The Asterix Agenda: “Alea Jacta Est” – What Does It Even Mean?

alea jacta est mean

alea jacta est mean - win

Assassin's Creed: Origins [49 - 44 BCE] - Historical Inaccuracies and Fact-Checking the Series

I started this series with UNITY, then went to AC1, AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations, AC3, Rogue. Black Flag. Syndicate. Now we're all caught up with Origins. The tenth major release of Assassin's Creed, and released in 2017, the ten year anniversary of the franchise. As a game, ORIGINS presents a lot of challenges. One is this game is set in the Antiquity, the first AC game to go way back to the Pre-Crusades era. Then there is the size of ORIGINS, which is incredibly big, a recreation of a big swathe of Cleopatra' Egypt. There is also the volume of game content here on offer which is extensive and daunting. Ubisoft released the excellent Discovery Tour which substitutes for their database and maps out events and stuff on to terrain in an unique way. The game consulted a lot of Egyptologists for its recreation of the pyramids and managed to get ahead of a real-life archaeological discovery based on the theories of one of their consultants. The game has a huge number of side-quests and missions but most of them are errands of one kind or another, grounded however with a thematic unity with the main game's story. This makes them consistent and feel substantial but also repetitive and there's rarely an exploration of the world in a larger scope. As such I am mainly going to talk about the main campaign from beginning to end, while discussing side missions only in part.
Setting: Ptolemaic Egypt in the reign of Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator overlapping with the final leg of Caesar's Civil War and his dictatorship.
Bayek is a Medjay, an ancient office in the Pharaonic age. Bayek blames the Ptolemies for the end of the Medjay but in fact it collapsed before Egypt's first foreign occupation by the Persians, who preceded Alexander. As such, Bayek's story has more fiction than history but we still have historical figures among the Proto-Templars, Lucius Septimus, the real-life Gabiniani Roman who killed Pompey Magnus, and Pothinus, the Royal Eunuch who was main henchman and minder of Ptolemy XIII. Among the Proto-Assassins, we have Pasherienptah III, an obscure priest of Memphis who is fictionalized here, and of course we have Marcus Junius Brutus, and Cassius among Aya's Roman recruits who show up at the end of the game. Other historical figures we see are: Ptolemy XIII, Cleopatra VII, Julius Caesar, Pompey Magnus, Apollodorous the Sicilian, Marcus Vitruvius.
The main story of Origins is entirely about Bayek's religious quest to ensure that his son Khemu finds peace in the afterlife, the Field of Reeds, that his death as a result of the Proto-Templars is avenged. His son's name, as is clear in the last Siwa Quest ("Bayek's Promise") is based on Kemet, the Hieroglyphic word the natives used to call their land, as opposed to Egypt, the Greek word based on a transliteration of the Temple of Ptah in Memphis. There's a joke waiting to be written about how we use the Greek Word for Egypt (Kemet) and the Latin word for Greece (Hellas). Most of Origins because of its religious and spiritual dimension for Bayek, and his personal grief, so we see repeatedly Bayek doing missions for Temple Priests, fighting corrupt priests and so on. Bayek's religious devotion, as an Egyptian polytheist, also brings him in conflict with Aya, his half-Greek wife who is way more keyed into the political side of stuff, and who is more like a traditional Assassin protagonist for better and worse. And Aya is the one who gets Bayek involved in the Civil War between Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra VII, backing the latter and helping her come to power. Of these characters, very little is known about Apollodorous, Lucius Septimus and so on. So the game's take on them has the artistic license it needs.
The historical plot begins when Bayek comes to Alexandria, and meets Cleopatra in the mission "Egypt's Medjay". Cleopatra is one of the most speculated among historical figures because even if she comes from a period from which we have a lot of written sources (the First Century BCE), nearly everything that we know of her comes decades later, and much of it comes from the propaganda put forth by Augustus in his Civil War against Antony. That propaganda depending on how you see it either demonized her, or exaggerated her as more important than she likely deserved to be. In any case, recent biographers note that she was pretty young when she contested her Brother-Husband Ptolemy XIII to rule as Pharoah. The game's Cleopatra is not as young as she was, which was around 18-19 at the time she began her famous visit to the South to gain support from Egypt's traditional elite. She is also shown as this slutty vamp who comes on to Bayek and wears seductive dresses and so on, and is basically some Ptolemaic Lindsay Lohan. In actual fact, biographers like Stacy Schiff and Adrian Goldsworthy argue that it's highly likely she was a virgin when she met Caesar, and that it was Caesar who deflowered her. So this Cleopatra is more or less a redux of Caterina Sforza from AC2 in all matters. The game also follows recent tradition in focusing on Ptolemy XIII as her only rival. In actual fact the Alexandrine Civil War was a four-sided civil war with Cleopatra fighting Ptolemy XIII, another brother called Ptolemy, and her sister Arsinoe (sent to Rome as part of Caesar's triumph, but who the Roman mob so pitied that Caesar spared her and then had her live as a hostage. After his death, years later Antony executed her, likely on Cleopatra's orders). Cleopatra's appearance has an entire cottage industry dedicated to how beautiful she was or wasn't, with again everything depending on how much we can rely on Roman standards of beauty and whether it's consistent with Western norms today. Some posthumous mural has her with Red Hair and she was part of a dynasty of Macedonian inbred brother-sister marriages. But on the other hand, there's that report about her sister Arsinoe's tomb having African ancestry. In either case it doesn't matter, because Origins' Cleopatra looks almost exactly like her design from Asterix comics.
The bigger issue for me at least is her accent. In Origins, the developers took the decision to have Egyptians or Egyptian-Greeks talk with an accented English, while Ptolemaics and Romans talk like British, just like the Old Hollywood Ancient Epics. The problem is that one of the few widely known facts about Cleopatra is that she was the only one of her dynasty who learned the native Egyptian language, and indeed knew many languages including Hebrew and others. In the game we see Cleopatra speak in this accented English, when she should ideally sound like Bayek and Aya, or at least less like the other Ptolemaic-Romans. I personally think this could have been done if they used American accents which has more variety and diversity than British accents do, and it's one of those affectations, similar to UNITY's Napoleon the Corsican's English accent sounding like every other Parisien's, that for the sake of entertainment ends up communicating a distorted view.
Then we meet Pompeius Magnus on sea in Aya's first naval mission. This mission has Cleopatra secretly sending Aya as her agent to meet Pompey to get his support before Ptolemy XIII's. There's no record of Cleopatra seeking Pompey's alliance before Caesar. Their paths did cross when Pompey in his Conqueror of the East phase sent the Gabinus and other Roman soldiers to intervene in Egypt thus leading to the Gabiniani (as they ended up being known) settling there and becoming partly Hellenized. But Cleopatra was a small child at that time. Pompey the Great looks like his sculpture but he looks too young, when he was noted for having lost a lot of his good looks at the time of his death. And politically it makes no sense to court Pompey's alliance now, because Pompey post-Pharsalia coming to Egypt was being chased by the guy who kicked his ass. And it was fear of Caesar that led to his death at the orders of Ptolemy XIII and Pothinus.
The next historical mission is Cleopatra's meeting with Caesar ("Blade of the Goddess") which is an extended long mission. This scene makes a number of distortions from the record. We see Bayek and Co. with Cleopatra going to Pompey's side and then finding his decapitated body on the beach, and then deciding to go to Alexandria, where Cleopatra was exiled from, and meet Caesar. The meeting, as in Plutarch, has her wrapped in carpet, but rather than have that meeting in private (hence the whole carpet thing) we have her unfurled in the room with Caesar and Ptolemy XIII. We also see at the start of this cutscene, Caesar being presented Pompey's head and then shrugging it away. This is a huge distortion. Every source and every fictional version shows Caesar being grieved at seeing Pompey, ex-triumvir and ex-son-in-law being executed and especially at the hands of the smelly barbarian Egyptian-Greeks. Caesar like all Romans believed that every Roman citizen, and especially Roman heroes like Pompey, were worth more than any foreigner, king or peasant. And no rivalry towards Pompey would lead him to condone or shrugging away the execution of a Roman general at a foreign ruler's hands. Caesar's appearance has him looking like a John Slattery-type with a full head of white hair, when he was known for being balding and having a receding hairline (his own soldiers at his Triumphal parade called him, with affection, "the bald adulterer"). We have this weird thing about Caesar looking younger than recorded, and Cleopatra looking older, and I think the reasons why is to dial down the whole old-dude young-girl romance, again similar to Ezio and Caterina Sforza in AC2. Caesar's personality and character in ORIGINS is a major disappointment. This is one of the most important men in history, the guy whose calendar design is still in effect, but instead Caesar is shown as some clown, a puppet, and a bore. When Goldsworthy pointed out that when Caesar came to Alexandria, he actually relaxed, started drinking and going on binges with his soldiers, and was actually on vacation mode during his romance with Cleopatra. We also have Caesar having true love for Cleopatra. In real-life, Caesar's will left Cleopatra nothing. She was in Rome as a valued guest during the time of his assassination. Caesar according to Goldsworthy may have been fond of her, but it's more likely he saw her as another conquest. Since a bit later he had an affair with another Princess at Pergamum and a womanizer like him was probably not one to cast his wagon with a military-weak ruler like Ptolemaic-Egypt.
Then we have a very fast-forwarded portrayal of the Siege of Alexandria and the Nile. Aya lights a fire at the Pharos. Then in a repeat of Connor and Paul Revere, we have Bayek and Caesar on chariot. Which again, no way a Roman military commander like Caesar would allow. We also have Caesar mutter "The die is cast" the familiar translation of "Alea jacta est". In actual fact he quoted a Greek phrase from Menander, "anerriphtho kybos" which is actually closer to "Let's roll the dice". The difference in meaning is that "The die is cast" shows Caesar as being decisive and fatalistic, while "Let's roll the dice" shows him cautious, contingent, and improvising. Modern Caesar bios favor the second translation. Then we see Ptolemy XIII die in a cutscene, we see Caesar in a cutscene killing people like Jon Snow (which I feel we should have seen in the main game). We see Pothinus dying in a boss-fight when he was just executed by Caesar. Then in the aftermath, we see Caesar sparing Lucius Septimus, the Gabiniani who killed Khemu. Septimus was a real-life figure and he disappeared from history. The Shaw Play Caesar and Cleopatra showed Caesar pardoning Septimus but there this was shown as an example of Caesar's famous clemency. Here this is shown as Caesar selling out and becoming a Templar, and Cleopatra turning him with her dreams up about matching up to Alexander. All of this are cliches from Mankiewicz's Cleopatra.
The last historical mission and also the end of the game is the big one, the Ides of March, which the game gets wrong on multiple levels. Before we see Brutus and Cassius in Egypt with Bayek and Aya. Neither of them were in Egypt at this time. Both were in Rome, and even then Brutus had a governorship in Gaul for a while. We see Aya plotting out Caesar's assassination and then she sails to Rome. She comes to the Roman Forum and the Theater of Pompey, which was used as a temporary location after the senate house got burnt down during Clodius Pulcher's cremation. So that's true. The Roman Forum of the Republican era is quite different from the ruins in Rome today. That was from Augustus' time and he leveled Republican architecture to create a new more imperial Rome. Also the Roman Forum should be huge and crowded whereas in Origins we see a military encampment. We see Caesar call a meeting at the Senate apparently to be asked to be made King. This is false on multiple levels. The Senate called Caesar. Caesar was planning to go to Parthia to avenge Crassus' death. We also see all the senate attacking Caesar, which is a common mistake, but actually some in the Senate tried to help to Caesar but couldn't get through. Others were panicked, such as Cicero. Others were afraid I guess. Brutus before he stabs Caesar says they want "land for the people". "Land for the People" was Caesar's policy which Brutus and his entire faction, optimates, opposed. Then Aya, disguised as a senator (which all things considered is the least ridiculous part), stabs Caesar, and then in post-cutscene she goes to Cleopatra. We see her with Caesarion who looks too old...he should be 3 years old. Aya says, "the people call you dead tyrant's whore" but Caesar was popular and beloved by the Roman people. He wasn't seen by them as tyrannical. Quite the opposite. And nobody called Cleopatra anything until decades later with Mark Antony. Then the campaign ends.
- ORIGINS has a major problem at its core. Namely that Bayek of Siwa's personal quest as a grief-stricken father which is indeed touching, well-written, well-acted and well-animated, doesn't fully fit the larger story of Cleopatra's reign and downfall, the death of Caesar, and the establishment of the Proto-Assassin Cult. That actually fits Aya's story better. Aya is the one who gets the missions doing the historical stuff and she gets to kill Caesar (on which more later) but it's obvious that Bayek is the main central character since he gets the side-missions and as a native Egyptian Medjay, and a practicing polytheist he's the one who better immerses us in the open world.
- This problem in the narrative's plot is peculiarly a result of the game's historical accuracy in showing the segregation of Ptolemaic Egypt. Ptolemaic Egypt, especially in Cleopatra's reign, is often romanticized as a time of cultural hybridity, where Greek culture synthesized with Ancient Egyptian culture. A lot of this comes from Ptolemaic propaganda, and the game's cutscenes often show and state this. What with Aya being part-Greek, and her marriage with Bayek as well as the Greek-Egyptian couple of Hotephres-Khenut in Faiyum Oasis. The reality is that the Ptolemaic era was quite segregated which indeed led some historians to, controversially, describe this era not as multi-culturalism but as an earlier form of apartheid where Greeks held all important positions in government, civic administration, military and cultural power, while Native Egyptians were never promoted to real positions of power and were left alone rather than oppressed and enslaved. There were separate law codes for Greeks and Egyptians and so on. Order was maintained in Egypt over a small minority thanks to foreign powers like the Persians, the Greeks, and then the Romans, patronizing, suborning, and supporting the Egyptian priestly caste, who encouraged the population to turn to religion and away from society. We see this in Origins with Bayek's religious devotion to the Egyptian pantheon which creates a subtle tension in his marriage to Aya who is Part-Greek and has a more skeptical and cynical attitude to religion. That scene where they talk at Alexander's tomb and offer contrasting opinions on that formidable asshole is quite insightful. Within the game, Bayek has no curiosity over any other faith or set of gods other than that of Egypt, which does illustrate and correct the common idea that all pre-christian polytheism was syncretic and inclusionary, when in fact that syncretism was exclusive to Roman society. Bayek's religious quest brings him in conflict with a few bad priests but it never has him interrogate the entire system which kept Egypt down, and the political turn in Bayek's quest never really works as compared to his own internal story.
- In terms of historical recreation, the most important city in the game is Alexandria. The Alexandria of this game is extremely small compared to the real thing. The real Alexandria was divided into five quarters based on the first five letters of the Greek Alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon. It was a city organized on a grid. And the city had a huge population for the ancient world, more than 500,000 in Cleopatra's reign at a conservative estimate, a more generous one suggests a million and it certainly did see that in the later Roman era. There should be as many NPCs here as we saw in UNITY, instead we see a city that resembles the Medieval-Renaissance sandboxes of the Altair-Ezio games, or for that matter the Colonial settlements from the New World games. One of the reasons why Alexandria, and Rome (which had a population of a million in the same time) fascinated people for so long, was that it would take more than a millennium for European cities of that scale to rise. That was as much a real reason for the grandeur and myth that was attached to it as was the famous monuments, the Library, and the Lighthouse. Alexandria also hosted at this time the largest Jewish community outside Judea, and 2 out of 5 quarters had Jewish majorities. There were synagogues across the entire city. Yet within this game we have one Synagogue and some Hebrew-speaking NPCs with no Jewish characters in the main game, the side-stories or even mentioned in the Discovery Tour. Alexandrian Jews were major supporters and backers of Caesar when he took the city and settled in, and given the early bad reception he and Romans got (the mob pelted them according to Goldsworthy), they were obviously a swing vote group. Caesar who was popular with Jewish settlers in Rome, actually passed laws in their favour. In other words, Jews were essential and key parts of this story, and yet once again Ubisoft neglects them from a period in which they were central to. Alexandrian Jews under the Ptolemies translated the Tanakh from Hebrew into Greek, known today as the Septuagint, and many of them contributed to what we now call Gnosticism. Origins denied us a chance to glimpse Jewish life before their exile, diaspora, and persecution. Which is one of the main reasons why an Ancient World setting is so fascinating and important to us even today.
- ORIGINS gets Alexandria wrong, and if it got Alexandria wrong, I am wondering why they chose Ptolemaic Egypt rather than an earlier period. As many historians point out Cleopatra's era is closer to us today than she is to the period of the Great Pyramids. Bayek's main religious quest and interests as a Medjay has nothing real attached to Cleopatra's reign both in terms of history, and in his own personal story quest, since Cleopatra's story is tied to his wife Aya, who very definitely doesn't share his religious inclinations (which again makes me wonder why they married). Ideally Bayek's religious devotion to the traditional gods and his general conservatism would make him suited to the reign of Akhenaten, and indeed the Curse of the Pharaohs DLC where he hunts down ghosts and phantoms of Akhenaten's court, including his wife Nefertiti and his son Tutankhamun, obviously embellished with fantasy hijinks and so on, actually gives him a more interesting character dynamic as someone who opposes the legacy of "the heretic" who tried to reverse Egypt's gods. Doing a religious conflict with entirely ancient and dead faiths (as opposed to the ones which still alive) would have been a more original story. Most of Origins' sandbox and gameplay is tied to the deserts, the small settlements, the pyramids, the tombs, but the plot is entirely confined to palace politics to which Bayek has no affection, for either the cities or its rulers. Fundamentally, Ptolemaic Cleopatra is not Ancient Egypt and its portrayal of Cleopatra as mentioned above is inaccurate and cliched, and sentimental. The lack of diversity and accuracy of detail in Alexandria makes it a failure of historical representation. The only reason it seems to be here is because AC wanted a familiar and overexposed and so easily retold story about Caesar and Cleopatra with a handy set of cliches to regurgitate. AC's in-house historian Maxime Durand in this interview with Bob Whitaker confessed that they wanted to do Republican Rome along with parts of Greece and Egypt. Which would be fine if it actually got something right about Roman politics, but as mentioned above it didn't. But more later.
- Following Ubisoft's 30-second rule, I checked up Siwa Oasis on wikipedia. Do you know what takes about six seconds to find? This paragraph on Siwa's native homosexual tolerance. Siwa Oasis according to historians and anthropologists has a documented tradition of welcoming, tolerating, and celebrating homosexual unions between men in the Islamic era which continued until the middle of the 20th Century when Nasser came to power. Some historians and anthropologists believe that this tradition could date back to antiquity, and represents a holdover or carryover from the Polytheistic era to the Christian and Islamic eras. Instead, we get no mention of this, no acknowledgement or hint of this anywhere. Not in Discovery Tour, not in side missions, and not the main quest. There is no mention of homosexuality within any of the main games, and instead there is this utterly sleazy easter egg. Bayek's relations within Siwa are all with women, Hepzefa, Aya, Kensa with no hint of him being gay or experimenting. I suppose Ubisoft thinks, based on Odyssey and its Three Hundred digital cosplay, that the only boy-lovers were in Athens and not in any part of the East, or so on. This information is even there in Travel Guides to Egypt, leave alone academic works (see sources below).
- Likewise, not dealing with slavery in the Renaissance is bad enough, but not dealing or acknowledging its reality in the Ancient World is a new level of denial because virtually every fictional depiction of the ancient world deals with slavery. Now obviously many Egyptologists and native Egyptians get upset with "the slaves built the pyramids thing" and so on (which isn't entirely debunked but certainly qualified better now), and Egyptians seem to have favored freedmen more than Greece and Rome, but there was definitely slavery from the time the Macedonians and Ptolemaics arrived. Aya and Bayek talk a lot about freedom and I wonder why they don't deal with slavery.
- The most interesting thing in Origins is the attitude to children. Historically, Rome and Greece practised infanticide, where deformed children or a kid that seemed weak would be dumped out, literally in garbage, which happened in the classical era of both civilizations. Children were also exposed to the elements, and exposed children were sold into slavery. According to Pomeroy and other historians, this practice was less common in Egypt of the same time. Infanticide wasn't practised as much, and exposed children were often picked up and nurtured and adopted as compared to Rome and Greece, where strangers would let them die. In Origins, we see Greek and Roman characters more callous about hurting and killing children, whether it's the Templar who kills Bayek's son, or the Greek woman Berenike who drowns Khadja or Cleopatra ordering the death of her annoying kid brother. So in Bayek's attitude and nurturing feeling towards children, both his son, and others, we actually see a good accurate impression of Egypt's great positive virtue which is worthy of praise and admiration. Origins has us see many children in the side missions and the main story, and it's rare to see an open-world game deal with that, leave alone something as violent and bloody as Origins.
- The title of Origins has gotten a lot of chuckles from AC fans. The AC Lore has Proto-Assassins to the time of Ancient Greece. The game Odyssey announced a few months after launch only made it even more ridiculous. Ptolemaic Egypt in the time of Cleopatra isn't an origin so much as a curtain call, a finale, and a farewell. But there is in on respect the title is apt, namely in that it shows us the original political assassination, the model for many copycats and repeats**.** This brings me to my final point. what is after all the fundamental element of Assassin's Creed, the fact that these games and its narratives repeatedly justifies and glorifies murder, especially when the victims are heads of state, guilty, and tyrants, which is absurd because as I showed in my commentary on earlier games, the Assassins more often than not serve some tyrants and attack others. But no story brings those issues as well as that of Julius Caesar's.
- The self-proclaimed Liberatores, Brutus and Cassius, who are numbered among the Assassins, weren't by any means good guys. Brutus, as per fellow conservative Cicero, a corrupt loan shark who sent goons to beat up the poor to get back his money. He and the Liberatores claimed to be restoring the Republic, but in practice they were acting like every other optimate faction who had murdered popular reformers from the time of the Gracchi. During his civil war with the 2nd Triumvirate, Brutus minted coins showing his face on it, which was illegal and against the norms, and following in the same vein as Pompey and Caesar. In other words, according to the historical view by Mary Beard and Adrian Goldsworthy, there is good reason to think Brutus would have been another warlord or dictator had he not lost and gotten "martyred" for liberty. And this is the kind of figure, AC has hitched to their wagon. Historically every good treatment of Caesar's assassination that I know presents this as a tragic act, steeped in horror at the violence, the betrayal by Caesar's closest friends, the act of murder happening in a hall of government. The fact that the assassination unleashed a spiral of civil war and led to the Empire. Origins treats this as a tale of good senators versus evil Caesar and presents it as unambiguously heroic. This action which inspired John Wilkes Booth to attack Lincoln thinking he was Brutus, as well as many other figures who justified other "propaganda of the deed" and which provided the model for Gavrilo Princip attacking the Archduke is reduced to a level below childish, because even small kids exposed to the Caesar story at a small age know that it's not to be celebrated. The failure to reckon with the gravity and ambiguity of this crime, the lack of reflection at the horror of their culpability in the fallout, is a major failure of this game, and ultimately it proves that Origins should not have been set in this Ptolemaic-Roman period since to the extent that the game deals with it, it fails.
- Let me say that I like Origins and I like Bayek. The Egypt of this game is unlike any other open-world setting and it looks amazing. The game shows the pyramids as they are now believed to have been, decorated, shiny, clean with caps at the top. This is probably the most accurate re-creation of the Ancient Pyramids than any pop-culture version of Egypt. The maps, the White Desert, the Black Desert and so on are amazing. I like getting heat-stroke by being in the desert and so on. The main redeeming virtue is its positive portrayal of Egyptian polytheism and sympathetic look at "pagan" worship since too often it's demonized in Christian works, and deprecated in secular works as either "atheists-but-not-in-name" or "not-truly-important". Egyptian pantheon in particular is often demonized as a source of Mummy curses as compared to Greek/Roman/Norse mythology so Origins contributed positively by offering a counter-view. That's leaving aside the moment when they cast white actors to play gods that is. I have no idea how accurate it is to Egyptian beliefs but Origins certainly gave me more insight into it than any other mainstream work.
The combat is obviously imported from Dark Souls, but it's still fitting because it feels like a sword-and-sandal peplum thing even if the combat tactics and maneuvers are very Hollywood. However, I will say that the main story at least the historical part is a huge letdown, it doesn't connect to Bayek's story, which given that he belongs to an older period of Egypt, the game should have been set in the time when that culture was still alive and not subjugated by foreigners. AC like many Western game companies have a hard time getting shareholders and marketers interested in real non-western settings, so whether it's AC1 and its choice on the minor Masyaf Assassins of the Third Crusade with its Western tenor rather than the Iranian Assassins of Alamut and its non-Western tenor, AC3's choice to make its story of a Mohawk revolve mainly on his white dad and his relations with white society; and Origins' decision to do a story and setting steeped in Ancient Lore in a time and place where the power is in the hands of European invaders, there's a timidity that prevents Ubisoft from taking the next step. The European games are likewise hampered by its obvious uncritical Eurocentrism and its refusal to engage with it outside the touristy EU propaganda stuff. Of the lot the New World games are the most interesting but even then not entirely successful. Every game, at its best and worst, shows some amount of compromise and timidity.
For all the credit it gets for shining a light on the unexpected and obscure, there's a hesitancy towards following through on the multi-culturalism that it announces on its disclaimer. The main attitude is reminiscent of Samuel Goldwyn's famous maxim, "let's invent some new cliches" or replace some cliches with new ones. There's a tendency towards touristy recreation and architecture over political and social development, older sources over newer ones.

  1. Alexandria, City of the Western Mind. Theodore Vrettos. 2001. The Free Press, division of Simon and Schuster.- City divided into Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon districts as per the Greek Alphabet, Pg. 4- Jewish Quarter as large as the Greeks. Synagogues spread across the city. Two of five city quarters were inhabited by Jews.- Caesar's Will made no mention of Cleopatra.
  2. Egypt, Greece and Rome - Civilization in the Ancient Mediterranean. Charles Freeman. Oxford University Press. 1999. Second Edition.- Augustus' propaganda against Antony, pg. 442-443.
  3. A History of Ancient Egypt. Nicolas Grimal. Blackwell. 1999- Egyptians turned to religion, away from politics under the Persian, Hellenic and Roman eras. Pg. 367-368.
  4. The Story of Egypt. Joann Fletcher. 2016. Pegasus Books.- Alexander's visit to the Oracle of Zeus-Ammon at Siwa oasis. 307-308.- Cleopatra's support from priests. 352-355.- Cleopatra's sister Arsinoe paraded in triumph. 367-358.- Caesar's Calendar. 358-359.
  5. SPQR. Mary Beard. 2015. W.W. Norton.- Population of Rome was 1 million inhabitants in the First Century BCE. Pg. 33- Caesar's distasteful triumph. Pg. 290-291- Caesar introducing the Calendar after consulting Egyptian astronomers. Pg. 292- Mercenary motives of Caesar's assassins, who printed coins in their likeness. Pg. 294-296.
  6. Cleopatra: A Life. Stacy Schiff. 2010. Little Brown and Company.- Population of Alexandria. High estimate is 3-6million, middle is 1 million, Low Estimate:500,000.
  7. Adrian Goldsworthy, Caesar: Life of a Colossus. Yale University Press. 2006.- Caesar's arrival greeted by fears, Alexandrine mob pelted his troops. 433- Alexandrian Jews backed Caesar. 443-443- Caesar's time in Alexandria. More relaxed, looser, started drinking and went on binges. Taking a vacation with Cleopatra after his time of non-stop campaigning since crossing the Rubicon. 444-446.- Caesar's triumph, Arsinoe invoked pity. 468-469.- Caesar became so confident of his safety, that he dismissed his bodyguard of loyal Spanish soldiers. During his assassination, some Senators tried to reach Caesar to help him but couldn't get through or were afraid of being killed. The Roman Forum is crowded, the people rally in grief at Caesar's death, and Caesar gets a popular funeral. 505-510.
  8. Adrian Goldsworthy. Antony and Cleopatra. Yale University Press. 2010. "Introduction"- summarizing thesis the marginal role Cleopatra in fact had. "The Two Lands", describing segregation in Ptolemaic Egypt.
  9. Encyclopaedia of Homosexuality, Vol. 2. edited by Wayne R. Dynes. Routledge. March 2016. (Homosexuality in Ancient Siwa).
  10. Egypt. Dan Richardson. Rough Guides. Travel. 2003
  11. The Many Faces of Homosexuality: Anthropological Approaches to Homosexual Behavior. Evelyn Blackwood. Routledge. 2013.
  12. Hellenistic Constructs: Essays in Culture, History, and Historiography. edited by A G Leventis et al.University of California Press, 1997. rather than multiculturalism)
  13. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity. Sarah Pomeroy. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, May 18, 2011. Infanticide and Exposure of Children in Rome/Greece/Egypt.
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Historical Inaccuracies in the AC Series all caught up: Caesar and Cleopatra according to Assassin's Creed Origins

I started this series with UNITY, then went to AC1, AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations, AC3 and Rogue. Black Flag. Syndicate. Now here we are. All caught up with Origins. The tenth major release of Assassin's Creed, and released in 2017, the ten year anniversary of the franchise.
As a game, ORIGINS presents a lot of challenges. One is this game is set in the Antiquity, the first AC game to go way back to the Pre-Crusades era. Then there is the size of ORIGINS, which is incredibly big, a recreation of a big swathe of Cleopatra' Egypt. There is also the volume of game content here on offer which is extensive and daunting. Ubisoft released the excellent Discovery Tour which substitutes for their database and maps out events and stuff on to terrain in an unique way. The game consulted a lot of Egyptologists for its recreation of the pyramids and managed to get ahead of a real-life archaeological discovery based on the theories of one of their consultants. The game has a huge number of side-quests and missions but most of them are errands of one kind or another, grounded however with a thematic unity with the main game's story. This makes them consistent and feel substantial but also repetitive and there's rarely an exploration of the world in a larger scope. As such I am mainly going to talk about the main campaign from beginning to end, while discussing side missions only in part.
Setting: Ptolemaic Egypt in the reign of Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator overlapping with the final leg of Caesar's Civil War and his dictatorship.
Bayek is a Medjay, an ancient office in the Pharaonic age. Bayek blames the Ptolemies for the end of the Medjay but in fact it collapsed before Egypt's first foreign occupation by the Persians, who preceded Alexander. As such, Bayek's story has more fiction than history but we still have historical figures among the Proto-Templars, Lucius Septimus, the real-life Gabiniani Roman who killed Pompey Magnus, and Pothinus, the Royal Eunuch who was main henchman and minder of Ptolemy XIII. Among the Proto-Assassins, we have Pasherienptah III, an obscure priest of Memphis who is fictionalized here, and of course we have Marcus Junius Brutus, and Cassius among Aya's Roman recruits who show up at the end of the game. Other historical figures we see are: Ptolemy XIII, Cleopatra VII, Julius Caesar, Pompey Magnus, Apollodorous the Sicilian, Marcus Vitruvius.
The main story of Origins is entirely about Bayek's religious quest to ensure that his son Khemu finds peace in the afterlife, the Field of Reeds, that his death as a result of the Proto-Templars is avenged. His son's name, as is clear in the last Siwa Quest ("Bayek's Promise") is based on Kemet, the Hieroglyphic word the natives used to call their land, as opposed to Egypt, the Greek word based on a transliteration of the Temple of Ptah in Memphis. There's a joke waiting to be written about how we use the Greek Word for Egypt (Kemet) and the Latin word for Greece (Hellas). Most of Origins because of its religious and spiritual dimension for Bayek, and his personal grief, so we see repeatedly Bayek doing missions for Temple Priests, fighting corrupt priests and so on. Bayek's religious devotion, as an Egyptian polytheist, also brings him in conflict with Aya, his half-Greek wife who is way more keyed into the political side of stuff, and who is more like a traditional Assassin protagonist for better and worse. And Aya is the one who gets Bayek involved in the Civil War between Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra VII, backing the latter and helping her come to power. Of these characters, very little is known about Apollodorous, Lucius Septimus and so on. So the game's take on them has the artistic license it needs.
The historical plot begins when Bayek comes to Alexandria, and meets Cleopatra in the mission "Egypt's Medjay". Cleopatra is one of the most speculated among historical figures because even if she comes from a period from which we have a lot of written sources (the First Century BCE), nearly everything that we know of her comes decades later, and much of it comes from the propaganda put forth by Augustus in his Civil War against Antony. That propaganda depending on how you see it either demonized her, or exaggerated her as more important than she likely deserved to be. In any case, recent biographers note that she was pretty young when she contested her Brother-Husband Ptolemy XIII to rule as Pharoah. The game's Cleopatra is not as young as she was, which was around 18-19 at the time she began her famous visit to the South to gain support from Egypt's traditional elite. She is also shown as this slutty vamp who comes on to Bayek and wears seductive dresses and so on, and is basically some Ptolemaic Lindsay Lohan. In actual fact, biographers like Stacy Schiff and Adrian Goldsworthy argue that it's highly likely she was a virgin when she met Caesar, and that it was Caesar who deflowered her. So this Cleopatra is more or less a redux of Caterina Sforza from AC2 in all matters. The game also follows recent tradition in focusing on Ptolemy XIII as her only rival. In actual fact the Alexandrine Civil War was a four-sided civil war with Cleopatra fighting Ptolemy XIII, another brother called Ptolemy, and her sister Arsinoe (sent to Rome as part of Caesar's triumph, but who the Roman mob so pitied that Caesar spared her and then had her live as a hostage. After his death, years later Antony executed her, likely on Cleopatra's orders). Cleopatra's appearance has an entire cottage industry dedicated to how beautiful she was or wasn't, with again everything depending on how much we can rely on Roman standards of beauty and whether it's consistent with Western norms today. Some posthumous mural has her with Red Hair and she was part of a dynasty of Macedonian inbred brother-sister marriages. But on the other hand, there's that report about her sister Arsinoe's tomb having African ancestry. In either case it doesn't matter, because Origins' Cleopatra looks almost exactly like her design from Asterix comics.
The bigger issue for me at least is her accent. In Origins, the developers took the decision to have Egyptians or Egyptian-Greeks talk with an accented English, while Ptolemaics and Romans talk like British, just like the Old Hollywood Ancient Epics. The problem is that one of the few widely known facts about Cleopatra is that she was the only one of her dynasty who learned the native Egyptian language, and indeed knew many languages including Hebrew and others. In the game we see Cleopatra speak in this accented English, when she should ideally sound like Bayek and Aya, or at least less like the other Ptolemaic-Romans. I personally think this could have been done if they used American accents which has more variety and diversity than British accents do, and it's one of those affectations, similar to UNITY's Napoleon the Corsican's English accent sounding like every other Parisien's, that for the sake of entertainment ends up communicating a distorted view.
Then we meet Pompeius Magnus on sea in Aya's first naval mission. This mission has Cleopatra secretly sending Aya as her agent to meet Pompey to get his support before Ptolemy XIII's. There's no record of Cleopatra seeking Pompey's alliance before Caesar. Their paths did cross when Pompey in his Conqueror of the East phase sent the Gabinus and other Roman soldiers to intervene in Egypt thus leading to the Gabiniani (as they ended up being known) settling there and becoming partly Hellenized. But Cleopatra was a small child at that time. Pompey the Great looks like his sculpture but he looks too young, when he was noted for having lost a lot of his good looks at the time of his death. And politically it makes no sense to court Pompey's alliance now, because Pompey post-Pharsalia coming to Egypt was being chased by the guy who kicked his ass. And it was fear of Caesar that led to his death at the orders of Ptolemy XIII and Pothinus.
The next historical mission is Cleopatra's meeting with Caesar ("Blade of the Goddess") which is an extended long mission. This scene makes a number of distortions from the record. We see Bayek and Co. with Cleopatra going to Pompey's side and then finding his decapitated body on the beach, and then deciding to go to Alexandria, where Cleopatra was exiled from, and meet Caesar. The meeting, as in Plutarch, has her wrapped in carpet, but rather than have that meeting in private (hence the whole carpet thing) we have her unfurled in the room with Caesar and Ptolemy XIII. We also see at the start of this cutscene, Caesar being presented Pompey's head and then shrugging it away. This is a huge distortion. Every source and every fictional version shows Caesar being grieved at seeing Pompey, ex-triumvir and ex-son-in-law being executed and especially at the hands of the smelly barbarian Egyptian-Greeks. Caesar like all Romans believed that every Roman citizen, and especially Roman heroes like Pompey, were worth more than any foreigner, king or peasant. And no rivalry towards Pompey would lead him to condone or shrugging away the execution of a Roman general at a foreign ruler's hands. Caesar's appearance has him looking like a John Slattery-type with a full head of white hair, when he was known for being balding and having a receding hairline (his own soldiers at his Triumphal parade called him, with affection, "the bald adulterer"). We have this weird thing about Caesar looking younger than recorded, and Cleopatra looking older, and I think the reasons why is to dial down the whole old-dude young-girl romance, again similar to Ezio and Caterina Sforza in AC2. Caesar's personality and character in ORIGINS is a major disappointment. This is one of the most important men in history, the guy whose calendar design is still in effect, but instead Caesar is shown as some clown, a puppet, and a bore. When Goldsworthy pointed out that when Caesar came to Alexandria, he actually relaxed, started drinking and going on binges with his soldiers, and was actually on vacation mode during his romance with Cleopatra. We also have Caesar having true love for Cleopatra. In real-life, Caesar's will left Cleopatra nothing. She was in Rome as a valued guest during the time of his assassination. Caesar according to Goldsworthy may have been fond of her, but it's more likely he saw her as another conquest. Since a bit later he had an affair with another Princess at Pergamum and a womanizer like him was probably not one to cast his wagon with a military-weak ruler like Ptolemaic-Egypt.
Then we have a very fast-forwarded portrayal of the Siege of Alexandria and the Nile. Aya lights a fire at the Pharos. Then in a repeat of Connor and Paul Revere, we have Bayek and Caesar on chariot. Which again, no way a Roman military commander like Caesar would allow. We also have Caesar mutter "The die is cast" the familiar translation of "Alea jacta est". In actual fact he quoted a Greek phrase from Menander, "anerriphtho kybos" which is actually closer to "Let's roll the dice". The difference in meaning is that "The die is cast" shows Caesar as being decisive and fatalistic, while "Let's roll the dice" shows him cautious, contingent, and improvising. Modern Caesar bios favor the second translation. Then we see Ptolemy XIII die in a cutscene, we see Caesar in a cutscene killing people like Jon Snow (which I feel we should have seen in the main game). We see Pothinus dying in a boss-fight when he was just executed by Caesar. Then in the aftermath, we see Caesar sparing Lucius Septimus, the Gabiniani who killed Khemu. Septimus was a real-life figure and he disappeared from history. The Shaw Play Caesar and Cleopatra showed Caesar pardoning Septimus but there this was shown as an example of Caesar's famous clemency. Here this is shown as Caesar selling out and becoming a Templar, and Cleopatra turning him with her dreams up about matching up to Alexander. All of this are cliches from Mankiewicz's Cleopatra.
The last historical mission and also the end of the game is the big one, the Ides of March, which the game gets wrong on multiple levels. Before we see Brutus and Cassius in Egypt with Bayek and Aya. Neither of them were in Egypt at this time. Both were in Rome, and even then Brutus had a governorship in Gaul for a while. We see Aya plotting out Caesar's assassination and then she sails to Rome. She comes to the Roman Forum and the Theater of Pompey, which was used as a temporary location after the senate house got burnt down during Clodius Pulcher's cremation. So that's true. The Roman Forum of the Republican era is quite different from the ruins in Rome today. That was from Augustus' time and he leveled Republican architecture to create a new more imperial Rome. Also the Roman Forum should be huge and crowded whereas in Origins we see a military encampment. We see Caesar call a meeting at the Senate apparently to be asked to be made King. This is false on multiple levels. The Senate called Caesar. Caesar was planning to go to Parthia to avenge Crassus' death. We also see all the senate attacking Caesar, which is a common mistake, but actually some in the Senate tried to help to Caesar but couldn't get through. Others were panicked, such as Cicero. Others were afraid I guess. Brutus before he stabs Caesar says they want "land for the people". "Land for the People" was Caesar's policy which Brutus and his entire faction, optimates, opposed. Then Aya, disguised as a senator (which all things considered is the least ridiculous part), stabs Caesar, and then in post-cutscene she goes to Cleopatra. We see her with Caesarion who looks too old...he should be 3 years old. Aya says, "the people call you dead tyrant's whore" but Caesar was popular and beloved by the Roman people. He wasn't seen by them as tyrannical. Quite the opposite. And nobody called Cleopatra anything until decades later with Mark Antony. Then the campaign ends.
- ORIGINS has a major problem at its core. Namely that Bayek of Siwa's personal quest as a grief-stricken father which is indeed touching, well-written, well-acted and well-animated, doesn't fully fit the larger story of Cleopatra's reign and downfall, the death of Caesar, and the establishment of the Proto-Assassin Cult. That actually fits Aya's story better. Aya is the one who gets the missions doing the historical stuff and she gets to kill Caesar (on which more later) but it's obvious that Bayek is the main central character since he gets the side-missions and as a native Egyptian Medjay, and a practicing polytheist he's the one who better immerses us in the open world.
- This problem in the narrative's plot is peculiarly a result of the game's historical accuracy in showing the segregation of Ptolemaic Egypt. Ptolemaic Egypt, especially in Cleopatra's reign, is often romanticized as a time of cultural hybridity, where Greek culture synthesized with Ancient Egyptian culture. A lot of this comes from Ptolemaic propaganda, and the game's cutscenes often show and state this. What with Aya being part-Greek, and her marriage with Bayek as well as the Greek-Egyptian couple of Hotephres-Khenut in Faiyum Oasis. The reality is that the Ptolemaic era was quite segregated which indeed led some historians to, controversially, describe this era not as multi-culturalism but as an earlier form of apartheid where Greeks held all important positions in government, civic administration, military and cultural power, while Native Egyptians were never promoted to real positions of power and were left alone rather than oppressed and enslaved. There were separate law codes for Greeks and Egyptians and so on. Order was maintained in Egypt over a small minority thanks to foreign powers like the Persians, the Greeks, and then the Romans, patronizing, suborning, and supporting the Egyptian priestly caste, who encouraged the population to turn to religion and away from society. We see this in Origins with Bayek's religious devotion to the Egyptian pantheon which creates a subtle tension in his marriage to Aya who is Part-Greek and has a more skeptical and cynical attitude to religion. That scene where they talk at Alexander's tomb and offer contrasting opinions on that formidable asshole is quite insightful. Within the game, Bayek has no curiosity over any other faith or set of gods other than that of Egypt, which does illustrate and correct the common idea that all pre-christian polytheism was syncretic and inclusionary, when in fact that syncretism was exclusive to Roman society. Bayek's religious quest brings him in conflict with a few bad priests but it never has him interrogate the entire system which kept Egypt down, and the political turn in Bayek's quest never really works as compared to his own internal story.
- In terms of historical recreation, the most important city in the game is Alexandria. The Alexandria of this game is extremely small compared to the real thing. The real Alexandria was divided into five quarters based on the first five letters of the Greek Alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon. It was a city organized on a grid. And the city had a huge population for the ancient world, more than 500,000 in Cleopatra's reign at a conservative estimate, a more generous one suggests a million and it certainly did see that in the later Roman era. There should be as many NPCs here as we saw in UNITY, instead we see a city that resembles the Medieval-Renaissance sandboxes of the Altair-Ezio games, or for that matter the Colonial settlements from the New World games. One of the reasons why Alexandria, and Rome (which had a population of a million in the same time) fascinated people for so long, was that it would take more than a millennium for European cities of that scale to rise. That was as much a real reason for the grandeur and myth that was attached to it as was the famous monuments, the Library, and the Lighthouse. Alexandria also hosted at this time the largest Jewish community outside Judea, and 2 out of 5 quarters had Jewish majorities. There were synagogues across the entire city. Yet within this game we have one Synagogue and some Hebrew-speaking NPCs with no Jewish characters in the main game, the side-stories or even mentioned in the Discovery Tour. Alexandrian Jews were major supporters and backers of Caesar when he took the city and settled in, and given the early bad reception he and Romans got (the mob pelted them according to Goldsworthy), they were obviously a swing vote group. Caesar who was popular with Jewish settlers in Rome, actually passed laws in their favour. In other words, Jews were essential and key parts of this story, and yet once again Ubisoft neglects them from a period in which they were central to. Alexandrian Jews under the Ptolemies translated the Tanakh from Hebrew into Greek, known today as the Septuagint, and many of them contributed to what we now call Gnosticism. Origins denied us a chance to glimpse Jewish life before their exile, diaspora, and persecution. Which is one of the main reasons why an Ancient World setting is so fascinating and important to us even today.
- ORIGINS gets Alexandria wrong, and if it got Alexandria wrong, I am wondering why they chose Ptolemaic Egypt rather than an earlier period. As many historians point out Cleopatra's era is closer to us today than she is to the period of the Great Pyramids. Bayek's main religious quest and interests as a Medjay has nothing real attached to Cleopatra's reign both in terms of history, and in his own personal story quest, since Cleopatra's story is tied to his wife Aya, who very definitely doesn't share his religious inclinations (which again makes me wonder why they married). Ideally Bayek's religious devotion to the traditional gods and his general conservatism would make him suited to the reign of Akhenaten, and indeed the Curse of the Pharaohs DLC where he hunts down ghosts and phantoms of Akhenaten's court, including his wife Nefertiti and his son Tutankhamun, obviously embellished with fantasy hijinks and so on, actually gives him a more interesting character dynamic as someone who opposes the legacy of "the heretic" who tried to reverse Egypt's gods. Doing a religious conflict with entirely ancient and dead faiths (as opposed to the ones which still alive) would have been a more original story. Most of Origins' sandbox and gameplay is tied to the deserts, the small settlements, the pyramids, the tombs, but the plot is entirely confined to palace politics to which Bayek has no affection, for either the cities or its rulers. Fundamentally, Ptolemaic Cleopatra is not Ancient Egypt and its portrayal of Cleopatra as mentioned above is inaccurate and cliched, and sentimental. The lack of diversity and accuracy of detail in Alexandria makes it a failure of historical representation. The only reason it seems to be here is because AC wanted a familiar and overexposed and so easily retold story about Caesar and Cleopatra with a handy set of cliches to regurgitate. AC's in-house historian Maxime Durand in this interview with Bob Whitaker confessed that they wanted to do Republican Rome along with parts of Greece and Egypt. Which would be fine if it actually got something right about Roman politics, but as mentioned above it didn't. But more later.
- Following Ubisoft's 30-second rule, I checked up Siwa Oasis on wikipedia. Do you know what takes about six seconds to find? This paragraph on Siwa's native homosexual tolerance. Siwa Oasis according to historians and anthropologists has a documented tradition of welcoming, tolerating, and celebrating homosexual unions between men in the Islamic era which continued until the middle of the 20th Century when Nasser came to power. Some historians and anthropologists believe that this tradition could date back to antiquity, and represents a holdover or carryover from the Polytheistic era to the Christian and Islamic eras. Instead, we get no mention of this, no acknowledgement or hint of this anywhere. Not in Discovery Tour, not in side missions, and not the main quest. There is no mention of homosexuality within any of the main games, and instead there is this utterly sleazy easter egg. Bayek's relations within Siwa are all with women, Hepzefa, Aya, Kensa with no hint of him being gay or experimenting. I suppose Ubisoft thinks, based on Odyssey and its Three Hundred digital cosplay, that the only boy-lovers were in Athens and not in any part of the East, or so on. This information is even there in Travel Guides to Egypt, leave alone academic works (see sources below).
- Likewise, not dealing with slavery in the Renaissance is bad enough, but not dealing or acknowledging its reality in the Ancient World is a new level of denial because virtually every fictional depiction of the ancient world deals with slavery. Now obviously many Egyptologists and native Egyptians get upset with "the slaves built the pyramids thing" and so on (which isn't entirely debunked but certainly qualified better now), and Egyptians seem to have favored freedmen more than Greece and Rome, but there was definitely slavery from the time the Macedonians and Ptolemaics arrived. Aya and Bayek talk a lot about freedom and I wonder why they don't deal with slavery.
- The most interesting thing in Origins is the attitude to children. Historically, Rome and Greece practised infanticide, where deformed children or a kid that seemed weak would be dumped out, literally in garbage, which happened in the classical era of both civilizations. Children were also exposed to the elements, and exposed children were sold into slavery. According to Pomeroy and other historians, this practice was less common in Egypt of the same time. Infanticide wasn't practised as much, and exposed children were often picked up and nurtured and adopted as compared to Rome and Greece, where strangers would let them die. In Origins, we see Greek and Roman characters more callous about hurting and killing children, whether it's the Templar who kills Bayek's son, or the Greek woman Berenike who drowns Khadja or Cleopatra ordering the death of her annoying kid brother. So in Bayek's attitude and nurturing feeling towards children, both his son, and others, we actually see a good accurate impression of Egypt's great positive virtue which is worthy of praise and admiration. Origins has us see many children in the side missions and the main story, and it's rare to see an open-world game deal with that, leave alone something as violent and bloody as Origins.
- The title of Origins has gotten a lot of chuckles from AC fans. The AC Lore has Proto-Assassins to the time of Ancient Greece. The game Odyssey announced a few months after launch only made it even more ridiculous. Ptolemaic Egypt in the time of Cleopatra isn't an origin so much as a curtain call, a finale, and a farewell. But there is in on respect the title is apt, namely in that it shows us the original political assassination, the model for many copycats and repeats**.** This brings me to my final point. what is after all the fundamental element of Assassin's Creed, the fact that these games and its narratives repeatedly justifies and glorifies murder, especially when the victims are heads of state, guilty, and tyrants, which is absurd because as I showed in my commentary on earlier games, the Assassins more often than not serve some tyrants and attack others. But no story brings those issues as well as that of Julius Caesar's.
- The self-proclaimed Liberatores, Brutus and Cassius, who are numbered among the Assassins, weren't by any means good guys. Brutus, as per fellow conservative Cicero, a corrupt loan shark who sent goons to beat up the poor to get back his money. He and the Liberatores claimed to be restoring the Republic, but in practice they were acting like every other optimate faction who had murdered popular reformers from the time of the Gracchi. During his civil war with the 2nd Triumvirate, Brutus minted coins showing his face on it, which was illegal and against the norms, and following in the same vein as Pompey and Caesar. In other words, according to the historical view by Mary Beard and Adrian Goldsworthy, there is good reason to think Brutus would have been another warlord or dictator had he not lost and gotten "martyred" for liberty. And this is the kind of figure, AC has hitched to their wagon. Historically every good treatment of Caesar's assassination that I know presents this as a tragic act, steeped in horror at the violence, the betrayal by Caesar's closest friends, the act of murder happening in a hall of government. The fact that the assassination unleashed a spiral of civil war and led to the Empire. Origins treats this as a tale of good senators versus evil Caesar and presents it as unambiguously heroic. This action which inspired John Wilkes Booth to attack Lincoln thinking he was Brutus, as well as many other figures who justified other "propaganda of the deed" and which provided the model for Gavrilo Princip attacking the Archduke is reduced to a level below childish, because even small kids exposed to the Caesar story at a small age know that it's not to be celebrated. The failure to reckon with the gravity and ambiguity of this crime, the lack of reflection at the horror of their culpability in the fallout, is a major failure of this game, and ultimately it proves that Origins should not have been set in this Ptolemaic-Roman period since to the extent that the game deals with it, it fails.
- Let me say that I like Origins and I like Bayek. The Egypt of this game is unlike any other open-world setting and it looks amazing. The game shows the pyramids as they are now believed to have been, decorated, shiny, clean with caps at the top. This is probably the most accurate re-creation of the Ancient Pyramids than any pop-culture version of Egypt. The maps, the White Desert, the Black Desert and so on are amazing. I like getting heat-stroke by being in the desert and so on. The main redeeming virtue is its positive portrayal of Egyptian polytheism and sympathetic look at "pagan" worship since too often it's demonized in Christian works, and deprecated in secular works as either "atheists-but-not-in-name" or "not-truly-important". Egyptian pantheon in particular is often demonized as a source of Mummy curses as compared to Greek/Roman/Norse mythology so Origins contributed positively by offering a counter-view. That's leaving aside the moment when they cast white actors to play gods that is. I have no idea how accurate it is to Egyptian beliefs but Origins certainly gave me more insight into it than any other mainstream work.
The combat is obviously imported from Dark Souls, but it's still fitting because it feels like a sword-and-sandal peplum thing even if the combat tactics and maneuvers are very Hollywood. However, I will say that the main story at least the historical part is a huge letdown, it doesn't connect to Bayek's story, which given that he belongs to an older period of Egypt, the game should have been set in the time when that culture was still alive and not subjugated by foreigners. AC like many Western game companies have a hard time getting shareholders and marketers interested in real non-western settings, so whether it's AC1 and its choice on the minor Masyaf Assassins of the Third Crusade with its Western tenor rather than the Iranian Assassins of Alamut and its non-Western tenor, AC3's choice to make its story of a Mohawk revolve mainly on his white dad and his relations with white society; and Origins' decision to do a story and setting steeped in Ancient Lore in a time and place where the power is in the hands of European invaders, there's a timidity that prevents Ubisoft from taking the next step. The European games are likewise hampered by its obvious uncritical Eurocentrism and its refusal to engage with it outside the touristy EU propaganda stuff. Of the lot the New World games are the most interesting but even then not entirely successful. Every game, at its best and worst, shows some amount of compromise and timidity.
For all the credit it gets for shining a light on the unexpected and obscure, there's a hesitancy towards following through on the multi-culturalism that it announces on its disclaimer. The main attitude is reminiscent of Samuel Goldwyn's famous maxim, "let's invent some new cliches" or replace some cliches with new ones. There's a tendency towards touristy recreation and architecture over political and social development, older sources over newer ones.
  1. Alexandria, City of the Western Mind. Theodore Vrettos. 2001. The Free Press, division of Simon and Schuster.- City divided into Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon districts as per the Greek Alphabet, Pg. 4- Jewish Quarter as large as the Greeks. Synagogues spread across the city. Two of five city quarters were inhabited by Jews.- Caesar's Will made no mention of Cleopatra.
  2. Egypt, Greece and Rome - Civilization in the Ancient Mediterranean. Charles Freeman. Oxford University Press. 1999. Second Edition.- Augustus' propaganda against Antony, pg. 442-443.
  3. A History of Ancient Egypt. Nicolas Grimal. Blackwell. 1999- Egyptians turned to religion, away from politics under the Persian, Hellenic and Roman eras. Pg. 367-368.
  4. The Story of Egypt. Joann Fletcher. 2016. Pegasus Books.- Alexander's visit to the Oracle of Zeus-Ammon at Siwa oasis. 307-308.- Cleopatra's support from priests. 352-355.- Cleopatra's sister Arsinoe paraded in triumph. 367-358.- Caesar's Calendar. 358-359.
  5. SPQR. Mary Beard. 2015. W.W. Norton.- Population of Rome was 1 million inhabitants in the First Century BCE. Pg. 33- Caesar's distasteful triumph. Pg. 290-291- Caesar introducing the Calendar after consulting Egyptian astronomers. Pg. 292- Mercenary motives of Caesar's assassins, who printed coins in their likeness. Pg. 294-296.
  6. Cleopatra: A Life. Stacy Schiff. 2010. Little Brown and Company.- Population of Alexandria. High estimate is 3-6million, middle is 1 million, Low Estimate:500,000.
  7. Adrian Goldsworthy, Caesar: Life of a Colossus. Yale University Press. 2006.- Caesar's arrival greeted by fears, Alexandrine mob pelted his troops. 433- Alexandrian Jews backed Caesar. 443-443- Caesar's time in Alexandria. More relaxed, looser, started drinking and went on binges. Taking a vacation with Cleopatra after his time of non-stop campaigning since crossing the Rubicon. 444-446.- Caesar's triumph, Arsinoe invoked pity. 468-469.- Caesar became so confident of his safety, that he dismissed his bodyguard of loyal Spanish soldiers. During his assassination, some Senators tried to reach Caesar to help him but couldn't get through or were afraid of being killed. The Roman Forum is crowded, the people rally in grief at Caesar's death, and Caesar gets a popular funeral. 505-510.
  8. Adrian Goldsworthy. Antony and Cleopatra. Yale University Press. 2010. "Introduction"- summarizing thesis the marginal role Cleopatra in fact had. "The Two Lands", describing segregation in Ptolemaic Egypt.
  9. Encyclopaedia of Homosexuality, Vol. 2. edited by Wayne R. Dynes. Routledge. March 2016. (Homosexuality in Ancient Siwa).
  10. Egypt. Dan Richardson. Rough Guides. Travel. 2003
  11. The Many Faces of Homosexuality: Anthropological Approaches to Homosexual Behavior. Evelyn Blackwood. Routledge. 2013.
  12. Hellenistic Constructs: Essays in Culture, History, and Historiography. edited by A G Leventis et al.University of California Press, 1997. rather than multiculturalism)
  13. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity. Sarah Pomeroy. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, May 18, 2011. Infanticide and Exposure of Children in Rome/Greece/Egypt.
submitted by VestigialLlama4 to badhistory [link] [comments]

The tale of reverse Thistletop

I'm currently running Rise of the runelords and last session was probably one of the most epic session we've ever had.
I don't usually share sessions and especially not like this, but I had to for this one.
Please be warned there is a long read ahead of you.
And BEWARE, following text contains lots of major spoilers for burnt offerings.

First, the group.
They started with a free 1000 gp starter pack from adventurer's armory 2 like this one. (It becomes important later) They are a level ahead of the curve (4 instead of 3) as I've found it is near impossible to defeat Malfeshnekor at only level 3, and I was tired of having an almost useless Psychic. (I've only reworked Nualia, all other mobs, whether how many or what stats are unchanged)
Our heroes :
Sir Galaadrick, a human ex-paladin with the vindictive bastard archetype. Sword and board type of fighter.
Diane of Sanos, an aasimar inquisitor of Tanagaar, archery focused inquisitor who just got a level 1 animal companion from her domain. I told her she would meet the companion in game and she didn't knew when. Since it is a divine boon, I wanted to make it something more than just you go buy a pet and bond with it.
Runel, an elf wizard, transmutation specialist, spellbinder archetype. Classic, charmingly arrogant, "A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to!" kind of guy.
Zilen, a samsaran psychic. After a few painful low levels, he finally made some eyes and ears bled with mind thrust.
Silas, a vishkanya ninja who dual wields wakizashis. I've houseruled that he gets weapon finesse, finesse training and debilitating strike like an unchained rogue.

We play with Elephant in the room rules. (both pcs and npcs)

So far the PCs have dealt with the adventure pretty normally. Tsuto managed to escape them at the glassworks and so did Erylium in the catacombs of wrath but aside from those minor hiccups they are on par with what the book planned. They know they have to hurry up as a person called Nualia is trying to summon a "Lamashtu demon" from the depth of Thistletop.

They arrive in the nettle woods and aside from the ninja losing 2 dex on the nettles, they find the entrance to the thistle tunnels quite easily.

They dismiss all the goblin refugees and if Gogmurt did slow them down, the bird he sends to warn Ripnugget got killed mid air by a shuriken from the ninja. He then tried to flee but my PCs caught up to him. Some wanted to kill him but the inquisitor and the elf convinced the group to let Gogmurt into Thistletop and offer a deal to Ripnugget.
If all the goblins leave Thistletop, PC won't fight them. My players believed after reading Shalelu's reports that separating the goblins from Nualia will lead to them falling in endless internal skirmishes again. They were right. And Gogmurt, disliking Nualia, did hold up his end of the deal, but Ripnugget wasn't convinced and ordered the fort to be sealed.
After waiting for 45 minutes on their side of the cliffs, covered in goblin dog shit to cover up their "pigskin smells" our heroes start to realize that this is probably not gonna work. They go inspect the fort and the Inquisitor starts raining arrows on the goblins guarding the entrance. All the level 1 goblins go up the towers and on the front door to try and fight back, but after a while they realize they won't win this fight and opt to turtle inside the fort.
My PCs see this as an opportunity to rush to the gates. As they run on the bridge, the trap activates, they all pass the reflex test, 3 of them are holding on to the bridge, the ninja jumps back onto the cliff. But now Ripnugget sees his time to strike, he orders his troops to rush to the bridge to cut the ropes. Diane, the inquisitor, was still readying arrows on her watch post and she tries to kill as many goblins as possible but there is just to many.
At this point I misread the books and described the "head" where the fort is to be 20 feet lower than the cliff facing them. This led the Ninja to cut the rope on his side hoping to make it to the other side before the goblins could cut their side, brace for the impact and get down at the bottom of the fort.
When I asked the vishkanya player what he wanted to do, he smiled, told me : "Well I have an idea but it might be dangerous." I told him his time was running and he couldn't think on it for too long so he told me his character would cut the ropes.

And down the party goes.

Now, I did say that the Inquisitor would meet her animal companion in a meaningful way. I knew she wanted a giant owl, the sacred animal of her god. So as the party makes fortitude or strength checks to brace themselves and hold on to the bridge plummeting towards sharp rocks, I described a giant hallowed owl swooping in and grabbing the end of the rope, softening the impact. They barely have time to make it to the narrow wet rock beach underneath the fort before the goblins start throwing all sorts of improvised projectiles on them.
The wizard takes a good chunk of junk to the face before becoming royally pissed with it and casting shield. Since attacks can come from only one angle (up), I houserule that he get +6 instead of +4 but only as long as the situation stays the same.
Sir Galaadrick is in heavy armor and shields up and go total defense (with 3 ranks in acrobatics) + combat expertise + 5 foot steps and giggles at goblins attacks, the samsaran rushes for cover.
Now the party is split and the giant owl flies back to my inquisitor who sees her as a holy sign. She stands at the edge of the precipice, raises her arms and let her bird grab her and glide her down to join the PCs.
At this point, I'm thinking they are pretty much fucked, but the wizard, being always prepared, tells me, I take my scroll of detect secret doors and cast it. (I told you to remember the arcane adept package). They discover a way-in underneath the water.
This sends the paladin in a feat of rage. He had to cover himself in feces, got hurled against a cliff and now he has to swim in heavy armor. The ninja points out that at least he will now be clean, but it does little to better his mood. He takes down his armor while the aasimar being a good swimmer, having light armor and darkvision goes to do a little reckon.
She comes back up with tales of a cave covered in gold and silver coins and a helmet the size of a full grown man entirely made of gold. This puts the "paladin" (remember he is an ex-paladin, vindictive bastard, not Sir Goodheart McGentleface) back in an adventuring mood.
They all grab the same rope before plunging deep into ice cold water.
They barely manage to find the actual passage and start swimming towards a cave darker than a moonless night in the woods. The aasimar being the only one with darkvision is the first and only to notice that the helmet is occupied by what is actually a pretty fucking tough opponent.
Not only is the giant hermit crab a pretty vigorous challenge on his own , but sprinkle a dash of low level unarmored unprepared PCs over a good amount of aquatic combat rules and you've got yourself a hefty trial.
The wizard turns on his ioun torch and rushes for the walls to avoid painful swim tests at every turn while Galaadrick the bastard and Diane take on the crab. Silas the ninja and Zilen the psychic swim for the shore. Before engaging the wannabe Tamatoa, the ex-paladin ties the handy haversack holding most of their belongings (armor and weapons and riches) to the rope. The inquisitor is all alone and soon gets knocked out. The fight is brutal and dirty. Our greedy swordsman is holding the line but not for long. The samsaran reaches for the closest shore and pulls back the bag out of the water. The ninja follows him soon and not willing to go back into the water to fight, he searches the bag to grab the inquisitor's bow.
Now at this point I have to pause to explain to the player interpreting Silas, the ninja, rules about cover and soft cover. As the samsaran is right in front of him, just before the water he as to take -4 to the attack. He doesn't seem to enjoy that very much and asks if he can push the Samsaran back into the water to avoid the penalty. The Psychic player looks offended, but being offended won't do anything for you in a fight. And a wet and bruised ego is better than a dead teammate.
I give him the option to do so, wich he takes instantly and their combined effort soon lead to triumph over the dreaded Sebastian-like creature.
They are all on deck, in the last, secret, treasure room of the dungeon. They don't know it but they are in a part of the dungeon none of the actual residents know about. They are hurt, have used quite a lot of spells, and are not feeling very good about exploring the rest of the dungeon in one go. They do a quick reckon and because they don't find the mechanism to open the secret door, they assume the are safe. They decide to take a long rest. Little did they know, they were right, at least for now...
In the same time, even though alert has been raised, no one knows about either this secret room or the secret entrance leading to it. They do however know that at least one hungy Bunyip roams the nearby sea and after hours scouting for the PC, Ripnugget reports to Nualia proudly announcing the demise of the so called Sandpoint's heroes.
The long rest takes my PCs to approximately 1 AM. They eventually find the way to the architects tomb and the two scholars barely have time to feast on the wealth of antiquities that shadows assault them. I roll to see from which sarcophagus they spawn and have them attack the closest PCs. In a very fortunate turn of event, only PCs that don't care much about STR get drained. Still the fight is a very close call and they almost lost the Psychic. Both him and Runel the wizard have now a combined STR score of 3 (1 for the psychic, 2 for the wizard). Needless to say, they are buck naked, the wizard only holds a wand and a couple scrolls to a thin cloth belt over an even thinner robe. The Psychic has a staff instead of a wand and potions instead of scrolls but same thing. Both of them are on medium to heavy load.
They make their way into what is typically the last level of this complex and it is completely empty as even bad guys have to sleep and Erylium is in the Lamashtu chapel. This gives the PC time to explore and make some theories but they can't quite figure out how to get through Karzoug's gate leading to Malfeshnekor. They do find Nualia's journal where they read about how atrocious her suffering has been. I took extra time to describe the hypocrisy of some of Sandpoint most respected people, the abusive (albeit nonsexual) relationship with father Tobyn, and the trauma resulting from the birth of her firstborn, and how it was taken away from her and killed before she could see it. This struck a very strong chord with at least 2 of my players. Especially when the inquisitor realized the bloodied cloth warped underneath the journal was all Nualia had left from her child.

But still they had to carry on. They toyed with the trap lever but ignorantly and blissfully moved away without activating it. And made their way all the way up to what is called the war room (D14) in the map of the middle floor.

And Oh boy, was that name prophetic.

As they advance, Galaadrick is growing impatient and frustrated, he came here to kick ass and take names not to read diaries and transcript ancient dead languages. There is a demon on the rise for fuck's sake ! They did go slow at first but now he decides to break open a locked gate. This wakes the Yeth hounds and in turn, the whole dungeon.
Yeah, that's right, my PCs are about to take all the encounters at once. But they do have 2 things for them. First, it's gonna take a few turns for NPCs to wake up, gear up and show up and, more importantly, if they play their cards right, they could create a thermopylae setting and actually have a chance to hold the line.
Dreading the yeth hounds howls (not the fear effect, just regular-yet-demonic get off my loan barking), they have time to buff a little mainly protection against chaos, bull's strength and the likes. Then they advance all the way to the cross section between the chapel, the cave and the starting room of this floor.

And then all hell broke loose.

The fight lasted more than 30 rounds. It was daunting. At first they held the frontline in the hall north of the cross section, but if that did bottle up enemy forces, it also impeded their ability to act as well, so slowly but surely, they retreated into the appropriately named war room. There, they held a gullet and took on the yeth hounds (2 of them as they killed the one Tsuto took with him to the glassworks).
And these puppers can bite ! (That is literally their strength) The RD proved quite strong and since I described very high ceiling, I stacked two of them on the same square with their flight ability. Galaadrick tanked that shit thoroughly and didn't flinched but bled quite a lot.
In the meantime, Nualia is holding her forces, she only allows the yeth hounds, the last 3 level 1 goblin warriors and the wolf Erylium summoned.
Bruthazmus is boiling with rage, as I set up his enmity with Runel. Nualia is ordering him to stay put but he screams to the elf that he is coming for him, sharpening his elf-bane arrows and preparing to add his ears to his necklace.
If at first my players retort to his comment, he quickly escalate into vulgarity and hostility and I see fear on my wizard's face.
Nualia has a plan. She knows the only way out for the PCs is by sea, and she strongly doubt they have any boats. They are stuck, so she wants to play a war of attrition. By the way, we are talking about Anti-paladin Nualia (my take on this excellent post)
During this whole time Erylium is being the shitty pest that she was designed to be, scouting and reporting intel while invisible and occasionally hexing a PC when she get a clean shot.
When they finally defeat the hounds, Nualia gives her speech. (as written by u/TheKillingJay; just barely changed to fit my situation at the time).
Now this is why I love Nualia SO MUCH. She has fallen beyond redemption. She has a tragic backstory and most of the PCs will understand her motivation if not go all out Loki Syndrome on her. But she is still very much an antagonist and although it is not utterly impossible, it is almost impossible to root for her or take her side. And that speech I linked is perfect, short but strong, it hits right where you need to. Kudos again. When I finished speaking it, I saw the look on my PCs face. That "shit we have to do it but I wish we didn't" look. The fight is coming, they don't want it, but they need to.
Now she sends in Ripnugget, eager to redeem himself after bragging so loudly about his false victory earlier. He charges in with all the goblin hounds and the goblin commando. I bullrush my NPCs into the room after countless failure and a few natural 20 that vexed my ex-paladin. Then I use his spirited charge alongside the wall (he has a gecko after all, so I rule that although he is on a precise square, some of the adjacent PC can't attack him with out reach) and I fail the charge. It's ok though, he fights tenaciously and now our heroes are starting to feel the pain. They have not given up but they are seeing defeat as a real possibility.
Zilen the psychic has an amazing scene where just as a goblin dog is charging him he casts his readied Mind thrust and one shots the dog with max damage. I describe the gaping maw of the beast lunging towards him as he blinks and all he feels is the splatter of warm and itching blood of the living creature is nascent powers just blew to smithereens.
Every other turn, I role play either Bruthazmus prophesying a gruesome and violent death for my elf or Tsuto growing hysterical with both hatred for everything Sandpoint and love for Nualia. This creates a tense and uneasy atmosphere, and while, sure, the PC are way stronger than most mobs, they seem to be endless.
Spell slots are used, potions and scrolls are used, HP lowers. But soon enough the hallway in front of them is clear.
That is as clear as a body ridden, death smelling, blood bathed hallway can be.
I let my PC catch their breath for 1 round, let that hope show up and then I send in Nualia, Bruthazmus, Lyrie, Tsuto and Erylium. (Orik failed his save vs one of the yeth hound howl earlier and decided no amount of gold was worth dealing with demons, so he bailed after running for 4 turns.)
As the death squad enters the war room, I'm preparing myself mentally for what will be my third TPK at Thistletop.

You have to know that at this point, convinced my PCs are dead, I said Alea jacta est and no more screen, all rolls are in the open

I go wild with the violent threat of Bruthazmus. I do play Lyrie a bit on the reserved side (She is doing the bare minimum to earn her wage, she is not here to kill but to study thassilon, even though she has no problem killing someone, she is more concerned by her safety than her loyalty to the cause of Lamashtu.) However when I charge with Nualia and roll a 17 nat on the Red Daughter and hit Galaadrick for 27 damage + shaken, I now see fear in my PCs eyes.
At this point the fight can be broken into two separate scenes.
On the one end, Diane the inquisitor, Silas the Ninja and Galaadrick are facing Nualia in all her wrathful glory (And Tsuto is more of a familiar once he has used his 2 stunning fist attempts). On the other end, Runel and Zilen, the magic users have to deal with Erylium and Bruthazmus.
I'm gonna start with Bruthazmus as I have to finish with Nualia.
This was the most hilarious and anti-climactic fight of my life. I mean that in a good way. Bruthazmus failed EVERYTHING. But at this point the party was so weakened that him failing was just a 1 round respite before death threatens again. So tension was at its maximum. In the past Bruthazmus killed many PCs when I run this AP and this was vengeance for one of my player that lost her ratfolk wizard to him before. As he jumps onto the elf to maul him to death with his heavy flail, he discovers that the elf still has mage armor+shield (now only +4)+his dex to total a decent 20 AC. As he lowers his weapon on his targets, he misses and crushes the table behind sending books and scrolls everywhere. On the next round the Psychic is torn between Murderous Command into Deja Vu or Burst of Insight into Murderous Command. I give him 5 seconds to chose and he decide to play it safe and take the latter. Bruthazmus fails his safe and spends the next round attacking Nualia, I rule that she loses flanking while he is under the spell effect and this buys a precious round for the PC on the other side of the fight. When the bugbear comes to his senses he rages once more insulting the elf and his damned magic. Swearing to kill him, he fails again and again. Runel, the wizard doesn't want to hope too much but is left with no choice has his wand of burning hand CL 3 his slowly but surely doing the job. Finally he downs the hairy ranger with one final spell. I described as through the flames, his opponents let go of the flail to grab a single magic arrow, those feared elvenbane arrows he knew about, and try to stab him with it. I described the hand raised as Runel grabs him by the forearm, twist his hand open and let go of the arrow before burning the murderous, heinous bugbear to death.
Now I think I'm cruel, because I still think my PCs can't make it. I have no choice but to describe an elegant victory and badass execution for the elf but I know that just after that I have to kill one with Nualia. Nonetheless if they die, they might as well die like heroes so I go wild on effects and description.
But soon we have to go to Nualia and Galaadrick is the first to fall.

And by fall I mean die.

He goes from -1 hp (he has diehard because of his archetype) to -23. And this is a blow to everyone. Next is the ninja one round later while Diane takes down Tsuto. With AC 21 and 65 hp Nualia is a tremendous foe. And to make things worse my PC down her to 3 hp before failing everything. Because the casters are busy with Lyrie and Erylium, they can't get a chance to cast a burning hand or magic missile on Nualia. Silas is 3hp away from death when Runel saves the day again. He was very low and I described Lyrie casting magic missile on him. Every PC gasp in shock except him. I ask him to take 5 damage (he has 3 hp left), and he politely refuses before saying to Lyrie :

" You should have paid more attention in class, even first year students know a shield spell quite simply dismisses any magic missile."

Other player scream in joy and laughter. Safe from Erylium who his harassing the Psychic, and safe from Lyrie whose only other option his her +1 attack with a poor dagger against AC 20, he casts the last burning end that ends Nualia and I can't believe it, it was impossible, statistically impossible, the best kind of impossible, but they did it.

They have won.

Or did they ? Erylium while not a direct threat is more concerned by Lamashtu greater plans, she casts invisibility and flies away. Leaving Lyrie who has to think quick. 16 INT will do that to you, I roleplay that :

"Drop your weapons and stick to the walls you schmucks ! Mock me all you want you longeared freak, but riddle me this, will your shield save that soon to be dead assassin (Silas the Ninja) on the floor ? I don't think so. Now Give me one reason to kill him and I will."

Then she rushes to Silas threatening everyone with her wand and once she has put his soon to be corpse between her and the PC she grabs first a dagger and readies a coup de grâce (Yeah not perfectly raw, but who cares) then she stabilize him with a potion. Now she throw her Handy haversack to the PCs and order them to fill it with all the books and scrolls in the room. Lyrie scavenges all she can before ordering the PC to move back all the way down the hallway leading to the last level. She wants them out of sight but they won't let Silas out of theirs. That makes Lyrie notice the bow.
"Toss that in there as well" she yells
My inquisitor player bites her lip, she loved her +1 endless ammunition bow, but she has no choice but to agree.
Once they are all the way back she casts her last spell : Invisibility and disappears.
They rush to save Silas, check on Galaadrick, and mourn loudly before fighting over what to do next.
"We have to finish what we started, there is still a demon roaming somewhere."

Now that is where we left the session. If you like it I will post the end of this. There are much to be resolved still, but as I know my players (some of them) roam these dark waters I will wait a bit.
How, if at all, will Lyrie escape ? Where is Orik and how will he react when he is found ? What will happen to Galaadrick the godless ? Will they find or worse face Malfeshnekor ? What about these wet caves with blood trails leading to them ? What will Erylium do ?

Let me also use this post to link this very good post about Combat manager. This app has cut my fight time by more than half and I can't imagine what this fight would have been with out it. I can only encourage you to support him.

Thanks a lot for reading.
submitted by TheDespher to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

[H] Killing Floor 2, Hot Lava, Conan Exiles, Destiny 2, Hollow Knight, Rise of Tomb Raider etc [W] Games/Offers

I am looking to trade for games I don't have, including games that have been bundled e.g. missing ones from old or new HB monthly bundles.
I have non-bundled games here and am also interested in those as well ... depending on the game.
Post a list of what you have and what you're interested in.
Reasonable offers only for more valuable games please.
No paypal or "keys". Thanks.
Higher tier items
American Truck Simulator
Big Pharma
Carmageddon Collection (including Reincarnation removed from Steam)
Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide Expansion
Conan Exiles
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Darksider II DE
Democracy 3 Collector's Edition
Destiny 2
Doctor Who: the Adventure Games (removed from Steam no BBC licensing)
Duck Game
Else Heart.Break()
Empyrion (Steam Gift)*
Europa Universalis III Complete
Evoland 2
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
The Final Station
Flatspace IIk
Gears of War 4 (windows code)
Glittermitten Grove
Godfather 2 (Origin)
GRID Autosport
Grid Autosport Season Pass
Hearts of Iron III Collection
Hearts of Iron IV
Hitman S1
Hollow Knight
Hot Lava (Steam gift)
Human Fall Flat
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Killing Floor 2
Long Dark
Moto Racer 4
No Time To Explain Remastered
Out of the Park Baseball 17
Pillars of Eternity
Plague Inc
Project Cars
Project Highrise
Quantum Break
Rain World
Resident Evil 5 Gold
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Rocket League Crates -every kind
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 2
Trials Fusion (Uplay)
Trials Fusion SP (Uplay)
Trials Awesome Max DLC (uplay)
TW: Warhammer*
Victor Vran
Wargame Red Dragon
Wasteland 2
Xcom 2
*may keep - so it'd have to be something of immediate interest to me just fyi
. . . . . .
Other games:
Abyss Odyssey
Age of Gladiators
Alea Jacta Est (and 4 DLC - all sepearte steam codes)
Aquanox 2
Archetype (groupess)
Avencast Rise of the Mage
Back to bed
Battle Group 2
The Big Elk
Black Mirror I
Blaster Simulator (groupees)
Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology
Bound by Flame
Breach and Clear Deadlines
Bridge Constructor
Bureau XCOM Declassified
call of juarez GS (x2)
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
Castle of Illusion
Chroma Squad
Circuits (Indie Gala)
Civil War II
Civil War II the Bloody Road South DLC
Cities XL Platinum
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
The Darkness II
Dawn of War II - Retribution - The Last Standalone (Steam Gift)
Days Under Custody
Deadly Premonition
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
Dirt Showdown Divekick (x2)
Dogfight 1942
Dream Machines games
Duke Nukem Forever
To End All Wars
To End All Wars - Breaking the Deadlock DLC
Epigenesis (Steam Gift)
Esapists DLC Alcatraz (x2)
Expert Rifleman - Reloaded
F1 2011
F1 2012
F1 2014
F1 2015
F1 Racestars + Season Pass
Fairytales: three heroes
Far Cry 3 (uplay)
Final Exam
Fist Slash: Of Ultimate Fury
FlatOut 2
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China
Forgotten Lore
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs THe Thrid Reich
Frozen Synapse Prime (Steam Gift)
Frozen Synapse Prime (Steam Key)
God's Chain
Grid 2
Grid 2 DLC (All in Pack)
Grid 2 Spa Franco Track Pack
Grind Zones
Hacker Evolution SOurce Code
Hard Reset Redux (Steam Gift)
Hard Room
Hexcells Complete Pack
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Inner World
Inner World Soundtrack
Insane 2
I Want To Be Human
Jet Racing Extreme
Just Cause Collection
Kane and Lynch Collection
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)
Kivi, Toilet and Shotgun
The Land of Eyas
Last Remnant
League of Mermaids
Lethal League
Lilly Looking Through
Liveza: Death of the Earth
Lumino City (x2)
The Marvellous Miss Take
Mean Greens
Medieval II Total War (x2)
Men of War: Assault Squad
Meridan New World
Moonstone Tavern - A Fantasy Tavern Sim!
Murdered Soul Suspect
No Time to Explain Remastered
Novus Inceptio
Of Orcs and Men
One Upon Light
Original War
Orion Prelude (Steam Gift)
Overlord 2
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
Pixel Piracy
Planetary Annihilation
Punch Club
Pride oF Nations (+ four DLC all seperate codes)
The Prism
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Station
Ratz Instagib
Rayman® Origins - Uplay
Read Only Memories
Real Boxing™
Rogue Port- Red Nightmare
Revolution Under Siege Gold
Riptide GP2
Rise & Shine
Rise of Prussia Gold
Risen 2 Dark Waters
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
Rollercoaster Tycoon World Deluxe Edition
Saints Row 2
Savage Lands
Shadow Warrior
Shattered Planet
Shelter 2
Shut Up and Dig
The Silent Age
Silent Storm Gold Edition
Skulls of the Shogun
Small Radios Big Televisions
Solar Flux
Space Farmers (Steam Gift)
Space Station Alpha
Spec Ops The line
Story of a Survivor
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stronghold Kingdoms — Humble Kingmaker Bundle
SuperPower 2 Steam Edition
Super Splatters
Syberia 2
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Thirty Years' War
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack (gmg)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Uplay
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas Uplay
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist™ Uplay
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory® Uplay
Top Hat
Toybox Turbos
Trackmania Valley (x3) (Uplay)
Valdis Story: Abyssal City*
Vertiginous Golf
Victory at Sea
Velocity Ultra
Volgarr the Viking
Wargame: European Escalation
Westerado: Double Barreled
Whisper Of A Rose
Your Quest
Zombie Driver HD + OST
Zombie Driver HD DLC - all dlc, individual keys
Make War not Love Bundles
Make War Not Love 3 - Prize 3: Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops, Viking: Battle for Asgard
Make War Not Love 3 - Prize 2 | Streets of Rage 2, Binary Domain, Condemned: Criminal Origins
SEA VR - Steam Gifts
Eleven Table Tennis VR
Final Approach
submitted by Johnny_Guano to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

[H] Destiny 2, XCOM2, Hearts of Iron IV, Conan Exiles, Overwatch, Killing Floor 2, Overgrowth, Hollow Knight, Rise of Tomb Raider et al.[W]Yakuza 0, Mafia II DE, Games only

Reasonable offers only for more valuable games please. No paypal or "keys". Thanks.
Want good games I don't have.
Games on my wishlist that have been bundled I most likely have and just haven't activated. Not all games on my wishlist are highly wanted. ...
I also have other duplicate games from many recent bundles - just too lazy to list yet. . . .
... ...
Higher tier items
American Truck Simulator
Big Pharma
Carmageddon Collection (including Reincarnation removed from Steam)
Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide Expansion
Conan Exiles
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Darksider II DE
Democracy 3 Collector's Edition
Destiny 2
Doctor Who: the Adventure Games (removed from Steam no BBC licensing)
Duck Game
Else Heart.Break()
Empyrion (Steam Gift)*
Europa Universalis III Complete
Evoland 2
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
The Final Station
Flatspace IIk
Gears of War 4 (windows code)
Glittermitten Grove
Godfather 2 (Origin)
GRID Autosport
Grid Autosport Season Pass
Hearts of Iron III Collection
Hearts of Iron IV
Hitman S1
Hollow Knight
Human Fall Flat
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Killing Floor 2
Long Dark
Moto Racer 4
No Time To Explain Remastered
Out of the Park Baseball 17
Pillars of Eternity
Plague Inc
Project Cars
Project Highrise
Quantum Break
Rain World
Resident Evil 5 Gold
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Rocket League Crates -every kind
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 2
Space Engineers
Trials Fusion (Uplay)
Trials Fusion SP (Uplay)
Trials Awesome Max DLC (uplay)
TW: Warhammer*
Victor Vran
Wargame Red Dragon
Wasteland 2
Xcom 2
*may keep - so it'd have to be something of immediate interest to me just fyi
. . . . . .
Other games:
Abyss Odyssey
Age of Gladiators
Alea Jacta Est (and 4 DLC - all sepearte steam codes)
Aquanox 2
Archetype (groupess)
Avencast Rise of the Mage
Back to bed
Battle Group 2
The Big Elk
Black Mirror I
Blaster Simulator (groupees)
Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology
Bound by Flame
Breach and Clear Deadlines
Bridge Constructor
Bureau XCOM Declassified
call of juarez GS (x2)
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
Castle of Illusion
Chroma Squad
Circuits (Indie Gala)
Civil War II
Civil War II the Bloody Road South DLC
Cities XL Platinum
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
The Darkness II
Dawn of War II - Retribution - The Last Standalone (Steam Gift)
Days Under Custody
Deadly Premonition
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
Dirt Showdown Divekick (x2)
Dogfight 1942
Dream Machines games
Duke Nukem Forever
To End All Wars
To End All Wars - Breaking the Deadlock DLC
Epigenesis (Steam Gift)
Esapists DLC Alcatraz (x2)
Expert Rifleman - Reloaded
F1 2011
F1 2012
F1 2014
F1 2015
F1 Racestars + Season Pass
Fairytales: three heroes
Far Cry 3 (uplay)
Final Exam
Fist Slash: Of Ultimate Fury
FlatOut 2
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China
Forgotten Lore
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs THe Thrid Reich
Frozen Synapse Prime (Steam Gift)
Frozen Synapse Prime (Steam Key)
God's Chain
Grid 2
Grid 2 DLC (All in Pack)
Grid 2 Spa Franco Track Pack
Grind Zones
Hacker Evolution SOurce Code
Hard Reset Redux (Steam Gift)
Hard Room
Hexcells Complete Pack
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Inner World
Inner World Soundtrack
Insane 2
I Want To Be Human
Jet Racing Extreme
Just Cause Collection
Kane and Lynch Collection
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)
Kivi, Toilet and Shotgun
The Land of Eyas
Last Remnant
League of Mermaids
Lethal League
Lilly Looking Through
Liveza: Death of the Earth
Lumino City (x2)
The Marvellous Miss Take
Mean Greens
Medieval II Total War (x2)
Men of War: Assault Squad
Meridan New World
Moonstone Tavern - A Fantasy Tavern Sim!
Murdered Soul Suspect
No Time to Explain Remastered
Novus Inceptio
Of Orcs and Men
One Upon Light
Original War
Orion Prelude (Steam Gift)
Overlord 2
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
Pixel Piracy
Planetary Annihilation
Punch Club
Pride oF Nations (+ four DLC all seperate codes)
The Prism
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Station
Ratz Instagib
Rayman® Origins - Uplay
Read Only Memories
Real Boxing™
Rogue Port- Red Nightmare
Revolution Under Siege Gold
Riptide GP2
Rise & Shine
Rise of Prussia Gold
Risen 2 Dark Waters
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
Rollercoaster Tycoon World Deluxe Edition
Saints Row 2
Savage Lands
Shadow Warrior
Shattered Planet
Shelter 2
Shut Up and Dig
The Silent Age
Silent Storm Gold Edition
Skulls of the Shogun
Small Radios Big Televisions
Solar Flux
Space Farmers (Steam Gift)
Space Station Alpha
Spec Ops The line
Story of a Survivor
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stronghold Kingdoms — Humble Kingmaker Bundle
SuperPower 2 Steam Edition
Super Splatters
Syberia 2
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Thirty Years' War
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack (gmg)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Uplay
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas Uplay
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist™ Uplay
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory® Uplay
Top Hat
Toybox Turbos
Trackmania Valley (x3) (Uplay)
Valdis Story: Abyssal City*
Vertiginous Golf
Victory at Sea
Velocity Ultra
Volgarr the Viking
Wargame: European Escalation
Westerado: Double Barreled
Whisper Of A Rose
Your Quest
Zombie Driver HD + OST
Zombie Driver HD DLC - all dlc, individual keys
Make War not Love Bundles
Make War Not Love 3 - Prize 3: Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops, Viking: Battle for Asgard
Make War Not Love 3 - Prize 2 | Streets of Rage 2, Binary Domain, Condemned: Criminal Origins
SEA VR - Steam Gifts
Eleven Table Tennis VR
Final Approach
submitted by Johnny_Guano to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

[H] Dirt Rally, Shadow Tactics, Trials Fusion, Hot Lava (gift), Project Cars 2, Banished, Kerbal, Speedrunners, Long Dark, Owlboy [W] Dirt 4, Gravity Ghost, Games on sale

I am looking to trade for games I don't have, including games that have been bundled e.g. missing ones from old or new HB monthly bundles.
I have non-bundled games here and am also interested in those as well ... depending on the game.
Post a list of what you have and what you're interested in.
Reasonable offers only for more valuable games please.
No paypal or "keys". Thanks.
Higher tier items
American Truck Simulator
Big Pharma
Carmageddon Collection (including Reincarnation removed from Steam)
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Darksider II DE
Dirt Rally
Doctor Who: the Adventure Games (removed from Steam no BBC licensing)
Duck Game
Else Heart.Break()
Europa Universalis III Complete
Evoland 2
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
The Final Station
Flatspace IIk
Gears of War 4 (windows code)
Glittermitten Grove
Godfather 2 (Origin)
GRID Autosport
Grid Autosport Season Pass
Hearts of Iron III Collection
Hitman S1
Hot Lava (Steam gift)
Human Fall Flat
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Killing Floor 2
Long Dark
Moto Racer 4
No Time To Explain Remastered
Out of the Park Baseball 17
Pillars of Eternity
Plague Inc
Project Cars 2
Project Highrise
Quantum Break
Rain World
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Rocket League Crates -every kind Ryse
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 2
Trials Fusion (Uplay)
Trials Fusion SP (Uplay)
Trials Awesome Max DLC (uplay)
TW: Warhammer*
Victor Vran
Wasteland 2
*may keep - so it'd have to be something of immediate interest to me just fyi
. . . . . .
Other games:
Abyss Odyssey
Age of Gladiators
Alea Jacta Est (and 4 DLC - all sepearte steam codes)
Aquanox 2
Archetype (groupess)
Avencast Rise of the Mage
Back to bed
Battle Group 2
The Big Elk
Black Mirror I
Blaster Simulator (groupees)
Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology
Bound by Flame
Breach and Clear Deadlines
Bridge Constructor
Bureau XCOM Declassified
call of juarez GS (x2)
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
Castle of Illusion
Chroma Squad
Circuits (Indie Gala)
Civil War II
Civil War II the Bloody Road South DLC
Cities XL Platinum
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
The Darkness II
Dawn of War II - Retribution - The Last Standalone (Steam Gift)
Days Under Custody
Deadly Premonition
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
Dirt Showdown Divekick (x2)
Dogfight 1942
Dream Machines games
Duke Nukem Forever
To End All Wars
To End All Wars - Breaking the Deadlock DLC
Epigenesis (Steam Gift)
Esapists DLC Alcatraz (x2)
Expert Rifleman - Reloaded
F1 2011
F1 2012
F1 2014
F1 2015
F1 Racestars + Season Pass
Fairytales: three heroes
Far Cry 3 (uplay)
Final Exam
Fist Slash: Of Ultimate Fury
FlatOut 2
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China
Forgotten Lore
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs THe Thrid Reich
Frozen Synapse Prime (Steam Gift)
Frozen Synapse Prime (Steam Key)
God's Chain
Grid 2
Grid 2 DLC (All in Pack)
Grid 2 Spa Franco Track Pack
Grind Zones
Hacker Evolution SOurce Code
Hard Reset Redux (Steam Gift)
Hard Room
Hexcells Complete Pack
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Inner World
Inner World Soundtrack
Insane 2
I Want To Be Human
Jet Racing Extreme
Just Cause Collection
Kane and Lynch Collection
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)
Kivi, Toilet and Shotgun
The Land of Eyas
Last Remnant
League of Mermaids
Lethal League
Lilly Looking Through
Liveza: Death of the Earth
Lumino City (x2)
The Marvellous Miss Take
Mean Greens
Medieval II Total War (x2)
Men of War: Assault Squad
Meridan New World
Moonstone Tavern - A Fantasy Tavern Sim!
Murdered Soul Suspect
No Time to Explain Remastered
Novus Inceptio
Of Orcs and Men
One Upon Light
Original War
Orion Prelude (Steam Gift)
Overlord 2
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
Pixel Piracy
Planetary Annihilation
Punch Club
Pride oF Nations (+ four DLC all seperate codes)
The Prism
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Station
Ratz Instagib
Rayman® Origins - Uplay
Read Only Memories
Real Boxing™
Rogue Port- Red Nightmare
Revolution Under Siege Gold
Riptide GP2
Rise & Shine
Rise of Prussia Gold
Risen 2 Dark Waters
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
Rollercoaster Tycoon World Deluxe Edition
Saints Row 2
Savage Lands
Shadow Warrior
Shattered Planet
Shelter 2
Shut Up and Dig
The Silent Age
Silent Storm Gold Edition
Skulls of the Shogun
Small Radios Big Televisions
Solar Flux
Space Farmers (Steam Gift)
Space Station Alpha
Spec Ops The line
Story of a Survivor
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stronghold Kingdoms — Humble Kingmaker Bundle
SuperPower 2 Steam Edition
Super Splatters
Syberia 2
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Thirty Years' War
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack (gmg)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Uplay
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas Uplay
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist™ Uplay
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory® Uplay
Top Hat
Toybox Turbos
Trackmania Valley (x3) (Uplay)
Valdis Story: Abyssal City*
Vertiginous Golf
Victory at Sea
Velocity Ultra
Volgarr the Viking
Wargame: European Escalation
Westerado: Double Barreled
Whisper Of A Rose
Your Quest
Zombie Driver HD + OST
Zombie Driver HD DLC - all dlc, individual keys
Make War not Love Bundles
Make War Not Love 3 - Prize 3: Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops, Viking: Battle for Asgard
Make War Not Love 3 - Prize 2 | Streets of Rage 2, Binary Domain, Condemned: Criminal Origins
SEA VR - Steam Gifts
Eleven Table Tennis VR
Final Approach
submitted by Johnny_Guano to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

[H] XCOM2, Hearts of Iron IV, Conan Exiles, Overwatch, Hollow Knight, Destiny 2 et al.[W] Mega Man, Yakuza 0, Mafia II DE, Games I want

Reasonable offers only for more valuable games please. No paypal or "keys". Thanks.
Want good games I don't have.
Games on my wishlist that have been bundled I most likely have and just haven't activated. Not all games on my wishlist are highly wanted. ...
I also have other duplicate games from many recent bundles - just too lazy to list yet. . . .
... ...
Higher tier items
American Truck Simulator
Big Pharma
Carmageddon Collection (including Reincarnation removed from Steam)
Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide Expansion
Conan Exiles
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Darksider II DE
Democracy 3 Collector's Edition
Destiny 2
Doctor Who: the Adventure Games (removed from Steam no BBC licensing)
Duck Game
Else Heart.Break()
Empyrion (Steam Gift)*
Europa Universalis III Complete
Evoland 2
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
The Final Station
Flatspace IIk
Gears of War 4 (windows code)
Glittermitten Grove
Godfather 2 (Origin)
GRID Autosport
Grid Autosport Season Pass
Hearts of Iron III Collection
Hearts of Iron IV
Hitman S1
Hollow Knight
Human Fall Flat
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Killing Floor 2
Long Dark
Moto Racer 4
No Time To Explain Remastered
Out of the Park Baseball 17
Pillars of Eternity
Plague Inc
Project Cars
Project Highrise
Quantum Break
Rain World
Resident Evil 5 Gold
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Rocket League Crates -every kind
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 2
Space Engineers
Trials Fusion (Uplay)
Trials Fusion SP (Uplay)
Trials Awesome Max DLC (uplay)
TW: Warhammer*
Victor Vran
Wargame Red Dragon
Wasteland 2
Xcom 2
*may keep - so it'd have to be something of immediate interest to me just fyi
. . . . . .
Other games:
Abyss Odyssey
Age of Gladiators
Alea Jacta Est (and 4 DLC - all sepearte steam codes)
Aquanox 2
Archetype (groupess)
Avencast Rise of the Mage
Back to bed
Battle Group 2
The Big Elk
Black Mirror I
Blaster Simulator (groupees)
Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology
Bound by Flame
Breach and Clear Deadlines
Bridge Constructor
Bureau XCOM Declassified
call of juarez GS (x2)
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
Castle of Illusion
Chroma Squad
Circuits (Indie Gala)
Civil War II
Civil War II the Bloody Road South DLC
Cities XL Platinum
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
The Darkness II
Dawn of War II - Retribution - The Last Standalone (Steam Gift)
Days Under Custody
Deadly Premonition
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
Dirt Showdown Divekick (x2)
Dogfight 1942
Dream Machines games
Duke Nukem Forever
To End All Wars
To End All Wars - Breaking the Deadlock DLC
Epigenesis (Steam Gift)
Esapists DLC Alcatraz (x2)
Expert Rifleman - Reloaded
F1 2011
F1 2012
F1 2014
F1 2015
F1 Racestars + Season Pass
Fairytales: three heroes
Far Cry 3 (uplay)
Final Exam
Fist Slash: Of Ultimate Fury
FlatOut 2
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China
Forgotten Lore
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs THe Thrid Reich
Frozen Synapse Prime (Steam Gift)
Frozen Synapse Prime (Steam Key)
God's Chain
Grid 2
Grid 2 DLC (All in Pack)
Grid 2 Spa Franco Track Pack
Grind Zones
Hacker Evolution SOurce Code
Hard Reset Redux (Steam Gift)
Hard Room
Hexcells Complete Pack
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Inner World
Inner World Soundtrack
Insane 2
I Want To Be Human
Jet Racing Extreme
Just Cause Collection
Kane and Lynch Collection
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)
Kivi, Toilet and Shotgun
The Land of Eyas
Last Remnant
League of Mermaids
Lethal League
Lilly Looking Through
Liveza: Death of the Earth
Lumino City (x2)
The Marvellous Miss Take
Mean Greens
Medieval II Total War (x2)
Men of War: Assault Squad
Meridan New World
Moonstone Tavern - A Fantasy Tavern Sim!
Murdered Soul Suspect
No Time to Explain Remastered
Novus Inceptio
Of Orcs and Men
One Upon Light
Original War
Orion Prelude (Steam Gift)
Overlord 2
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
Pixel Piracy
Planetary Annihilation
Punch Club
Pride oF Nations (+ four DLC all seperate codes)
The Prism
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Station
Ratz Instagib
Rayman® Origins - Uplay
Read Only Memories
Real Boxing™
Rogue Port- Red Nightmare
Revolution Under Siege Gold
Riptide GP2
Rise & Shine
Rise of Prussia Gold
Risen 2 Dark Waters
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
Rollercoaster Tycoon World Deluxe Edition
Saints Row 2
Savage Lands
Shadow Warrior
Shattered Planet
Shelter 2
Shut Up and Dig
The Silent Age
Silent Storm Gold Edition
Skulls of the Shogun
Small Radios Big Televisions
Solar Flux
Space Farmers (Steam Gift)
Space Station Alpha
Spec Ops The line
Story of a Survivor
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stronghold Kingdoms — Humble Kingmaker Bundle
SuperPower 2 Steam Edition
Super Splatters
Syberia 2
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Thirty Years' War
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack (gmg)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Uplay
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas Uplay
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist™ Uplay
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory® Uplay
Top Hat
Toybox Turbos
Trackmania Valley (x3) (Uplay)
Valdis Story: Abyssal City*
Vertiginous Golf
Victory at Sea
Velocity Ultra
Volgarr the Viking
Wargame: European Escalation
Westerado: Double Barreled
Whisper Of A Rose
Your Quest
Zombie Driver HD + OST
Zombie Driver HD DLC - all dlc, individual keys
Make War not Love Bundles
Make War Not Love 3 - Prize 3: Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops, Viking: Battle for Asgard
Make War Not Love 3 - Prize 2 | Streets of Rage 2, Binary Domain, Condemned: Criminal Origins
SEA VR - Steam Gifts
Eleven Table Tennis VR
Final Approach
submitted by Johnny_Guano to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

How I left the Jehovah's Witnesses and extracted my family too. (Part 18)

(Continued ....)
Friday, October 9th, 2014. It's past 11 p.m. and I'm in bed, already asleep. My cell phone rings. On the other side, a familiar dark voice.
"Brother Eden? Good evening. This is brother COBE. The reason I'm calling is because you are being invited to come before a Judicial Committee and I'd like to arrange with you a convenient date." I see ... what's the accusation? "The accusation is apostasy". Ok ... Who's making that accusation? "I won't disclose that". Why not? Don't I deserve to know? What happened between now and the last meeting we had just recently? "The fact that sister N [my wife] stated that she wouldn't attend meetings anymore has given the Elders reason to believe that you have influenced her negatively. Hence, the Judicial Committee". Ahhh so that's why. Like my wife doesn't have a thinking head of her own. But since is she who's taking that step, shouldn't there be an Investigation Committee on her and ONLY THEN, if determined that I was involved in her decision, call for my JC? He became impatient. "Brother Eden, we need to put an end to this already. It's been dragging on for too long, don't you agree?" What do you mean by putting an end to this? Seems to me you have already judged and condemned me. Am I wrong? Are you sure this will be a fair trial or merely a farce? Are you going to sit there and be my judge AND my accuser as well? He ignored my questions. "Is next Wednesday evening convenient for you?" No, I said, I have work commitments all through next week and I also will need some time to prepare my defense. I'll get in touch with you tomorrow to set up a date ok? "Ok I'll await your contact. Good evening".
Aleas jacta est. The dice had been cast. Allegedly that's what Julius Caesar said when he crossed the Rubicon river in northern Italy, thus initiating a long civil war. The events have reached a point of no return and from here on it was war. And I went on the offensive the next day.
Saturday was the congregation's public meeting at 6 p.m. At lunch time I texted the following message to the COBE: "Good afternoon. For future record, make the summon in writing, indicating the names of the elders that will take part in it, what are the charges and who is filing those charges. You can send through my sister after today's meeting. I will then reply with a proposition of a date that will suit everyone. Thank you, Eden". Since there was no reply within the next couple of hours, I decided to go public, using Facebook. I took a screen shot of the message to the COBE and at 4 p.m. posted it on FB where I had a few dozens of brothers and sisters, with the following comment: "I was summoned by phone to appear before a Judicial Committee. In order that what is about to happen isn't kept under wraps, I replicate here my reply." Needless to say, there was a general gasp for the audacity and defiance of the establishment that I was displaying and at the meeting the news were being passed between the brethren. The Elders were just starting to find out just what they were up against.
How did it came to this?
My wife was never one to keep the steam inside for long. Soon after she decided to stop attending the meetings, keen eyes in our congregation noticed her absence and that reached her mother's ears in the neighboring congregation that also met at the same Kingdom Hall. So, one day she was visiting her bedridden mother and helping out, she was asked if she had been ill, because she has missed a few meetings. She then sat down and as tactfully as possible in a situation like this, she broke the news to her mother.
Needless to say, it was a huge shock. My wife refused to say why, except that she was depressed and disgusted with the witch hunt I had been subjected to, and that there were some things about the Organization that weren't right, but she did not wish to discuss that with her. After much crying, her mother said: "I knew that eventually Eden would turn your head around. He did it to your son and now you too are taking his side. You are also turning your back on Jehovah. He did this to you!" My wife tried to reassure her that she had a mind of her own and she reached her conclusions on her own, that she wasn't turning her back on Jehovah, that it was simply an issue with the Organization, and who knows she might reconsider and go back one day if things changed. But that didn't change her opinion. I imagine that, as soon as my wife left, she called her other daughter, married with the Circuit Overseer, and he called Bethel. And Bethel demanded my head.
My sister came from the meeting empty handed but I got a call from the COBE that evening. He tried to set a date for the JC, but I refused. I said: I told you in my message that once you give me a WRITTEN summon for the JC indicating the names of the Elders, the accusation, and who are my accusers, I will then set a date. I accept to go before a JC, but this must happen first. "That's not the way the Organization stipulates things to happen. Why are you insisting on it?", he asked. Well, perhaps it's time to change, I said. Frankly, at this point, I don't care what the Elders' manual says. There are laws in this country and, should I one day take this to a court of law, because this is a violation of my rights, I'll need all of this to be documented. So, in writing please. Then we will set a date. Goodnight.
From experiences I had previously read, I knew that it would be highly implausible that the Elders would comply with my demands. They simply don't want to leave a paper trail behind that may one day come back to bite them. But I left them on a difficult situation; on one hand, I told them that I accepted to go before a JC; this way they could not form a JC in absentia because that would be illegal. On the other hand, in order to get me to accept it, they would have to put it it writing. I just knew they were going to get Bethel's legal department involved.
But all these exchanges back and forth were designed to allow me to buy time. What for? I used Facebook to launch a PR campaign and put pressure on the Body Of Elders.
I started publishing memes on my FB page. I wish I could publish them here, but they are in Portuguese and I my FB page is not public anymore. But I will describe them to the best of my knowledge. I'm translating from Portuguese, so it may not always correspond word for word to the original quote.
October 12 | Meme #1: A picture of Nelson Mandela looking through prison bars with the following quote: "When you deny a man the right to live the life he believes in, he has no other choice but to become an outlaw". - Nelson Mandela".
October 12 - I published a song with the caption:"This is the music that best describes the moment that I'm living." The song is "Explorers" by Muse. It had lyrics like these: Once I hoped / to seek the new and unknown / This planet's overrun / there's nothing left for you or for me [...] Free me / free me from this world / I don't belong here / It was a mistake imprisoning my soul / can you free me / free me from this world
That same day, I noticed that I had a "like" on the post I made with the text message about the judicial meeting. I looked and lo and behold! It was from an Elder of my congregation!! I got perplexed. What on earth does this mean? I took a screenshot of the message and the name of the Elder and his "like" and sent it to him by text message without any further comments. Less than half hour later, the "like" had been removed. So I posted another meme:
October 12 | Meme #2- Depicted a red "un-like" thumbs down and on the side a "like" blue thumbs up. With the caption: There are truly odd things. I don't know what to think.
Of course, no one understood but him. Guess what? Some minutes later, I get a call from this Elder. Noticeably embarrassed, he told me that the "like" had been a slip of the finger, that he didn't mean to post the "like", thanked me for alerting him, and asked PLEASE not to share it with the other Elders. I tried so hard not to laugh, and assured him that it was not my intention to cause him any problems, but I would keep the screenshot as a souvenir =)
Next morning I noticed that some JW's had dropped from my FB. So I posted another meme.
October 13 | Meme #3: A picture of a sunset with two penguins facing the sun with their wings resting over each other's 'shoulders'. The caption read: "Genuine love, just like friendship, is only infallible when no conditions are imposed upon it".
That afternoon, two elders came to my door. One of them was the COBE's hound. I met them at the gate. "Brother Eden, we came to discuss with you a date for your JC". I asked them where was the written summon. "We don't bring any, that's not the procedure we have from the Organization" Well, then you have wasted your time. I say this again: I accept to go before the JC once I have the summon in writing, with the names of the elders, the accusation and who is accusing me. Tell that again to brother COBE. "Is Wednesday at 8 p.m. ok for you?", he said. Wtf? Did you not hear what I said? No, I cannot attend on that day due to work, and now get out of here because you're being insulting. Goodbye! I closed the gate on their nose and went inside. Now I was furious. They were playing dirty, so I upped my game.
October 14 | Meme #4- A classic painting depicting the stoning of Stephen (1795, by Jacobus Bays) The caption read: "They will throw you out of the synagogues. In fact, there will come a time when whomever kills you will imagine to have rendered a service to God - John 16:2" The post had the following message: Words of Jesus Christ that have been fulfilled since the first century until today ...
I posted then a music by Pink Floyd "Learning to Fly" and a recent interview with the young Malala Yousafzai, who was persecuted and shot by the Talibans for advocating the girl's rights to an education in Pakistan. Then I posted another meme:
October 14 | Meme #5 - A painting of King David playing the harp, (1611, by Gerhard Van Honthorst). The post said: Speaking of Malala and the Taliban in Pakistan, it came to my mind the Psalm 35, that brings solace to those persecuted without just cause. The caption read: "Let those be put to shame and brought to dishonor Who seek after my life ... For without cause they have hidden their net for me in a pit, Which they have dug without cause for my life. ... Fierce witnesses rise up;They ask me things that I do not know. They reward me evil for good, To the sorrow of my soul. ... Attackers gathered against me, And I did not know it; They tore at me and did not cease ... They gnashed at me with their teeth.... they do not speak peace, But they devise deceitful matters. Against the quiet ones in the land. They also opened their mouth wide against me, And said, “Aha, aha! Our eyes have seen it.” ... Vindicate me, O Lord my God, according to Your righteousness; And let them not rejoice over me."
The next day I had a few more memes in store ...
(To be continued ...)
submitted by Eden_One to exjw [link] [comments]

[H] 500+ Games [W] Abzu/Gungeon/Necrodancer/Paypal/Offers.

Hi folks. I'm new here.
Ok, I have over 500 games to trade. There's a little bit to say about me first though.
When the bundle culture started, I was very very ill and it took me a long time to get diagnosed and treated. I lost the ability to read or write or do pretty much anything and I had amnesia. That means when I first started building up a key library, I didn't get organised very well because my brain wasn't working. If it's an old key there's a chance it may already have been used and I messed up noting it at the time, I've got no real way to check as for me they are all duplicates. if you get a key from me that doesn't work, just screenshot it and I'll refund you the trade or let you have a different game. I apologise in advance if this is a bit shambolic. But bear with me and I'll find something you'll like :)
Humble Gifts: I managed to nerf all of my humble gifts, cos I'm stupid. I've removed all the gifts from the list, sorry.
Most of these are Steam, some are Origin, Gog. A few (defunct) desura too. I'll let you know if they aren't steam.
I am mostly looking for straight game swaps or paypal. Feel free to make me an offer of a game not on my wishlist but I do already have a huge library. Not really looking for ingame stuff.
Games I'm especially after right now:
Enter the Gungeon Orwell Basement Crypt of the NecrodancerSylvio Icey Balrum
Or my wishlist is here:
My keys:
The 39 Steps
100% Orange Juice
A.I.M. 2: Clan Wars
Aaru's Awakening
Abyss Odyssey
Adam and Eve: The Game Chapter 1
Adventurezator: When Pigs Fly
AI Rampage
AI War: Fleet Command
Airport Madness: World Edition
Alea Jacta Est
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded
Analogue: A Hate Story
Ancients Of Fasaria: Chess Club
Ancients of Ooga
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Season Pass Only)
Atonement: Scourge Of Time
Avadon 2: The Corruption
Back to Bed
Bad Rats
Banzai Pecan
Battle Academy
Battle vs. Chess
Battles Of Norghan
Bejeweled 3
Bet On Soldier
Beyond Space
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Blood Bowl: Legendary
Blue Estate
Bridge Constructor Playground
Brigador: Up-Armored Edition
Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
Burnout Paradise
Call of Cthulu: The Wasted Land
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle
Cargo 3
Cast Of The Seven Godsends
Cat On A Diet
Catmouth Island
Chainsaw Warrior
Challenge Of The Five Realms
The Chaos Engine
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
Chronicles of a Dark Lord 1: Tides of Fate
City Of Chains
Clusterpuck 99
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller
Coin Crypt
Combat Racers
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 + Uprising
Corporate Lifestyle Simulator
Cosmic Leap
Crash Time 2
Crazy Machines 2
Critical Mass
Crystal Picnic
Cyber Team Manager
Damnation: City of Death
Danmaku Unlimited 2
Dark Scavenger
Data Hacker: Corruption
Data Hacker: Initiation
Data Hacker: Reboot
Dead Hungry Diner
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Deadly Premonition
Death Ray Manta
Deep Dungeons of Doom
The Defenders: The Second Wave
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive
Depths of Peril
Desert Law
The Detail
Detective Case and Clown Bot in Murder in the Hotel Lisbon
Dirt 3
Dracula 4
Dragon Age: Origins
Drakensang: The River of Time
Dreaming Sarah
Drew and the Floating Labyrinth
Drive to Hell
Droid Assault
Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem 2
Dungeons: The Eye of Draconus
The Dwarf Run
Earthworm Jim 1
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
Elements II: Hearts Of Light
Elements: Soul of Fire
Elven Legacy
Entropy Rising
Environmental Station Alpha
Escape Goat
The Escapists (DLC Only)
Eschalon: Book 1
Eschalon: Book 2
Eschalon: Book 3
Ether Vapor Remaster
Euro Truck Simulator 2
F-19 Stealth Fighter
Fabula Mortis
Face Noir
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Fake Colours
Fall Weiss
Fast And Curious
Fearless Fantasy
The Few
Final Slam 2
Fine Sweeper
Fist of Jesus
FootLOL: Epic Fail League
Frayed Knights; The Skull of S'makh-Daon
Frederic: Evil Strikes Back
Frederic: Resurrection of Music
Freedom Fall
Funk Of Titans
Game Of Thrones (Telltale)
Game Tycoon 1.5
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer
GearCrack Arena
Gemcraft - Chasing Shadows
Geneforge 1
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Glorkian Warrior: The Trials Of Glork
Gods Will Be Watching
A Golden Wake
Governor of Poker 2
Greed Corp
Gun Monkeys
Hack, Slash, Loot
Heroes of Steel
Hitman: Absolution
Huntsman: The Orphanage
Hypership: Out of Control
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
An Imp? A Fiend!
Incitement 3
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
Indie Game Battle
Infect And Destroy
Inside the Gear
Invasion: Brain Craving
Iron Grip: Warlord
Iron Sky Invasion
Iron Storm
Ironclad Tactics
Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire
Job The Leprechaun
Journey of a Roach
The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Killing Floor
Kinetic Void
The King of Fighters 98
The King of Fighters 2002
Konung 2
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
The Last Door
Last Horizon
Last Inua
Last Knight
Legend of Dungeon
Level 22
Lew Pulsipher's Doomstar
Life Is Hard
Life of Pixel
Little Big Adventure 2
Liveza: Death Of The Earth
The Longest Journey
Lost Moon
Lovely Planet
Madballs in Babo Invasion
The Maker's Eden
Man in a Maze: Deathmatch
Marble Duel
Mata Hari
Mayhem Intergalactic
Megabyte Punch
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold
Memories of a Vagabond
Men of War: Assault Squad
Merger 3D
Metal Planet
Metal Slug
Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug X
Millennium 2: Take Me Higher
Miracle Fly
Mirror's Edge
Moonbase 332
Murdered: Soul Suspect
The Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths
The Nightmare Cooperative
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
Ninja Stealth
No Turning Back
Nom Nom Galaxy
Northmark: Hour of the Wolf
Nosferatur: The Wrath of Malachi
Not Without My Donuts
Ocean City Racing
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
One Day for Ched
Out There Somewhere
Pahelika: Secret Legends
Paranautical Activity
Patrician 4: Steam
Peggle Deluxe
Phoenix Force
Pinball FX2
Pineview Drive
Pitiri 1977
Pix The Cat
Pixel Boy and the Ever Expanding Dungeon
Pixeljunk Eden
Plague Inc: Evolved
The Planet Of The Vicious Creatures
Platypus 2
Post Master
Potatoman Seeks the Troof
Power Up
Press X To Not Die
Pretentious Game
Pride Of Nations
Primal Carnage
Project Aftermath
Project Night
Quest for Infamy
Quest of Dungeons
Rabiez Epidemic
Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades
Real World Racing
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny
Red Johnson's Chronicles 2: One Against All
Remember Me
Residue: Final Cut
Reversion - The Meeting
Rise Of Prussia
Rise of the Argonauts
Rise of the Ravager
Roller Coaster Rampage
Runestone Keeper
Rush for Glory
The Samaritan Paradox
Samorost 2
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
Savant - Ascent
Scania Truck Driving Simulator
Septerra Core
Shadow Blade: Reload
Shadowgate (2014)
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles
Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper
Shooting Stars
Shop Keepe
Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies
Sid Meier's Civilization 3
Sid Meier's Civilization 4
Sid Meier's Covert Action
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Sideway New York
The Silent Age
Silent Service
Silent Service 2
Silent Storm
Skulls of the Shogun
Sleep Attack
Sol: Exodus
Solar Struggle
Sometimes Success Requires Sacrifice
Space Giraffe
Space Hack
Sparkle 2 Evo
Spec Ops: The Line
Speedball 2
Starship Traveller
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Steam Marines
Steel Rain
Store Manager: Cellular Edition
A Story about my Uncle
Strategic War in Europe
Super Cyborg
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
Super Panda Adventures
Supreme Commander 2
Supreme Ruler Cold War
Surgeon Simulator
Sweet Lily Dreams
Sword of the Samurai
Sword of the Stars: The Pit
System Shock 2
Tales From The Borderlands (Telltale)
Tiki Man
Tobe's Vertical Adventure
Top Hat
Town of Salem
Train of Afterlife
Trine 2
Turbo Pug
Two Worlds 2
Tycoon City: New York
The UnderGarden
Vanguard Princess
The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage
Voyage to Farland
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Telltale)
The Walking Dead: Michonne
Waste Walkers
Where Angels Cry
Why So Evil 2: Dystopia
The Wolf Among Us (Telltale)
Wooden Floor
World War II GI
X Com: UFO Aftermath
X Com: UFO Aftershock
Z: Steel Soldiers
Zombie Kill of the Week
Zombie Solitaire
Zoo Park
Thanks for looking and hoping to have some good trades :)
Fractal: Make Blooms Not War
Shadowrun Returns
The Wolf Among Us (Steam)
The Walking Dead S2 (Steam)
Tales From The Borderlands (Steam)
Mass Effect 2
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alea jacta est mean video

To be more dramatic and less descriptive, you can use the word order "iacta alea est". Some help understanding the phrase: alea = die/dice. iacta = thrown. est = is. iacta est = was thrown (perfect passive) One of the Latin phrases that is repeated in the Asterix books is “Alea jacta est.”. It’s invoked by the Romans on numerous occasions. “Asterix in Britain”. The phrase is originally attributed to Julius Caesar, who is to Asterix what the Shredder is to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the always-present antagonist, though not always the bad guy in "Iacta alea est", or “alea iacta est”, is one of history's most famous quotes. It is also an old Latin expression, a battle cry and an ancient proverb. In this article you will learn more about this saying from Suetonius' biography of Julius Caesar and how to use the expression. The phrase is Latin for "The die is cast." This is what Julius Caesar said on January 10, 49 BC as he crossed the river Rubicon in Norther Italy as he prepared for a long civil war with the Roman Senate and its allies. Definition of alea jacta est. : the die is cast : there is no turning back. Izrazi, kot je »Alea jacta est«, so še posebej zahtevni med mladimi, ki so se odločili narediti tatoo, ki ima pravi pomen in na najboljši možen način izraža pogled na svet. Edini problem je, da ljudje včasih sprejmejo takšne ukrepe, saj nimajo pojma, s čim se točno ukvarjajo. "Alea jacta est" - en tatovering, som regel designet til at gøre det lettere for folk at træffe et valg. Det burde føre til denne eller den udvikling af begivenheder og fjerne personens del af hans ansvar. Måske var dette hovedårsagen til, at udtrykket "Alea jacta est", hvis udtale også er ret melodisk, er blevet så populær i moderne tid. In Greek, the phrase: “ανερριφθω κυβος anerriphthō kubos” would then be in the hands of Plutarch and Menandro. The most rigorous translation in Latin would be:”jacta esto alea”, which is equivalent to:”that the dice be rolled. Wikipedia (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase (iacta alea est [ˈjakta ˈaːlea est]) attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 B.C. as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy. Today, the strategy “Alea jacta est” is a rather popular game, the essence of which is the correct alignment of forces for conquering the maximum territory. The strategy is step-by-step, which means that opponents take actions in turn, and after the completion of the course it is impossible to take any measures.

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