing a somersault, for instance) than rolling dice. I also considered "iactate," of "alea iacta est" fame. I'm also not confident of my sentence structure, or, obviously, which preposition to use. I'd think something like "ad" for "roll to action" or "in" for "roll in action"... I'm basically a Latin 101 mind looking for some 201 grammar.
I'll finish by apologizing if this is well-trod territory (I can't imagine there's NOT a fairly large overlap between gaming nerds and linguistics nerds). I'm pretty new to Reddit, and I did my best to search and came up empty. I'd really like to get this right, instead of just picking the ATROCIOUS translation I initially got off the google box.
submitted by RWinnie to latin [link] [comments]

Translation request: Future tense of Julius Caesar's famous Rubicon quote?

Hi everyone! I'm sure this specific request has been asked and answered before, but I couldn't find it.
According to Suetonius, Julius Caesar allegedly said 'Iacta alea est', upon crossing the Rubicon towards Rome, which I've mostly seen translated as "The die has been cast." I'm not sure how tense works in Latin if at all, but was wondering how the phrase would change if it were to be, "Cast the die" (as in, it hasn't happened yet.) rather than past tense.
Also, this is totally unrelated, but could someone give me a translation for these motto phrases? "Kill god. Fight death. Go beyond."
Thanks so much!
submitted by MoreThanLuck to latin [link] [comments]

Vocabulary classification by levels and accessibility - 4 levels

I would say there are 4 levels of vocabulary, or groups of words, based on who can speak/understand and use them correctly. First 2 levels are usually accessible to non-Native speakers, first 3 levels to native speakers, and level 4 are either words that very few people know about or they are very technical, and useful only for specialists, experts in certain flields.
The interesting observation is that non-native speakers are really comfortable only in level 1... in level 2 they start having problems.
And the level 3 is the easiest way to distinguish native from non-native speakers. Natives will easily know almost all words in that category, and non natives will hardly know any word from that category.
So here we go:
Level 1: Universally accessible words that non natives learn easily and usually pronounce correctly as well.
Examples: car, cimena, snow, entertainment, introduction, temperature, important, stimulation, neglected, disappointed, painting, loud, wall, sock, kitchen, coffee, open, climb, throw, think, press, push, pull, make, catch, hunt, explain, greed, jealous, pretend...
Level 2: Words that non-natives can usually understand perfectly well and recognize them in writing, but have no clue how to pronounce them correctly in an English way- or their pronunciation is heavly influenced by the way these words are pronounced in their own language (because these words aren't new to them, they already know them from other languages, but they don't know how to pronounce them in English). It's also worth noting that learning pronunciation of such words can be exceptionally difficult, because if you pronounced "hepatitis" as /hepa'titis/ your entire life... it's difficult to switch to /ˌhep.əˈtaɪ.t̬əs/
Examples: paracetamol, Archimedes, hepatitis, encephalitis, meningitis, Ebola, leukaemia, mitochondrion, chromosome, cirrostratus, cumulonimbus, metaphor, onomatopoeia, synecdoche, anthropomorphism, synesthesia, reductio ad absurdum, non sequitur, alea iacta est, cogito ergo sum, Seneca, Cicero, Descartes, Copernicus, Spinoza, Galileo, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, Vis-à-vis, apropos , alibi
Level 3: words referring to very simple and commonly used, but very specific things or practices from everyday life, which are often mentioned offline in real life, but rarely online... (however, they can be often mentioned in fiction, because fiction deals with life... but reading fiction doesn't usually help much with acquiring such vocabulary, because knowing these words is often irrelevant to the plot and dynamics between characters, so even if you read, you'll probably skip looking up these words and continue reading, as to not interrupt the flow of reading)
The interesting thing about this category which I call "Level 3" is that native speakers easily know almost all of these words... they take it for granted, while non-native speakers hardly know any of them!
These words often refer to things you have at your home, cooking, car maintanence, clothes, nature... generally physical world, various practices, and material culture - things that are common experience of most people - so this category excludes specialist vocabulary. Those are words you'll definitely NEED if you put your foot on Anglophone land, but you'll wonder how come you don't know them, like - at all!
On this level, we witness by far the biggest difference between native and non native speakers. Examples:
sandpaper, chamois (or shammy), little trees (for car), soldering iron, rinse cycle, simmering, poaching, oak, birch, stork, lynx, hedgehog, skunk (animal), pliers, fuse, collar, sleeve, sole, hangnail, blackhead, gill, scales, nut (small metal tools), wedge, tag (game), Simon says (game), jumpsies, hopscotch, brewery, mare (female horse), foal (young horse) ...
Those are words, in my opinion, extremely easy for natives, but very rarely, non-natives know them.
Level 4: words no one (except experts in specific fields) cares about, or other rare, archaic, obscure words, that you don't need to know... and that natives rarely know as well...
Examples: linothorax, barding, holor, tessarect, singleton, affine space, etc...
So my theory is that non natives thrive only on level 1. On level 2 they struggle with pronunciation. On level 3 they have serious lexical gaps.
Native speakers, on the other hand, find first 3 levels very easy... only on level 4 they have problems - but level 4 isn't useful anyway except for experts... Level 3 is most useful for telling natives from non-natives.
In my opinion non-natives need to work seriously on levels 2 and 3 if they want to approach the level of natives, and especially if they want to move to an English speaking country, or to work seriously in English, like writing, doing science, being translators, etc...
submitted by hn-mc to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]

(X-post from r/TheMusicOfDestiny) Here are the lyrics to Journey from the Destiny 2 soundtrack!

7/4/2020 EDIT - portal3_1 made some much better translations of this post, so I'm linking there instead of leaving these up. I'm leaving the original phrases below, however.
By the way, these phrases are absolutely exactly what's in the original track. There's sheet music for Journey that you can buy from the Bungie Store that has the full choir parts with the correct lyrics.
ex igne pertinacia
Lux nos defendit
Post te ne bras lux
Sub dio fortitudo et fides
Alea iacta est
Luctor et emergo
Ad vitam aeternum salva ve
Ritate pro memoria
lux et veritas
pactum serva
Ad vitam paramus
In memoria vita
Lux nos defendit
aequitas enim lucet vita nos defendit
Ex igne pertinacia
Lux nos defendit
Constantia fortis juvat
Luctor et emergo
Lux et veritas
pactum serva
in vertu te pax
Vita nos defendit
Constantia fortis juvat
age quod agis
praemonitus praemonitus
sit tibi terra levis
Ex igne pertinacia
post tenebras lux
sub dio fortitudo et fides
lux et veritas
pactum serva
pax vobiscum
ad vitam paramus
in tertu te pax
pro memoria
lux et veritas
Pactum serva
Ex igne pertinacia
lux nos defendit
post tenebras lux
sub dio fortitudo et fides
submitted by AtlyxMusic to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

English to Latin. Correct translation of CRIT as "critical hit".

Hi guys I need your help, i'm a d&d master and I'm opening a pub. It's gonna be called the "d20 bistrot" and it's motto written in the ensign above the actual name it's gonna be "alea iacta est...CRIT!" as the short form for "critical hit" Unfortunately I'm not skilled enough in Latin to know if the correct translation of CRIT is "critica", "criticus" or "criticum" because in this case it's a noun, I believe, so it has a different connotation than "critical" in "critical hit" as it alone means "critical hit", right? Thanks a lot
submitted by DrRyshin to translator [link] [comments]

"Iacta Alea Est" vs. "Alea Iacta Est"

Hi guys, I'm planning on getting Caesar's phrase "The Die Has Been Cast" tattooed on my left forearm, as I have always really admired Caesar, and I find the phrase to be incredibly relatable at this current period of my life. I really respect the idea of committing oneself so wholeheartedly to an action that you are willing to brave any results/consequences (regardless of severity) out of a sense of loyalty and respect to the self.

However, I've read multiple different variations of the phrase: Iacta Alea Est and Alea Iacta Est being the two most common. Which one is correct? I have read that Alea Iacta Est sets more emphasis on the idea of gambling, whereas the phrase Iacta Alea Est places more emphasis on the casting/finality of the action. Is this correct? Is there anything else I should keep in mind when deciding which variation to tattoo forever on my body? I'm currently leaning towards Iacta Alea Est because that is (supposedly) Suetonius' direct quotation of Caesar's words at the Crossing of the Rubicon, and I also think the emphasis on finality/casting fits better with my current situation. However, any input/help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Also: I've also heard the variation Iacta Alea Esto, which I've read is in the imperative, and roughly translates to: "let the die be cast/the die must be cast." Is this correct?
submitted by MrE-Mann to latin [link] [comments]

Translation help. Correct translation of CRIT as in "critical hit"

Hi guys I need your help, i'm a d&d master and I'm opening a pub. It's gonna be called the "d20 bistrot" and it's motto written in the ensign above the actual name it's gonna be "alea iacta est...CRIT!" Unfortunately I'm not skilled enough in Latin to know if the correct translation of CRIT is "critica", "criticus" or "criticum" because in this case it's a noun, I believe, so it has a different connotation than "critical" in "critical hit" as it alone means "critical hit", right? Thanks a lot
submitted by DrRyshin to latin [link] [comments]

Here are the lyrics to "Journey" from the Destiny 2 soundtrack.

7/4/2020 EDIT - portal3_1 made some much better translations of this post, so I'm linking there instead of leaving these up. I'm leaving the original phrases below, however.
By the way, these phrases are absolutely exactly what's in the original track. There's sheet music for Journey that you can buy from the Bungie Store that has the full choir parts with the correct lyrics.
ex igne pertinacia
Lux nos defendit
Post te ne bras lux
Sub dio fortitudo et fides
Alea iacta est
Luctor et emergo
Ad vitam aeternum salva ve
Ritate pro memoria
lux et veritas
pactum serva
Ad vitam paramus
In memoria vita
Lux nos defendit
aequitas enim lucet vita nos defendit
Ex igne pertinacia
Lux nos defendit
Constantia fortis juvat
Luctor et emergo
Lux et veritas
pactum serva
in vertu te pax
Vita nos defendit
Constantia fortis juvat
age quod agis
praemonitus praemonitus
sit tibi terra levis
Ex igne pertinacia
post tenebras lux
sub dio fortitudo et fides
lux et veritas
pactum serva
pax vobiscum
ad vitam paramus
in tertu te pax
pro memoria
lux et veritas
Pactum serva
Ex igne pertinacia
lux nos defendit
post tenebras lux
sub dio fortitudo et fides
submitted by AtlyxMusic to themusicofdestiny [link] [comments]

The Stars Beckon - Chapter 23

First I Previous I Next
"Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan
While Graeme was taking his impromptu swim, Kurt and Khadijeh retrieved the beacon in orbit over Tangaroa. Once again there were no surprises, and once the data core was removed they got to work comparing it to the others. By time the shuttle docked with Magellan, Khadijeh had gleamed a small bit of information from the device.
“Roughly forty years ago, between the attacks on Eden and Earth,” she informed the Captain. “That’s when the squids got hit.”
“They’re not ‘Squids’,” Graeme insisted, “though they are similar. That’s why I’m dubbing them ‘Cephaloids’.”
“Not very imaginative,” Teréz teased.
“I’ve had a rough day, alright?” he shot back, before shrugging. “Look, they’re not all going to be gems. Besides, it sounded better than ‘Hexapus’.”
“If we could move this along, please?” Will prompted. “What’s our next step?”
“We put the gauntlets on Teréz, and hope one of our new friends gets curious enough to check out the probe,” the Astrobiologist explained. “As soon as they touch the sensor plate with one of their tentacles, she should be able to make contact.”
“Will we need to grab them when they do, like we did with the Bathyn?” he asked.
“Maybe, though I’d like to avoid that,” Graeme said firmly. “Look what happened the last time.”
“That poor Bathyn was really terrified,” Teréz said with feeling.
“The mission is what’s important here,” Will reminded them, “and if we have to spook one of them to make contact, then we’ll do it. I’m sure they’ll get over it eventually.”
Graeme and Teréz both looked unhappy at that, but the Captain was adamant. “Get the link prepped. The sooner we can start talking to them, the better.”
While the Telepath was being strapped into her chair and fitted with the gauntlets, Kurt activated the probe’s cameras and sensors. Since it was in shallow water the visibility was good, and soon individual Cephaloids could be seen hovering in the distance, obviously both curious and wary about the intruder in their realm. As some of them drifted closer it soon became clear Graeme’s description was accurate...six thick tentacles arranged symmetrically around a blue mottled body. What looked like a mouth was centrally located underneath, while two rows of four eyes each lined the ventral ridge. They jetted through the water easily, just like squid and octopus back on Earth, and while they edged steadily closer none seemed prepared to actually touch the probe.
“It appears this may take some time,” Kurt pointed out, stating the obvious.
“What we need is bait,” Eli said with a feral grin. “Maybe we should have tied a fish to it.”
“Little late for that, I’m afraid,” Graeme sighed. “Besides, we don’t know if their body chemistry is compatible.”
“Maybe we could try music again,” Khadijeh suggested. “It worked the last time.”
“It’s worth a try,” Will nodded. “Kurt, have something you can send out to them?”
“Hmm...something that would interest creatures of the sea…” He tapped his chin thoughtfully, before finally smiling. “I believe I have something they may enjoy.” He tapped out a few commands on his console, and soon gentle soothing music began to play in the water. “The Oceanides, by Sibelius,” he explained.
“I don’t know if it’ll translate,” Will said dubiously, “but at least it should get their attention.”
The Cephaloids reaction was almost immediate. They froze in place, hovering in the water, focusing their attention on the the skin of every one of the aliens began to pulse and ripple in a riot of colors.
Chromatophores,” Graeme whispered in amazement, “just like Cuttlefish on Earth. Incredible!”
“Are they trying to communicate with the probe?” Will asked, mesmerized like the others at the display.
“It’s definitely possible,” Graeme nodded, “although it could just be a threat response. Trying to make themselves look more intimidating.”
“I’d say your idea is working,” Soo-Jin said carefully, “It looks like they’ve decided to investigate.”
Sure enough, the Cephaloids had begun to drift closer to the probe, still cautious, but they were definitely interested in the source of the music. They circled around the device while slowly tightening the noose, close enough to lend support to each other should it be necessary, yet still able to escape.
“Kurt, prep the snare,” Will said quietly. The Engineer nodded, while Graeme gave him a pleading look. But after the events earlier on the planet, their Captain would not be swayed. They still had a mission to complete, and they couldn’t afford to play Marine Biologist for the next year trying to get the Cephaloids to talk.
Finally, a handful of the bravest aliens began to physically explore the probe with their tentacles. “Get ready, Teréz,” Will warned her, as they moved in closer...until finally one of them sprung the trap.
Teréz screamed.
Will and Khadijeh were at her side in a heartbeat, as she fell limp back in her chair. “I...didn’t get a chance,” she stammered, “...they’re gone.”
Their attention had been pulled away from the monitors by Teréz’s shriek, but when they looked back the display was empty, with not a Cephaloid in sight. “Did the trap fail?” Will asked Kurt.
The Engineer checked his readouts, and shook his head. “It appears to have worked as designed,” he informed him, “but for some reason it was unable to hold them.”
“ held them alright,” Graeme said in a shaken voice, “...all too well.” He pointed at the monitor, where a ragged hunk of flesh caught by the probe now wavered in the currents.
“If a predator grabs an octopus’ tentacle, it can detach the limb,” he said quietly. “Apparently, yet another trait our friends share with their cousins back on Earth.”
“There’s no way they’ll come back now,” Eli said emphatically, “unless it’s to destroy the probe. In their minds it’s a proven threat.”
Fuck,” Will cursed, as he slumped back into his chair. “That’s it then. We’ll never be able to coax them back for another attempt. Eli’s right, they’ll avoid another probe like the plague.”
“There must be something we can do,” Soo-Jin said desperately. “We’ve come too far to just...give up.”
“There is,” Teréz said quietly.
Will turned to face her. “What do you mean?”
She began stripping off her gauntlets. “I go back down to the planet, and make contact physically. Just like I did with the Gaians.”
Fontana shook his head. “Forget it, it’s too dangerous. I’m not willing to risk it.”
Teréz rose to her feet. “You said it yourself, the mission comes first...and we’re all out of options.” She shrugged, “Soo-Jin said we can breathe the air, and that the temperature is comfortable. Captain, I can do this.”
Will stood up to face her. “You also heard Graeme tell us there could be any number of microbes that could kill you...and that’s not counting all the other dangers. What if they decide to drag you under like they did him?”
Kurt cleared his throat. “Captain, I could easily modify one of our helmets to act as breathing device, along with a tank for air. It would allow us to track and communicate with her, in case she was pulled underwater.”
He gave his Engineer a dark look as his objection was shot down. “ won’t drown. What about predators? Obviously there’s something out there that the Cephaloid fear, otherwise they wouldn't have left an arm behind.”
“I can go with her,” Eli pointed out. “I’m fairly certain I can keep her safe.”
Will looked around the bridge at his crew, and realized they were all pinning their hopes on Teréz. He closed his eyes, and said quietly, “You realize you’d have to go back into quarantine,” he told her, “and there won’t be any time off for good behavior this time around.”
“I understand,” she said softly.
He could feel his teeth grinding as he faced the decision he desperately did not want to make. So far, they’d been lucky. No serious injuries, and thankfully no fatalities...but just how long could their luck hold out?
“...very well,” he said at last. “Get prepped for the mission.”
It took a full day to prepare. The modified diving helmet and scuba gear was simple enough, but for the first time Eli brought out some of his own equipment. The standard suits they wore weren’t necessary for the temperate water environment, and since he’d be acting as her protector he wanted something that would give him a bit more flexibility. As it turned out he’d brought quite a bit of equipment along for the mission...including a fully-sealed jet black drysuit with helmet. He donned it for inspection, and after a few minor alterations Kurt pronounced it acceptable. It would allow him to swim easily, and keep in contact, not to mention able to use the other goodies he hauled out for the mission.
The diving knife was fairly standard, but the pneumatic speargun was anything but. Standard weapons were completely useless underwater, and given his role going armed was a regrettable necessity. They’d made it this far without resorting to violence, and Will desperately hoped it wouldn’t be required here. As he stood there casually holding the sleek, deadly-looking speargun, Will realized for the first time he was truly seeing the Ghost. No one in their right mind would willingly go up against him, and should he decide someone was a threat...
The return trip to Tangaroa was made in silence. Every fiber of his being screamed out that this was wrong...and yet he had no other options to offer. If they wanted to make contact with the Cephaloids, there simply was no other way.
Once they landed they made their way back to the beach. Nekesa had suggested trying a new location, but in the end they decided it was better to own up to their mistakes than blithely pretend to a new group they had never happened. What if word got around?
Teréz wore a simple one-piece swimsuit, with the helmet and tank. A belt fit snugly over her hips that would help with buoyancy, and for protection her feet were covered with thick-soled dive socks, along with a detachable pair of fins she carried in her hand.
Other than that, her only protection was Eli...and if there were any deadly germs floating around, she was already exposed.
Will looked into her eyes, and asked simply, “Are you ready?” There would be no last minute pleas for her to change her mind, not now. They’d come too far for second thoughts.
Alea iacta est...”The Die is Cast”.
She gave a quick nod in reply, not trusting her voice. Even though it had been her idea from the start, it was obvious she was terrified. Will turned and looked over at Eli, who nodded as well...though in his case it was more of a formal salute before entering battle.
“Eli will keep you safe,” he promised, “and we’ll be right here in constant communication.” Will smiled at her, giving her a bit of warmth he did not feel, before placing his gloved hand on her shoulder. “Good luck.”
“...thank you,” she said quietly, as she began wading into the ocean, with Eli on her flank. By time they got waist deep the Israeli slipped under the water and disappeared from sight, but they knew he was nearby. As the water hit chest level she activated the flotation device and began to bob along the surface, her eyes casting about for any sign of the Cephaloids, her breathing heavy on the radio.
“You’re doing great,” Will said encouragingly.
“...this was a really stupid idea,” she mumbled, making the others chuckle nervously, when Eli suddenly spoke up.
“...I’ve got movement,” he said calmly. “Definitely the squids...and they’re lit up like Christmas trees.”
“Do not engage,” Will ordered. It was a huge risk after what happened, but once again they simply had no other choice.
“I can see them,” Teréz said apprehensively. “They’re getting closer.”
“Just let them come to you,” he said in even tones. “Be ready to make contact the instant they touch you.”
“Understood,” she replied, as she slowly tread water.
“They’re circling her now,” Eli reported. “Not coming anywhere near me though.”
“...they know a predator when they see one,” Graeme said cynically, prompting a chuckle from the Israeli.
Her breathing got faster and louder, almost hyperventilating, and then a sharp squeak came over the she suddenly went very still.
Teréz! Are you alright?” Will all but shouted into the mic.
There were several long moments of silence, and then...she began to speak.
Strange sky beings come
Creatures of land, tool users
Are they friend, or foe?
Will let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Fontana to Magellan,” he said over the mic, “...Contact.”
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submitted by Hewholooksskyward to HFY [link] [comments]

CMV: That the internet is pressuring pan-Americanism/Anglicism and the English language on the world is a shame.

I know what your likely thinking, "How do I disagree with this one!?" Yeah, tell me about it, like most of the other CMVs aren't hard enough to disagree with.
Of course there are multiple ways one can disagree here: you could argue that the internet isn't doing this, that if it is then it is not bad, or that eventually the current varieties of cultures and languages will merge in the future, etc.
Some necessary background: I'm American and a native English speaker. I love my country, but more for what it can be than what it currently is and has been. I'm also a bit of a cultural anglophile. Though I cannot speak fluently in another language, if given time i could write (awkwardly) in French and Latin (if you think Latin is "dead," consider more than a third of the words I'm writing are derived from it) and could tell you a lot of about several other languages, and linguistics (though am no expert).
As an old joke puts it, English truly is la lingua franca of the world.
It occurred to me recently, while reading about Hinduism (which apparently is easily as complex as any western religion) and reflecting on the impending loss of biodiversity from industrialism, that the internet is threatening the world's rich diversity as much as gasoline or coal.
If the number of wikipedia articles indicates anything, then one must certainly know English to access the full resources of the internet. That you can now, from America, easily run into people from Romania, or Belize, etc and vice versa is indeed remarkable; chances are though that if this happens, your interaction will not be in Romanian or Espanol (Portugese? Idk, ignorant American here).
If you are the native English speaker here, you are probably going to feel guilty that the burden of learning a new language always rests on the other person.
English may be beautiful like any language, but I have to feel bad for all the poor souls who are being compelled to learn that "brought" and not "bringed" is how we say "to transport something with us, in the past." Or that you never "look at/see/observe T.V." but can only "watch T.V." along with a million other examples of the arbitrary (this word is proof) nature of so many aspects of English.
Even as a native speaker I found it somewhat infuriating in grade school that "read" does not become "red" when spelled past tense, or that "reed" is a thing.
If you've studied languages, you know that one is really not just a "code" for the other. It may be the case that "to look" should be transformed into "spectare" in Latin, but generally no two similar words between languages should be considered identical in meaning and connotation. As well not every language, for example, divides the past tense into "perfect" (I walked) and "imperfect" (I was walking), or necessarily has either, and may have even more varieties.
In other words the loss of a language isn't just the loss of a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules, it's the loss of a way of thinking. I use Latin as an example because, if you read "translations" of classical Latin, you find typically that at best a very awkward version of English can be deduced from what's written, you cannot equate the semantics perfectly in a great deal of cases.
Please. Don't be fooled that the clock on the wall is ticking as usual. The clock of technological advancement is accelerating at an almost terrifying rate. The fact that something silly like flying cars aren't common shouldn't make you think otherwise. Don't wait until we have reached the event horizon, the fate of you, or your family/descendants are being increasingly endangered by the lack of decisiveness on issues such as these. If you thought the atom bomb was crazy then you should probably buckle up.
Timothy Leary was very right to call the internet the new LSD, and I know we'd all like to avoid a bad trip, eh?
Hell yeah we would. So, populus redditorum, change my view (pretty please). To use a favorite Latin phrase, alea iacta est (roughly, "the dice are thrown").
This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please read through our rules. If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us. Happy CMVing!
submitted by FuzzerPupper to changemyview [link] [comments]

[OC] The Big Kid On Our Team, or Liberi Magni In Gregis Nostris

When I was seven, I would play kickball after school just about every day in the big field behind Nick's house, with Kevin and Jimmy and half the rest of the 2nd grade class. And the most fun games were always when there was a big kid on the team. My mom would pick me up most of the time, but once in a while she couldn't and my older brother Stephen would come by. And sometimes, we could talk him into playing for an inning or two. Those were the best games. Everybody would back wayyyy up and even still, they'd almost never catch the ball before the first bounce. Good times.
< 2GunBergstresser has joined the White Team. > < 2GunBergstresser conducebatur Albatum. > xX_InFeRnO_Xx: LUDES ME! xX_InFeRnO_Xx: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) ArmaV1rumque: @xX_InFeRnO_Xx Esne iratus, fra? (✿◠‿◠) Ciceroni: inrideo 2GunBergstresser: gl everybody 2GunBergstresser: and maybe save some combat for the red team < J0hann1sDunsSc0tus has joined the White Team. > < J0hann1sDunsSc0tus conducebatur Albatum. > J0hann1sDunsSc0tus: Albati regnebimus!
We stopped having free time after school when the Peregrini showed up. School itself was touch-and-go for a bit, what with nobody sure whether the world was about to end or society about to be upheaved or if the Peregrini were about to break out the cookbooks and announce that they were ready to serve. Crop circle abduction stories became super popular, and nobody's parents would let us play outside for a few years. Things have calmed down considerably since then, thank goodness, but things never got entirely back to normal.
< The game will start in 1 minute. Please elect a team captain. > < Alea incipet in una minuta. Sodes allege centurionem Albati. > Ciceroni: Scio qui allegam. ArmaV1rumque: Allegere 2Gun! < PlenaMetAlchimista has joined the White Team. > < PlenaMetAlchimista conducebatur Albatum. > xX_InFeRnO_Xx: allegere 2GunBergstresser! xX_InFeRnO_Xx: In hoc viro Terrae vinces. PlenaMetAlchimista: *vincemus < 2GunBergstresser has been elected captain of the White Team. > < 2GunBergstresser allegebar centurionem Albati. > 2GunBergstresser: gratias tibi ago, u guys.
It's been a dozen years since Slab Day, and the Peregrini turned out to be pretty friendly on the whole. The giant orbital slab with all of the celtic knots and sine waves was a hologram; true FTL still looks like it's impossible, but a loophole lets them (and us, now) send small numbers of photons at superluminary speeds to different parts of the universe. Once we translated their math and physics and built a few dozen cross-planetary fiber optic cables, contact went about as smoothly as anybody could have hoped. We can't compete with each other for resources or physical space or currency, and we're not actually able to kill each other (though that hasn't stopped some people and some Peregrini from doing their level best), and we have the Internet, so while the philosophers and politicians and scientists haven't stopped running around like chickens with their heads cut off, the rest of us by and large are getting along. Their physics is at least a hundred years ahead of ours, but Earth was way ahead in some other ways. The Peregrini absolutely LOVE Latin. Nobody quite knows why, but that gave us a common language. Sort of. And their video games were Pong level, at best. They sunk a decent fraction of their entire GDP into silicon nanolithography research just so their computers could run our stuff. And they're still not quite as good at gaming as we are.
< The game will start in 5 seconds. > < Alea incipet in 5 secundae pars minuta. > < 5 > 2GunBergstresser: gl ArmaV1rumque: uf < 4 > Ciceroni: uf < 3 > xX_InFeRnO_Xx: uf PlenaMetAlchimista: uf < 2 > 2GunBergstresser: we got this J0hann1sDunsSc0tus: uf < 1 > < Starting... > < Incipit... >
You know, I misspoke earlier, when I say that the most fun games were the ones where there was a big kid on the team. It was true, but not quite sufficient. This one time, my brother showed up at the same time Kevin's brother Kyle did, and we talked both of them into sticking around for a bit. We had to spend fifteen minutes getting the ball out of the outfield tree branches that Kyle kicked it into, but that just made it better, and the fact that Stephen could lift me high enough to grab the lowest branch helped out a lot.
The best game of kickball I ever played was the one where both teams had a big kid on it.
I'm looking at Red Team's roster, and their team captain's name is HandBasketCase. Which doesn't sound like Latin to me.
< The game has started! > < Alea iacta est! >
This is going to be fun.
submitted by DFreiberg to HFY [link] [comments]

Survey time!

Working on a multidisciplinary paper. Curious if there's any (albeit subjective) association between MBTI, medical interests, and favorite quote. I'll start:
Definitely surgery. Right now: ortho, trauma, and plastics.
Alea iacta est, matrifututor. Translation: let the dice fly, motherfucker.
Edit 1: Thanks!
Edit 2: Impressed with the quotes. Thanks again everyone!
submitted by tugg_md to premed [link] [comments]

**SHIVERING FIELDS** - Chapter 5 - "Appropriate Reinforcements Pending"

[4th of Septober, 5503, Trout]
I did get a message from HQ just now. It's header reads DON'T PANIC. In large red letter. Followed by some coded pointers.
I don't feel like decoding them right now, to be honest I feel a bit rough today.. My brain isn't really functioning.. or rather, I don't want it to function.. Not today anyway, I'm feeling stuff now, repressed emotions are surfacing. I need to feel them first, think about them later.. give my brain a break for a while..
Anyway, at a glance I think I already know what some of the codes will signify. The first concerns the official warning about me breaking the protocol. Yeah, yeah, seen it a thousand times before already, blah blah blah. Next one, that's probably something about Owl and she being important to the mission.
Next one, I don't now, last one I think I know: Appropriate reinforcements pending.. happy to see that one.
Although the word appropriate usually translates to 'completely improvised* and could mean anything. Wouldn't be surprised if they would sent a tamed cougar here that would instantly freeze to death.. Well, I'm being cynical now.. It probably is good news anyway..
Owl isn't waiting for me in the central room as always. I noticed her being a bit absent-minded yesterday. I don't think she's upset with me or something but I'm not sure either.
There she is, let's continue the report.
Yes, the siege. First time we saw such heavy equipment and we were very worried. Racoon was saying he really really would like to stay inside now.
We are not daring to straight-out attack them anyway because they got some good guns and are with more people. At that moment our best ranged weapons were 2 machine guns, 1 bolt-action-rifle, and some revolvers that didn't work very well.
They start shooting their shells at us, we hope the mountain will protect us. About half of our base is in the mountain.
[Currently, I'd say 2/3 of the base is beneath the mountain, appears that the western-wing was most recently expanded. T.]
But they hit the other part.
We start beating out the flames. Racoon gets a burn as well and cries a little. They keep shooting at our farms and those are very important. They miss sometimes but mostly are hitting the base and we think this can't go on anymore.
We make a plan that Bee should go and take the bolt-action-rifle and shoot at the raiders to make them stop. Bee is chosen because he can walk very fast, I can shoot much better but I cannot run away very quick if they would charge me, I also have this scar..
[She starts pulling down her pants to show me her leg-injury but I quickly stop her. Well, not extremely quick, she does have nice legs but I already said that.. T.]
Bee is very brave and does as we planned. We look at him shoot at the raiders and see that he cannot aim at the right place. First shot he takes goes all the way to the mountain where the raiders aren't standing at all. Second shot goes so far up in the sky that I think the bullet is still falling down today.
We get very depressed because Bee is such a pathetic shooter and the raiders are laughing at Bee and keep bombing us..
We have seen that not all raiders have thick clothes, for instance one of them only wears a t-shirt and pants, and 2 others are also not dressed up very warm so we think, perhaps they will start to get too cold and leave us.
But then suddenly Bee understands how to shoot right and hits one raider in his head. The raider doesn't notice this and keeps loading the mortar but a while later he stops doing this because he's become very dead. Bee keeps shooting with much enthusiasm and shoots at a lot of different places. Some of which are the right places. When he sometimes hits one of the raiders they all get mad and approach Bee, but then he can show them how fast he can walk away and the raiders go back to the mortars again.
This takes a long time but after a while two more are lying dead in the snow, one because of Bee's shooting and the other was the one that forgot to wear his coat and froze to death. This makes the raiders loose their cool and they start attacking the base. They choose the northern entrance and when they see their leader get granite spikes through his skull they run away as fast as they can.
I am very upset that they bombed us and I shoot a few of them in the back. One of them is still slightly alive and we capture him.
We don't like him and we put some dirty bandage on his wounds and kick him out. But before this we tell him he must say to his people that we spared his life and so we are not as bad as they think and that they should stop attacking us.
Ol'Dog says that we are really fed up with it. And he says it really loud so the man is very impressed and limps away.
After all, it wasn't so bad. Everything was repaired quickly and the next days we hauled all the stuff inside the siegers left behind. Some food a few guns and some other things, but most importantly we got the mortars now, and a few shells to fire as well.
Note about Owl: she's got a remarkable memory it seems. Before our sessions but sometimes also in between she will be completely silent for some time [a few minutes at most, max 5 I'd say]. At these moments it seems as if she's doing absolutely nothing, just breathing very constant while staring into the void.
When she then starts speaking she never hesitates or seems to think twice about anything.
Just before the next part she was silent for a a bit longer than usual, as if she had to dig deeper into her memory. I've got some ideas about why that is but not entirely sure yet..
Naturally I got very excited when she finally started telling about this 'Cheetah'. I hid it the best I could but I also knew she probably can see right through that anyway so I didn't bother trying too much either.. Just kept my head down and wrote down all she said eagerly.
Afterwards I was prepared to tell her a bit more about my assignment but she never asked me so I didn't. Later perhaps.
At least I now for sure know this is the main man I am after, codename 'Whistler'. Now to find out how to contact him. Or, worst case scenario, recover his body.
I recall the first time she had mentioned the name Cheetah. On the first day we met, that day when she first awoke from her injuries, and I had asked her to list all the previous colony-members. Strangely enough she had omitted his name when she spoke about the other people being kidnapped. Those were Racoon, Elk and Dog. Only Phoenix was found to be a casualty so when I then discretely asked about Cheetah she just had said that she was sure he hadn't been either kidnapped or killed. 'So, he died earlier then?' I had asked. She replied 'no, he is alive, but he's not here now.' When I then had looked in the roster on our computer I was very surprised to see Cheetah still being registered as an active member of the community, with his status disabled.
Well, I can be a little more patient, I'm sure I'll be hearing soon what happened to him! Hopefully he indeed is still alive somewhere because we've got many questions for him!
Ol'Dog was right and he recruited that man pretty soon. He is not young anymore but he is a very beautiful man to look at. Everybody likes him because he looks really strong, not in fighting but in thinking. This we can use well because we are lacking that at our colony. Only I can think very straight, Phoenix could learn this too I know. Sadly, not in this life anymore...
Bee, and Ol'Dog, they think with many curves. And when Elk thinks she gets tired very fast. Racoon is afraid to think at all in the beginning, but he would learn fast, also because he listens to this new man.
He tells us he was named 'Whistler' but that it's not his real name, that he forgot his real name and he is very curious to find out. He was born in another time in another world full of glitters where the people were all trapped by the robots. But that nobody knows this because the leaders were humans that were also controlled by the robots, without really understanding it because the robots were very sneaky and much smarter than humans.
[Owl looks very serious all of a sudden and looks me straight in the eyes, T.]
I also have known these robots for a long time, for many, many lives I've been fighting them, they want to eat all the worlds they find. They hide in living beings. Humans are the easiest to trick because they still think they are little children. Humans don't knows how to find them but I discovered it. The muffalo-man learned me. A robot can never be honest, because to be honest you need to have a soul, and they don't have them.
Whistler also found this out and we talked a lot later about this problem. I was very proud of him because everybody around him had always told him that his life was good. He said when he was young they all were looking at screens every day where they saw the message about how life was supposed to be. But that they didn't talk about love and freedom, and especially they never talked about being honest. They said that if the most people believed something that was not true to be true, that meant it must be true, which is thinking with a big curve all the way back to the beginning. Not straight.
He said because he could think straight he understood something's not right at his world. And that more and more other young people start to understand this too. At one day they decide to be free people with pure hearts and fight against the corrupted leaders and shoot them into space. He tells us, he was one of the leaders and is helping them building a new society and also preparing defenses for when the robots will come back. Because he knows they are not defeated.. not by a long shot.
He looked very happy when he is telling about how they won the fight but at the end he looks sad. He doesn't tell why. Elk is saying he should go sleep because he looks tired and shows him the vacant dusty room with the poor bed and some dead mechanoids we dropped there, she also shows him her own nice bedroom. I think she wouldn't mind if he wants to sleep in her bed as well but Whistler says the empty dusty room is nice enough.
He says he likes looking at dead mechanoids, but next day we haul them away to another room and he says that even better than dead mechanoids he likes no mechanoids at all.
We give him a new animal nickname: 'Cheetah' because they are the fastest runners and very specialized. Also because Ol'Dog says that he looks like a man he saw on a picture in a history-book that also was a revolutionary and he had a name that also had the same first letters.
He's our new researcher and he likes it very much Cheetah says. His offical colony title becomes 'Genius', that means he must think of really good plans when we need to fight the robots.
Now we've got the most talented researcher in the whole rimworld and also Racoon who is very good at cooking, he can make fine meals for us! Rice with meat, instead of just rice or just meat. When I saw him doing it I think it's easy but when I try myself all the rice and meat get separated somehow. Phoenix also thinks it's almost magic how he does it. But Phoenix now can make us clothes and helmets, I do the planting and do construction when I'm ready. Best constructor is Elk, she's become very good at it after all this time. For mining, that's Bee's job and Elk can do this as well if she's got nothing else to do. Ol'Dog is cleaner and can cut stones if he likes. Also he hauls stuff around but he's very slow because he had to fight up close so many times he now has permanent scratches everywhere. He likes to talk to everybody all the time and he doesn't mind if nobody listens, so we're all ok with that.
We were also very happy to discover that Cheetah is an excellent shooter, about as good as me. That is very welcome because the others are all pretty bad at it.
For the first time it seems we have a good group of people that can actually progress. We are technologically still very retarded considering how old this colony is. But Cheetah is promising he will make us big inventions very soon.
And we discover new things to make, how to make Psychite tea for instance, and smokeleave-joints, which I'm very interested about. In the meantime we make our colony a bit more pretty.
We all have an own room now, only Cheetah is now again sleeping in the steam room where emergency beds are. It's one of the nicer rooms because it has a stone floor, and the research-bench also is in there so he can work extra hard. We keep the door open to the interior of the mountain so it doesn't get too hot in there. Still sometimes Cheetah gets sweaty for 3 seconds and this will annoy him the whole day.
I tell him it's not so bad because when I was a child and I told my parents I was cold they just put me in the fire. He says I'm surely joking and I say that's right. I ask if he thinks it's a good one and he says yes.
Now, of course, when things are going too well, the real enemy starts to wake up...
A lot of trouble came soon.. and I had been sensing it all along.
A long big fight with the robots that went really bad... I will tell about it tomorrow...
I suspect at this point in time one of Green's [or Elk's] last notes that I hadn't inserted yet belongs.
Life is becoming better around these parts..
Still think about the horrible events of this Aprimary.. not to speak about the onslaught that was last year.. How different have the last months been..
I hope it will last for a while, yet I always get that nagging feeling that bad things will happen soon..
But I survived haven't I? They say I am a wimp.. and frankly, I am.. but I'll survive... for now.
Let's enjoy this good meal while I look at that beautiful old man researching away.. He's more than a decade older than me.. and I am no young girl anymore either.. Still I'd like it if he would hug me sometimes.. but he doesn't seem the caring type..
He never cleans, he's unable to handle a stove, or do anything artistic, the caring aspect of life has been thoroughly beaten out of him it seems.. that brainwash-world he came from. How evil is it to trick people into choosing their own slavery? Dog always says I'm so stupid but I would never choose that..
Didn't I leave my own village because I felt trapped? I always just followed my heart.
And I can finally say I'm happy now here. Let's enjoy it while it lasts.
[5th of Septober 5503, Trout]
We've had some mysterious calls just now. The receiver was blinking and when I answered I only heard static noises for a while, after some minutes I could also make out somebody was whispering in between.. I think it was a male voice but not 100% sure.
I asked the caller repeatedly to speak up and finally I could only barely hear somebody say 'shit, wrong number'.. after which the transmission got disconnected..
A few minutes later we got the call again and this time the connection was better but I just heard two men having a simple conversation about the weather.. which one stated was 'freezing his balls of', the rest I couldn't hear.. the voices seemed to move further away from the microphone.
After a minute or two I could hear that voice again that had called before, whispering very fast, but audible this time.. He said he needed to get rescued, that there were two guards, and two turrets, that he was being held at a small camp some 2 to 3 days travelling from here up North and that he didn't like being inside in this shed anymore. I asked him who he was and he went silent.. then after 10 seconds again said.. 'shit, wrong number, sorry'..
A few hours later we got the call again and I had Owl answer this time. It appears to be Racoon. Owl got very emotional when she heard him and promised him we would save him as soon as possible.. that he didn't need to worry..
Well.. I'm all up for it. I can use a bit of action. It's risky of course but I'll be very interested in meeting this fellow.
Luckily I'm not a bad shot myself, and with Owl at my side I feel pretty safe. Two guards.. we should be able to take them on. Let's hope they aren't too well armed.
We will have to leave our colony unguarded for a few days but that's a risk we'll be needing to take.
[6th of Septober 5503, Trout]
It's early in the morning. Owl went to sleep in the night by exception and has just woken up as well...
We switched of all the lights and most of the heaters, except those that keep the room warm with the all rice-basins and the devilstrand planted in between. Power should easily suffice if nothing weird happens during our absence.
Hopefully our base doesn't burn down in the meantime.
We're loaded up on food and took the single bedroll this colony possesses with us. I'm afraid we'll be having to share that one the coming days. I'm pretty sure Owl won't mind though.
I'll be taking my notebook with me so I can continue registering Owl's reports.
We're both heavily clothed, megasloth-parkas and thick tuques.. so the cold won't be an issue.
Well, I think we're all set. Owl is standing outside already. Let's go.
Alea iacta est.
submitted by LyranRenegade to Talesfromrimworld [link] [comments]

[S04E12 Spoilers] Translation of the Latin spoken by a "bright" individual

So I found a transcript of episode 12 to see Radbot's lines, specifically when he begins speaking Latin. I stuck them in Google Translate and got this:
"Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore. Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur. Alea iacta est"
Which means:
"I hope that our friendship will be everlasting. A wise man who speaks little. The die is cast."
Whether these lines actually mean something or the writers simply threw some Latin in for a "mystical" effect, I have no clue. So make of that what you will.
submitted by Wolfe_Victorius to shield [link] [comments]

Would a late Republic, high class Roman - like Julius Caesar - speak Greek as his everyday language?

My old latin professor used to say that Caesar's catchprases (Alea iacta est and Et tu, Brute?) were probably spoken in the Greek language. I read Plutarch so I found both of those quotes there (in Greek obviously), but are they the original wording or just a translation?
submitted by Lele_ to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

Maybe someone can help me out

I'm looking to get a new tattoo. I already have "alea iacta est" yes I know it's probably not what Caesar said, but I like it. However, I am looking for a good translation of "don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal" I didn't like what various translation sites gave me, and I don't remember if there are any idioms that would pertain. If there is a way to say it with each line beginning with "noli" or "non" that would be awesome. Thanks to anyone trying to help :)
submitted by sumptin_wierd to latin [link] [comments]

alea iacta est translation video

Meanings of "Alea iacta est" Portuguese Do latim, "o dado está lançado", geralmente é mais encontrada em sua grafia medieval "alea jacta est", é uma expressão usada quando alguém toma uma decisão sem volta, da qual não sabe o que surgirá como resultado. Contextual translation of "alea iacta esto" from Latin into Italian. Examples translated by humans: throw the dice, il dado è tratto, il dado è tratto. Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch für alea jacta est im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Alea jacta est definition is - the die is cast : there is no turning back. Alea iacta est. (Cäsar)- Der Würfel ist gefallen (wörtlich: Der Würfel ist geworfen) Cäsar erhielt durch Hilfe von Pompeius und Crassus im Jahre 59 v. Chr. das römische Konsulat, was ihm erlaubte, Gesetze für sich und seine Verbündeten durchzusetzen. Dies machte ihm viele Feinde im Senat. Cäsar entschloss sich daher Rom zu verlassen und scharte um sich ein großes Heer, mit dem er Translation of Alea jacta est in English. Translate Alea jacta est in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. On 21 May 2012, the Commission received a notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (1 ) by which the undertaking Vitol Holding BV (‘Vitol’, the Netherlands), and Alea Iacta Est BV (‘AtlasInvest’, the Netherlands), acquire within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Merger Regulation joint control of certain assets currently Alea iacta est in English ("The die is cast") is a Latin phrase attributed by Suetonius (as) to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 BC as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy. With this step, he entered Italy at the head of his army in defiance of the Senate and began his long civil war against Pompey and the Optimates. Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch für iacta im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Alea Iacta Est – Spielbox: Kurzbeschreibung: Bei "Alea Iacta Est" trifft Ceasar seine Entscheidungen nicht auf Basis seines strategischen Geschicks, sondern überlässt alles dem Würfelglück. Jeder Spieler schlüpft in die Rolle von Ceasar und würfelt in jedem seiner Züge seine Handlungsmöglichkeiten aus.

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