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Game VII.B 2020: BINGO! Rules, Roles, and Registration

There will be two games running during July:
Game A: Percy Jackson Hosted by isaacthefan and German_Shepherd_Dog
Game B: BINGO! Hosted by oomps62 and Penultima
You will be elderly.
Your knees will know the second it thinks of raining.
Both of your hips have been replaced and even your artificial hips need new hips.
You're no spring chicken. Maybe an autumn turkey.
You’re happily retired, and with your fully raised kids raising your grandkids, there isn’t much left for you in the house you raised your family. It would be so much better to still have your own private place, but within a larger community filled with other seniors!
Fairview Senior Center is the place for you. A place to make new friends and live a carefree lifestyle. Just see some excerpts from the brochure!

Fairview Senior Center- Beginning a new chapter of our lives, together.

Unfortunately, we all eventually come to the point in our lives when we need a little more help and full time care. If you’re a fall risk, for example, and need to be transitioned to life in a wheelchair at a place with full time caregivers. When that time comes, Sundown Estates Nursing Home is there. You can refer to their informational packet, with some excerpts below:

Sundown Estates- A safe place to put your family.

General Mechanics

There will be two teams the Seniors (town) vs Staff (wolves)
  • The beloved seniors residing at Fairview Senior Center. Grandpas, abuelas, omas, and bubbes. They’re retired, their kids are long grown and now raising their own kids. They’re living out their golden years among their peers, participating in retirement activities, the most sacred of which is BINGO. Unfortunately, someone keeps stealing the BINGO prizes donated by the seniors’ families, and they are not happy about someone getting between them and their BINGO games. Every day they’ll vote to remove someone from Fairview Senior Center
  • The staff at the Fairview Senior Center. The staff are greedy and stealing BINGO prizes from the seniors. Every night, the staff will deem someone as a “fall risk” and have them shipped out to Sundown Estates Nursing Home for being such a troublemaker.
  • The Seniors win if they can eliminate all of the Staff
  • The Staff win when they outnumber the remaining Seniors
Each phase, we will reveal:
  • Who was the vote target, how many votes they received, and their affiliation
  • Who was sent to Sundown Estates Nursing Home and their affiliation


Each role may exist 0 or more times.


Name Description
Bubbe Ruth She’s got the greatest soups in the facility. Come over to the Fairview Family Style Kitchen where she’ll whip you up a soup that’ll cure any ailment you have! Every night she will choose a target and their target is protected from being sent off to Sundown Estates Nursing Home. Cannot target the same person more than 3 times per game.
Opa Benjamin He doesn’t have much to say, but he’s very perceptive. He seems to know things that nobody else does. Every night he will choose a target and find out the target’s affiliation.
Grammy Beverly Nobody owns the power of persuasion like her. Give her a minute and she can convince you to do just about anything. 3 times per game, she can submit a call for the next phase to have a double vote.
Papa Herman Has he ever told you about his time in the Big One? Sit down, you’re going to be here all night listening to his war stories. Every night, he will choose a target and that target will be unable to complete their action. Does not affect items. Cannot select the same target more than 3 times per game.
Grandma Carolyn She’s got friends everywhere and they keep her informed about goings-on all over town. 3 times per game, she can choose to see the role of a player at Sundown Estates Nursing Home.
Gramps George He’s a bit of a troublemaker - he’s got a new prank to play just about every day. Every night he will choose two targets to swap. Actions done onto his first target will now be done onto his second target and vice versa. Cannot target any person (either as Target 1 or Target 2) two phases in a row.
Mawmaw Rosie She loves her mystery stories, especially Agatha Christie and Murder, She Wrote. She loves to investigate any little mystery she can find. Every night, she will choose a target and they will find out who their target submitted an action for that night, if any.
Abuelo Manuel That old back injury keeps him up at all hours of the night, so he may as well look out the window and see what’s going on all over Fairview Senior Center. 3 times per game, he can choose to spy on a player and see everybody who visited that player in the night.
Memere Rita Any grandmother would do anything for her children and grandchildren. Memere Rita sees everyone as her family. Every night, she will choose a target. If her target was scheduled to be shipped off to Sundown Estates Nursing Home, she will be shipped off instead.
Mami Anna An avid casino visitor and gambling fanatic, Mami Anna will use any tactic at her disposal to win at BINGO. 3 times per game, she can choose to target a player and have them sent to Sundown Estates Nursing Home.
Grandparents Regardless of if they’re a Pawpaw, Nana, Opa, Mummo, Abuela, or Mami, you better be prepared to get off of their lawns. While they don’t have actions, they can vote every day and earn items.


Name Description
Nurse The one in charge of everybody’s medical records… whether or not they’re accurate, who knows? Every night, they will have a player classified as a “fall risk” and have them shipped off to Sundown Estates Nursing Home.
Groundskeeper Someone’s gotta shovel the sidewalk and make sure that the paths around Fairview Senior Center are flat. Unfortunately, with this guy around, you’ll never find any evidence of crimes. Every night, they will be able to choose a player’s affiliation to obscure. Has 33% chance of failure. Cannot target the same player twice in a row.
Hall Monitor Retirement doesn't sit well with him, he needs a job to feel a sense of purpose. Despite being a Senior, he's more than happy to work with the Staff. They will begin the game as a Grandparent on the side of the Seniors, but will join the Staff if they would have been sent to Sundown Estates.
Cafeteria Worker An expert at making everybody’s favorite comfort foods, which results in their target entering a food coma and falling asleep early. Every night, they will choose a target and that target will be unable to complete their action. Does not affect items. Cannot select the same target more than 3 times during the game.
Office Manager A master at forging paperwork. Every night, they will choose a player and that player will show up as Staff to investigators. Cannot select the same target twice in a row.
The Administrator The Fairview Senior Center simply couldn’t function without them! They are immune to being sent to Sundown Estates Nursing Home as a result of night actions or items.
Game Room Manager Absolutely loves BINGO and runs the show! How could anybody ever suspect them? They will show up as being on the side of the Seniors when investigated
Security Guard Patrols around the senior center, doing “routine checks”. If he saw how rowdy the BINGO games got, he’d be sure to shut that down. Once per game, they will choose a player to visit and every visitor to that player gets sent off to Sundown Estates Nursing Home.
Volunteers When it’s not your job on the line, it can be even more difficult to resist the temptation of lifting a few prizes. After all, there are so many! Who’s going to miss a couple? Although they have no special abilities, they work with the rest of the staff.
No matter who is banned from Fairview Senior Center, the staff will always have the ability to deem seniors as “fall risks”.


Bingo Prizes (Items) will be earned by playing BINGO! Details of how BINGO is played will be outlined in the Phase 0 event, but in summary:
  • During Phase 0 players will have a chance to submit things that would be on their werewolf BINGO board
  • Each player will be assigned a unique BINGO board
  • When players find things in the threads that meet their BINGO criteria, they can call BINGO and submit their card to win an item
  • You can only have one item at a time. If you currently hold an unused item, you will not be eligible to win a new one until it is used.
Item Actions
Local Coupon Book Causes the full voting results from the phase it is used to be posted.
Manicures for Two Learn the name of one other player who shares your affiliation.
Deck of Cards Causes your vote to be counted triple for the current phase.
Fresh Garden Produce Basket Choose a person and see everyone who voted for them in that day’s vote.
Hand-knit Hat and Scarf Choose a target and learn who they submitted an action on that phase.
Scrabble Choose a target and prevent them from voting AND completing their night action.
Wine and Cheese Basket Choose a target and redirect their action onto another player of your choice.
Weekend Getaway Stay at a local hotel Choose a target. If they’re on the opposite side as you, they’re sent to Sundown Estates. If they’re on your side, you’re sent to Sundown Estates.
Massage Gift Certificate Choose a target. Nobody can visit them that night.
Lotion Gift Set Choose another player and render them invisible to any investigation that phase.
The Game of Life Choose a target and see which role visited them that phase.
Fresh Bread Assortment Choose another player. Anybody who visited them will now visit you. Anybody who visited you will now visit them.
Coffee and tea variety sampler Choose someone and if they submitted an action, guarantee that it succeeds even when it wouldn't have otherwise.
Box of Chocolates Choose to use your action and anybody who commented “first” will have their action fail for the next 3 nights.
Crocheted Doily Find out any players who visited you the night you use this action.
MP3 Player Prevent a player’s affiliation from appearing in the post when they’re sent to Sundown Estates.
Homemade Soup Protect a target from removal from the house (vote or night action) for that phase.
Floral Arrangement Remove 3 votes from your target.
Werther’s Originals Send your target to Sundown Estates.
Beaded Necklace and Bracelet Replicate the action of your first target onto your second target.
Cozy Wool Socks Privately reveals role on death to your target.
Wind Chimes Shows full vote tally from any previous phase
Leather Bound Journal Allows player to send a message upon their death to another player. This message may not exceed 150 characters, including punctuation. This item must be submitted at any point before the end of phase before that player’s death, and may not be changed after submitting.
Grand Canyon Puzzle Target someone in the current phase to publicly reveal their vote

Rules and Additional Information


If you fail to vote or submit a night action for 3 days total, you will be removed from the game.

Alt Accounts

We will not be allowing secret alt accounts for this game. Alt accounts which are publicly known are fine.

Editing Comments

If you are editing comments, it should be made clear why you’re editing. If you made an error, use strikethroughs on the information you want removed, but don’t delete it. If you want to add something, put it at the end what you’re adding. Do not share information, then immediately edit your comment to hide what you said from others.
Do not delete comments

Codes and Keys

Comments in this game should be in English and free of encryption. We ask that players do not try to find workarounds to this. Previous Removals
If you have been removed from 2 games in the past 12 months for inactivity or rule violations, you may not sign up for this game.

Discontinuation of the word “lynch” in HogwartsWerewolves Games

You may have seen the post “Hogwarts Werewolves and Social Justice” come up in the last week. If you haven’t read it already, we highly encourage you to read and discuss it with the rest of the community.
In short, as a mod team community, we believe that we should no longer use the term “lynch” in light-hearted fashion. As a Mafia-based community, many of our games revolve around phases often framed as “night kills” and “day lynches.” The word “lynch” has a long legacy of anti-Blackness and murder of Black people, Indigenous people, and members of other marginalized groups, and we feel that time is well overdue to examine what it means to continue using it as a descriptor of gameplay. While “lynch” is established Mafia terminology, it is also a word that is painful for many people to hear. We should not justify continuing to use it because it is still used commonly elsewhere. It is inappropriate and cruel to make a game out of generational trauma.
Again, we encourage the community to read the entirety of the post (linked above), as it provides further context for this decision, as well as discussion of alternative terms that can be used. We understand that this is a significant change in the way that we talk about our games, and mistakes will happen. We are not out to punish you if you forget to use an alternative word and we will apologize if we do. We are all working to be better people, but we’re all human and we need to be kind to each other while we all work towards removing lynch from our game vernacular.

Signups and Timeline

Signup using THIS LINK. Signups close at 10pm EST on Tuesday June 30. Role PMs will be sent out shortly after.
Phase 0 will start when role assignments go out (which will be shortly after the sign-up deadline. Phase 0 will last for approximately 2 days, though the confirmation period will be limited to the first 24 hours of that time.
Phase 0 will end at 10 pm (Eastern) on Thursday, July 2nd, and Phase 1 will begin shortly after.


  • Limitations on use for roles added to their descriptions
submitted by BINGO_Host to HogwartsWerewolves [link] [comments]

Summary of the Persona 5 Royal info from the trailer and website (includes P5 Spoilers!)

Finally, some info!
I'll divide this into details from the trailer and details from the site (there's a lot of the latter), with a few bits of speculation thrown in (I'll make it clear which details are confirmed and which are just mine though):
The trailer (in roughly the order of appearance):
Those shoulders look too broad to be Kasumi's (and doesn't seem to have long hair or a ponytail), but they have hair so can't be Shido. But those are definitely seams on the edges of the's Takuto, isn't it?
Maybe Kasumi talks first and Takuto hijacks the message and/ or kidnaps or attacks her while she's delivering it? Maybe they're the same person under different personas personalities? Atlus has done weirder stuff!
Edit 8: I wrote another post analysing the English fan-translation of the trailer, including some further speculation about Gnostic influences. Please check it out too if you have the time!
The website:
There's a ton of stuff here, as I said before!
From the opening "reel" of screenshots:
Section 1: Kasumi Yoshizawa and Takuto Maruki:
Section 2:
And now Lady Ann and I will finally... happy cat noises
In any case, this confirms a "Golden" ending where Joker doesn't need to turn himself in to ensure Shido gets punished. Maybe this involves the "vision" at the start of the trailer and getting Goro to confess on his behalf instead? Or maybe the Yaldabaoth situation is handled differently in such a way that gives Sae the evidence she needs to convict him (assuming the bonus dungeon is in fact the Velvet Room)?
Edit 1: But this also begs the question: what will we do in those three months? Will the Metaverse survive the final boss this time around, or will the last three months be purely for social stats and Confidants? Will at least Mementos survive, so we can complete Confidants, or will they be re-written (by default or after the end of the game) so that Mementos won't be necessary for them?
Section 3:
This details the additions to the overworld and Metaverse.
School Life
Phantom Life
Edit 1: Thanks to the screenshot in this thread (thank you, u/ZuskatoIsR3D) we can see Kasumi's stats in relation to everyone else's. Her numbers are lower than the other three, though this could just mean she recently joined the group and needs to catch up, but her SP is less than half her HP. This could mean either:
The next batch on information will come on May 9th. However, there's also a talk show tomorrow with Joker's VA that was supposed to give P5R info, which makes me think tomorrow will just have a recap of today's stuff (along with info of an upgrade deal for existing owners, I hope).
Persona 5 Royal releases on Halloween in Japan and 2020 in the West (the English trailer also confirms the Western name drops the "The" in the Japanese title as many suspected, following P4G's example). 'til then, enjoy! I hope you found this useful!
Edit 4: Theories (marked with "(*X)" above):
  1. It's possible that the meeting between Kasumi, Ren and Akechi is where we hear the dialogue from last month's trailer ("What do you think of the Phantom Thieves?") After all, them meeting at all means she isn't restricted to only meeting him at the TV station, and this gives her more time to form an opinion on how they work - at least until finding her way into the metaverse and seeing what they do and why.
  2. u/TheReaperCreeper had a much better suggestion than me: what if Akechi is the one who turns himself in for Ren's sake? As another user of the Metaverse he can also answer questions about it to get Shido sentenced, while also paying for his own crimes. Better still, he could claim to be the leader of the Thieves to keep the law off everyone else's backs, thus getting to redeem himself while also being punished for the things he did. Thanks, Reaper!
  3. I was going to say Kasumi may only be important because she was in the right place at the right time, but this certainly hints at a more supernatural cause if true.
  4. u/hypercombofinish suggested Kasumi's Persona could be Dorothée, and since her outfit shares so many similarities to Joker's I think this is highly likely. For those who don't know, Dorothée is the lead character of the novel The Secret Tomb, the only Arsène Lupin book in which Arsène himself doesn't appear. Instead the plot is about Dorothée solving one of his "four fabulous secrets". This could be highly fitting for someone initially disagrees with the Thieves before becoming one herself and would also tie her into Joker's "mythology" the same way Marie and her backstory tied into Izanagi's (and thus Yu) - assuming Kasumi is the Aeon Arcana and not a Fool or Jester or something completely different, of course.
  5. The trailer as a whole has a small narrative running about Kasumi trying to dissuade the Thieves from their work, while Morgana tells her they won't be swayed by the danger or not getting results. This provides some early insight into her character, but maybe she eventually goes off the deep end and tries to control everything as a way of keeping everyone safe? Morgana telling her that "granting everyone's dreams is bad" and her saying she "took everyone's dreams" is also quite interesting. Maybe Wakaba and human!Morgana are just illusions? I plan on making a full post about the translated trailer tomorrow, but this is just something to sleep on until then.
(Just search for "Edit X" to see what each change entailed. Check the time stamp to see if I added anything you missed or want to correct!)
Edit 1: Just added a few tweaks based on stuff I've seen elsewhere on the sub and stuff I forgot to add the first time.
P.S. I the only one who thinks Kasumi looks better in her school uniform? Anyone? Maybe because I like clothed people and the pose shows her off better?
Edit 2: Amended the descriptions of Kasumi's weapons.
Edit 3: Added a detail I overlooked the first time and clarifications from Persona Central's article. (Edit made at 16:53 UTC.)
Edit 4: Added translations for the new boy and a theory section, 17:31 UTC.
Edit 5: Added more translations, a correction about Joker's grappling hook and a new theory! 21:47 UTC.
Edit 5.5: Added a quick note I forgot to under the "mysterious boy's" section. 21:54 UTC.
Edit 6: Another edit, another translation! 22:22 UTC.
Edit 7: Added information from the translated trailer and u/quitethewaysaway's observation. 22:50 UTC.
Edit 7.5: Edited theory 5, 22:53 UTC.
25th April
Edit 8: I wrote another post about the translated trailer and added some new speculation there including possible Gnostic influences! Also I added a possible explanation for the alarms ringing in the Velvet Room. 9:40 (am) UTC.
Edit 9: This has nothing to do with Persona 5 Royal, but I wrote a post for P5S too! It's nowhere near as detailed as this one (since we have nowhere near as much info), but I hope you find it worth reading nonetheless! 14:39 UTC.
Edit 10: Added a shower thought inspired by Kasumi's cosplayer. 16:19 UTC.
Edit 11: Added a detail about Futaba's AOA that I noticed on rewatching the trailer. 18:14 UTC.
Edit 12: Finally managed to snag a picture of the above, and also added a scene from the trailer I didn't think worth mentioning before but have since changed my mind on. 21:13 UTC.
27th April
Edit 13: Added a new observations from the trailer. 08:35 UTC (am).
Edit 14: Added more info about a screenshot. 13:05 UTC.
Edit 15: Added some info from Twitter. I wish I knew of MysticDistance's work sooner! 13:54 UTC.
Edit 16: Added some observations from the trailer. 20:15 UTC.
Edit 17: Added a screenshot of the mystery figure on the TV screen. 20:47 UTC.
28th April
Edit 18: Added more details from Twitter, some speculation and a feature about the cutscenes I keep forgetting to add! 10:09 UTC.
Edit 19: Added speculation about when Kasumi joins the Thieves as well as a theory on Okumura's Palace. 14:05 UTC.
Edit 20: Added some speculation and further observations. 16:52 UTC.
UPDATES: This post is now too long to add to, so further updates will be added in the comments (along with text from here to show where the new details fit in.
Edit 21: Can be found here. 22:17 UTC. (Edit 21.5: Added a link to the magazine article and boldened the links to the trailer and site. 22:25 UTC).
29th April
Edit 22: Can be found here and contains some further speculation! 19:13 UTC.
Edit 23: Can be found here and details Kasumi's animations and possible symbolism of her stats/ potential playstyle. 19:36 UTC.
Edit 24: More speculation! 20:03 UTC.
Edit 25! 21:32 UTC.
30th April
Edit 26! 20:12 UTC.
(Edit 26.5: Added the above date and italicised it and the 29th for better clarity. 21:13 UTC.)
Edit 27: Added something I've been forgetting to add ever since adding the speculation of Goro (and Kasumi) joining Joker as "inmates," followed by some shower thoughts! 21:48 UTC.
Edit 28! A big one if I say so myself, about Kasumi's theorised code name, "Swan". Now I really hope we were right! 22:06 UTC.
4th May
Edit 29, 30 and 31: I was able to cover a lot over the past few days, including an analysis of Kasumi's character and name so far and translations for everything on the trailer and website! 16:49 UTC.
Edit 32: A new thought and an old thought. 23:00 UTC.
5th May
Edit 33: A thought regarding the narrative impact of the similarities between Kasumi and Joker's outfits. 10:01 UTC.
Edit 34: Wrote an analysis of the main song, Colors Flying High, and added some suggestions for the origins and implications of Kasumi's powers! 15:14 UTC.
6th May
Edit 35: More theories based on suggestions from the comments! 14:16 UTC.
Edit 36: New theories from the comments and something I keep forgetting to mention. 14:43 UTC.
Edit 37+ listed here!
submitted by Theroonco to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Welcome to the B.L.o.K. (Big List of Kelowna)

Tons of posts are asking about this town (mine included), so I decided to go through the /kelowna history and put all the responses in a central place. It can be a guide for visitors and Kelowna newbies in general. All the information has been gathered exclusively from posts here. If you'd like to add anything to the list, or see any errors, reply below and I'll add it to the main post below. (Mods, if this is long-term useful, you can sticky it.)

Activities & Things To Do




Bike Rental

Breweries / Craft Beer


BC Parks Campgrounds Reserve

Other Camping

Concert Hosts / Weeklies / Promoter Events


Dog Parks

Festivals & Annual Large Events

Fly Fishing

Food and Restaurants




Good for Groups








Mexican / Comida Latina



Subs / Sandwhiches


Tasting Menus


Vegan & Vegetarian

Not Dedicated Vegan, but a Decent Vegan Selection






Ice Skating

Internet Service Providers

Live Music

Mountain Biking

Nightlife / Clubs

Places to Avoid

Real Estate Agents




Skiing & Snowboarding

Local, within 90 minutes

Within a few hours drive


Cross Country & Nordic


Swimming Pools

Taxis / Driver Service

(There's no Uber or Lyft in Kelowna)




Thrift Stores / Consignment Stores


Watch Hockey



submitted by Indy_Pendant to kelowna [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Sep 20th - Tue, Sep 26th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Sep 20th

Thursday, Sep 21st

  • 🎨 8th AArt Gone Wild Art Exhibit (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 9:30pm
  • 2017 Earth Month Target Take Back Car Seat Program (Target - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Sep 23rd Start Time: 8:00am Between September 10 and 23, Oklahoma City area residents can recycle used car seats! In celebration of National Baby Safety Month, 1,700 Target stores nationwide and across…
  • 😂 Aaron Kleiber (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Sep 23rd
  • Adventure Road Entertainment Stage feat. Chase Bryant (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm A musician from birth, Chase Bryant will bring his lifelong passion for music and performing to the Adventure Road Entertainment Stage! Come rock out to his self-produced hits…
  • 🎨 Annual Spring Show artwork by Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill, Phebe Kallstrom, Margot Holaday, Amy Maguire, John & Marylou M (The Studio Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Studio Gallery, 2646 W. Britton Rd., OKC, is pleased to announce its
    2017 Spring Show Thursday, April 20, 5:30 - 7:30pm.
    The show will feature new works of art by: Lu…
  • Art After 5 Roof Terrace (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm OKCMOA’s Roof Terrace gives visitors the ultimate downtown experience every Thursday evening from April through October with live local music, the best views of downtown OKC, a…
  • 🎨 Art Forum: Megan Singleton Lecture (21C Museum Hotel - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Megan Singleton will facilitate a conversation regarding her exhibition, Fluvial terra, featured in the main gallery of [Artspace] at Untitled with pieces at 21c Museum Hotel.…
  • 🎨 Artwork by Janet O'Neal and Jim Keffer (JRB Art at the Elms - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Sep 23rd Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s…
  • 😂 Davis-Waldorf Performing Arts Series: The Second City (Te Ata Memorial Auditorium - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm The world-famous The Second City will kick off the 17th season of the Davis-Waldorf Performing Arts Series with Cure for the Common Comedy, a show for teens and adults that…
  • 🎨 Drink and Draw (Tree and Leaf - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly schedule:
    1st Thursday: The Okay See
  • Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers (The Cube - Bethany) Start Time: 6:30pm Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers - USA is a national non-profit organization dedicated to ministering to the spiritual and emotional needs of the men and women serving in…
  • 🎓 Hart Energy Conference (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2
  • "’Lucem Ferre’ (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) 1 day left UCO’S MELTON GALLERY BEGINS 2016-17 SEASON WITH ‘LUCEM FERRE,’ AN EXHIBITION OF BIOLOGY-INSPIRED ART The University of Central Oklahoma Melton Gallery will open “Lucem…
  • Mattress Firm Shoe Drive for Foster Kids (Mattress Firm - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Sep 23rd Start Time: 10:00am All Mattress Firm stores in the Oklahoma City-area are hosting a shoe drive to benefit local foster youth and families. Now through Tuesday, Oct. 31, during normal store hours,…
  • The Mavericks (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City)
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 24th Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 24th
  • Outside" Sheridan Underpass Mural Artists (Exhibit C - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 The four American Indian artists behind Bricktown’s newest underpass murals on Sheridan Avenue will have their award-winning artwork on display at Exhibit C in Bricktown July…
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents,…
  • 🎭 Ripcord (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Carpenter Square Theatre opens its 34th Seasonn with the comedy "Ripcord," by David Lindsay-Abaire. In it, "The Odd Couple" meets "The Golden Girls" at the Bristol Place Senior…
  • The Second City's Cure for the Common Comedy (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) The world-famous Second City comedy troupe kicks off the 17th season of the Davis-Waldorf Performing Arts Series at the…
  • Smokey & The Mirror (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Solo Exhibit by Morgan Robinson (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Solo Exhibition: New Works by Morgan Robinson August 19th through September 23rd, 2017
    Sculptor Morgan Robinson blurs the lines that divide art and design. Using the natural…
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers…
  • The Wool Harvest (Crowne Plaza Oklahoma City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Sep 23rd Start Time: 10:00am New venue to Oklahoma City! We have wool, textiles, fibers, yarns, wool threads, rug hooking patterns, applique patterns, books, silver jewelry, classes from Teachers across the…

Friday, Sep 22nd

  • 🎭 4 of a Kind (American Legion Post 12 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 4th Fridays at the Market (Delmar Gardens - Oklahoma City) Locals flood the Delmar Gardens Food Truck Park pavilion during 4th Fridays at the Market. At this monthly event, a…
  • 🎨 8th AArt Gone Wild Art Exhibit (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:30pm
  • 2017 Earth Month Target Take Back Car Seat Program (Target - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00am Between September 10 and 23, Oklahoma City area residents can recycle used car seats! In celebration of National Baby Safety Month, 1,700 Target stores nationwide and across…
  • 😂 Aaron Kleiber (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Adventure Road Stage Feat. Tony! Toni! Tone! (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Tony! Toni! Toné! crashed out of their Oakland neighborhood in 1988 with their Gold debut album Who? which spawned the hit "Little Walter". The success of The Revival and its…
  • American Aquarium in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Join American Aquarium for a very special evening of blistering honky-tonk when they take over the historic Tower…
  • An Afternoon with Kiki Smith (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 3:00pm Presented in conjunction with Kiki Smith and Paper: The Body, the Muse, and the Spirit at the Oklahoma State University Museum of Art, this panel explores Smith’s body of work…
  • Asian Moon Festival (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Come to Plunkett Park on the beautiful campus of the University of Central Oklahoma for Asian Moon Fest. This free,…
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s…
  • 🏆 Central OK: 9/22 4:00 PM University of Central Oklahoma Women's Soccer vs Missouri Southern (Edmond) Start Time: 4:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Soccer vs Missouri Southern\n
  • Fall Equinox Walk (Lake Thunderbird Sailing Club - Norman) Is there anything better than a brisk fall walk? Come to beautiful Lake Thunderbird State Park and enjoy the…
  • Gary Allan in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Travel to the Oklahoma State Fair in Oklahoma City to hear country star Gary Allan perform a live set for a crowd filled…
  • "’Lucem Ferre’ (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Last Day UCO’S MELTON GALLERY BEGINS 2016-17 SEASON WITH ‘LUCEM FERRE,’ AN EXHIBITION OF BIOLOGY-INSPIRED ART The University of Central Oklahoma Melton Gallery will open “Lucem…
  • Margaritaville Cocktail Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Mattress Firm Shoe Drive for Foster Kids (Mattress Firm - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am All Mattress Firm stores in the Oklahoma City-area are hosting a shoe drive to benefit local foster youth and families. Now through Tuesday, Oct. 31, during normal store hours,…
  • Miss May I (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Witness metalcore band Miss May I thrash through their popular tunes for the gathered crowd at Diamond Ballroom.…
  • Needtobreathe (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Three-man Christian rock group Needtobreathe will perform their biggest hits as they embark on their All the Feels…
  • 😂 OKC Improv (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm OKC Improv is Oklahoma's premiere showcase of the best local and regional improvisational comedy and theater! Improvisation, or improv, is a form of live theatre in which the plot,…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma Football (Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 3:30pm Oklahoma Football Tickets. Oklahoma Sooners Schedule. Sooners Tickets.
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 24th Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 24th
  • Outside" Sheridan Underpass Mural Artists (Exhibit C - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The four American Indian artists behind Bricktown’s newest underpass murals on Sheridan Avenue will have their award-winning artwork on display at Exhibit C in Bricktown July…
  • 🎭 Ripcord (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Carpenter Square Theatre opens its 34th Seasonn with the comedy "Ripcord," by David Lindsay-Abaire. In it, "The Odd Couple" meets "The Golden Girls" at the Bristol Place Senior…
  • Rising Star Concert Series (Rodeo Opry - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Alexis Christensen, Kensingtyn Curtis, Ella Misialek, Bella Hand
  • 🏆 SNU: Southern Nazarene University Volleyball vs Oklahoma Baptist (Bethany Library - Bethany) Start Time: 7:00pm Southern Nazarene University Volleyball vs Oklahoma Baptist
  • Solo Exhibit by Morgan Robinson (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art - Oklahoma City) Last Day Solo Exhibition: New Works by Morgan Robinson August 19th through September 23rd, 2017
    Sculptor Morgan Robinson blurs the lines that divide art and design. Using the natural…
  • Sunset River Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Departs Exchange Landing | Last 3 Fridays (June – September) | $35/person Relax and recharge on the deck in the fresh Oklahoma breeze or inside the climate-controlled cabin…
  • Thugs And The Women Who Love 'Em (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 24th
  • The Wool Harvest (Crowne Plaza Oklahoma City - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am New venue to Oklahoma City! We have wool, textiles, fibers, yarns, wool threads, rug hooking patterns, applique patterns, books, silver jewelry, classes from Teachers across the…

Saturday, Sep 23rd

  • 2017 Earth Month Target Take Back Car Seat Program (Target - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 8:00am Between September 10 and 23, Oklahoma City area residents can recycle used car seats! In celebration of National Baby Safety Month, 1,700 Target stores nationwide and across…
  • 🏃 2017 OKC St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer (Stars & Stripes Park - Oklahoma City) Join supporters in communities across the nation for the St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month for this family-friendly event that…
  • 😂 Aaron Kleiber (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Backwoods Country Music Show (The Centre Theatre - El Reno) Come to the historic Centre Theatre in downtown El Reno to experience the Backwoods Country Music Show. Featuring…
  • Backyard Chicken Workshop (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s…
  • Dennis DeYoung in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Oklahoma State Fair in Oklahoma City welcomes founding member of the 1970s and 80s mega group Styx, Dennis DeYoung. His…
  • 🏃 Down Syndrome Festival & 5K (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) The event is open to the public. The 5K will begin at 8 a.m. and the awareness walk (one lap around the ballpark) will begin at 9:30 a.m. Gates will open and the festival fun…
  • Edible Flower Arranging (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:30pm
  • Excision featuring The Paradox (Lost Lakes Amphitheater - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm Boombox Cartel, Dion Timmer
  • Norman Farm Market (Cleveland County Fairgrounds - Norman) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Norman Film Festival (Downtown - Norman) Start Time: 12:00pm Each year, budding artists premiere their films at the Norman Film Festival. Created in 2017, this annual creative…
  • 🎓 Free device workshop (U.S. Cellular - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am September is when school is back in full swing, and the beginning of a new school year is often when many children get their first phones. A recent U.S. Cellular survey showed the…
  • 🏆 FREE Learn To Skate Lesson (Skate Galaxy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm FREE Learn to Skate Lesson Every Saturday from 12:00pm-12:45pm! The lesson is free and no sign up required! Don't have a pair of skates? No problem! Rentals start at $2! ALL AGES…
  • 🎡 Harvest Festival (Univresity Town Center - Norman) Start Time: 11:00am The University Town Center is hosting a Harvest Festival in the center on Saturday, September 23rd from 11am to 2pm.
    The kids will love the variety of fun activities being…
  • Josh Turner in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) One of the youngest members of the Grand Ol' Opry is headed to Oklahoma City to showcase his award-winning voice at…
  • Margaritaville Cocktail Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Mattress Firm Shoe Drive for Foster Kids (Mattress Firm - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am All Mattress Firm stores in the Oklahoma City-area are hosting a shoe drive to benefit local foster youth and families. Now through Tuesday, Oct. 31, during normal store hours,…
  • 🏃 Monarch Madness 5K and 1-Mile Fun Walk (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am Run 5k so they can fly 4,000k! The Oklahoma City Zoo invites you to run 5k (or walk 1 mile) in the Monarch Madness 5k. The officially timed course simulates the Monarch…
  • 🏃 OKC Zoo "Monarch Madness" 5K (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City)
  • Oklahoma Bluegrass Club Show (Oklahoma Country-Western Museum & Hall of Fame - Del City) The Oklahoma Bluegrass Club Show features professional and non-professional musicians coming together to play their…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma Football (Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 3:30pm Oklahoma Football Tickets. Oklahoma Sooners Schedule. Sooners Tickets.
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Oklahoma Wildlife Expo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Day 1 of 2 Come to Guthrie's Lazy E Arena and experience Oklahoma's largest indoor and outdoor recreation event. Come to…
  • Robert Irvine (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) See one of Food Network's top stars live as Robert Irvine makes his way to Grand Casino Hotel & Resort in…
  • 🏃 Run4Love (Color Run) (Chandler) The 2nd annual Run4Love project that is a community project hosted by the Central church of Christ in Chandler, OK. All proceeds 100% are being donated to the God & People's Food…
  • 🏆 SNU: Southern Nazarene University Football vs Arkansas Tech (Bethany Library - Bethany) Start Time: 1:00pm Southern Nazarene University Football vs Arkansas Tech
  • Thugs And The Women Who Love 'Em (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • The Wool Harvest (Crowne Plaza Oklahoma City - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am New venue to Oklahoma City! We have wool, textiles, fibers, yarns, wool threads, rug hooking patterns, applique patterns, books, silver jewelry, classes from Teachers across the…
  • 🏃 Yoga Flow (Moore Norman Technology Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Yoga is a great way to start your weekend! Offered on Saturday mornings, this class combines aspects of Level I and Level II. The class level will be tailored according to…
  • 🏃 Yoga Flow Variety Fitness (Moore Norman Technology Center - Norman) Start Time: 10:30am For those who have previous practiced yoga and want to explore yoga blended with other exercise modalities. We will do a different blended class each week such as Iron Yoga…

Sunday, Sep 24th

  • Hard Working Americans (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get ready to fly your freak flag high when jam/alt-country super group Hard Working Americans takes over the historic…
  • Jason Isbell et al. (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Join Jason Isbell for an evening of great Americana music as he and the 400 Unit take the stage at the Criterion in…
  • Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Mesta Festa (Perle Mesta Park - Oklahoma City) Come enjoy a full day of outdoor fun at Mesta Festa in Oklahoma City. Located in the Midtown District at Perle Mesta…
  • Oklahoma Derby Day (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Celebrate the Oklahoma Derby in style at Remington Park Racetrack & Casino in Oklahoma City. In addition to the 10…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Oklahoma Wildlife Expo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Day 2 of 2 Come to Guthrie's Lazy E Arena and experience Oklahoma's largest indoor and outdoor recreation event. Come to…
  • Thugs And The Women Who Love 'Em (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Last Day

Monday, Sep 25th

Tuesday, Sep 26th

  • Against Me! et al. (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Pump those fists high as punk rock band Against Me! commands the Diamond Ballroom stage. Sing along to fast-paced rock…
  • Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 1st Join OKC Broadway at the Civic Center Music Hall for a touching performance of "Beautiful - The Carole King…
  • Food Truck Tuesdays (Jackson - Blanchard) Every week, treat your taste buds to new flavors. During Food Truck Tuesdays, a different food truck will park in…
  • Silent Planet in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Silent Planet is best known for their metal riffs, complex lyrics and heavy vocals. Come see this metal rock band live…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Feb 14th - Tue, Feb 20th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Feb 14th

  • Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Anxiety Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness and affect more than 40 million Americans. Symptoms may include: overwhelming feelings of panic and fear, uncontrollable obsessive thoughts, painful intrusive memories, recurring nightmares, physical symptoms such as feeling sick to your stomach, “butterflies” in your stomach,…
  • 🎭 Deadly Dancing (Cattlemen's Steakhouse - Oklahoma City) Award winning, nationally recognized Whodunit Dinner Theatre is performing our 27th year in OKC. We've been titled the 'Masters of Murder Mystery Mayhem' for good reason - we 'KILL' it! We are available for private shows for your group, church and organization, so give us a call or email anytime!
  • 🎭 Deadly Dancing (Ted's Escondido - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:15am Award winning, nationally recognized Whodunit Dinner Theater is performing our 27th year in Oklahoma City. We've been titled the 'Masters of Murder Mystery Mayhem' for good reason — we 'KILL' it! We are available for private show for your group, church and organization so give us a call or email anytime!
  • The Disaster Artist (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Feb 16th Start Time: 7:00pm This is a General Admission seating screening. This film is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. NOTE: This is a movie screening and NOT a live performance event. With fees tickets are $10
  • 🏆 Lance Grave International Barrel Racing Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 8:00am Visit for full details!
  • Magic Mike Tour (Big Dick's Roadhouse - Yukon) Start Time: 8:00pm You've seen the movie, now come see the hottest men on the planet, Live, and onstage, for your eyes only with this Las Vegas style show. Let these calendar men take care of all you fantasies. Don't forget your dollar bills. There will be an opportunity offered at the show for those Ladies that want to give a special friend or herself an up close…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma Venture Forum Speaker Series (PHF Conference Center at OUHSC University Research Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am Oklahoma Venture Forum kicks off their 30th membership session with the Speaker Series Luncheon featuring Chad Jordan, CEO of Arrow Global Capital.
    OVF continues to foster the growth of new and existing small business ventures in Oklahoma by creating the setting for entrepreneurs, investors, service industries, incubators and collegiate…
  • Parents Supporting Parents (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm This group is for caretakers and parents who are supporting an individual managing the complications often associated with having a pervasive development disorder such as autism or aspergers disorder. This group will also provide education and support to those parents who have loved ones with diagnosed or undiagnosed mental, emotional,…
  • Saints - Rock & Roll Camp for Girls Benefit (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Split Lip Rayfield (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎨 TCAA Leather Working Workshop (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am February 12 – 14, 2018 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Traditional Cowboy Arts Association (TCAA) members Pedro Pedrini and Troy West claim whether you call it leather carving, tooling, or stamping, you can hone your skills with the comprehensive workshop they are presenting. This hands-on workshop, held February 12 – 14, 2018, in the Museum’s…
  • Valentine's Day Dinner (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a four-course meal and live music by Music Maker at the Museum Cafe! Details: Reservations can be made at 6 or 8 pm Please call the Museum Cafe at (405) 235-6262 to reserve your table. Pricing: $58 per person (tax and gratuity not included)
    See menu below: Amuse Bouche
    • Oyster Bienville: Mushroom and parmesan…
  • Valentine's Day with Split Lip Rayfield (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Come celebrate Valentine's Day 2018 with us in #OKC at The Blue Door!! Tickets on sale soon but RSVP NOW!
  • Wednesday Game Night (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Play the games you love for jackpots and then play more games you love for Extra Cash & Prizes on Game Night at Remington Park, every Wednesday! Starting at 6pm on Wednesday nights at Remington Park, just make sure to use your Club Remington Card as you play in the casino. Doing so may get you selected via hot seat drawings to make Free Spins,…

Thursday, Feb 15th

  • Bahamas et al. (Oklahoma City) Each ticket purchase receives a code to digitally download Bahamas' new album Earthtones when it comes out January 19.
  • The Disaster Artist (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 7:00pm This is a General Admission seating screening. This film is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. NOTE: This is a movie screening and NOT a live performance event. With fees tickets are $10
  • FLY Dance Company (Te Ata Memorial Auditorium - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm Travel with your Valentine to the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for The Gentlemen of Hip Hop by FLY…
  • Joe Crookston (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🏆 Lance Grave International Barrel Racing Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 8:00am Visit for full details!
  • Looking For Something? (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Songwriter, guitarist, painter, fiddler, slide player, eco-village member and believer in all things possible. Named 2016 Folk Alliance International Artist-in- Residence and signed to Tamulevich Artist Management along with John Gorka and Peter Yarrow. His songs are being made into films.
  • Lunar New Year (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm The Lunar New Year is the cycle of time switching from one Zodiac to the next. This year, the Asian American Student Association in collaboration with the Vietnamese Student Association brings awareness, exposes Central's campus, and educates participants in the different customs and traditional celebrations of the Lunar New Year from different…
  • Man of La Mancha (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 7:30pm Performance Dates & Times: 7:30pm. Thursday, February 15 2018 7:30pm. Friday, February 16, 2018 7:30pm. Saturday, February 17, 2018 2:00pm. Sunday, February 18, 2018 Free for UCO students with curent ID
  • Meditation Class (St Stephen's United Methodist - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Weekly meditation and discussion group conducted by the monks from Oklahoma Buddhist Vihara.
    St. Stephens UMC 6-7pm Look for the shoes.
  • 😂 Moby Dick! The Musical (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 8:00pm Presented by OKC Theatre Company By Robert Longden and Hereward Kaye Directed by Megan Montgomery Facing the closure of their rough and tumble school due to unpaid utility bills, The young juvenile delinquents of St. Godley's School for Girls write and stage a spectacular musical production of Herman Melville's great novel, MOBY DICK. With…
  • Path of Destruction Tour: OKC (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Catch Lex The Hex Master, Axe Murder Boyz and SCUM at 89th Street OKC!
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood. Some people will have stress reactions that do not go away on their own, or may even get worse…
  • RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 18th The 49th Annual RV Super Show, held at Oklahoma City's State Fair Park, features hundreds of RVs on display under…
  • Share at the Showroom | Marissa Raglin and Chelsey Cope (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm To kick off the 2018 season of Share at the Showroom, we'll be talking with Oklahoma City-based collage artist Marissa Raglin, the current Artist in Residence at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel. In addition, Guthrie-based singer-songwriter Chelsey Cope will perform an acoustic set of songs from her upcoming album, Where Nobody Goes.
  • 😂 Shaun Jones (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 17th
  • 🎭 Sooner Theatre Murder Mystery (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 6:30pm On a dark and stormy night, a group of friends, enemies, lovers and haters arrive at an isolated manor to try their hands at solving a staged mystery before returning to their normal, boring lives the next day. But for one of them, there is no going back after they develop a very real case of being DEAD!!! The game they all came to play becomes…
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers the opportunity to share, listen, teach and learn with others also overcoming the loss of a loved one. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.
  • Tekashi69 (The Criterion - Oklahoma City)
  • Watermelon Slim et al. (VZD's - Oklahoma City) "The most exciting and authentic blues performer I've heard in years." - A.W., Paste Magazine
    2x Winner: 2008 Blues Music Award - Band of the Year and Album of the Year 2x Winner: 2006 & 2007 MOJO Magazine's #1 Blues Album of the Year Winner: 6th Annual Independent Music Awards - Blues Album of the Year
    Watermelon Slim - Ringers: An…

Friday, Feb 16th

  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Downtown - Shawnee) During the 3rd Friday Block pARTy in Shawnee, local restaurants, art galleries and merchants are open late in the…
  • Bully et al. (Opolis - Norman)
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Tennis vs Southern Nazarene (Edmond) Start Time: 2:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Tennis vs Southern Nazarene
  • The Disaster Artist (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 7:00pm This is a General Admission seating screening. This film is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. NOTE: This is a movie screening and NOT a live performance event. With fees tickets are $10
  • 🎨 Filmography: "Mickey Reece’s Alien" (21C Museum Hotel - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Art goes to the movies with 21c Oklahoma City’s Filmography, a free monthly film series at 21c Oklahoma City in partnership with deadCenter Film and the OKC Film Society. Filmography takes place on the third Friday of each month.
    Join us in February for a screening of "Mickey Reece's Alien." Conveyed through sensual black and white…
  • Funny AF Friday Comedy Show (ICE Event Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Funny AF Fridays is the weekly comedy show that features celebrity comedians and provides a platform for local comedians to get their shine. If you are interested in getting your "5 min" of comedy, contact Marc Flemon at 4052084240.
  • Jason Boland & The Stragglers (The State Theatre - Harrah)
  • 🏆 Lance Grave International Barrel Racing Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00am Visit for full details!
  • The Little Mermaid (Oklahoma City Ballet - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 18th For one special weekend in February, get your tickets and surrender to the magic of fairy tales as Oklahoma City Ballet…
  • Luke Combs: Don't Tempt Me With A Good Time Tour (The Criterion - Oklahoma City)
  • 🎭 Lunar New Year at the Gardens: Year of the Dog (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:00pm We are partnering up with our friends from Super Cao Nguyen in the OKC Asian District to celebrate the Lunar New Year! Join us for a late afternoon of music, face painting and fun for the entire family. The Gardens will have lion dancers from the St. Andrew Dung Lac Lion Dance Association, festive décor, crafts for the kids, cultural…
  • Man of La Mancha (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) 1 day left Start Time: 7:30pm Performance Dates & Times: 7:30pm. Thursday, February 15 2018 7:30pm. Friday, February 16, 2018 7:30pm. Saturday, February 17, 2018 2:00pm. Sunday, February 18, 2018 Free for UCO students with curent ID
  • 😂 Moby Dick! The Musical (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm Presented by OKC Theatre Company By Robert Longden and Hereward Kaye Directed by Megan Montgomery Facing the closure of their rough and tumble school due to unpaid utility bills, The young juvenile delinquents of St. Godley's School for Girls write and stage a spectacular musical production of Herman Melville's great novel, MOBY DICK. With…
  • Moon Taxi (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Advance $22.50 | Day of Show $25 | Mezzanine $50 (21+) For information on purchasing VIP booth tickets, click HERE $3 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Jones Assembly Box Office. No re-entry. No refunds. No smoking. Under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Support acts are subject to change without notice. More…
  • 🏆 Perfect 10 Challenge (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:45pm THE CHALLENGE The Oklahoma women gymnastics team heads to Oklahoma City to face Nebraska women gymnastics team in the annual Perfect 10 Challenge, held inside the Cox Convention Center.
  • RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 18th The 49th Annual RV Super Show, held at Oklahoma City's State Fair Park, features hundreds of RVs on display under…
  • 😂 Shaun Jones (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • 🎭 Sooner Theatre Murder Mystery (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) 1 day left Start Time: 6:30pm On a dark and stormy night, a group of friends, enemies, lovers and haters arrive at an isolated manor to try their hands at solving a staged mystery before returning to their normal, boring lives the next day. But for one of them, there is no going back after they develop a very real case of being DEAD!!! The game they all came to play becomes…
  • Souled Out (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00pm Souled Out will perform in concert at 8 p.m. at the UCO Jazz Lab, 100 E. Fifth St. Tickets are $15. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit
  • The Vaudevillian (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 18th Come to the Kirkpatrick Auditorium at Oklahoma City University to experience the world premiere of The Vaudevillian, a…
  • World Premiere of The Vaudevillian, An American Opera (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Join us Feb. 16-18 for the world premiere of The Vaudevillian, a new opera by Thomas Pasatieri! The backstage backstory dramatizes the rise and fall of American soprano Rosa Ponselle, who began her decades-long performing career in a vaudeville sister act and made her Metropolitan Opera debut at the age of 21. OCU's 2018 world premiere marks the…

Saturday, Feb 17th

  • 🎓 4th annual Beads & the Brave gala (Leadership Square - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Warriors for Freedom is hosting their annual charity Mardi Gras gala! Enjoy games, amazing food, great beverages and so much more! This is one party you do NOT want to miss!! Grab a date a join us! Or, if you're looking for volunteer opportunities, we have that also! For more information, visit
  • 🎭 4th Annual Daddy Daughter Dance (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:30pm Let Oklahoma City Parks and Recreation give you a magical evening with your daughter that will create lifelong memories. Come join us for a Night on the Red Carpet in the beautiful Meinders Hall of Mirrors at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. There will be a grand red-carpet entrance, photo opportunities and a light dinner with…
  • 🏆 The Bart & Nadia Sports Experience (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am The Bart & Nadia Sports Experience weekend hosts a variety of events that all have an emphasis on sports, health and wellness. These activities include world-class gymnastics competitions, a FREE family sports experience and the OKC RUNderground. Our goal is to encourage families to take ownership of their health through activities that embrace…
  • The Centennial Rodeo Opry (Rodeo Opry - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Adults - $15.00 Children 7 -12 years - $7.50 Children 6 years & younger - FREE *Military discount available at box office with military ID
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Softball vs Oklahoma Christian (Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Softball vs Oklahoma Christian
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Softball vs Oklahoma Christian (Edmond) Start Time: 2:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Softball vs Oklahoma Christian
  • 🎓 The Coded Life: Beginners | Angel Little (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Welcome to the next step in the coding life. Now that you have a taste of how coding works, it’s time to further explore the concept of computer programming, learn how to write in functions, compare and contrast code online and scratch the surface of the designing process. Come enjoy the life, the coded life! Limited Enrollment. Ages: 10+
  • Daddy Daughter Dance (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Let Oklahoma City Parks and Recreation give you a magical evening with your daughter that will create lifelong memories. Come join us for a Night on the Red Carpet in the beautiful Meinders Hall of Mirrors at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. There will be a grand red-carpet entrance, photo opportunities and a light dinner with…
  • Dylan LeBlanc (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City)
  • 🎓 Essentials of Raja Yoga Meditation- a day course (Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm Taking time out has always been a vital part of improving the quality of life, refreshing our understanding of events and re-charging the spirit. A day Retreat is an opportunity to step off the conveyor belt of life and spend time in a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere, reflecting upon and exploring the important factors governing our…
  • 🎨 Exhibition: "The New Art: A Controversial Collection Fifty Years Later" (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm In 1968, the Oklahoma Art Center, OKCMOA’s predecessor, purchased the 150-piece permanent collection of the Washington Gallery of Modern Art, the first art museum in the nation’s capital dedicated to the collection of contemporary art. That decision proved deeply consequential for the Oklahoma City arts community, first as it led the Art…
  • 🎓 Free Device Workshop to Winterize your Phone (U.S. Cellular - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am The cold temperatures can be taxing on people and even technology. As you layer your clothing in preparation for wintry conditions, don’t forget to protect your mobile device with the latest accessories.
    U.S. Cellular will host a free Device Workshop in Oklahoma City on February 17th from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at 2130 W Memorial Rd, where…
  • 🏆 Lance Graves International Barrel Horse Sale (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Start Time: 4:00pm New at the Lazy E is the Lance Graves International Barrel Horse Sale! The consignment deadline is November 15, 2017 and we are only excepting 125 head total, so get your forms in quick! Under new mangament and with a few changes to the bill this year 2018 is looking good! We hope you are as excited about the sale as we are! Forms can be found…
  • 🏆 Lance Grave International Barrel Racing Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Last Day Start Time: 8:00am Visit for full details!
  • The Little Mermaid (Oklahoma City Ballet - Oklahoma City) 1 day left For one special weekend in February, get your tickets and surrender to the magic of fairy tales as Oklahoma City Ballet…
  • Man of La Mancha (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Last Day Start Time: 7:30pm Performance Dates & Times: 7:30pm. Thursday, February 15 2018 7:30pm. Friday, February 16, 2018 7:30pm. Saturday, February 17, 2018 2:00pm. Sunday, February 18, 2018 Free for UCO students with curent ID
  • 😂 Moby Dick! The Musical (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 8:00pm Presented by OKC Theatre Company By Robert Longden and Hereward Kaye Directed by Megan Montgomery Facing the closure of their rough and tumble school due to unpaid utility bills, The young juvenile delinquents of St. Godley's School for Girls write and stage a spectacular musical production of Herman Melville's great novel, MOBY DICK. With…
  • 🏆 Monster Jam (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Monster Jam® is the most action-packed live event on four wheels where world-class drivers compete in front of capacity crowds in both monster truck racing and freestyle competitions. Celebrating 25 years of adrenaline-charged family entertainment, Monster Jam combines spontaneous entertainment with the ultimate off-road, motorsport…
  • Mother and Son Soiree (Orr Family Farm Event Barn - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy an exciting evening at the Orr Family Farm with your son! Designed for ages 4-14, the Mother and Son Soiree includes an evening of dancing provided by a professional DJ, light snacks, a commemorative photo from the photo booth and fun!
    Attire for the Mother and Son Soiree will be church-appropriate clothing with a western flair! Wear…
  • Myriad Kitchen: An Intro to Healthy Cooking (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm Enjoy a delicious lunch that will taste so good you’ll have trouble believing it’s healthy. The program includes an overview of: eating well and using in-season fresh fruits and vegetables; adding flavor with fresh and dried herbs; and best methods for healthy cooking.
  • 🎨 The New Art Opening Weekend (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am OKCMOA is happy to open the upcoming exhibition, "The New Art: A Milestone Collection Fifty Years Later," which will be on view starting February 17. Come see us opening weekend! Details: In 1968, the Oklahoma Art Center, OKCMOA’s predecessor, purchased the 154-piece permanent collection of the Washington Gallery of Modern Art (WGMA), the…
  • Noah Gundersen (Oklahoma City)
  • 🏃 OKC Riversport Canoe/Kayak Indoor Championships (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Members of the OKC RIVERSPORT Junior, Master and Corporate Rowing League will race in the OKC RIVERSPORT Erg Challenge on indoor rowing machines.
    Members of the OKC RIVERSPORT Canoe/Kayak Youth League, Juniors, Masters and High Performance Team will also race in the OKC RIVERSPORT Indoor Canoe/Kayak Championships.
  • OU Sooners vs Texas Longhorns (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Experience the action and excitement in Norman as the Oklahoma Sooners take on the Texas Longhorns. Since the team's…
  • Prairie Moderns: The Artwork of Don Holladay (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Thru Fri, Mar 16th Come to the Nesbitt Gallery at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for an exhibition of works by Oklahoma…
  • RUNderground (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) OKC Riversports' RUNderground 5K is one of Oklahoma City's most unique competitive running experiences. This 3.1…
  • 🏃 Run for Recovery 5K/10K (Stars & Stripes Park - Oklahoma City) Let's get running at the 2nd annual Run for Recovery! Proceeds from the run benefit Teen Recovery Solutions, an Oklahoma City-based nonprofit benefiting teens in substance abuse and addiction recovery and their families. More than 300 runners attended this sanctioned event in 2017! Each runner will receive a commemorative beanie, and runners who…
  • Ruthie Foster (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Ruthie Foster
    In the tightknit musical community of Austin, Texas, it's tough to get away with posturing. You either bring it, or you don't.
    If you do, word gets around. Praises are sung. And one day, you find yourself duetting with Bonnie Raitt, or standing onstage with the Allman Brothers at New York's Beacon Theater and trading verses with…
  • RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The 49th Annual RV Super Show, held at Oklahoma City's State Fair Park, features hundreds of RVs on display under…
  • 😂 Shaun Jones (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • 🏆 Sooners Basketball: Discount Tickets (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Start Time: 12:00pm
  • 🎭 Sooner Theatre Murder Mystery (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Last Day Start Time: 6:30pm On a dark and stormy night, a group of friends, enemies, lovers and haters arrive at an isolated manor to try their hands at solving a staged mystery before returning to their normal, boring lives the next day. But for one of them, there is no going back after they develop a very real case of being DEAD!!! The game they all came to play becomes…
  • Sprouting Chefs: Fun and Fresh Lunches (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Start the Lunar New Year off right with a healthy cooking class for kids. We’ll learn the basics of making healthy, easy dishes that your little ones will love. Families will work together to create a few nutritious lunch options and leave with the skills and inspiration to continue the fun at home.
  • 🏃 Tri-OKC Memorial Trail Race (SCIP Recreational Trail - Oklahoma City)
  • The Vaudevillian (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Come to the Kirkpatrick Auditorium at Oklahoma City University to experience the world premiere of The Vaudevillian, a…
  • Wanda Jackson (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Join the Queen of Rockabilly for a very special evening when she takes over OKC's historic Tower Theatre. Since the…

Sunday, Feb 18th

  • Davy Knowles et al. (VZD's - Oklahoma City)
  • Lalah Hathaway (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get ready for a soulful evening, when five-time Grammy winner Lalah Hathaway brings her Honestly tour to OKC's…
  • The Little Mermaid (Oklahoma City Ballet - Oklahoma City) Last Day For one special weekend in February, get your tickets and surrender to the magic of fairy tales as Oklahoma City Ballet…
  • 🏆 Monster Jam (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Monster Jam® is the most action-packed live event on four wheels where world-class drivers compete in front of capacity crowds in both monster truck racing and freestyle competitions. Celebrating 25 years of adrenaline-charged family entertainment, Monster Jam combines spontaneous entertainment with the ultimate off-road, motorsport…
  • Monster Jam Pit Pass: Preshow Pit Party From 10:30am-12:00pm (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm PIT PASS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN EVENT TICKET! The Pit Party is a preshow event taking place from 10:30am to 12:00pm. Ages 2 & up require a ticket.
    The Monster Jam® Pit Party provides unprecedented access to the Monster Jam trucks and drivers, you can meet the drivers, get their autographs take photos and see the trucks up close. It is a…
  • Prairie Moderns: The Artwork of Don Holladay (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Thru Fri, Mar 16th Come to the Nesbitt Gallery at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for an exhibition of works by Oklahoma…
  • RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Last Day The 49th Annual RV Super Show, held at Oklahoma City's State Fair Park, features hundreds of RVs on display under…
  • The Vaudevillian (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Last Day Come to the Kirkpatrick Auditorium at Oklahoma City University to experience the world premiere of The Vaudevillian, a…

Monday, Feb 19th

  • Prairie Moderns: The Artwork of Don Holladay (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Thru Fri, Mar 16th Come to the Nesbitt Gallery at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for an exhibition of works by Oklahoma…

Tuesday, Feb 20th

  • The Dangerous Summer in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Head to 89th Street in Oklahoma City to see The Dangerous Summer live. Four years after their breakup, The Dangerous…
  • Dublin Irish Dance (Armstrong Auditorium - Edmond) Tap your toes to the sights and sounds of Dublin Irish Dance at the Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond. This eight member…
  • 🏃 Love Your Pet Day 5K & 10K (Your Pro Choice Hardwood Flrs - Oklahoma City) February 20th is Love Your Pet Day! We want to celebrate all of the animals we love so much with a Love Your Pet Day 5K & 10K!
    We will be donating 15% of each registration to Petsmart Charities, who are committed to end pet homelessness.
  • P.O.D. in Concert (The Ruins Live - Oklahoma City) Get ready for some serious rowdiness when Nu Metal pioneers P.O.D. take over The Ruins Live for the venue's…
  • Prairie Moderns: The Artwork of Don Holladay (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Thru Fri, Mar 16th Come to the Nesbitt Gallery at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for an exhibition of works by Oklahoma…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Oct 5th - Tue, Oct 11th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Oct 5th

  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Benny Golson Quartet (UCO Jazz Lab - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00pm The BENNY GOLSON QUARTET will be performing a very special ONE-TIME ONLY performance at the UCO Jazz Lab next WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5. This is an absolute DO NOT MISS event! Please spread the word!
  • Bi-Weekly Meetup (51st st. Speakeasy) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Bringing Books to Life (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 10:00am
  • Norman Central - After School Special (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 3:30pm After School Special combines books, a film, and an awesome craft for an afternoon of fun. This weekly program is for children in Kindergarten, First, and Second grades. For more information, contact the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • Norman Central - Baby Story Time (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Calling all babies, toddlers and the ones who love them! It's time for Baby Story Time! Each week, we'll explore the world through books, songs, fingerplays and rhymes designed for the smallest library fans! This story time is great for ages birth to 24 months. For more information, please call the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • Norman Central - Getting Started with Computers, Day 3 (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 1:00pm Come to the Library and get started learning computers! This is the third day of a five-day series. On Day 3, we'll be using the Internet for the very first time! While this is a five-day series, participants are welcome to attend only for the events in the series where they feel comfortable. We'd love to see you each of the five days, but - for…
  • 🎓 Norman Central - Robot Club (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 4:00pm Robot Club is for any teen interested in designing, building, and programming a real, working robot. The Norman Library is proud to offer Robot Club in fall on Wednesday nights, 4:00-6:00. Any teen (grade 6-12) who is interested and wants to show up to every week of Robot Club may apply by visiting this website . If you have any questions,…
  • 🎨 Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 (Oklahoma History Center) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 is a snapshot of images by Lewis Hine whose photography captured the soul of the child laborer in north America in the early 1900s. Although Hine focused on major cities, he did take brief trips to other parts of the country to document child labor, including Oklahoma. Hine…
  • Del City Kiwanis Club (Rose State College - Midwest City)
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of painting *during an interview. Short but meaningful, the phrase summarized his relationship with art. It was more than a hobby or pastime. More than a career. It was the lens…
  • Family Play Time/ La hora de jugar en familia (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 10:30am Join us for a bilingual family play program for babies and children under 5 years of age. ¡Aprendan y jueguen todos juntos! Para bebés y niños hasta 5 años de edad con las personas que los cuidan.
  • 🏃 Family Yoga Night (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 6:30pm Cooperative event with Shannon Scott. Please join the Noble Public Library and Shannon Scott for Family Yoga Night, every Wednesday. For more information please contact Shannon Scott -- [email protected] (405) 517-9605
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • Kevin Devine w/ Chase Kerby (Opolis Prod - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Opolis Prod presents: Kevin Devine w/ Chase Kerby + The Villains at Opolis
    Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 Doors - 7pm // Show - 8pm $12 adv $14 day of 21+ BUY TICKETS HERE:
  • Landry (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Oct 8th music
  • Lapsit Story Time (Moore Public Library - Moore) Start Time: 10:00am Each week, caregivers and their children sit together to enjoy developmentally appropriate stories, songs, fingerplays and bubbles. For babies 24 months and younger accompanied by an adult. For more information, call the Moore Public Library at 405-793-4347. For updates on special events and more, be sure to check the Website, like us on…
  • Make America Rock Again (The Criterion) Start Time: 7:00pm Make America Rock Again Tour Featuring: Trapt, Saliva, Saving Abel, Alien Ant Farm, Crazytown, 12 Stones, and Tantric Doors: 6:00pm Show: 7:00pm Early Entry and Meet and Greet tickets available
  • Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill (The Studio Gallery) Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill
    The Studio Gallery, 2646 W, Britton Rd., is pleased to have Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill as featured artists for the month of August.
    Holaday is an experienced artist who recieved her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University Of Oklahoma. She has participated in local art shows, in Texas
    and has had…
  • MC Chris (89th Street Collective)
  • Oil Paintingws by Russell Hughes (50 Penn Art Gallery) Day 2 of 2 Carolyn, please run the following under the Exhibits listing in the
    September 4th edition of the Oklahoman:
    *Oil Paintings by Russell Hughes, *through October 29th.
    50 Penn Art Gallery, 1900 NW Expressway. There will be an
    opening reception at 6 p.m. Friday (Sept. 9th) 848-5567
  • Quirky Quilt Show Giveaway Builds Homes for Foster Children (Paseo Arts District) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm WHEN: October 1-31, 2016 WHERE: Paseo Arts District, 3022 Paseo, OKC, OK WHY: Quilt Show/Giveaway during American Craft Celebration WHAT: Quirky Quilt Show Giveaway Builds Homes for Foster Children The Paseo Arts District features a Quirky Quilt Exhibit/Giveaway to build new happy homes for foster children at the Peppers Ranch Foster Care…
  • The Struts in Concert (Diamond Ballroom) Experience classic rock from a contemporary hard rock band as The Struts trek from England to Oklahoma City. After…
  • The Struts OKC 10/5 (Diamond Ballroom) Start Time: 8:00pm THE STRUTS OCTOBER 5, 2016 7PM DOORS / 8PM SHOW TIX AT BUY FOR LESS 866-977-6849 Direct Link: ON SALE FRI 7/15 10AM
  • 🎓 Tai Chi Moving For Better Balance (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 1:00pm The movements of Tai Chi help all ages reduce stress, increase balance and flexibility. Participants learn relaxation to improve their overall mind, body and spirit through a series of slow continuous movements. This program is designed for people at all levels of mobility and can be performed standing or sitting. Please wear comfortable…
  • 🎨 Volunteer for Cloud City by Tomás Saraceno Day 2 of 2 Tomás Saraceno’s Cloud City is coming to Oklahoma City! Get to know the large-scale installation inside and out as a volunteer for this “utopian city in the sky” during its five-week run at Campbell Art Park, adjacent to our planned art campus at NW 11th and Broadway. To show our appreciation, volunteers who work three shifts will…
  • 🍴 Way Back Wednesday - $1 Beer (Remington Park)
  • 🎓 Western Movie Matinee: Hud (Western Heritage Museum) Start Time: 1:00pm Join us for these terrific “staff picks.” Popcorn provided. The Museum is admission free to all on Wide Open Wednesdays, courtesy of the Oklahoma Ford Dealers.
    October 5 – Hud Hard-drinking, arrogant, womanizing Hud Bannon (Paul Newman) lives a self-centered, indolent life supported by his hard-working and morally upstanding father, Homer…

Thursday, Oct 6th

  • Big Daddy Weave in Concert (Quail Springs Baptist Church) Come see one of the top Christian music artists perform live at Quail Springs Baptist Church. Supporting acts Plumb and…
  • 🎓 Norman Central - Getting Started with Computers, Day 4 (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 1:00pm Come to the Library and get started learning computers! This is the fourth day of a five-day series. On Day 4, we'll be working on file management skills: how to create, organize, and move files and folders in Windows. While this is a five-day series, participants are welcome to attend only for the events in the series where they feel…
  • 🎓 Norman Central -Science Cafe (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm STEAM Tweens connects kids with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Mathematics in the library! Each week, join us as we explore and create different things of the STEAM variety! This program is for ages 8-12 or children in third, fourth, fifth, or sixth grades. For more information, please call the Children's desk at 405-701-2630.
  • Norman Central - Toddler Explorers (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Toddler Explorers is an hour of fun activities for toddlers and the grown-ups who love them. This is a monthly come-and-go event and will take place on the first Thursday of the month for one hour. Previously known as Baby Time and Baby Crafts, this program is best for ages 12-36 months. For more information, contact the Children's department at…
  • 🎨 Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 (Oklahoma History Center) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 is a snapshot of images by Lewis Hine whose photography captured the soul of the child laborer in north America in the early 1900s. Although Hine focused on major cities, he did take brief trips to other parts of the country to document child labor, including Oklahoma. Hine…
  • 🎨 Cloud City by Tomás Saraceno Start Time: 5:00pm Cloud City , Tomás Saraceno’s 28-foot-tall steel and acrylic sculpture, will refract and rearrange the Oklahoma City skyline beginning Sept. 8. The structure, previously installed atop New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art and at the Green Box Arts Festival in Green Mountain Falls, Colo., can be explored from the inside and out. Visit NW…
  • 🎭 Dancing in the Gardens featuring Line Dancing! (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (Rose State College - Midwest City) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (Hudiburg Chevrolet Center)
  • 🎓 English as a Second Language Class (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 11:00am English as a Second Language class. All materials are provided.
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of painting *during an interview. Short but meaningful, the phrase summarized his relationship with art. It was more than a hobby or pastime. More than a career. It was the lens…
  • 🎓 Homeschool Heroes (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 1:00pm A home-school meet-up where the students present on a different topic each month. The students bring their research to share in a variety of forms, which could include food, posters, speeches, dioramas, etc... Interested families should contact the Noble Library at 872-5713 and speak with Maureen. October 6: Cooking Bring something prepared with…
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • James Garr Gallery Opening (Edmond Fine Arts - Edmond) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Knocked Loose (89th Street Collective) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Landry (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Oct 8th music
  • 🎓 Oh Whata Night (Whataburger) Start Time: 5:00pm On Thursday, Oct. 6, Whataburger customers can show their support for Hilldale Elementary School by enjoying their favorite menu items, and 20 percent of Whataburger’s sales from 5 to 8 p.m. will be donated to the school. To add to the fun, there will be a face painter and caricature artist at the event.
  • Quirky Quilt Show Giveaway Builds Homes for Foster Children (Paseo Arts District) Last Day Start Time: 12:00pm WHEN: October 1-31, 2016 WHERE: Paseo Arts District, 3022 Paseo, OKC, OK WHY: Quilt Show/Giveaway during American Craft Celebration WHAT: Quirky Quilt Show Giveaway Builds Homes for Foster Children The Paseo Arts District features a Quirky Quilt Exhibit/Giveaway to build new happy homes for foster children at the Peppers Ranch Foster Care…
  • SNU: 10/6 7:00 PM Soccer (M) vs Northeastern State (Bethany Library - Bethany) Start Time: 7:00pm Soccer (M) vs Northeastern State\nStreaming Video:\n
  • 🎓 Tamara Draut on the Sleeping Giant: How the New Working Class will Transform America (Fairview Baptish Church) Start Time: 11:30am Tamara Draut, Vice-President of Demos and author of an important new book on the American labor movement, Sleeping Giant: How the New Working Class Will Transform America", will be the featured speaker at the Central Oklahoma Community Forum’s 2016 Labor-Religion luncheon. The event, beginning at 11:30 am, is at Fairview…
  • Thunder in the Heartland NHRA Drag Racing (Thunder Valley Raceway Park - Lexington) Thru Sun, Oct 9th Bring the whole family out to Noble's Thunder Valley Raceway Park for Thunder in the Heartland NHRA Drag Racing.…
  • The Violent Art Tour (Elite Studios) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Viva Glart! (Blanchard Library - Blanchard) Start Time: 4:00pm Bilingual early literacy practice through art play. For babies and children through age 5 and their caregivers.
  • 🏃 Zumba (Moore Public Library - Moore) Start Time: 6:00pm Latin and International music creates a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system! Participants must sign a waiver each class, and anyone under 18 must have parent/guardian consent and signature. This program is made possible through the Health Literacy Grant by Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Oklahoma Literacy Resource Office, and…

Friday, Oct 7th

  • Alesana et al. (89th Street Collective) Come to 89th Street Collective to see Alesana perform tracks off their "On Frail Wings of Vanity and Wax"…
  • Ben Rector et al. (Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK - Edmond)
  • Bob Schneider (ACM @ UCO)
  • Camp Fired-Up (Camp DaKaNi) Round up the family for a camp experience at Camp DaKaNi. At Camp Fired-Up, a one-day camp immersion, encourage the…
  • 🎡 Dead Woods Trail of Fear (Luther) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Dead Woods Trail of Fear is the latest invention of The Trail of Fear Haunted Scream Parks. This is the third…
  • 🎨 First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District) The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night…
  • 🎭 Heathers the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Just in time for Halloween, the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie presents Heathers The Musical. This darkly delicious show…
  • 🎡 Ink Life Tour Tattoo & Music Festival (Cox Convention Center) Thru Sun, Oct 9th The Ink Life Tour Tattoo & Music Festival comes to the Cox Convention Center in OKC for three days of music and fun.…
  • Landry (Loony Bin Comedy Club) 1 day left music
  • 🍴 Market on the Meadows (Macomb) Day 1 of 2 Regardless of the weather, head to the rural community of Macomb for a fun weekend of picking during Market on the…
  • Melanie Martinez et al. (Diamond Ballroom) Head to Diamond Ballroom for an evening of pure pop magic as Melanie Martinez takes the stage at this Oklahoma City…
  • Neil Sedaka (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) With over 60 years of music industry experience, Neil Sedaka is sure to please the Grand Casino Hotel & Resort crowd…
  • 🎡 Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Thru Sun, Oct 23rd Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season. Explore the…
  • Thunder in the Heartland NHRA Drag Racing (Thunder Valley Raceway Park - Lexington) Thru Sun, Oct 9th Bring the whole family out to Noble's Thunder Valley Raceway Park for Thunder in the Heartland NHRA Drag Racing.…

Saturday, Oct 8th

  • Moore Arts & Crafts Festival (Moore Central Park - Moore) Head to Moore for a day spent immersed in arts and crafts. At the Moore Central Park Multi-Purpose Pavilion, 25 vendors…
  • Classy Craft & Junk in the Trunk Show (Schrock Park - Tuttle) Pick out your favorite crafts and treasured recycled items at the Classy Craft & Junk in the Trunk Show in Tuttle.…
  • 🎡 Dead Woods Trail of Fear (Luther) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Dead Woods Trail of Fear is the latest invention of The Trail of Fear Haunted Scream Parks. This is the third…
  • 🎡 Fall Into Art (Martin Nature Park) Fall Into Art at the Martin Park Nature Center in Oklahoma City. Bring the whole family down to enjoy a variety of…
  • Fit For An Autopsy et al. (89th Street Collective)
  • 🎨 Free Family Make + Take Art Project: Dreamcatcher (Oklahoma Contemporary) Enjoy some quality time with your children and help them develop their creative skills at this family-friendly art…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sat, Oct 15th
  • 🎡 ' Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Take a spooky voyage and leave the safe harbor behind for an ominous adventure on the waters of the Oklahoma River.…
  • 🎭 Heathers the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Just in time for Halloween, the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie presents Heathers The Musical. This darkly delicious show…
  • 🎡 Ink Life Tour Tattoo & Music Festival (Cox Convention Center) 1 day left The Ink Life Tour Tattoo & Music Festival comes to the Cox Convention Center in OKC for three days of music and fun.…
  • Landry (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Last Day music
  • 🍴 Market on the Meadows (Macomb) Day 2 of 2 Regardless of the weather, head to the rural community of Macomb for a fun weekend of picking during Market on the…
  • $ OKC Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Day 1 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the OKC Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at the…
  • Old Oak Farms Flea Market (Minco) Old Oak Farms Flea Market features fall fare in every variety. Gather in Minco and get into the Halloween spirit by…
  • 🎡 Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Thru Sun, Oct 23rd Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season. Explore the…
  • $ Spirit, Mind & Body Expo (Biltmore Hotel) Day 1 of 2 If you're interested in metaphysical subjects, you'll want to check out the Spirit, Mind & Body Expo held at…
  • Thunder in the Heartland NHRA Drag Racing (Thunder Valley Raceway Park - Lexington) 1 day left Bring the whole family out to Noble's Thunder Valley Raceway Park for Thunder in the Heartland NHRA Drag Racing.…
  • Zombie Bolt 5K (Mitch Park - Edmond) Prepare yourself for a zombie infestation like never before as undead ghouls take over Mitch Park in the city of Edmond…

Sunday, Oct 9th

  • Big Daddy Weave et al. (Quail Springs Baptist Church)
  • 🎡 Dead Woods Trail of Fear (Luther) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Dead Woods Trail of Fear is the latest invention of The Trail of Fear Haunted Scream Parks. This is the third…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sat, Oct 15th
  • 🎡 ' Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Take a spooky voyage and leave the safe harbor behind for an ominous adventure on the waters of the Oklahoma River.…
  • 🎭 Heathers the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Just in time for Halloween, the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie presents Heathers The Musical. This darkly delicious show…
  • 🎡 Ink Life Tour Tattoo & Music Festival (Cox Convention Center) Last Day The Ink Life Tour Tattoo & Music Festival comes to the Cox Convention Center in OKC for three days of music and fun.…
  • $ Motorcycle Swap Meet (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Get ready to see some unique, top-of-the-line motorcycles and turn your bike parts into cash at the Motorcycle Swap Meet…
  • $ OKC Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Day 2 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the OKC Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at the…
  • 🎡 Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Thru Sun, Oct 23rd Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season. Explore the…
  • Rally Around the Pits Motorcycle Rally (Iron Nation Harley Davidson - Edmond) Head to Rally Around the Pits in Edmond to enjoy a family-friendly motorcycle rally. Admire the polished chrome and…
  • $ Spirit, Mind & Body Expo (Biltmore Hotel) Day 2 of 2 If you're interested in metaphysical subjects, you'll want to check out the Spirit, Mind & Body Expo held at…
  • Thunder in the Heartland NHRA Drag Racing (Thunder Valley Raceway Park - Lexington) Last Day Bring the whole family out to Noble's Thunder Valley Raceway Park for Thunder in the Heartland NHRA Drag Racing.…
  • Tory Lanez et al. (Diamond Ballroom)
  • 🏃 Tour de BBQ (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) The Tour de BBQ was established in 2009 by a group of young professionals to raise money to fight cancer in the Kansas City Metropolitan area and is organized by a 100% volunteer board. Since its inception in 2009, the Tour de BBQ has donated nearly $500,000 to fight cancer. For 2016, Tour de BBQ is coming to Oklahoma City to help fight cancer…
  • 🏃 Until Valhalla (Hybrid Powerlifting/Strongman Competition) (Brewhouse Barbell) Hybrid powerlifting/strongman competition to mentally and physically test challengers to their maximum potential. No qualifications are needed to compete. Open to both male and female, no weight classes. Awards for top 3 males & females. Benefiting Honoring America's Warriors:

Monday, Oct 10th

  • 🎡 Dead Woods Trail of Fear (Luther) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Dead Woods Trail of Fear is the latest invention of The Trail of Fear Haunted Scream Parks. This is the third…
  • Drown Night at Saints (Plaza District) Start Time: 8:00pm All you can drink Anthem beer for $8 starting at 8pm.
  • Elvis Costello (Chevy Bricktown Events Center) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • The Get Up Kids (89th Street Collective) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • A Good Trip w/Shane Mauss - Presented by: Black Mesa Brewing Co. (Opolis - Norman) Start Time: 9:00pm As seen on Conan, Showtime, Netflix, Jimmy Kimmel, Comedy Central and way more.
    with TBA
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sat, Oct 15th
  • 🎡 ' Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Take a spooky voyage and leave the safe harbor behind for an ominous adventure on the waters of the Oklahoma River.…
  • 🎭 Heathers the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Just in time for Halloween, the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie presents Heathers The Musical. This darkly delicious show…
  • Kyle Dillingham & Horseshoe Road in Concert (Boathouse District) Catch some hot tunes by local musicians performing live at the CHK|Central Boathouse. Listen in as award-winning…
  • Milk Moms (Thrive Mama Collective) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Pint Night at The Mule (Plaza District) Start Time: 5:00pm Come try a new brew and keep the glass while you're at it!
  • Public Access: Open Mic Mondays (District House) Start Time: 8:00pm Got talents? Come rock the mic.
    Hosted by Matt Raney
  • 🎡 Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Thru Sun, Oct 23rd Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season. Explore the…
  • Twiztid et al. (Farmer's Market)

Tuesday, Oct 11th

  • Bart Budwig (Red Brick Bar - Norman)
  • Clutch et al. (Diamond Ballroom)
  • 🎡 Dead Woods Trail of Fear (Luther) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Dead Woods Trail of Fear is the latest invention of The Trail of Fear Haunted Scream Parks. This is the third…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sat, Oct 15th
  • 🎡 ' Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Take a spooky voyage and leave the safe harbor behind for an ominous adventure on the waters of the Oklahoma River.…
  • 🎭 Heathers the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Just in time for Halloween, the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie presents Heathers The Musical. This darkly delicious show…
  • Palisades et al. (89th Street Collective)
  • 🎡 Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Thru Sun, Oct 23rd Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season. Explore the…
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Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort® is like no other destination in the tri-state region. The resort, just minutes from Sioux Falls, is loaded with exciting gaming, three restaurants, luxurious hotel rooms, top-notch live entertainment, a relaxing spa, two pools, shopping, and more. At Grand Falls Casino, Frigo is the director of food and beverage, where he oversees 17 managers and has 155 employees responsible for room serve, the golf course, the café, the spas and employee ... The resort said the Betfred Sports and the Sportsbook Bar & Grill will also open when the casino reopens. Officials mentioned that the hotel, the spa, Ruthie’s Steak & Seafood, Big Drop Café, retails outlets, golf shop, and the Falls Golf Course opened on May 20 and are currently available to visitors. Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort Review. Grand Falls Casino Resort near Larchwood, Iowa has a 45,000 square foot casino floor featuring 900 slots, 27 table games, poker, golf course and hotel with spa. The casino and card room are open 24 hours daily. This $120 million casino resort opened June 9, 2011 and the new 18 hole Rees Jones golf course opened in 2015. Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort, Larchwood: See 209 traveler reviews, 48 candid photos, and great deals for Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort, ranked #1 of 1 hotel in Larchwood and rated 3.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. COVID-19 concerns: Grand Falls casino closing temporarily; Hard Rock closes hotel, buffet Mason Dockter Mar 16, 2020 ... Featuring a wide assortment of food items on its menu, Sharky's Pizzeria ... Gaming Cafe. Larchwood. Save. Share. Tips; Menu; Grand Falls Casino. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing . No tips and reviews. Log in to leave a tip here. Post. No tips yet. Write a short note about what you liked, what to order, or other helpful advice for visitors. 0 Photo. Related Searches. grand falls casino larchwood ... Big Drop Café is the place to go for grilled-to-order items, fresh coffee, ice cream, and more served in a friendly and upbeat atmosphere. Stop by today and try a daily special or signature menu item. 30 reviews of Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort "Best casino in the area. Has non smoking slots (yea!). Staff helpful & upbeat. Love to play poker & pai gow." According to Grand Falls’ Marketing Manager Kelly Heth, in accordance with the Iowa Department of Public Health, the Department of Inspection and Appeals and the CDC guidelines, Elite Casino ...

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