DISNEY BEANIE BABIES- Peter Pan - $44.71 | PicClick CA

pan plush

pan plush - win

'Peter Pan' plush tsum tsum coming soon! (Set of 10)

'Peter Pan' plush tsum tsum coming soon! (Set of 10) submitted by soccerdude21490 to TsumTsum [link] [comments]

I had a bit of time on my hands today and remembered all the awesome Pan flag makeup I saw here. So I tried one myself. Plus I want to show off my Ditto plush my friend giftet me.

I had a bit of time on my hands today and remembered all the awesome Pan flag makeup I saw here. So I tried one myself. Plus I want to show off my Ditto plush my friend giftet me. submitted by leydoll to pansexual [link] [comments]

She has like 3 soft plush cat beds, I promise! But pots and pans seem to be her favourite

She has like 3 soft plush cat beds, I promise! But pots and pans seem to be her favourite submitted by lanolinpancakez to cats [link] [comments]

Time to blow your mind the burnt pan is better than the true knife for sans because it's ganon miss any way but the burnt pan gives you plush 4 health to each healing item

submitted by Mulder1022 to Undertale [link] [comments]

Just arrived today, figure $20 plus ship obo, most big plush $20-$25 plus ship, Luna and Kirby pan cake would be higher price. Small plush $10 plus ship. Please pm for questions.

Just arrived today, figure $20 plus ship obo, most big plush $20-$25 plus ship, Luna and Kirby pan cake would be higher price. Small plush $10 plus ship. Please pm for questions. submitted by Jjjjjjjjjjj118 to Toreba [link] [comments]

Meet The Freak 39

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We found Aldith waiting for us by the truck, holding a small cloth sack that contained what little she owned.
I wasn't sure if I was glad to see her. I didn't fancy the idea of her staying at the hotel, but neither did I look forward to spending several hours with her in the truck.
With a clear sky and pleasant weather, I rolled down my window and slid the one at the rear open. It was a bit of a bother, and I several times I found myself tucking away strands of hair that had been pulled free by the wind, but at the very least it dissuaded Aldith from striking up a conversation.
I didn't care to suffer through her awkward apology. She was here, that was enough. I'd hand her over to one of the girls at The Blushing Maiden, and they'd find something useful for her to do. Either she'd get a little perspective, or she wouldn't. At least she'd be someone else's problem.
I heard Wally tap on the roof of the truck, and I slowed our pace to better hear him over the wind.
"Val," he called, still raising his voice a little over the noise, "I can't help but notice we haven't noticed a big gap in the mountains."
Wally had a much better view of things from the back of the truck, but it was something I'd begun to notice as well. His seat might not be the most comfortable, cold corrugated sheet metal, but I was jealous of his view. With the mountains looming above us to the right, the roof blocked much of my view. I regretted not bringing along one of the others to drive. Wally had to endure the cold metal, but I'd yet to find a more comfortable seat than Wally's lap.
"I know there's a pass further to the north, but I know we didn't imagine those lights," I insisted.
"I know," he agreed, "But we need to be ready for some surprises. If there's no way through the mountains, then we're about to surprise someone else entirely, and they might not take to sudden visitors."
I brought a hand to my chest, not clutching at imagined pearls, but checking my pistols. They'd not gone anywhere, and neither had the small human pocket-pistol that waited concealed within a pocket on my thigh.
Wally had his axe, as always, though he had left both rifles at the hotel. Not that I was worried. Wally was getting better at projectile magic, and I had some tricks of my own. Not to mention, I could imagine few problems that only the rifles could solve. Better in that case to run, and for that, we had the truck.
I maintained the slow pace and gave Wally the time he'd need to take stock of the mountainside.
I worried that all there'd be to find was a week's old campsite, likely to go unnoticed unless we mounted a proper search, and I didn't have any particular desire to go mountain climbing at the moment.
"We could go back, perhaps wait till tonight," I suggested, "I don't recall spending much time up on the roof at night since those first few days after our arrival."
I hear some rustling as Wally dug around in the pack, and then a thump as he set something on the roof.
"Regina mentioned she'd been keeping watch. I'll ask her," Wally explained.
"Ah, Wallace. How do you expect her to reply?"
Wallace's voice sounded distant as he leaned over the top of the cab to write, "She's good enough now with magic to hold a pen," he assured me, "I'm more worried she won't notice the message. I'll need to add magic push notifications or something. If this doesn't pan out, we can just carry on north, or head back and take a look from the roof tonight, oh-" Wallace knocked on the roof, "Hey, stop the truck."
I pressed down on the brake pedal, and the truck creaked to a stop. I still couldn't see whatever it was Wally had spotted, so I grabbed the handle and pushed open my door. I stood on the truck's running board, and put a hand on the roof to steady myself while I shaded my eyes with the other hand.
"You see the tall evergreen to the left of the old birch?" Wally described, "Twenty degrees up from the tip of the tree, and about five degrees left of that."
There were no lights, but against the craggy and irregular surface of the mountain, below the tree line, I saw it. There was a hole in the blanket of trees, and where there should still have been dirt clinging to the mountainside, there was instead broken stone and piles of rubble. There could be seen a tunnel leading deeper into the mountain. Its square angles and sharply defined sides left no doubt as to the origin. I continued to scan the mountainside, and as I did, I realized rubble covered the whole patch of forest floor. The trees camouflaged the mess, and in passing it might go unnoticed, but now that I knew where to look, I could see where the colour changed. Looking closely, one could make out the reddish-brown of dried pine needles that carpeted the ground below the pine boughs. Nearer the excavation, the ruddy-brown faded to light grey, the splotch of colour spreading out as you went down the mountainside.
"Bugger me," I breathed.
"Again?" Wally sighed.
I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm, "They dug through a mountain, do you have any idea what that must have taken them?"
Wally nodded appreciatively, "Yeah, yeah, I do. Even on Earth with all the tech we've got, tunnelling takes years."
"The gnomes have been here as long as my people," I mused, "A decade of tunnelling, it doesn't seem too unreasonable that they could cover such a distance."
"Either that or it's a completely different group of people who live underground and have a history of mining expertise," Wally suggested, "Okay fine," he said in reply to my exasperated look, "Probably gnomes."
"Um," Aldith asked, "So are we turning around? What are we doing? Where are we going?"
I brought a hand to my forehead and sighed.
Wally mouthed, "Patience," and I shrugged.
"Let's drive up and say hello," Wally suggested, "I don't imagine they'll be happy to see we know about their secret project, but they must have spotted the lights from the hotel by now so it's not like they didn't know we were out here."
I frowned, "Will the truck make that climb?"
"Maybe if we had a winch. Just get us close."
The truck made it up and over the next rise, and as the hill fell away before us, a squad of gnomish miners came into view. They were waiting for us near the entrance to another tunnel, this one flanked by a pair of steel doors. The group was waist-deep in rubble, and while each man held a pick, I wouldn't say that they were brandishing them.
I stopped the truck, pulled the lever for the parking brake, and pulled apart the wires that kept the engine running. The engine died, and there was silence in the cab.
Wallace ducked to speak through the truck's rear window, "Aldith, stay here," he instructed, "Val and I are going to say hi."
The truck rocked to the side and suspension creaked as he hauled himself out of the bed, and I hopped down from the cab to join him.
Wallace spoke quietly as we crossed the distance to the group of miners, "Gnomes are really into body art?"
"Their skin doesn't react well to sunlight," I explained, speaking softly so my voice didn't carry.
The typical tunnel dwelling gnome looked like a stocky shrunken goblin. But even without the tattoos, it was plain that these were not ordinary gnomes. Rather than the yellow skin that was typical of the species native to Caniforma, what little hadn't been tattooed was green, or in the case of one gnome, dark blue.
"They'll tan with gradual exposure," I continued, "Yellow turns to orange, turns to green, turns to blue. The tattoos help with the sunlight when they're still getting adapted to the surface. These are gnomish rangers. The blue one will be the most experienced."
"Well met, traveller," the elder gnome called, once we were a dozen or so paces away. We stopped there, and he continued, "Am I to understand that you're Lord Wallace?"
Wallace quirked an eyebrow, "I guess word's gotten around."
"Aye, it has."
Wallace nudged a piece of rubble the size of my torso, pushing it aside easily with the toe of his shoe, "You guys still working? Is it clear through to the other side?"
The gnome shrugged, "Mayhap."
"Well you guys are here," Wally observed, "And the entrance certainly looks large enough," he continued, nodding at the mouth of the darkened tunnel, "If you really want us to take the long way around, we can. But it's not like we're going to forget it exists, and I was really hoping to be in the city for dinner."
The gnome rubbed the back of his neck and stared down the tunnel, "We're not just supposed to let any old fool use it," he grumbled.
"Are you planning to kill us all?" Wally asked openly.
"What? By the stones, no," he replied, "Why would we do such a thing?"
Wally threw up his arms, "Then I guess there's not a ton you can do. Besides, I'm not any old fool. You said it yourself, I'm Lord Wallace, that makes me an important fool," Wally jerked his chin at the mountain, "I'm sure you've seen the hotel from your little overlook. Tell you what, you let me through and tell me who to see and maybe we can work something out. Caniforma could do with a rest stop on this side of the mountains, and I'm in a hurry to get dinner."
"Alright," the gnome relented, "I suppose I could see my way to letting you through this once. If you want to work out a deal, speak with Foreman Sanders. He's the man who makes the call on which sorta fools can and can't use the tunnel."
Wally tilted his head at the tunnel, "Do you have any of your people in there? The vehicle's exhaust is not the best to breathe."
The stout little creature shook its head, "Last of the rubble got cleared out hours ago, workers went home. We're just here to keep an eye on things."
We took our leave, and I followed Wally back up the hill.
Caniforma was not like any other city I'd seen, let alone heard of.
Built atop a mesa, so large that the far side was hidden behind the horizon, newcomers might be forgiven for thinking they'd arrived in the wrong place.
The tallest building, used by goblin and gnomish surveyors, was a simple spire. The stairs were just wide enough for two people to pass if they turned their shoulders, and continued in a spiral up to the observation deck. I'd been up it before, including when I'd first discovered the hotel, but it was not a climb I had any intention of making again.
Surrounding the mesa were the estates of the goblin families that lived atop Caniforma, with perhaps a mile between any two of the compounds.
Hard-packed dirt covered the mesa, with scrubby grass and short twisted trees eeking out a living here and there. It was poor land to farm, but neither goblins nor gnomes were bothered. The gnomish farms were far below the surface, kept lush and bountiful with water drawn from subterranean oceans. The goblins, by comparison, simply did not bother with agriculture.
While the cataclysm had brought Parabuteo and Pelignos to their knees, the goblins had flourished. No longer were a few dozen families in constant friction over exactly where one territory ended and the other began. The cataclysm had done away with territory altogether. While the tides wiped the slate clean every morning, making farming impossible, it also brought with it fresh prey on a near-daily basis. A whole generation of young goblins who'd previously been relegated to subordinate positions under their parents suddenly found they could strike out on their own. There were now over a hundred families with compounds atop the mesa, most of them young offshoots from the more mature families.
The family compounds would be closed to us, but the gnomes kept a small trading outpost at the base of the spire, and that's where we headed.
It consisted of two short streets, one like a road cut right from Parabuteo, and the other from Pelignos.
There was a slight bump as the truck moved from the packed dirt to the close-fit cobbles typical of the elven city, and I brought the truck along the road to The Blushing Maiden. Only the decorative ironwork and detailed engraving allowed one to refer to the six feet of stone surrounding the Maiden as a 'fence'.
The guards at the gate recognized me as I approached, and they stood aside, one of them giving me a wave and a friendly smile.
I parked the truck next to the stables, and Aldith caught my eye. She looked pitiful, sitting there with everything she owned in the world clutched in her lap, head slightly bowed, her nervous gaze fixed on me.
She made as if to say something, but Wallace was already at the door. She startled slightly as he pulled it open, but calmed when she realized who it was. He peered down at her, leaning against the cab with one arm on the roof.
"Aldith," Wally sighed, "I know this is a lot to handle. You're skipping about ten millenniums of cultural development-"
"Is that a type of flower?"
Wally chuckled, "A millennium is a long time, a thousand years, and this place is going to take some getting used to. But you'll be safe here, you'll be able to build a life for yourself, and no one's gonna touch you unless you want them to. All that said, if you decide this isn't for you, you just let me know. We'll be staying in the city a day or two, and we'll be coming back through here again once we finish in Pelignos. Say the word, and we'll take you home, okay?"
Aldith swallowed and nodded, "Okay."
"Come on, let's go meet Val's friends."
I'd hardly stepped through the door before Purity had me wrapped up in her arms, "Val, it's so good to see you," she cooed.
I hugged the fey girl back, and she kissed me on the cheek.
"How long are you staying- oh, oh my. Who is this?"
"This," I giggled, slapping the giant on the chest, "Is Wallace."
"Oh my, there sure is a lot of him."
"Wally, this is Purity."
The young fey was a tad shorter than myself, but blessed in areas that I was not. Purity was well into womanhood but had maintained a slim, girlish figure. Though fey, her beauty had a certain down-to-earth appeal. More akin to a pretty peasant girl than a beautiful noblewoman. People let their guard down around Purity when they might not with someone else.
"Hi," Wally replied.
"And this," I continued, gesturing to Aldith, who wasn't quite hiding behind the big man, "Is Aldith. I was hoping she could help out around here."
"A human? Boy, she'd be awfully popu-"
"Help out," I repeated carefully, "I don't know, maybe tending the horses."
"Ah, I see. I'm sorry," Purity apologized, "I just got a little ahead of myself," she held out a hand to the girl, "Here, why don't I get you settled? Val, I think you know the way?"
Aldith didn't move, and Wally spoke to her quietly. "It's alright," he promised, "Just remember what I said."
Aldith straightened her back and nodded. Though she didn't take Purity's hand, she let the fey lead her down the hall.
Thick walls and a plush carpet meant The Maiden was quiet as I led Wally by the hand, up to where my friends were staying.
I tapped lightly on the door, paused, and then knocked harder to make sure they heard me.
The door swung open and-
"Val! I didn't know you were coming, come in, come in- Oh. Now who is this?"
"Wallace, this is Virtue. Virtue, this," I wrapped my arms around Wally's forearm, "Is Wallace."
Virtue was even shorter than Purity. She was an inch under four and a half feet, but as she did me the honour of pretending to believe me when I said I was five feet tall, I pretended to believe she was four foot six. Not that her height was anything special for a gnome. Though not a ranger, she'd indulged in her people's predilection for extensive tattooing. The tattoos of a gnomish ranger told you something about their station. The poorest had to settle for simple solid colours, while those with a little more money would get simple designs and tribal patterns. The well-off would cover themselves in scenes of hunting, warfare, and the like. Often, you'd see all three in combination on a gnomish ranger, marking their ascension through the ranks. Not so with Purity. Her entire body was a canvas, and the art she wore showed conquests of a different sort.
"My my, don't you look like a handful. Good thing Val has so many friends."
"I think I'm fine with just Val," Wallace replied as seriously as he could with his face going all red.
I pulled gently on Wally's arm, and he followed me into the room where the others were reclining on couches. Though not a place for meeting clients, it was still comfortable and well-appointed, serving as a common-room for the private chambers that branched off it.
"Wally, this is Obedience," I explained, still hugging his arm and grinning like an idiot.
Another fey, and a big one at five and a half feet, Obedience typically wore a fey slave master's traditional attire. And though she wasn't working at the moment, she was still attired in men's clothing, with a short tunic and tight trousers. With her strong jaw and a propensity to eschew makeup, she had a generally androgynous look. Reclining on some cushions near the fire, she regarded Wally as if she were considering how best to climb up a cliff.
"And this," I continued, "Is Chastity."
Chastity was bundled up in a thick cotton robe. It was white, as was just about everything else she wore, and covered every inch of her below the neck. Under the robe, I knew she was wearing about half a square foot of fabric. So little that it had to be stuck on, and could only be very generously called clothing. But she had the body for it. Tall, thin, and shaped like an hourglass, the sprite knew how good she looked, and Chastity liked to be appreciated.
Chastity let the robe slip a little, revealing a sliver of mouthwatering curves, and waved hello to Wallace.
"Was Irony already taken?" he quipped.
I turned to look and clung tighter to Wally's arm as Irony came through the door.
She was barefoot except for her black stockings, and her heels dangled negligently from one hand. Black, with a heel like a knife's blade, they looked more like weapons than footwear. Even barefoot, she was well over six feet tall, one of the few elves I'd ever met that had a stature on-par with Temerity. She wore a tight black corset that only just covered her chest, along with elbow-length satin gloves. Though elven, her hair was jet black, and she wore it in a severe bun. Held lightly in her other hand, was a coiled whip.
Irony lifted her chin, though she seemed to find it difficult to look down her nose at Wallace, what with him towering over her, "And you are?"
"Wallace," he supplied.
A small smile had crept onto his face, and the red flush had begun to fade.
Gods, it's the wordplay. You'd think he's a scrawny little thing who spends all day with his nose in a book.
Irony's arm flashed, and the whip seemed to flicker. Wallace got his forearm up before the tip could strike him in the chest, and the braided leather wrapped around it. He twisted his arm and caught the cord in his palm. He clenched his fist and yanked hard on the whip.
It took Irony right off her feet, and she fell to her knees before him.
It was all I could do to keep from squealing in delight.
Wally frowned, "That wasn't very nice."
Irony looked first to Wallace, then to me, confusion evident on her face.
"I'm just here to see you guys," I explained quickly, "Not for anything else. I'll, um, make sure you don't have to work while we're in the city though."
Irony hopped to her feet, and I met her hug, "Gods, sorry girl. I just assumed, you being here, what with your friend and all-"
"Oh, I'm absolutely sleeping with him, don't worry about that."
Wally pinched the bridge of his nose, "I swear to god, Val."
"It's cute, the way he blushes like a little girl," Irony grinned, "I'm going to get changed. I'll be right back."
Purity made it back from helping Aldith just about when Irony finished changing out of her work clothes, and we gathered near the fire. Chastity remained on her piled cushions, joined by Purity. The other girls had taken to the couches, as had Wallace, and I was at my proper place in Wally's lap.
"Of course I'm telling the truth!" I cried, "He reeked of elf noblewoman when he came to meet me, right before we left the city. He fucked Temerity cross-eyed, went for round two in the morning, and then left with me."
"Is he going to pass out?" Obedience asked, "I've not met a human before, but if a fey blushed like that, I'm pretty sure they'd pass out."
"If a fey blushed like Wally does, I'm pretty sure they'd die," I muttered, glancing back at the big man, "He's timid about his conquests. Anyway," I continued, turning back to my friends, "Temerity was real mad about the whole situation, she shaved my head, and sent me back with an offer for Wally here."
"Shaved your head?" Irony asked, "How long ago was this?"
"Just shy of two weeks," I replied excitedly, and reached behind me to begin pulling my hair free of the flight suit, "Wally fixed it!"
The girls watched in amazement as my hair flowed free and began to puddle around my ankles like violet mercury.
"And now you know why we're checking in with Caniforma and Pelignos," I explained, "Temerity's got her hooks into Parabuteo, and we need support from somewhere else."
A sly smile spread across Virtue's face, "Well if you're on the far side of the mountains, one of my clients mentioned a tunnel-"
"We know," I admitted.
"It's how we got here," Wally added, "I've got to track down a Foreman Sanders and work out a deal with him."
Irony wore a shameless smirk, "He talks a big game, but he's a pushover."
"You guys seem a bit too forthcoming with the intel," Wally mused.
Purity shrugged, "She's crazy about you, it's the least we can do to help."
Now it was my turn to flush, "I'm not 'crazy' about anyone. I'm a mature adult, I-"
"You were just telling us all about how he reeked of elf when he was done with Temerity. Well, I can hardly catch a whiff of your scent under his!" Purity laughed.
"It's true," Obedience agreed, "I almost wasn't sure it was you at first, you smell like human. Not that it's a bad thing, Wallace," she added quickly, "I for one understand why little Val here is all over you."
"Jealous," I accused.
That earned me a round of frank nods, and a barely audible grumble from Wallace.
Food arrived just then, saving Wallace from a conversation that was becoming more awkward for him by the minute, and we broke for dinner.
I spent a little time catching up with the others afterwards and got so caught up in the conversation, laughing and drinking with my friends, that I didn't notice Wally had disappeared.
I excused myself hurriedly. Wally might be overcome with embarrassment at his present accommodations, but he was curious to a fault, and I worried he'd gone off and found himself some trouble. I'd taken my plate with me when I left the table and had intended to leave it in the common area's small kitchenette while I went to look for him, but there was Wally.
He and Irony were leaning against the wall, and though Wally was facing away from me, I could see Irony smiling like an excited little girl while she spoke quietly but quickly to him. If Wally was still blushing, it had at least left his neck and ears.
Irony's innocent smile faded to a sly grin as she noticed my arrival, "Ah- There's our little girl."
"I hope you weren't talking about me," I giggled, though it was a little forced.
For a moment, Wally revealed a part of Irony that I'd never before seen. Somehow it seemed more intimate than anything she'd ever done to me in the bedroom, and I felt oddly jealous.
"No, Wally was just telling me about planets," she explained, and for a moment there was that innocent little laugh again, "But what is it, Val? You looked a little worried for a moment there."
I shook my head, "I was worried Wally had wandered off somewhere. But since here's here, I, ah, well I was talking to the others, and we worked something out."
"Val," Wally warned.
"Yes, you were very clear," I agreed quickly, "But I know how sore you get sometimes."
Irony perked up at that and seemed to consider Wally in a new light. I don't think any of her clients had ever seen that sympathy in their eyes. I certainly hadn't, though I do recall being blindfolded most of the time.
Wally arched an eyebrow, and I pressed on, "Not everything here involves people taking their clothes off-"
"Well," Irony hedged.
"Okay yes, but it's just a massage, with no funny business!" I added quickly, "You're too stubborn to say anything, but I know carrying around all this weight can't be easy on your joints. Come on. It'll be good for you, and my friends get to feel you up, I get to show you off, everyone wins."
"Alright," Wally relented, "Sitting in the truck wasn't great for my spine in any case."
Irony and I each took an arm, and Wally let us lead him into one of the other rooms.
"Take everything off, and put on the towel," Irony instructed.
"We've got an extra-big one, just for you," I giggled, and held it out to him.
He grinned despite himself, sighed, and shooed us out of the room.
He allowed us back in a little later, and I entered with the others, though I was the only one with a bottle of wine and an empty glass.
I took a seat in the corner and poured myself a glass while my friends attacked Wally's chiselled form with massage oil and their dextrous fingers.
submitted by ThisHasNotGoneWell to HFY [link] [comments]

d100 Extremely Specific and Pretty Much Worthless Spells You'd Find In A Cheap Capsule Spell Machine - Also known as the ESPMCWCSM from Cucumber Quest

Basically what it says in the title! The only guidelines are:
  1. It's original (no True Strikes please, we want new useless spells!)
  2. It's fun and extremely situational.
EDIT: Thank all of you for your help! As a treat, you get to read how that Summon Greater Bathtub Drain spell was eventually used...
I highly recommend reading the Cucumber Quest webcomic if you're into wacky things like this. Check it out here!
Read the original comic if you want a little more context, it's a short read. Let's begin!
Roll Spell Description
1 Summon Greater Bathtub Drain Create a giant bathtub drain on any surface!
2 Conjure Pizza Conjure a pizza! (Components: you can only cast this spell when no one is in the mood for pizza.)
3 Neomenian Light Call forth the light of the new moon!
4 True Mirror Sight You see mirrors as they are; unreversed. Additionally, you can read reversed writing.
5 Cure Papercuts A creature afflicted by a papercut regains 1 hitpoint.
6 Forget Keys (by u/Vampirgiant) The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the target can't remember where they put their keys, and must spend 5 minutes looking for them, only to discover they are in the last place they looked. This doesn't distract a the target from more important activities, such as combat.
7 Power Word: Mill (by u/Ionized-Cell) Instantly grind up to 100 grams of grain into fine flour. If more than 100 grams is present, the spell has no effect.
8 Summon Butterfly (by u/Kaizer1122) The capsule turns into a standard, nonmagical butterfly.
9 Mundane Capsule (by u/Kaizer1122) Somehow a nonmagical capsule ended up in the machine. May or May not contain a sticker or bouncy ball.
10 Lame Joke (by u/Kaizer1122) Target makes a wisdom saving throw. On failure target has disadvantage on one attack by the end of their next turn due to groaning or face palming.
11 Creaky, Squeaky Shoe Enchantment (by u/Thneed-The-Stampede) Target footwear begins to very quietly creak with every step and makes polished-floor squeaking sounds on all inorganic material.
12 Castelgar's Unslipping Soap (by u/Thneed-The-Stampede) When cast on a bar of soap, the soap refuses to suds and slide for a number of days equal to the number of spell slots spent to cast the spell. Casting as a cantrip creates an hour's worth of unslipping, waxy soap. It doesn't spread very well.
13 Bed Organization (by u/EuSouAFazenda) This spell does the bed for you, putting all the sheets into place.
14 Bug Squish (by u/EuSouAFazenda) Up to thrice per day, the spell squishes a bug for you. The bug must be smaller than a coin for it to work.
15 Branch Fallbreaker (by u/EuSouAFazenda) Whenever you fall from a tree, a group of branches will hit you, breaking your fall and preventing you from reaching high speeds.
16 Coin Rounder (by u/EuSouAFazenda If you're missing exactly 1 coin to make a purchase worth at least 20, this spells gives 5 minutes of supernatural knowledge of where the nearest lost coin is. You cannot use this spell if you don't intend or want to make the purchase.
17 Glitter Bomb (by u/Natori29) A small glitter cloud (5ft radius sphere) appears in chosen spot within 30 ft range. All creatures within the sphere must make DC12 DEX saving throw - on success they are only slightly covered in glitter that can be washed off using water after 1d4 tries; on failure the glitter gets underneath armour, between cloth fibers, in hair and into any other not air-tight cavities. No matter how many times the equipment is washed, creatures will forever find pieces of glitter, or leave 'glitter trail' anywhere they sit, lay, or move unless the glitter is magically cleaned.
18 Summon Frog (by u/Natori29) Summons a tiny frog that is neither friendly nor agressive towards any creatures in it's vicinity. When attacked the frog will try to jump away. On use the DM rolls 1d100 behind screen, on 100 the frog is actually a cursed prince/princess that can be transformed back with a kiss. The frog has no way of indicating their royal nature, the party has to just try kissing it to find out.
19 Abi-Dalzim's Horrendous Hair Day You are granted the ability to completely and utterly ruin a creature's hair (and by correlation, day). This spell can only be cast on Mondays.
20 Stupefy Range: Self
21 Tash's Mild Giggle™ A creature within range suffers a mild, pity laugh in response to an unfunny joke. Casting time: reaction.
22 Dr. King's Appleseed Curse The target creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or suffer the effects of this spell. The creature will randomly find appleseeds in places they least expect.
23 Sandebilitation You hurl sand at a creature within range. That creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, that creature immediately spends their reaction to rub at their eyes. (Components: sand, which is consumed) "Is this even a spell?"
24 Summon Manager If you are in an establishment, you can instantaneously summon the manager of said establishment.
25 Beverage Fluid (by u/Beeblebrox2nd) Creates a cup of stone cold coffee, which was left alone because it has a spoonful of salt in it instead of sugar
26 Onward Motion (by u/Beeblebrox2nd) Lets you move at the speed of a child chasing after an ice cream van
27 Flesh to Coral (by u/ClockworkLozenges) You become a 2-foot pile of coral, colourful and somewhat fragile, for one minute. When coral, you cannot move, talk or take actions other than to observe the world around you and (if you aren't fully submerged in water) begin to asphyxiate. Fortunately, the spell ends just before the coral would die from lack of water.
28 Resalination (by u/ChaorainPrime) Turn drinkable water into salt water.
29 Echoes of the Past (by u/ChaorainPrime) Able to hear one conversation that took place where you are standing. Cannot be used in the same location more than once. No control over when the conversation was.
30 Future Speak (by u/ChaorainPrime) Speak one sentence that will be replayed at an unknown time in the future.
31 Babble Tongue (by u/ChaorainPrime) Able to speak any language, provided no one can hear you.
32 Kevinflash (by u/Clickclacktheblueguy) You conjure a humanoid you know named Kevin to appear in a space within 30 feet of you. Kevin returns to his previous location after one second. The spell fails automatically if you do not know a Kevin.
33 Eye in the Sky (by u/Clickclacktheblueguy) An illusory copy of one of your eyes appears in a space you choose up to one mile away, looking at the earth below. You cannot see through the eye, and the eye's size is the same as that of your own eye.
34 Mordenkainen's Replacement Brick (by u/Clickclacktheblueguy) This spell replaces a brick that is missing from a wall. It cannot conjure bricks in a place where there was no brick before.
35 Extra Flask (by u/Clickclacktheblueguy) This spell conjures a flask identical to a flask already in your possession, and can only hold liquid that been poured in from the copied flask. Concentration 1 minute.
36 Miniature (by u/Clickclacktheblueguy) This spell creates a miniature statue of yourself with a round one inch base. It is inexpertly painted in loosely accurate colors and made from a mysterious, highly flexible material ill suited for actual statue crafting
37 Doorway Sparkles (by u/Invoke-the-Sunbird) When the target of this spell moves through entrances/exits until the next dawn, a shimmery, sparkly image manifests over them momentarily. The caster of this spell designates the image. The target can make a charisma saving throw against your spell save dc as an action to gain control of the image until the spell ends.
38 Access Sock Dimension (by u/MyEvilTwin47) Opens a portal to a special dimension that socks disappears to during laundry and retrieve the first sock you can grasp. The odds of getting one of your own lost socks are astronomical.
39 Knock (Jar) by u/blindspectacle Knock but it only opens jars that are stuck closed.
40 Dimension Poor (by u/Goliathcraft) Takes a random piece of your currency and teleports it into a random poor persons inventory somewhere in this or a different dimension
41 Tasha's Hideous Laugh Track (by u/Direct-Experience759) All creatures within a 15ft radius centred on a point you choose must make a Charisma Saving throw. On a failed save, creatures must let out a small chuckle after everything the caster says for the duration (10 minutes)
42 Find Object (by u/FirewolfTheBrave) Reveals the location of a random object you lost (roll d100 to determine which one). The spell fails if you cast it while actively looking for that specific object.
43 Detect Propaganda (by u/CountOfMonkeyCrisco) For the duration, you sense the presence of propaganda within 30 feet of you. If you sense propaganda in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears a political agenda, and you learn its indoctrination campaign, if any.
44 Looseknot's Easy Snack (by u/Stareatthevoid) Conjures a day-old dish that is best served hot. It's not. "Wait a minute, you are seriously going to eat that?"
45 Plate Shift (by u/Elz-Ravidras) You can shift any object that is a kind of plate (breastplates, plate for foods etc.) for number of inches equal to your caster level.
46 Nauseous Form (by u/Elz-Ravidras) The target turns into another version of herself which is exactly her but with nausea. Worlds spins around for her and she has disadvantage on Perception checks, but has advantage on any attack roll to attempt to puke on someone.
47 Cure Light Hounds (by u/Elz-Ravidras) You heal a canine creature you choose as you would cast Cure Light Wounds on it.
48 Animal Cracker Shapes (by u/CountOfMonkeyCrisco) Your magic turns biscuits into beast shapes. Choose any number of cookies, crackers, or pretzels that you can see within range. You transform each target into the vague shape of a large or small beast with a Challenge Rating of 3 or higher. The size of the affected snack does not change.
49 Tasha's Improved Pitch (by u/IkaTheFox) Makes your voice high pitched for a minute (like after breathing in helium).
50 Tasha's Pitch Diminishment (by u/IkaTheFox) Makes your voice low pitched for a minute (like after breathing sulfur hexafluoride, or any other gas denser than air).
51 Iuz's Good Laugh (by u/IkaTheFox) The caster starts laughing uncontrollably for a full minute.
52 Echo (by u/sindy747) For 1 minute, every word spoken by you echoes.
53 Big Bug (by u/sindy747) A tiny bug is summoned, but instead of being tiny it is small.
54 Shake Tree (by u/sindy747) A tree or bush that you touch shakes for 10 seconds
55 Bestow Flight (by u/alanedomain) Grants a Fly speed equal to land speed to any creature that has wings, yet does not naturally fly. Notably less effective than you might expect on penguins, who only waddle on land, anyway.
56 The Symbul's Somnambulism (by u/alanedomain) When the caster next falls asleep, they will sleepwalk. There is no rhyme or reason to where the sleepwalker will go, but they will always end up back in bed by morning, and can be shaken awake by other creatures as normal. Invented to save time on physical exercise and leave more time for studying magic, dubiously effective.
57 Ropes to Snakes (by u/alanedomain) Transmutes a quantity of nearby cordage into a similar volume of live serpents. The snakes are non-venomous, but probably somewhat irritated about being all knotted together. Requires concentration.
58 Water to Wine (by u/AdamFaite) Transmutes 1 gallon of water into wine.
59 Repair Flubonomer (by u/MoonRks) Restores all damage and malfunctions in a flubonomer you touch. Nobody knows what a flubonomer is
60 Ignite Flames (by u/MoonRks) Sets all nearby fires on fire.
61 Hide Glass (by u/MoonRks) Makes a piece of glass you touch invisible.
62 Blood to Nothing (by u/MoonRks) Requires a vial of humanoid blood to be consumed in casting, and in return does absolutely nothing.
63 Moisturize Skin (by u/MoonRks) Makes all nearby skins silky smooth.
64 Summon Toilet Paper (by u/iamherefortherecepie) Summons toilet paper.
65 Refill Condiment Bottles (by u/Captain_Wah) Refills a condiment container with it's respectful condiment.
66 Leomund's Minuscule Hut (by u/Theshapeofdespair) Conjure a hut in a 1 inch square cube.
67 Visibility (by u/amintowords) Make yourself visible.
68 Animate Nightstand (by u/AlephBaker) Imbues a bedside table with a semblance of life for a number of minutes equal to your caster level. Nightstand not included.
69 Spectral Oyster (by u/AlephBaker) Summons a giant, spectral bivalve in an unoccupied space within 30 feet. It does exactly what you would expect a giant oyster to do.
70 Slime Finger (by u/AlephBaker) Launches a dart of slime at a target within 60 feet. The dart can actuate a button if it hits, or deal 1d2 (acid?) damage to a creature. It isn't terribly accurate, though.
71 Holy Batpole (by u/AlephBaker) A 5 foot hole appears, with a metal pole protruding from the center. If a player slides down the pole, they are magically transported to the nearest cave that is lower than their current location. Lasts one minute.
72 Ursine Armor (by u/AlephBaker) Creates a bright colored plush bear costume, sized for the caster, or a willing creature they designate. The suit gives +1 to AC and charisma, but -2 to dexterity, and disadvantage on sleight of hand and stealth checks. The kids love it, though. Lasts one day, or until removed. The color is random with each casting.
73 Wobbly Leg (by u/supersnes1) Makes furniture wobbly.
74 Order Takeout (by u/supersnes1) Contacts the nearest restraunt/inn. And places an order to go.
75 Ruffle Hair (by u/supersnes1) Once well groomed hair becomes messy and unkempt.
76 Unwelcome Guest (by u/supersnes1) An impervious mosquito follows you everywhere, providing a never ending hum and irritation.
77 Knife Nose (by u/makoto20) Causes someone to grow a long, sharp nose. If the target tries to use their nose as a knife, it breaks their nose and causes 1d6 rounds of nose bleeds.
78 Lesser Wish (by u/TriblialBrainDamblge) You make a wish. It doesn't come true, but you made it.
79 Presti-digit-tation (by u/wiseoldllamaman2) A spell wherein you can make your hand appear to have any number of fingers or a random number appear.
80 Polish (by u/TheMourningDove1) You make a small or tiny object shiny and smooth as if it had been waxed or polished.
81 Impression of Wealth (by u/quantum_mango) Changes the face on a legal coin into the face of the caster or another face within sight.
82 Hand of Balance (by u/quantum_mango) Gives the caster the ability to impart inanimate objects perfect balance by touch. For one minute, touched objects will adjust themselves to be perfectly balanced on the surface they rest on and will remain balanced when the caster's touch is removed. Objects must be moveable by the caster.
83 Stone Soup (by u/quantum_mango) Summons a rounded stone. When placed in a cooking pot the stone produces 12 servings of soup flavored by the nearest edible ingredients. The ingredients are consumed by the spell. The stone disappears when removed from the pot.
84 Pepper Spray (by u/quantum_mango) Creates an instantaneous spray of chili pepper spice from the caster's palm. Range 1 meter.
85 Speak to Plants (by u/quantum_mango) For one minute anything the caster says can be understood by nearby plants. The plants cannot respond through the spell in any way.
86 Growth of Roots (by u/quantum_mango) A plant cutting, leaf, or flower will establish roots when placed in soil or water, and becomes a viable seedling.
87 Water Plant (by u/quantum_mango) A small rain cloud will appears over dry potted plants within 5m of the caster, watering them perfectly.
88 Attract Birds (by u/quantum_mango) Summons a small scattering of illusory grain. Any passing birds will be attracted to peck at the grain. Requires concentration.
89 Summon Lock (by u/quantum_mango) Creates a metal ring in a latch that will hold it shut. There is no key. The ring can be broken if dealt [3d6] damage in a single turn.
90 Liquefy Diet (by u/quantum_mango) For one minute food the caster picks up turns to liquid as if pureed.
91 Revolve Wheel (by u/quantum_mango) A wheel within sight will rotate up to one complete revolution. The caster may specify clockwise or counterclockwise rotation.
92 Ruler of All (by u/quantum_mango) Allows the caster to know the length of anything assuming they can see the entire length of it.
93 Power Word: Shill (by u/PANDA_PHOBIA) Any creature with less than a hundred hit points and loose morals (as defined by the DM) within a 60 foot range of the caster can be targeted by this spell. If slected, a target must succeed on a constitution saving throw, or be forced to sell out. Their clothes and weapons are covered in sponsorship stickers, and they must spend every rpund until the spell ends preforming an ad read for their sponsor- Raid: Shadow Legends.
94 Voice Crack You use a reaction to inflict a prepubescent voice affliction onto a creature with range.
95 Book of Moon You can use your reaction to instantaneously fall unconscious until the spell ends, you take damage, or someone uses an action to slap you awake. (Components: an enchanted blue book with a moon insignia worth at least 10 gold pieces, which you close in the casting of this spell.)
96 Drying Pan You create a small pan above your head that blocks out rain and hail.
97 Parasol You conjure a small umbrella into your hands. (Components: it must be sunny outside.)
98 Dust Tic You curse a creature with a minor tic in their eye.
99 Time Travel You gain the ability to travel into the future at a rate of 60 seconds per minute.
100 Free Ticket for the Extremely Specific, Pretty Much Completely Worthless Capsule Doodad Machine! A much tinier capsule machine appears next to the original. It seems much more worn and rusted in comparison. Roll a d10 on the ESPMCWCDM.
EDIT: New table for when spells don't fit and you've got a useless magical item you want on here!
Roll Doodad Description
1 Rod of Detect Gravity (by u/Bjornhlam) Inside the capsule is a small, 1 inch metal rod that extends into to be a foot long when opened. When dropped, it will detect the direction of gravity by falling.
2 Professor Lorkain's Ludicrous Putty (by u/Royalrenogaming) A magical amorphous blob that allow's the user to magically lift and store a single word off of a written document.
3 Magic 9 Sphere (by u/Royalrenogaming) A cheaply contructed magical ball that ambiguous answers a single question before the blue triangle on answers becomes stuck and unreadable
4 One Card (by u/Royalrenogaming) A singluar card uno if you will with 4 colors on it, red, blue , green and yellow. If this card is used select one of those colors and one artical of clothing with chanhed to that hue for 10 minutes.
5 Barbed Me Barbie (by u/Royalrenogaming) A small pocket sized mirror that when looked into makes the user appear to be very attractive to others around for 1 minute however if the user is touched by a person they will be pricked like the user is barbed.
6 Tinkering Tonka's Truck (by u/Royalrenogaming) A very small bright orange vehicle that can be driven no more that 100 feet by a tiny creature before the wheels fall off and is rendered unusable.
7 Hand of Wonderful Adhesive (by u/Royalrenogaming) A green, slimy hand that can reach 10 feet. If the hand makes contact with a targeted item and the item is small, it is pulled back to the user. However once the hand is used it cannot be used again, it becomes covered in foul smelling dirt and is stuck to the users palm for the next 2 hours.
8 Firedoll (by u/Elz-Ravidras) The capsule reveals a tiny fire doll (it was probably a Fire Elementals toy) that has a 15ft walking speed. If the doll touches a creature, it does 1 point of fire damage. The doll stays until you extinguish it.
9 Minor Rubber Band (by u/IkaTheFox) Teleports you 5ft back where you came from.
10 Gratesword (by u/Peptalkguy) A great sword possessed by the spirit of a long-forgotten royal chef. The blade of the sword has a cheese grater on it. It is a magical +1 greatsword, however, it must be used to prepare a meal once per day, otherwise it shrinks and becomes a 1d4 bludgeoning weapon.
If all goes well, perhaps we could make the Spell Capsule Machine a real item!
submitted by plunplume to d100 [link] [comments]

I made this list of weird fnaf related rumors I heard when I was in 4th and 5th grade

fnaf 1 rumors:
-there was a nightguard that worked at freddys before that died when golden freddy reached his hand through a camera and ripped his eye out of his socket
-if you look in the bathroom security cameras you can sometimes see foxy standing on the sink (I didn’t actually play fnaf at this time so I didn’t know freddys had no bathroom cameras)
-the male animatronics were possessed by females (with the exception of foxy for some reason) and the male animatronics were possessed by females
-chica is blind and can only see through her cupcakes eyes, which explains why she bangs pots and pans in the kitchen
-typing 666 into the custom night unlocks the kitchen
-when bonnie is in the dining area he appears to be sitting in a wheelchair because he killed a kid in a wheelchair
-phone guy was making a phone call while chilling in a jacuzzi on the night he got killed by golden freddy
-there is a secret animatronic called frognog and he has a missing eye, a missing arm, and torn up pants, and he has the “scariest jumpscare ever” because when he jumpscares you blood and snot pours of his mouth and eyes
fnaf 2 rumors:
-jj (or “balloon girl” as we called her back in the day) holds a sign just like balloon boy, but instead of it saying balloons it says “I’m going to F you up”
-balloon boy is actually a child wearing a costume that works for the animatronics
-withered bonnie lost his face from banging it on the door too much
-if you get jumpscared right at the moment the clock hits 6am, an animatronic yells “SIX AM” when it jumpscares you and just shuts off
-the puppet is actually a buff guy that wears extremely tight clothes to hide his buffness, I’m the one that started that rumor and I also drew buff puppet in my school agenda a lot
fnaf 3 rumors:
-there was a new animatronic in fnaf 3 named norman he had no head, was missing a leg and an arm, and had a microphone was eyes on it, he is blind and sees through the microphone, similar to chica in that other rumor
-in fnaf 3 balloon was sitting in the airvents for 30 years, and when he comes out of the airvents he has a skeleton face
-on rare occasions springtrap would pull down the bottom part of his suit and moon the nightguard (the suits were the equivalent to clothes for the animatronics)
fnaf 4 rumors:
-fnaf 4 was going to take place in a mall called freddys mall and you play as a mall cop, each animatronic also had its own store, such as balloon boy having a balloon store and chica having a pizza store
-nightmare balloon boy was going to have an endoskeleton head with sharp teeth and large red eyes, he was also going to hide under your bed (this was before halloween edition where an actual nightmare balloon boy was introduced)
-when the kid wakes up he tells his parents about how he fought off animatronics last night and his parents didn’t believe him
-the nightmare animatronics are actually the regular animatronics that were fixed up after the nether events of fnaf 3, they were given claws, sharp teeth, and other features the nightmares were given in fnaf 4, we also believed fnaf 4 took place after fnaf 3
-plushtrap is actually the soul of william afton scanned into a plush toy because the people that fixed the animatronics after fnaf 3 couldn’t fix springtrap, so they went with the option of making him possess a toy
-a picture of fnaf 5 chica was leaked, she had 7 arms, was missing the top part of her head, had ripped up skin, many rows of sharp teeth, and had blood covering a bib that said “let’s eat kids”, the person that told me that also said the final fnaf game is going to be fnaf 10, where all the animatronics become one
fnaf in real life rumors:
-the chuck e cheese animatronics are actually the reskinned fnaf animatronics, and nobody knows what’s behind the door that the guy wearing a chuck e cheese costume walks out of
-all humans born in 2005 are actually animatronics
-at the beach there is a rocky small island that tons of seagulls fly around, someone at the beach told me that a food themed counterpart of balloon boy called “food boy” lived on those rocks, he has a burger hat, a lollipop sign with the word “food” spelt on it, and has a shirt with tons of food taped to it, food boy would feed the seagulls all the food he could magically create, me and some other people at the beach were than trying to summon food boy, I forget how we were trying to summon him but it was defined food related and he obviously didn’t come
-an endoskeleton was found in the closet of the school gym
-animatronics living in the school vents create tapping sounds that can be heard in multiple classes
-one time during new years eve when I was at my cousins house in the basement (tons of other kids where also in the basement), when stomping sounds were heard in the laundry room and my cousin decided to hide in the room across from it and I dashed up stairs, after that I came back downstairs and asked my cousin what those stomping noises were and he said he saw chica walk out of the door, it’s most likely that the stomping sounds were coming from the pipes or washing machines and my cousin was just messing with me
-a wooden animatronic lives in the woods next a lake we used to occasionally visit, there was also a fish like animatronic living in the lake itself
-someone in my class claimed that the nightmare animatronics visited his house overnight, he also asked if nightmare freddy wants to go to burger king seconds before the clock hit 6am
-some kid I met at a play place said that springtrap was seen swimming around in the ballpit, he also was pulling down kids pants to prank them as the walk out of the ballpit with no pants
-someone in my class said that on christmas eve freddy was sneaking around his house while dressed like santa, this is the same kid that said he has a house where literally everything is made out of windows, so he could see through the walls and know where freddy is located in the house, the kid also said that he himself is made out of windows, but only when nobody is looking
submitted by Aeyen_the_lobster to fnafcringe [link] [comments]

Stitch Crashes Disney

Hello. You have probably seen but the Disney Store is releasing 12 Stitch plushes based on other Disney films over the next year. They’ve already let us know what films will be covered in the first 6 months but not the last. I’ve been trying to have a guess but I’m wondering what you all think they’ll do.
Here are the ones they are releasing:
January Beauty and the Beast (the rose) February Lady and the Tramp (meatballs) March The Lion King April The Little Mermaid May Pinocchio June Aladdin
I think the other 6 will be:
Alice in Wonderland Frozen Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Fantasia 101 Dalmatians Peter Pan
What do you think and also what do you think the design will be for the rest of them?
submitted by 626perroazul to liloandstitch [link] [comments]

[Sell][US] BOGO 50% Off- Colourpop, Milk Makeup, Kaja, Becca, and More

Hi, thanks for checking out my post :)
Paypal G&S only (fees covered by me). Shipping is a flat rate of $4 (US only). Due to the circumstances, I will be going to the post office once a week.
Prior to shipping, I will sanitize everything to the best of my abilities. Coming from a smoke-free, Cov-id free home.
Feel free to bundle with items in my sell post on skincareexchange here and haircareexchange here.
Items are all buy one, get one 50% off (discount generally applies to lower priced item). However, reasonable offers will be considered- for example, if you get two similarly high priced items ($20 ans $18) and two similarly low priced items ($4 and $5), I can do the discount on the $18 and $4 items instead of the $4 and $5 :)
Freebies for every $20 spent listed towards end of post.
All items are full size and unused unless otherwise indicated. I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more verification photos if requested.
Eyeshadow Palettes:Verification
Eyeshadow Singles and Primers:Verification - Bareminerals Eyecolor in Queen Tiffany (mini)- $5 - Chantecaille Mermaid Eye Matte in Bee (used once, a bit loose in pan)- $20 - Dose of Colors Block Party in Lock and Key- $14 - Dose of Colors Cream Matte Eye Color in Rodeo - $14 - Give Me Glow Shadow in Wedding Cake (swatched)- $4 - Il Makiage Color Boss Eyeshadow in News Flash- $8 - Kaja Moon Crystal Sparkling Eye Pigment in Rose Quartz- $12 - KVD Metal Crush in Thunderstruck- $6 - Laura Sanchez Moods Shadow- $3 - Lorac Diamond Lux Shadow in Satin (swatched, a bit broken) - $12 - Mac Extra Dimension Foil Eyeshadow in Cop a Pose (loose in pan), Gold Metalist- $15 - Mac Shadow in Rice Paper (used)- $9 - Marc Jacobs Seequins in Star Dust - Milani Hypnotic Lights Holographic Eye Topper in Luster Light (used 3x)- $4 - Milk Makeup Eye Pigment in Gig (swatched), Silent Disco- $13 - Peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Eyeshadow in 2 (used)- $4 - Surratt Artisque Eyeshadow in Soie (swatched)- $14 - Tarte Seaglass Eyeshadow in Suite Life - Too Faced Shadow Insurance (lightly used)- $15 - Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Honey (swatched)- $14
Brows:Verification - Anastasia Clear Brow Gel (mini) - Clio Kill Brow Gel in Natural Brown (lightly used)- $4 - It Cosmetics Brow Pencil in Universal Taupe (mini) - $5 x3 - ModelCo x Karl Lagerfeld Brow Gel and Crayon Duo in Medium Dark (used 3x)- $6 - Patrick Ta Brow Wax in Clear (lightly used)- $18 - Tweezerman Brow Mousse (mini)- $3
Mascaras Group 1 ($5 each):Verification
Eyeliners:Verification - Charlotte Tilbury Rock N Kohl Eye Pencil in Black Magic (mini) - $8 - Ciate Fierce Flicks Liquid Liner- $11 - Clinique Pretty Easy Liquid Eyelining Pen- $13 - Marc Jacobs Highliner in Blue Me Away (used 3x)- $16 - Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Liner (mini)- $ 8 - Urban Decay in Zero (mini)- $8 x2
Primers:Verification - Bareminerals Prime Time Original (mini)- $4 - Becca Skin Love Blur and Brighten Primer (mini)- $4 - Becca First Light Priming Filter (mini)- $6 x2 - Becca Backlight Priming Filter (mini) - $6 - CoverFx Mattifying Primer (mini)- $4 - Dr Brandt Pore Refiner Primer (mini) - $6 - Elf Beautifully Bare Illuminating Primer (lightly used, >90% left)- $4 - Elf Beauty Shield Primer (used once)- $6 - GlamGlow Glowstarter Illuminating Moisturizer (mini, used once)- $5 - Lancome La Base Primer (mini)- $6 - Murad MattEffect Blotting Perfector (used twice)- $20 - Neutrogena Shine Control Primer (used once)- $6 - Nudestix Nudies Tinted Blur Stick in Light 1 (>60% left)- $10 - Nyx Pore Filler (mini)- $4 - Physicians Formula Spotlight Primer (mini, used once)- $4 - Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer- Radiance (>80% left)- $16 - Touch in Sol No Poreblem Primer (>80% left)- $12
Setting Sprays:Verification - Bareminerals Dew Mist (mini) - Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day Setting Spray in Peach, Green Tea, Coconut- $15 - Too Faced Hangoverx (mini)- $12 - Urban Decay All Nighter (mini) - $5 x5
Foundations/BB Creams/CC Creams:Verification - Bareminerals Bare Pro Foundation in Golden Nude (used 3x)- $14 - Bareminerals Bareskin Serum Foundation in Bare Natural (used 5x) - Benefit Hello Happy Foundation in 6 (expired 04/2020)- $10 - CYO Lifeproof Foundation in 109 (used 3x)- $6 - Deoproce White Flower BB Cream in 23 (>60% left)- $6 - Erborian CC Cream in Golden- $32 - IPKN BB Cream in Light/Medium- $20 - It Cosmetics CC Cream in Light/Medium (expires 09/2020)- $15 - Kiko Sicilian Notes Hydra Foundation in Light Beige- $14 - Lancome Skin Feels Food Skin Tint in 035W Fresh Almond (exp 11/2020)- $15
Concealers:Verification - Anastasia Contour Stick in Banana (mini)- $6 - Bareminerals Bareskin Complete Coverage Serum Concealer in Light- $16 - Fenty Pro Filtr Concealer in 220- $18 - Tarte Shape Tape Concealer in Light Medium Sand- $18 - Urban Decay All Nighter Concealer in Light Medium Warm (swatched)- $16
Powders:Verification - Beauty Bakerie Flour Setting Powder in Translucent- $18 - Coverfx Translucent Light Loose Powder (mini) - $5 - Dermablend Illuminating Banana Loose Powder (used once)- $18 - Elf Beautifully Bare Powder Sheer Tint Powder in Light/Medium- $4 - KVD Lock It Translucent Setting Powder (mini)- $5 - Makeup Forever HD Loose Powder (mini) - $5 - Milani Make it Last Setting Powder in Radiant- $6 - Urban Decay All Nighter Waterproof Pressed Powder (swatched)- $22 - YC Collection Powder (mini)- $4
Bronzers:Verification - Kevyn Aucoin Neo Bronzer in Sundown Deep- $24 - Kosas Sun Show Baked Bronzer in Deep- $25 - Loreal Bronze Please Bronzer in Light- $8 - Physicians Formula Organize Wear Sculpting Stick in Mocha (swatched)- $7 - Thrive Causemetics Bronzer in Rhea- $26 - Undone Beauty Water Bronzer Stick in Baked (used 2x) -$7
Blushes:Verification - Bareminerals Gen Nude Blush in On the Mauve- $14 - Benefit Rockateur (swatched)- $18 - Benefit Gold Rush (used 3x)- $16 - Benefit Galifornia (used 3x)- $16 - Buxom Wandlust Primer Infused Blush in Goa (swatched)- $12 - Cargo Big Easy (used 3x)- $10 - Catrice Blush Box in Burgundy- $4 - Clinique Cheek Pop in Peach Pop, Plum Pop (swatched)- $14 - Mac Blush in Margin (used 3x)- $15 - Mac Glow Play Blush in So Peachy (swatched)- $18 - Milk Makeup Glow Oil in Flare, Glimmer (each used 3x)- $9 - Nars Dual Intensity Blush in Adoration (used once)- $20 - Neutrogena Cheeky Wink in First Crush- $6 - Nudestix Plush Paint in Waikiki Rose- $10 - Ofra Blush in Winter Rose Glow- $8 - Physicians Formula Butter Blush in Plum Rose (lightly used) - Physicians Formula Butter Blush in Natural Glow (mini)- $4 - Pixi Rose Gold Blush Duo- $8 - Too Cool for School Jelly Blusher in Apple Red- $10
Highlighters:Verification - Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Gradient Glow- $22 - Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Vanilla Quartz (mini, came broken)- $6 - Becca Confectionary Glow Powder in Cinnamon Sugar- $10 - Benefit Dandelion Twinkle (swatched)- $18 - Bobbi Brown Highlighting Powder in Pink Glow (used 3x)- $22 - Catrice Highlighting Powder in Merry Cherry Blossom- $2 - Cle Essence Moonlighter Cushion in Apricot Tinge- $18 - Clinique Chubby Stick in Hefty Highlight- $12 - Colourpop Super Shock Cheek in A Song and A Smile- $7 - Dior Nude Air Luminizer in Holo Gold (lightly used)- $26 - Fenty Kilowatt Duo in Moscow Mule/Ginger Binge (swatched)- $24 - First Aid Beauty Mango Butter Multi Stick in Champagne- $12 - Japonesque Highlighting Powder in Champagne Gold (used 3x)- $6 - Jeffree Star Cosmetics Supreme Frost in Candy Apple Drip (used)- $16 - Josie Maran Argan Enlightenment Illuminizer (mini)- $6 - Jouer Highlighter in Rose Gold (mini, lightly used)- $8 - Kaja Mochi Glow in Prizm- $12 - Kaja Mochi Glow in Toy Alien (mini, swatched)- $6 - Kylie Cosmetics Kylighter in Ice Me Out- $12 - Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Baked Powder in 01 Highlighter (mini, used 3x)- $10 - Mac x Aladdin Highlighter in Always One Jump Ahead (lightly used)- $26 - Maybelline Master Chrome Highlighter in Molten Topaz- $5 - Milk Makeup Flex Highlighter in Glazed- $20 - Physicians Formula Butter Highlighter in Pearl (mini)- $4 - Tarte Highlighter in Exposed (mini, lightly used)- $6 - TheBalm Manizer Sister Trio (lightly used)- $16 - Too Faced Diamond Light in Canary Diamond- $22 - Too Faced Peach Frost (used 4x, loose in compact)- $7 - Wet n Wild x Bretman Rock Highlighting Duo- $7
Face Palettes:Verification - Anastasia Sugar Glow Kit- $22 - Anastasia Ultimate Glow Kit- $24 - Clinique Warm Up Cheek Pop Palette- $26 - Clinique On the Glow Cheek Pop Palette (bronzer lightly used)- $24 - Colourpop Clockwork Cheek Duo- $10 - Laura Geller Life Glows on Trio (swatched)- $16 - Lorac Pink Champagne Palette (swatched)- $10 - Nars Coucher de Soleil Trio- $25 - Sephora Ice Cream Face Palette- $18 - Sephora Snow Globe Face Palette (used 3x)- $15 - Tarte Skin Twinkle Highlighting Trio (swatched)- $26 - Tarte Face Trio- $14 - Ulta Frida Kahlo Cheek Duo in Beso de Sol- $6 - Ulta Face and Eye Palette- $6
Lips:Verification - Anatasia Lip Gloss in St Tropez, Vintage (mini)- $6 - Aritaum Ginger Sugar Tinted Lip Balm in Coral- $6 - Bareminerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Friendship - Bareminerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Swag (mini) - Bareminerals Gen Nude Lip Lacquer in Everything, Rose Quartz (mini)- $6 - Bareminerals Barepro Lipstick in Petal (mini)- $6 - Becca Glow Gloss in Malibu Soleil- $10 - Becca Glow Gloss in Metamorphic Gold- $10 - Becca Glow Gloss in Creme Brulee, Cinammon Bun, Sugar Plum (minis)- $4 - Becca Liquid Lipstick in Red Velvet- $10 - Becca Lush Lip Colour Balm in Toasted Hazelnut- $10 - Bite Beauty Matte Creme Lip Crayon in Glace (mini)- $6 - Bite Beauty Creme Lipstick Duo in Date/Fig (used 5x)- $9 - Bite Beauty Amuse Bouche Lipstick in Gingersnap (used)- $9 - Bite Beauty Amuse Bouche Lipstick in Chai (mini, used once), Sake (mini, used once), Radish- $5 - Bobbi Brown Crushed Liquid Lip in Mango Mood- $17 - Bobbi Brown Crushed Liquid Lip in Smoothie Move (mini)- $6 - Bobbi Brown High Shimmer Gloss in Bare Sparkle (mini)- $6 - Burts Bees Glossy Liquid Lipstick in Sandy Seas, Wine Waters (swatched)- $4 - Buxom Full on Lip Cream in Gin Fizz - Buxom Full on Lip Cream in Sangria, Cherry Flip (minis) - Buxom Full on Lip Polish in Amber (mini) - Buxom Full on Lip Polish in Dolly (mini) - Buxom Bold Gel Lipstick in White Russian, Racy Reveal - Buxom Bold Gel Lipstick in Sinful Cinammon (lightly used) - Clinique Pop Splash Gloss in Pinot Pop, Rosewater Pop (mini)- $5 - Clinique Lipstick in Bare Pop (mini)- $6 - Colourpop So Juicy Plumping Lip Gloss in Let It Happen- $6 - Dose of Colors Satin Lipstick in 1928- $10 - Dose of Colors Gloss in Muah!- $10 - Dose of Colors Liquid Lipstick in Bare It All, Date Night- $10 - Givenchy Le Rose Perfecto Lip Balm in Fearless Pink (mini)- $12 - Glossier Generation G Lipstick in Jam (used ~5x)- $10 - Haus Labs Le Riot Lip Gloss in Ethereal (swatched)- $10 - Huda Liquid Matte in Alluring- $8 - Jane Iredale Lip and Cheek Stain in Forever Pink (mini)- $10 - Juvias Place Liquid Lip in Soil- $6 - Juvias Place Liquid Lip in Mina- $6 - Kylie Cosmetics Lip Gloss in Literally (swatched), Sugar Plum- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Matte Lip in Kylie- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Velvet Lip in Bare- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Matte Lipstick in Almost Friday- $9 - Laura Geller Iconic Baked Sculpting Lipstick in Midtown Mauve- $6 - Lime Crime Wet Cherry Gloss in Pumpkin Pie, Tangy Cherry- $12 - L’oreal Glowing Gloss in Shell We Dance- $5 - Makeup Forever Artist Liquid Matte in 105 (mini)- &6 - Makeup Revolution Gloss in Chocolate Orange- $4 - Melt Cosmetics Matte Lipstick in Old Fashioned (lightly used)- $10 - Milk Makeup Oil Lip Stain in Tude (swatched)- $12 - Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil in Sin (mini)- $7 - Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil in Whisper (used 3x)- $11 - Physicians Formula Butter Lip Cream in Beijos- $5 - PYT Strike Twice Lip Duo in Rumor (swatched)- $12 - RMS Beauty Lipstick in Temptation (swatched)- $7 - Shiseido ModernMatte Powder Lipstick in Rose Hip, Dark Fantasy, Sling Back (mini)- $8 - Smashbox Always On Metallic Matte Liquid Lipstick in Maneatee (mini)- $5 - Smashbox Always On Liquid Lipstick in Drivers Seat (mini)- $5 - Smashbox Always On Liquid Lipstick in Stepping Out (mini)- $3 - Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick in Rubino- $12 - Tarte Tarteist Lip Paint in Get It!- $10 - Tarte Tarteist Lip Paint in Birthday Suit (mini)- $5 - Too Faced Rich and Dazzling Gloss in Sunset Crush (mini)- $6 - Too Faced Lip Injection Glossy in Milkshake (mini,swatched)- $5 - Too Faced Peach Lipstick in Sex on the Peach (mini)- $6 - Ulta Frida Kahlo Matte Liquid Lipstick in Sensual- $6 - Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Manic (mini)- $6 - Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Bad Blood, Tilt (lightly used)- $8 - Winky Lux Glazed Lip in Coffee, Sugar (mini)- $5 - Yensa Lip Oil in Pink Shine- $6
Drugstore and More- $2 each, 2 for $3, or pick one FREE for every $20 spent:Verification - Barry M Color Balm in Currant Run (lightly used) - Covergirl Lipstick in Caramel Kiss (used 2x) - Elf Lip Crayon in Natural (used) - Ellen Tracy Liquid Eyeshadow (not sure of name, pewter) - H&M Blush Trio (used 3x) - Ko Voss Fairy Dust Highlighter - Kiko Lip Liner in 04 - Maybelline Master Precise Liquid Liner (mini) - Maybelline Master Prime Eye Primer in Prime and Illuminate - Maybelline Vivid Hot Lacquer in Unreal (used) - Max Studio Baked Blush (used) - Nyx Intense Butter Gloss in Tres Leches (swatched) - Revlon Lip Balm in Peach (used 5x) - Revlon Color Stay Eye Liner in Black (used 5x) - Rimmel The Only 1 Lipstick in It’s a Keeper - Sleek Major Matte Lip Cream in Daydreamer - Sleek Lifeproof Metallic Eyeliner in Break and Enter - Smashbox Photo Finish Primer (foil) - Soap and Glory Sexy Motherpucker Gloss Stick in Plum Jam - Stila x Dancing with the Stars Blush - Ulta Eye Liner (mini) - Ulta Poreless Face Primer (mini) - Ulta Jelly Eyeshadows (mini, silvery color, dried up) - Ulta Chubby Lip Crayon (mini) - Wet n wild pigments- Kung Fu Lightning, Ride on my Copper, Dom and Cherry on Top, Heart of Rose Gold (all swatched) - Wet n Wild Lip Gloss in Featherless (swatched)
submitted by costco_hoesale to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

Dealing with my headspace after the broken family experience

Throwaway account.
I grew up in a difficult household dynamic that bothers me years later and I am so tired of feeling this way.
My parents were married for nearly 20 years. Dad cheated on Mum constantly, and she moved out when I was 9. Donna moved in a week later as the younger model and latest woman in his string of affairs. How he sweet talked this woman in her early 20s to move in and look after 4 of his kids I will never know, I can only assume he has a 20 in Charisma.
The family dynamic changed when Mum left, as she wasn't allowed back in the house. Donna had a very distinct idea of how to bring children up despite having none herself. Dad was always out working/ having other affairs/ gambling so she "looked after us" most of the time. It was me, 2 brothers and 1 sister.
She drove my sister out of the house to live with my Mum and her new partner. There was only one spare room and I was told I wasn't allowed to go. As a result my sister went to a different school growing up and was much better looked after. I feel like she was always looking down on us a bit in a sort of sympathetic way because we had it much worse and she knew what it was like.
My older brother was more volatile and a couple of years later he moved in with my grandparents, because they got into a physical altercation over her locking his computer in her bedroom. He decided he was getting it back regardless of the outcome and Dad kicked him out the house when he broke the door down and took it back. Again, there was only one room there and I'd asked my grandparents about moving in a few months prior because I hated being at home so much, but I think because I put my head down and got on with it nobody took it as seriously. That left me and my younger brother, we were both a lot quieter and just tried to get by without getting in trouble.
I suppose the things that bother me are the most relevant to bring up:
The whole house was purple, apart from my bedroom. Donna redecorated the whole house and had us help. Quite literally every room was a deep shade of purple - heavy velvet purple curtains, plush purple carpets, purple walls. I hate the colour. My room was decorated last, and it was green, which to me was as anti-purple and calming as you could get.
My Dad never stepped in or seemed interested in how miserable we were. Even when he and she broke up, Donna had the bedroom and Dad slept downstairs. She had total control over the house still. When we got the internet she would hog that all day and night with her new boyfriend she met online - eventually she moved out to be with him but that was a lot of "is she gone or not?". We only knew she had gone for good when she took my brother's PS2 with her.
As I got older, I was more tired of this woman being around, especially as she would pick fault with my sister when she visited. The one time I properly argued back Donna threatened physical violence so we went to a friend's instead. Dad was angry at me for "backchat" - he just sat and watched telly as this woman five feet away threatened to "knock your fucking head off you little prick". Why was she still here? SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND ELSEWHERE WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE DAD?
I hate her so much. It's been years since she left and I still have nightmares that involve her. I don't hate people generally, but I feel like I am a shell of the person I should be because she sucked the life out of me growing up. I hate the hold she has over my head. I've been to counselling and tried to talk it through but I don't think it is something that will ever go away. If I saw her in the street I would have to walk the other way so as not to punch her in the face.
I resent my dad for being a backseat father who thought all he had to do was go earn the money. He was never there, and took Donna's word for whatever the situation was. Now we're grown up he once asked, when drunk, "what did you hate about Donna so much?" and when I tried to tell him, he shrugged it off. We do not have much of a relationship even now, as we don't have anything in common and I have no good memories growing up with him.
I don't know what I'm looking for really. Any suggestions on how to move past these intrusive thoughts would be great. I can't control bad dreams or nightmares but any coping mechanisms would be appreciated. I'm a grown-ass man now, I have a boyfriend I want to marry, a job working in a field she said I could never be good at, and I've been able to keep a strong relationship with my siblings, all of which feel that our experience growing up has helped us be closer as adults.
submitted by RideZeShoopuff3 to JUSTNOFAMILY [link] [comments]

[SELL][US] BOGO 50% Off- Milk Makeup, Glossier, Urban Decay, Colourpop, and Lots More

Hi, thanks for checking out my post :)
Prices include Paypal G&S fees. Shipping is a flat rate of $4 (US only). Due to the circumstances, I will be going to the post office once a week.
Orders finalized and paid for by 12pm CST on 12/30 will be shipped out prior to the new year, otherwise they will be shipped out early next week.
*I ran out of rubbing alcohol to sanitize so am using distinfecting wipes with ethanol alcohol and eucalyptus- let me know if you have an allergy/this is an issue
Prior to shipping, I will sanitize everything to the best of my abilities. Coming from a smoke-free, Cov-id free home.
If you’re interested in other beauty items, check out my sell post on skincareexchange here and haircareexchange here. Happy to offer bundle pricing and only have to pay for shipping once.
Items are all buy one, get one 50% off (discount generally applies to lower priced item). However, reasonable offers will be considered- for example, if you get two similarly high priced items ($20 ans $18) and two similarly low priced items ($4 and $5), I can do the discount on the $18 and $4 items instead of the $4 and $5 :)
Freebies for every $20 spent listed towards end of post.
All items are full size and unused unless otherwise indicated. I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more verification photos if requested.
Eyeshadow Palettes:Verification
Eyeshadow Singles and Primers:Verification - Anastasia Eye Primer (mini, 0.06 oz)- $5 x2 - Bareminerals Eyecolor in Queen Tiffany (mini)- $5 - Chantecaille Mermaid Eye Matte in Bee (used once, a bit loose in pan)- $20 - Dose of Colors Block Party in Lock and Key- $14 - Dose of Colors Cream Matte Eye Color in Rodeo - $14 - Elizabeth Mott Thank Me Later Eye Primer (used once) - Give Me Glow Shadow in Wedding Cake (swatched)- $4 - Glossier Skywash in Lawn, Pool (swatched) - Il Makiage Color Boss Eyeshadow in News Flash- $8 - Kaja Moon Crystal Sparkling Eye Pigment in Rose Quartz- $12 - KVD Metal Crush in Thunderstruck- $6 - Lorac Diamond Lux Shadow in Satin (swatched, a bit broken) - $12 - Mac Extra Dimension Foil Eyeshadow in Cop a Pose (loose in pan), Gold Metalist- $15 - Mac Shadow in Rice Paper (used)- $9 - Marc Jacobs Seequins in Star Dust -$18 - Milani Hypnotic Lights Holographic Eye Topper in Luster Light (used 3x)- $4 - Milk Makeup Eye Pigment in Gig (swatched), Silent Disco- $13 - Peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Eyeshadow in 2 (used)- $4 - Surratt Artisque Eyeshadow in Soie (swatched)- $14 - Tarte Seaglass Eyeshadow in Suite Life- $15 - Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Honey (swatched)- $14
Brows:Verification - Anastasia Clear Brow Gel (mini)- $6 - Clio Kill Brow Gel in Natural Brown (lightly used)- $4 - It Cosmetics Brow Pencil in Universal Taupe (mini) - $5 x3 - ModelCo x Karl Lagerfeld Brow Gel and Crayon Duo in Medium Dark (used 3x)- $6 - Tweezerman Brow Mousse (mini)- $3
Mascaras Group 1 ($5 each):Verification
Eyeliners:Verification - Charlotte Tilbury Rock N Kohl Eye Pencil in Black Magic (mini) - $8 - Ciate Fierce Flicks Liquid Liner- $11 - Clinique Pretty Easy Liquid Eyelining Pen- $13 - Marc Jacobs Highliner in Blue Me Away (used 3x)- $16 - Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Liner (mini)- $ 8 - Urban Decay Glide on Eye Pencil in Perversion- $13 - Urban Decay in Zero (mini)- $8 x2
Primers:Verification - Bareminerals Prime Time Original (mini)- $4 - Becca First Light Priming Filter (mini)- $6 x2 - Becca Backlight Priming Filter (mini) - $6 - Bobbi Brown Primer plus Radiance (mini) - $6 - CoverFx Mattifying Primer (mini)- $4 - Dr Brandt Pore Refiner Primer (mini) - $6 - Elf Poreless Putty Primer- $5 - Elf Beautifully Bare Illuminating Primer (lightly used, >90% left)- $4 - Elf Beauty Shield Primer (used once)- $6 - First Aid Beauty Pore Be Gone Matte Primer (mini)- $6 - GlamGlow Glowstarter Illuminating Moisturizer (mini, used once)- $5 - Kaja Blur Drop Weightless Water Primer (exp 4/15/2021) - Lancome La Base Primer (mini)- $6 - Laura Mercier Radiance Primer (mini)- $6 - Lorac Light Source Primer in Dusk (mini)- $4 - Neutrogena Shine Control Primer (used once)- $6 - Nyx Pore Filler (mini)- $4 - Physicians Formula Spotlight Primer (mini, used once)- $4 - Tarte Timeless Smoothing Primer (unused but some product got on lid) - Too Faced HangoveRx (mini)- $4 - Too Faced Primed and Peachy (0.16)- $4 x2
Setting Sprays:Verification - Bareminerals Dew Mist (mini) - Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day Setting Spray in Peach, Green Tea, Coconut- $15 - Tarte Stay Spray (mini) - $5 - Too Faced Hangoverx (mini)- $12 - Urban Decay All Nighter (mini) - $5 x5
Foundations/BB Creams/CC Creams:Verification - Bareminerals Bare Pro Foundation in Golden Nude (used 3x)- $14 - Bareminerals Bareskin Serum Foundation in Bare Natural (used 5x)- $12 - Benefit Hello Happy Foundation in 6 (expired 04/2020)- $10 - Clinique Even Better Foundation in Bone (>80% left) - CYO Lifeproof Foundation in 109 (used 3x)- $6 - Deoproce White Flower BB Cream in 23 (>60% left)- $6 - Erborian CC Cream in Golden- $32 - IPKN BB Cream in Light/Medium- $20 - It Cosmetics CC Cream in Light/Medium (expires 09/2020)- $15 - Kiko Sicilian Notes Hydra Foundation in Light Beige- $14 - Lancome Skin Feels Food Skin Tint in 035W Fresh Almond (exp 11/2020)- $15
Concealers:Verification - Anastasia Contour Stick in Banana (mini)- $6 - Bareminerals Bareskin Complete Coverage Serum Concealer in Light- $16 - Fenty Pro Filtr Concealer in 185, 220- $18 - Tarte Shape Tape Concealer in Light Medium Sand- $18 - Urban Decay All Nighter Concealer in Light Medium Warm (swatched)- $16
Powders:Verification - Beauty Bakerie Flour Setting Powder in Translucent- $18 - Coverfx Translucent Light Loose Powder (mini) - $5 - Dermablend Illuminating Banana Loose Powder (used once)- $18 - Elf Beautifully Bare Powder Sheer Tint Powder in Light/Medium- $4 - KVD Lock It Translucent Setting Powder (mini)- $5 - Makeup Forever HD Loose Powder (mini) - $5 - Urban Decay All Nighter Waterproof Pressed Powder (swatched)- $22 - YC Collection Powder (mini)- $4
Bronzers:Verification - Benefit Hoola (mini)- $4 - Kosas Sun Show Baked Bronzer in Deep- $25 - Loreal Bronze Please Bronzer in Light- $8 - Physicians Formula Organize Wear Sculpting Stick in Mocha (swatched)- $7 - Thrive Causemetics Bronzer in Rhea- $26 - Undone Beauty Water Bronzer Stick in Baked (used 2x) -$7 - Winky Lux Coffee Bronzer in Mocha (used 2x) - $12
Blushes:Verification - Bareminerals Gen Nude Blush in On the Mauve- $14 - Benefit Rockateur (swatched)- $18 - Benefit Gold Rush (used 3x)- $16 - Benefit Galifornia (used 3x)- $16 - Buxom Wandlust Primer Infused Blush in Goa (swatched)- $12 - Cargo Big Easy (used 3x)- $10 - Catrice Blush Box in Burgundy- $4 - Clinique Cheek Pop in Peach Pop, Plum Pop (swatched)- $14 - Fenty Cheeks Out Cream Blush in Fuego Flush, Petal Poppin (used 3x)- $14 - Lorac Blush in Technicolor (used 3x) - $10 - Mac Blush in Margin (used 3x)- $15 - Mac Mineralize Blush in Cosmic Force - Mac Glow Play Blush in So Peachy (swatched)- $18 - Milk Makeup Glow Oil in Flare, Glimmer (each used 3x)- $9 - Nars Dual Intensity Blush in Adoration (used once)- $20 - Neutrogena Cheeky Wink in First Crush- $6 - Nudestix Plush Paint in Waikiki Rose- $10 - Ofra Blush in Winter Rose Glow- $8 - Physicians Formula Butter Blush in Plum Rose (lightly used) - Physicians Formula Butter Blush in Natural Glow (mini)- $4 - Pixi Rose Gold Blush Duo- $8 - Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in Paaarty (mini)- $6 - Too Cool for School Jelly Blusher in Apple Red- $10 - Tower28 Blush in Happy Hour - Ulta Bohemian Treasure Cream Blush in Sunrise, Sunset (swatched)
Highlighters:Verification - Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Gradient Glow- $22 - Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Vanilla Quartz (mini, came broken)- $6 - Becca Confectionary Glow Powder in Cinnamon Sugar- $10 - Benefit Dandelion Twinkle (swatched)- $18 - Bobbi Brown Highlighting Powder in Pink Glow (used 3x)- $22 - Clinique Chubby Stick in Hefty Highlight- $12 - Colourpop Super Shock Cheek in A Song and A Smile- $7 - Dior Nude Air Luminizer in Holo Gold (lightly used)- $26 - Fenty Kilowatt Duo in Moscow Mule/Ginger Binge (swatched)- $24 - First Aid Beauty Mango Butter Multi Stick in Champagne- $12 - Japonesque Highlighting Powder in Champagne Gold (used 3x)- $6 - Josie Maran Argan Enlightenment Illuminizer (mini)- $6 - Jouer Highlighter in Rose Gold (mini, lightly used)- $8 - Kaja Mochi Glow in Prizm- $12 - Kaja Mochi Glow in Toy Alien (mini, swatched)- $6 - Kylie Cosmetics Kylighter in Ice Me Out- $12 - Laura Geller Dew Dreamer Illuminating Drops in Gilded Honey - Laura Geller Baked Gelato Swirl Illuminator in Diamond Dust (mini, swatched)- $6 - Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Baked Powder in 01 Highlighter (mini, used 3x)- $10 - Mac x Aladdin Highlighter in Always One Jump Ahead (lightly used)- $26 - Maybelline Master Chrome Highlighter in Molten Topaz- $5 - Milk Makeup Flex Highlighter in Glazed- $20 - Physicians Formula Butter Highlighter in Pearl (mini)- $4 - Tarte Highlighter in Exposed (mini, lightly used)- $6 - Too Faced Diamond Light in Canary Diamond- $22 - Too Faced Peach Frost (used 4x, loose in compact)- $7 - Wet n Wild x Bretman Rock Highlighting Duo- $7
Face Palettes:Verification - Anastasia Sugar Glow Kit- $22 - Anastasia Ultimate Glow Kit- $24 - Clinique Warm Up Cheek Pop Palette- $26 - Clinique On the Glow Cheek Pop Palette (bronzer lightly used)- $24 - Colourpop Clockwork Cheek Duo- $10 - Laura Geller Life Glows on Trio (swatched)- $16 - Lorac Pink Champagne Palette (swatched)- $10 - Nars Coucher de Soleil Trio- $25 - Sephora Ice Cream Face Palette- $18 - Sephora Snow Globe Face Palette (used 3x)- $15 - Tarte Skin Twinkle Highlighting Trio (swatched)- $26 - Tarte Face Trio- $14 - Ulta Frida Kahlo Cheek Duo in Beso de Sol- $6 - Ulta Face and Eye Palette- $6
Lips:Verification - Anatasia Lip Gloss in St Tropez, Vintage (mini)- $6 - Aritaum Ginger Sugar Tinted Lip Balm in Coral- $6 - Bareminerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Friendship- $10 - Bareminerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Swag (mini)- $6 - Bareminerals Gen Nude Lip Lacquer in Everything, Rose Quartz (mini)- $6 - Bareminerals Barepro Lipstick in Petal (mini)- $6 - Becca Glow Gloss in Malibu Soleil- $10 - Becca Glow Gloss in Metamorphic Gold- $10 - Becca Glow Gloss in Creme Brulee, Cinammon Bun, Sugar Plum (minis)- $4 - Becca Liquid Lipstick in Red Velvet- $10 - Becca Lush Lip Colour Balm in Toasted Hazelnut- $10 - Bite Beauty Matte Creme Lip Crayon in Glace (mini)- $6 - Bite Beauty Creme Lipstick Duo in Date/Fig (used 5x)- $9 - Bite Beauty Amuse Bouche Lipstick in Gingersnap (used)- $9 - Bite Beauty Amuse Bouche Lipstick in Chai (mini, used once), Sake (mini, used once), Radish- $5 - **Bobbi Brown Crushed Liquid Lip in Mango Mood- $17 - Bobbi Brown Crushed Liquid Lip in Smoothie Move (mini)- $6 - Bobbi Brown Crushed Lip in Regal, Lilac, Babe (minis)- $8 - Bobbi Brown High Shimmer Gloss in Bare Sparkle (mini)- $6 - Burts Bees Glossy Liquid Lipstick in Sandy Seas, Wine Waters (swatched)- $4 - Buxom Full on Lip Cream in Gin Fizz- $12 - Buxom Full on Lip Cream in Sangria, Cherry Flip (minis)- $6 - Buxom Full on Lip Polish in Amber (mini)- $6 - Buxom Full on Lip Polish in Dolly (mini)- $3 - Buxom Bold Gel Lipstick in White Russian, Racy Reveal- $10 - Buxom Bold Gel Lipstick in Sinful Cinammon (lightly used)- $8 - Clinique Pop Splash Gloss in Pinot Pop, Rosewater Pop (mini)- $5 - Clinique Lipstick in Bare Pop (mini)- $6 - Colourpop So Juicy Plumping Lip Gloss in Let It Happen- $6 - Dose of Colors Satin Lipstick in 1928- $10 - Dose of Colors Gloss in Muah!- $10 - Dose of Colors Liquid Lipstick in Bare It All, Date Night- $10 - Givenchy Le Rose Perfecto Lip Balm in Fearless Pink (mini)- $12 - Glossier Generation G Lipstick in Jam (used ~5x)- $10 - Haus Labs Le Riot Lip Gloss in Ethereal (swatched)- $10 - Huda Liquid Matte in Alluring- $8 - Jane Iredale Lip and Cheek Stain in Forever Pink (mini)- $10 - Juvias Place Liquid Lip in Soil- $6 - Juvias Place Liquid Lip in Mina- $6 - Kylie Cosmetics Lip Gloss in Literally (swatched), Sugar Plum- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Matte Lip in Kylie- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Velvet Lip in Bare- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Matte Lipstick in Almost Friday- $9 - Laura Geller Iconic Baked Sculpting Lipstick in Midtown Mauve- $6 - Lime Crime Wet Cherry Gloss in Pumpkin Pie, Tangy Cherry- $12 - L’oreal Glowing Gloss in Shell We Dance- $5 - Makeup Forever Artist Liquid Matte in 105 (mini)- &6 - Makeup Revolution Gloss in Chocolate Orange- $4 - Marc Jacobs Enamored Lip Gloss Stick in Uh-Huh Honey- $16 - Melt Cosmetics Matte Lipstick in Old Fashioned (lightly used)- $10 - Milk Makeup Oil Lip Stain in Tude (swatched)- $12 - Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil in Sin (mini)- $7 - Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil in Whisper (used 3x)- $11 - Peripera Ink Velvet in 05 Coralficial (swatched) - Physicians Formula Butter Lip Cream in Beijos- $5 - PYT Strike Twice Lip Duo in Rumor (swatched)- $12 - RMS Beauty Lipstick in Temptation (swatched)- $7 - Shiseido ModernMatte Powder Lipstick in Rose Hip, Dark Fantasy, Sling Back (mini)- $8 - Smashbox Always On Metallic Matte Liquid Lipstick in Maneatee (mini)- $5 - Smashbox Always On Liquid Lipstick in Drivers Seat (mini)- $5 - Smashbox Always On Liquid Lipstick in Stepping Out (mini)- $3 - Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick in Rubino- $12 - Tarte Tarteist Lip Paint in Get It!- $10 - Tarte Tarteist Lip Paint in Birthday Suit (mini)- $5 - Too Faced Rich and Dazzling Gloss in Sunset Crush (mini)- $6 - Too Faced Lip Injection Glossy in Milkshake (mini,swatched)- $5 - Too Faced Peach Lipstick in Sex on the Peach (mini)- $6 - Ulta Frida Kahlo Matte Liquid Lipstick in Sensual- $6 - Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Manic (mini)- $6 - Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Bad Blood, Tilt (lightly used)- $8 - Winky Lux Glazed Lip in Coffee, Sugar (mini)- $5 - Yensa Lip Oil in Pink Shine- $6 - YSL Rouge Volupte Lipstick in 44 (mini)- $10
Drugstore and More- $2 each, 2 for $3, or pick one FREE for every $20 spent:Verification - Barry M Color Balm in Currant Run (lightly used) - Covergirl Lipstick in Caramel Kiss (used 2x) - Elf Lip Crayon in Natural (used) - Ellen Tracy Liquid Eyeshadows x2 (not sure of names, one is copperish and another is pewter) - H&M Blush Trio (used 3x) - Ko Voss Fairy Dust Highlighter - Kiko Lip Liner in 04 - Maybelline Master Precise Liquid Liner (mini) - Maybelline Master Prime Eye Primer in Prime and Illuminate - Maybelline Vivid Hot Lacquer in Unreal (used) - Max Studio Baked Blush (used) - Nars Radiance Primer (foil) - Nyx Intense Butter Gloss in Tres Leches (swatched) - Revlon Lip Balm in Peach (used 5x) - Revlon Color Stay Eye Liner in Black (used 5x) - Rimmel The Only 1 Lipstick in It’s a Keeper - Sleek Major Matte Lip Cream in Daydreamer - Sleek Lifeproof Metallic Eyeliner in Break and Enter - Smashbox Photo Finish Primer (foil) - Soap and Glory Sexy Motherpucker Gloss Stick in Plum Jam - Stila x Dancing with the Stars Blush - Ulta Eye Liner (mini) - Ulta Poreless Face Primer (mini) - Ulta Jelly Eyeshadows (mini, silvery color, dried up) - Ulta Chubby Lip Crayon (mini) - Wet n wild pigments- Kung Fu Lightning, Ride on my Copper, Dom and Cherry on Top, Heart of Rose Gold (all swatched) - Wet n Wild Lip Gloss in Featherless (swatched)
submitted by costco_hoesale to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

Need help replacing Yondu and Mantis

I love my Marvel Tsums and had a complete plush collection. I just recently moved and found that my Yondu and Mantis have gone missing. I cannot find them whatsoever and am distraught. Trying to find replacements online hasn't panned out either, so I'm hoping someone can help find a seller. Any direction or help would be appreciated!
submitted by Yuujou2 to TsumTsum [link] [comments]

ᵗʳᵃᵈⁱⁿᵍ ˡᵒᵃᵈˢ ᵒᶠ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵖᵉᵗˢ / ᵖᵉᵗ ᵉᵍᵍˢ / ᵛᵉʰⁱᶜˡᵉˢ / ᵖᵉᵗ ʷᵉᵃʳ / ᵇᵃᵗ ᵇᵒˣᵉˢ / ˢᵗᵒˡˡᵉʳˢ / ᵗᵒʸˢ

3x bat boxes
ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵗᵒᵒᵏ ᵒᵛᵉʳ ᵃⁿ ʰᵒᵘʳ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ʷʰⁱᶜʰ ⁱˢ ʳᵃᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᵃᵈ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ʷᵒʳʳʸ ⁱᵗˢ ᶜᵒᵒˡ ᶜᵘᶻ ⁱ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ˡⁱᶠᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵃᵗᵗᵉⁿᵈ ᵗᵒ
submitted by DISBOTTT to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

[Sell][US] BOGO 50% Off- ABH, Fenty, Mac, Dior, and More

Hi, thanks for checking out my post :)
Prices include Paypal G&S fees. Shipping is a flat rate of $4 (US only). Due to the circumstances, I will be going to the post office once a week.
Prior to shipping, I will sanitize everything to the best of my abilities. Coming from a smoke-free, Cov-id free home.
If you’re interested in other beauty items, check out my sell post on skincareexchange here and haircareexchange here. Happy to offer bundle pricing and only have to pay for shipping once.
Items are all buy one, get one 50% off (discount generally applies to lower priced item). However, reasonable offers will be considered- for example, if you get two similarly high priced items ($20 ans $18) and two similarly low priced items ($4 and $5), I can do the discount on the $18 and $4 items instead of the $4 and $5 :)
Freebies for every $20 spent listed towards end of post.
All items are full size and unused unless otherwise indicated. I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more verification photos if requested.
Eyeshadow Palettes:Verification
Eyeshadow Singles and Primers:Verification - Anastasia Eye Primer (mini, 0.06 oz) - Bareminerals Eyecolor in Queen Tiffany (mini)- $5 - Chantecaille Mermaid Eye Matte in Bee (used once, a bit loose in pan)- $20 - Dose of Colors Block Party in Lock and Key- $14 - Dose of Colors Cream Matte Eye Color in Rodeo - $14 - Give Me Glow Shadow in Wedding Cake (swatched)- $4 - Il Makiage Color Boss Eyeshadow in News Flash- $8 - Kaja Moon Crystal Sparkling Eye Pigment in Rose Quartz- $12 - KVD Metal Crush in Thunderstruck- $6 - Laura Sanchez Moods Shadow- $3 - Lorac Diamond Lux Shadow in Satin (swatched, a bit broken) - $12 - Mac Extra Dimension Foil Eyeshadow in Cop a Pose (loose in pan), Gold Metalist- $15 - Mac Shadow in Rice Paper (used)- $9 - Marc Jacobs Seequins in Star Dust -$18 - Milani Hypnotic Lights Holographic Eye Topper in Luster Light (used 3x)- $4 - Milk Makeup Eye Pigment in Gig (swatched), Silent Disco- $13 - Peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Eyeshadow in 2 (used)- $4 - Surratt Artisque Eyeshadow in Soie (swatched)- $14 - Tarte Seaglass Eyeshadow in Suite Life- $15 - Too Faced Shadow Insurance (lightly used)- $15 - Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Honey (swatched)- $14
Brows:Verification - Anastasia Clear Brow Gel (mini)- $6 - Clio Kill Brow Gel in Natural Brown (lightly used)- $4 - It Cosmetics Brow Pencil in Universal Taupe (mini) - $5 x3 - ModelCo x Karl Lagerfeld Brow Gel and Crayon Duo in Medium Dark (used 3x)- $6 - Patrick Ta Brow Wax in Clear (lightly used)- $18 - Tweezerman Brow Mousse (mini)- $3
Mascaras Group 1 ($5 each):Verification
Eyeliners:Verification - Charlotte Tilbury Rock N Kohl Eye Pencil in Black Magic (mini) - $8 - Ciate Fierce Flicks Liquid Liner- $11 - Clinique Pretty Easy Liquid Eyelining Pen- $13 - Marc Jacobs Highliner in Blue Me Away (used 3x)- $16 - Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Liner (mini)- $ 8 - Urban Decay Glide on Eye Pencil in Perversion - Urban Decay in Zero (mini)- $8 x2
Primers:Verification - Bareminerals Prime Time Original (mini)- $4 - Becca Skin Love Blur and Brighten Primer (mini)- $4 - Becca First Light Priming Filter (mini)- $6 x2 - Becca Backlight Priming Filter (mini) - $6 - CoverFx Mattifying Primer (mini)- $4 - Dr Brandt Pore Refiner Primer (mini) - $6 - Elf Poreless Putty Primer - Elf Beautifully Bare Illuminating Primer (lightly used, >90% left)- $4 - Elf Beauty Shield Primer (used once)- $6 - First Aid Beauty Pore Be Gone Matte Primer (mini)- $6 - GlamGlow Glowstarter Illuminating Moisturizer (mini, used once)- $5 - Lancome La Base Primer (mini)- $6 - Murad MattEffect Blotting Perfector (used twice)- $20 - Neutrogena Shine Control Primer (used once)- $6 - Nudestix Nudies Tinted Blur Stick in Light 1 (>60% left)- $10 - Nyx Pore Filler (mini)- $4 - Physicians Formula Spotlight Primer (mini, used once)- $4 - Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer- Radiance (>80% left)- $16 - Touch in Sol No Poreblem Primer (>80% left)- $12
Setting Sprays:Verification - Bareminerals Dew Mist (mini) - Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day Setting Spray in Peach, Green Tea, Coconut- $15 - Too Faced Hangoverx (mini)- $12 - Urban Decay All Nighter (mini) - $5 x5
Foundations/BB Creams/CC Creams:Verification - Bareminerals Bare Pro Foundation in Golden Nude (used 3x)- $14 - Bareminerals Bareskin Serum Foundation in Bare Natural (used 5x)- $12 - Benefit Hello Happy Foundation in 6 (expired 04/2020)- $10 - CYO Lifeproof Foundation in 109 (used 3x)- $6 - Deoproce White Flower BB Cream in 23 (>60% left)- $6 - Erborian CC Cream in Golden- $32 - IPKN BB Cream in Light/Medium- $20 - It Cosmetics CC Cream in Light/Medium (expires 09/2020)- $15 - Kiko Sicilian Notes Hydra Foundation in Light Beige- $14 - Lancome Skin Feels Food Skin Tint in 035W Fresh Almond (exp 11/2020)- $15
Concealers:Verification - Anastasia Contour Stick in Banana (mini)- $6 - Bareminerals Bareskin Complete Coverage Serum Concealer in Light- $16 - Fenty Pro Filtr Concealer in 220- $18 - Tarte Shape Tape Concealer in Light Medium Sand- $18 - Urban Decay All Nighter Concealer in Light Medium Warm (swatched)- $16
Powders:Verification - Beauty Bakerie Flour Setting Powder in Translucent- $18 - Coverfx Translucent Light Loose Powder (mini) - $5 - Dermablend Illuminating Banana Loose Powder (used once)- $18 - Elf Beautifully Bare Powder Sheer Tint Powder in Light/Medium- $4 - KVD Lock It Translucent Setting Powder (mini)- $5 - Makeup Forever HD Loose Powder (mini) - $5 - Milani Make it Last Setting Powder in Radiant- $6 - Urban Decay All Nighter Waterproof Pressed Powder (swatched)- $22 - YC Collection Powder (mini)- $4
Bronzers:Verification - Kevyn Aucoin Neo Bronzer in Sundown Deep- $24 - Kosas Sun Show Baked Bronzer in Deep- $25 - Loreal Bronze Please Bronzer in Light- $8 - Physicians Formula Organize Wear Sculpting Stick in Mocha (swatched)- $7 - Thrive Causemetics Bronzer in Rhea- $26 - Undone Beauty Water Bronzer Stick in Baked (used 2x) -$7
Blushes:Verification - Bareminerals Gen Nude Blush in On the Mauve- $14 - Benefit Rockateur (swatched)- $18 - Benefit Gold Rush (used 3x)- $16 - Benefit Galifornia (used 3x)- $16 - Buxom Wandlust Primer Infused Blush in Goa (swatched)- $12 - Cargo Big Easy (used 3x)- $10 - Catrice Blush Box in Burgundy- $4 - Clinique Cheek Pop in Peach Pop, Plum Pop (swatched)- $14 - Fenty Cheeks Out Cream Blush in Fuego Flush, Petal Poppin (used 3x) - Lorac Blush in Technicolor (used 3x) - $10 - Mac Blush in Margin (used 3x)- $15 - Mac Glow Play Blush in So Peachy (swatched)- $18 - Milk Makeup Glow Oil in Flare, Glimmer (each used 3x)- $9 - Nars Dual Intensity Blush in Adoration (used once)- $20 - Neutrogena Cheeky Wink in First Crush- $6 - Nudestix Plush Paint in Waikiki Rose- $10 - Ofra Blush in Winter Rose Glow- $8 - Physicians Formula Butter Blush in Plum Rose (lightly used) - Physicians Formula Butter Blush in Natural Glow (mini)- $4 - Pixi Rose Gold Blush Duo- $8 - Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in Paaarty (mini)- $6 - Too Cool for School Jelly Blusher in Apple Red- $10
Highlighters:Verification - Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Gradient Glow- $22 - Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Vanilla Quartz (mini, came broken)- $6 - Becca Confectionary Glow Powder in Cinnamon Sugar- $10 - Benefit Dandelion Twinkle (swatched)- $18 - Bobbi Brown Highlighting Powder in Pink Glow (used 3x)- $22 - Catrice Highlighting Powder in Merry Cherry Blossom- $2 - Cle Essence Moonlighter Cushion in Apricot Tinge- $18 - Clinique Chubby Stick in Hefty Highlight- $12 - Colourpop Super Shock Cheek in A Song and A Smile- $7 - Dior Nude Air Luminizer in Holo Gold (lightly used)- $26 - Fenty Kilowatt Duo in Moscow Mule/Ginger Binge (swatched)- $24 - First Aid Beauty Mango Butter Multi Stick in Champagne- $12 - Japonesque Highlighting Powder in Champagne Gold (used 3x)- $6 - Jeffree Star Cosmetics Supreme Frost in Candy Apple Drip (used)- $16 - Josie Maran Argan Enlightenment Illuminizer (mini)- $6 - Jouer Highlighter in Rose Gold (mini, lightly used)- $8 - Kaja Mochi Glow in Prizm- $12 - Kaja Mochi Glow in Toy Alien (mini, swatched)- $6 - Kylie Cosmetics Kylighter in Ice Me Out- $12 - Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Baked Powder in 01 Highlighter (mini, used 3x)- $10 - Mac x Aladdin Highlighter in Always One Jump Ahead (lightly used)- $26 - Maybelline Master Chrome Highlighter in Molten Topaz- $5 - Milk Makeup Flex Highlighter in Glazed- $20 - Physicians Formula Butter Highlighter in Pearl (mini)- $4 - Tarte Highlighter in Exposed (mini, lightly used)- $6 - TheBalm Manizer Sister Trio (lightly used)- $16 - Too Faced Diamond Light in Canary Diamond- $22 - Too Faced Peach Frost (used 4x, loose in compact)- $7 - Wet n Wild x Bretman Rock Highlighting Duo- $7
Face Palettes:Verification - Anastasia Sugar Glow Kit- $22 - Anastasia Ultimate Glow Kit- $24 - Clinique Warm Up Cheek Pop Palette- $26 - Clinique On the Glow Cheek Pop Palette (bronzer lightly used)- $24 - Colourpop Clockwork Cheek Duo- $10 - Laura Geller Life Glows on Trio (swatched)- $16 - Lorac Pink Champagne Palette (swatched)- $10 - Nars Coucher de Soleil Trio- $25 - Sephora Ice Cream Face Palette- $18 - Sephora Snow Globe Face Palette (used 3x)- $15 - Tarte Skin Twinkle Highlighting Trio (swatched)- $26 - Tarte Face Trio- $14 - Ulta Frida Kahlo Cheek Duo in Beso de Sol- $6 - Ulta Face and Eye Palette- $6
Lips:Verification - Anatasia Lip Gloss in St Tropez, Vintage (mini)- $6 - Aritaum Ginger Sugar Tinted Lip Balm in Coral- $6 - Bareminerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Friendship - Bareminerals Gen Nude Matte Liquid Lipstick in Swag (mini) - Bareminerals Gen Nude Lip Lacquer in Everything, Rose Quartz (mini)- $6 - Bareminerals Barepro Lipstick in Petal (mini)- $6 - Becca Glow Gloss in Malibu Soleil- $10 - Becca Glow Gloss in Metamorphic Gold- $10 - Becca Glow Gloss in Creme Brulee, Cinammon Bun, Sugar Plum (minis)- $4 - Becca Liquid Lipstick in Red Velvet- $10 - Becca Lush Lip Colour Balm in Toasted Hazelnut- $10 - Bite Beauty Matte Creme Lip Crayon in Glace (mini)- $6 - Bite Beauty Creme Lipstick Duo in Date/Fig (used 5x)- $9 - Bite Beauty Amuse Bouche Lipstick in Gingersnap (used)- $9 - Bite Beauty Amuse Bouche Lipstick in Chai (mini, used once), Sake (mini, used once), Radish- $5 - Bobbi Brown Crushed Liquid Lip in Mango Mood- $17 - Bobbi Brown Crushed Liquid Lip in Smoothie Move (mini)- $6 - Bobbi Brown High Shimmer Gloss in Bare Sparkle (mini)- $6 - Burts Bees Glossy Liquid Lipstick in Sandy Seas, Wine Waters (swatched)- $4 - Buxom Full on Lip Cream in Gin Fizz- $12 - Buxom Full on Lip Cream in Sangria, Cherry Flip (minis)- $6 - Buxom Full on Lip Polish in Amber (mini)- $6 - Buxom Full on Lip Polish in Dolly (mini)- $3 - Buxom Bold Gel Lipstick in White Russian, Racy Reveal- $10 - Buxom Bold Gel Lipstick in Sinful Cinammon (lightly used)- $8 - Clinique Pop Splash Gloss in Pinot Pop, Rosewater Pop (mini)- $5 - Clinique Lipstick in Bare Pop (mini)- $6 - Colourpop So Juicy Plumping Lip Gloss in Let It Happen- $6 - Dose of Colors Satin Lipstick in 1928- $10 - Dose of Colors Gloss in Muah!- $10 - Dose of Colors Liquid Lipstick in Bare It All, Date Night- $10 - Givenchy Le Rose Perfecto Lip Balm in Fearless Pink (mini)- $12 - Glossier Generation G Lipstick in Jam (used ~5x)- $10 - Haus Labs Le Riot Lip Gloss in Ethereal (swatched)- $10 - Huda Liquid Matte in Alluring- $8 - Jane Iredale Lip and Cheek Stain in Forever Pink (mini)- $10 - Juvias Place Liquid Lip in Soil- $6 - Juvias Place Liquid Lip in Mina- $6 - Kylie Cosmetics Lip Gloss in Literally (swatched), Sugar Plum- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Matte Lip in Kylie- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Velvet Lip in Bare- $9 - Kylie Cosmetics Matte Lipstick in Almost Friday- $9 - Laura Geller Iconic Baked Sculpting Lipstick in Midtown Mauve- $6 - Lime Crime Wet Cherry Gloss in Pumpkin Pie, Tangy Cherry- $12 - L’oreal Glowing Gloss in Shell We Dance- $5 - Makeup Forever Artist Liquid Matte in 105 (mini)- &6 - Makeup Revolution Gloss in Chocolate Orange- $4 - Melt Cosmetics Matte Lipstick in Old Fashioned (lightly used)- $10 - Milk Makeup Oil Lip Stain in Tude (swatched)- $12 - Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil in Sin (mini)- $7 - Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil in Whisper (used 3x)- $11 - Physicians Formula Butter Lip Cream in Beijos- $5 - PYT Strike Twice Lip Duo in Rumor (swatched)- $12 - RMS Beauty Lipstick in Temptation (swatched)- $7 - Shiseido ModernMatte Powder Lipstick in Rose Hip, Dark Fantasy, Sling Back (mini)- $8 - Smashbox Always On Metallic Matte Liquid Lipstick in Maneatee (mini)- $5 - Smashbox Always On Liquid Lipstick in Drivers Seat (mini)- $5 - Smashbox Always On Liquid Lipstick in Stepping Out (mini)- $3 - Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick in Rubino- $12 - Tarte Tarteist Lip Paint in Get It!- $10 - Tarte Tarteist Lip Paint in Birthday Suit (mini)- $5 - Too Faced Rich and Dazzling Gloss in Sunset Crush (mini)- $6 - Too Faced Lip Injection Glossy in Milkshake (mini,swatched)- $5 - Too Faced Peach Lipstick in Sex on the Peach (mini)- $6 - Ulta Frida Kahlo Matte Liquid Lipstick in Sensual- $6 - Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Manic (mini)- $6 - Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Bad Blood, Tilt (lightly used)- $8 - Winky Lux Glazed Lip in Coffee, Sugar (mini)- $5 - Yensa Lip Oil in Pink Shine- $6
Drugstore and More- $2 each, 2 for $3, or pick one FREE for every $20 spent:Verification - Barry M Color Balm in Currant Run (lightly used) - Covergirl Lipstick in Caramel Kiss (used 2x) - Elf Lip Crayon in Natural (used) - Ellen Tracy Liquid Eyeshadow (not sure of name, pewter) - H&M Blush Trio (used 3x) - Ko Voss Fairy Dust Highlighter - Kiko Lip Liner in 04 - Maybelline Master Precise Liquid Liner (mini) - Maybelline Master Prime Eye Primer in Prime and Illuminate - Maybelline Vivid Hot Lacquer in Unreal (used) - Max Studio Baked Blush (used) - Nyx Intense Butter Gloss in Tres Leches (swatched) - Revlon Lip Balm in Peach (used 5x) - Revlon Color Stay Eye Liner in Black (used 5x) - Rimmel The Only 1 Lipstick in It’s a Keeper - Sleek Major Matte Lip Cream in Daydreamer - Sleek Lifeproof Metallic Eyeliner in Break and Enter - Smashbox Photo Finish Primer (foil) - Soap and Glory Sexy Motherpucker Gloss Stick in Plum Jam - Stila x Dancing with the Stars Blush - Ulta Eye Liner (mini) - Ulta Poreless Face Primer (mini) - Ulta Jelly Eyeshadows (mini, silvery color, dried up) - Ulta Chubby Lip Crayon (mini) - Wet n wild pigments- Kung Fu Lightning, Ride on my Copper, Dom and Cherry on Top, Heart of Rose Gold (all swatched) - Wet n Wild Lip Gloss in Featherless (swatched)
submitted by costco_hoesale to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

pan plush video

FIELTRO PAN TOSTADO// PLUSH TOAST - YouTube JoDi war creations Pan Dulce plush ornaments - YouTube Top 10 Peter Pan Nana [2018]: Disney Nana Plush - Peter ... Top 10 Peter Pan Wendy [2018]: Disney Wendy Plush Doll ... Peter Pan Adorable Plush Cat 2-liter Hot Water Bottle ... Melmetal eats a pan then turns into a plush - YouTube YouTube

Check out our peter pan plush selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our stuffed animals & plushies shops. Seller: heathedodg9 (43) 100%, Location: Salem, New Hampshire, Ships to: US & many other countries, Item: 113714264921 Disney Beanie Babies- Peter Pan. This auction is for a Disney exclusive Peter Pan beanie babies with tags still attached. There are 5 beanie babies in total and 1 Plush. ~Captain Hook ~Peter Pan ~ Crock ~Smee ~Nana ~Captain Hook 18” All beanies are in perfect condition with Disney Exclusive Peter Pan 20 Inch Deluxe Plush Peter Pan Brand: Generic. 4.5 out of 5 stars 99 ratings | 6 answered questions Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. Brand: Generic: Material: Plush: Item Dimensions LxWxH: 23.62 x 7.09 x 21.65 inches : About this item This fits your . Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Detailed plush Pan Plush from Dragon Ball. Facebook Twitter. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter . Product photo will be given before we ship it out. You can redesign the color and style to make your own plush, contact us now! Height: Custom: Quantity: 1: Material: plush toy: Price: Get A Quote: Reviews ; Order Information ; Leave Comment or Question Here . Your Name. Your Email. Your Message. Verifycode New Hallmark itty bittys Clippys Disney Plush Peter Pan, Tinkerbell Fairy. $19.19 $ 19. 19. FREE Shipping. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. More Buying Choices $10.00 (5 used & new offers) Disney Animators' Collection Tinker Bell Doll - Peter Pan - 16 Inch. 4.9 out of 5 stars 307. $29.95 $ 29. 95. Get it as soon as Sun, Feb 14. FREE Shipping by Amazon. More Buying Choices $23.47 (41 used Pan dulce plush and other original designs by Xochico. You're welcome. "Niño Envuelto" (Jelly Roll) Plush Key Chain. Xochico. $ 3.98 "Paw Dulce" Plush Dog Squeaky Toys. Xochico. $ 5.98 "Payaso" Triangle Cookie Plush Key Chain. Xochico. $ 3.98 "Selena" Concha Plush Coin Purse. Xochico. $ 4.98 "Selena" Concha Plush Key Chain. Xochico. $ 3.98 "Unicorn" Concha Plush Coin Purse. Xochico. $ 4.98 Features: Peter pan collar, wide sleeves, wave hem plush winter coat. Fabric: Plush. Attention: This price includes a coat only, others are not included. src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-JsSq-0rAgA" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen> New Listing Disney Minnie Mouse The Main Attraction Peter Pan’s Flight June Plush. Brand New. C $85.00. Time left 6d 21h left. 0 bids. C $125.00. Buy It Now. X G E G F S P V O N 5 S P O W R 8 E 8 D. Peter Pan Movie Nana Dog Plush Bean Bag Stuffed Animal Toy 6" Character Toys. Pre-Owned. C $13.13. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. or Best Offer . From United States +C $23.99 shipping Banpresto has released a Pan plush in a plush set for Dragon Ball GT characters. This specific plush of Pan stands around 3 inches high. This version of Pan is the smaller of Banpresto's Pan plush pieces. She is seen with one hand raised up and the other kept to her side. All her details are incorporated even for a very chibi style plush, having larger shaped eyes since the plush is at a smaller scale. Additionally, a Banpresto tag is attached to the plush with images of

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New! 2019 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Plush Figures Deals and Updates. Start Saving Here: https://www.clipadvise.com/black-friday?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_... New! 2019 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Plush Figures Deals and Updates.Start Saving Here: https://www.clipadvise.com/black-friday?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_m... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. DESCARGA LA PLANTILLA :P DOWNLOAD: Opción 1 http://www.mediafire.com/view/?qmgllcqf9ffzkla Opción 2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Bg121Lo0_mNEVKckRVQ09r... This is just too cute. The Peter Pan Adorable Plush Cat 2-liter Hot Water Bottle & Cover. #peterpanhotwaterbottle ADThis bottle cover is available on Amazon ... @jodiwarcreations Mexican pan dulce sweet bread ornaments for sale. Conchas marranitos and sponch styles available. #mexicanfood #pandulce #sponch #marshmall... Woakaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaooaoaoaoaohi Introducing the official Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Trailer for the new Mighty Pups Movie! There’s no job too big and no pup too small!When things get tough, the...

pan plush

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