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[Webcomics] From rise to loss: the story of Ctrl+Alt+Del (CAD)

Ctrl+Alt+Delete may be one of the most iconic internet comics of the 2000s. It represents the worst of mid 2000s gaming humor and the comic still lives on current day through memes. So today, I thought it would be fun to dig into the rabbithole that is Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
Penny Arcade and the beginning of Ctrl+Alt+Del
In 1998 the webcomic Penny Arcade was born. It was a gag comic about video games in which the characters would make jokes about video games. Each comic often had only 3 panels, so the creators could pump out a lot of comics regularly. Penny Arcade became an internet sensation quickly. Online content about gaming was very sparse in the early ages of the internet, so a comic entirely dedicated to video game jokes was such a cool novelty it became a cash cow. Penny Arcade probably wasn’t the first gaming comic of its kind, but it was the first to get really popular. Penny Arcade began making tons of money from ad-revenue and even Merchandise.
Naturally, with such a simple concept that seemed every single soul with a pencil could do, copy-cats of Penny Arcade started to appear everywhere, and on October 23 2002, the first comic of Ctrl+Alt+Del was created by Tim Buckley. Just like Penny Arcade, it was a gag comic about video games. And just like Penny Arcade, it caught lots of attention, but not always for the right reasons.
Story and Criticism
Ctrl+Alt+Delete revolves around Ethan, a videogame-fanatic, and his roommate Lucas, the voice of reason in the comic. Ethan strangely looks like how Tim Buckley draws himself, so it was obvious that Ethan was a self-insert. And that was the least of the criticisms the author got.
Like I said, online content about gaming was just a novelty in the 2000s. Gaming webcomics were in that context even cooler. So with gaming webcomics in its early days, they had very low standards for comedy. Ctrl+Alt+Del was no exception to this. If you now check any Ctrl+Alt+Del comic made in the 2000s you would probably scratch your head and question yourself how anyone could find this funny. Lots of overused gaming jokes, lots of jokes which punchline was just violence, some pages didn’t even have jokes and had the main protagonist Ethan complain about how everyone was stupid and not real gamers.
As you may have guessed, Ethan got lots of criticisms as a character. Ethan was wild, spiteful and did everything in his power to defend video games. Every single issue Ethan came across was resolved easily and nothing was Ethan’s fault ever. He was a dick to everyone who he considered stupid, but in the comic he still had friends and even a girlfriend (oh we are gonna get to girlfriend soon). Lots of accusations that Ethan was a Mary Sue.
What also got lots of criticisms was the art of the comic. From the beginning to the late 2000s, the comic had a very boring artstyle that very little improved over time. People began making fun of the artstyle by using B^U, which if you would put it on its side it would look like all of the faces in the comic. And if the art didn’t bother you, the writing suddenly would. Disregarding the cringe pro-gamer dialogue, lots of pages had enormous amounts of texts that said fuck all.
Ctrl+Alt+Del got lots of criticisms on its forums and even from popular content creators. Creators like Zero Punctuation (you can find the rant on 23/4/08, bit of scrolling) made entire rants about how garbage Ctrl+Alt+Delete was. Well, how did Tim Buckley respond to the amount of criticism? With bannings of course! Tim was notorious for banning people who criticized his work on forums, using arguments like “I don’t see you do any better” etc.
So in short, Tim got lots of criticism for his lackluster comedy, bad characters and lack of improvement over time. But the comic was still making money, enough money to create something truly terrifying.
CAD Premium, the animated series and Jack Thompson
In the latter half of 2005, CAD premium was released. It was a membership service which you could subscribe to for exclusive Ctrl+Alt+Del content, such as exclusive comics and most excitingly, the Ctrl+Alt+Del animated series.
Yeah, this comic got an animated adaptation. It launched in 2006, with a second season released in 2008. Not surprisingly, it was really bad. Each episode was only 5 minutes long. The animation was very stilted and amateurish. The voice acting quality was on par with “The Room”. People paid money to watch this show.
The animated series even tried to parody Star Wars, with 3 episodes of the 12 episodes first season reenacting the first three Star Wars Movies (again, each of the episodes were only 5 minutes long) and with our lovable protagonist Ethan doing acts of terrorism to save “gamers”. The villain of these three episodes was Jack Thompson. If you don’t know, Jack Thompson was a lawyer and an anti-video game activist. He specifically criticized the amount of sex and violence in games, with him making numerous lawsuits against GTA games, connecting these games to murdercases by teenagers. He was really prevalent during 2000 and 2012, the exact period which Ctrl+Alt+Del was relevant. Tim Buckley did not like Jack Thompson. You could almost Tim Buckley was a bit too obsessed with Jack Thompson, because he not only made Jack Thompson the villain in Tim’s animated series, Tim also dedicated an entire comic to Jack Thompson, with it basically being a mini novel directed at Jack Thompson with no jokes whatsoever.
I digress. The point I want to make is that Tim Buckley was making good money. He sold lots of merch, he got good money from putting ads on his website and later on he got good money from kickstarting the making of box sets of his comics. He was still getting lots of criticism, but that would only be temporary, right?
As the comic continued, Tim wanted his comic to be bigger and better. So he began introducing storylines. A female character was introduced called Lilah, which entire character could be summarized with “gamer girl”. Lilah became the girlfriend of Ethan (ofcourse). They began going on dates and at some point even anticipated a baby. More characters were introduced like a robot who dissed humans all day (basically Bender from Futurama). In 2008 the comic began alternating between weirdly serious and standard gaming comedy. Characters got girlfriends, new characters got introduced which had nothing to do with the main characters and long story arcs started to appear more often. This clashing of two different tones would finally lead to the disaster we all know and love.
After a storyline about how Ethan and his girlfriend were expecting a baby, a comic was released in which Ethan was barrating a stupid normie gamer like usual, but in the second panel of this four panel page he got a call that his girlfriend got a miscarriage. After he was down barrating the normie gamer, he hurried towards the hospital.
Then, on June 2nd 2008, the comic “loss” was released. No text. No jokes. Just the dread of Ethan discovering that Lilah had a miscarriage. The days after that the comic covered how the main cast reacted to this miscarriage with very little jokes. Then between those pages, pages with consisted of stupid gaming jokes (which you would normally see in the comc). So the tonal clash was harsh. And to top this all of, Lilah ended up apologizing to Ethan for her miscarriage.
Before I’ll go further, It is important to note that the comic “Loss” was inspired from Tim Buckley’s own experience. From a now unfindable blog post, Tim Buckley mentioned that he himself had experienced an unplanned pregnancy and a subsequent miscarriage which brok him out of a toxic relationship. However, the internet didn’t care about Tim Buckley’s personal experience.
This entire arc caused a shitstorm of a reaction. Widespread mockery and criticism. Youtubers like Yahtzee made scathing criticisms of this stunt, alongside criticizing gaming comics as a whole. The forums on Ctrl+Alt+Del were set on fire. But what you all probably most know about, the meme “Loss” was born (also sometimes referred to as “CADbortion” or “Loss.jpg”). One line, long line and short line, two long lines, one long line and one laying line. This meme format became so widespread that it has stood the test of time, which is rare for memes. With this, Loss has also become the only thing most people really remember of Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Life after Loss
This drama gathered Ctrl+Alt+Del a lot of attention, but it wasn't given any positive attention, thus it didn’t stay around for very long. The comic continued along, because Tim couldn’t do anything else. He did began to improve his art though. A new cast of characters were introduced, which were basically primary colors constantly killing each other. After realising that making long, drama-filled story arcs didn’t work for his comic Tim Buckley began to focus more on his roots, aka gaming comedy. That didn’t mean he fully step out of the drama-filled story arcs, because in 2012 Ethan fucking died.
November 2012. After a long arc about Ethan trying to save the future of humanity, the time machine which was essential to the arc was about to explode and destroy all of time. Ethan was the only one that could save everything. Ethan bursted into tears, remembering his friends and his… best friend (weird way to spell wife), but he knew what must be done. He grabs the time machine as it is about to explode, and on November 25, 2012 the comic “Endings… And Beginnings” was released, which confirmed that yes, Ethan died. His loved ones mourned Ethan’s death and this comic ends with Lilah setting up a “Church of Gaming”.
Can I remind you again, that this was a gaming comedy comic. This got a strong reaction from CAD’s community, with most wondering if the comic could still continue after such a dark end. The answer was yes, the comic continued, because Tim Buckley couldn’t do anything else. The comic turned back to it's real roots, fully focusing on stupid gaming comedy. The art also continued to improve in quality. Eventually Ethan and his crew got brought back, but they were more or less used for cameos and just gaming jokes, none of that drawn out story arcs. After 2012 nothing really big of note happened. Ctrl+Alt+Del was dedicated to just gaming jokes and Tim Buckley began to turn his focus on other comics like Mindstate and The Starcaster Chronicles.
As of today, almost 19 years after Ctrl+Alt+Del was started, Tim Buckley is still continuing the comic, albeit he is mostly focusing on his different comics, like The Starcaster Chronicles (which are on his homepage right now). Tim Buckley still has a small dedicated fanbase reading his comics and supporting his patreon.
As for Tim Buckley’s thoughts on Loss? From an interview he did with Intelligencer in 2015, he said that he didn’t regret making Loss. He was proud that he made light of such a serious issue. And as for his thoughts on all the memes of Loss, while at first he was uncomfortable with them, he has come around to find them amusing, especially since most of these memes have no harmful intentions.
Final Words
It has been a wild week for me digging through this entire comic. While I personally don’t like the comic, I do respect the bizarre history it has and Tim Buckley’s determination to continue it. He might have not been the guy that took criticism the greatest, but he has definitely grown over almost 20 years of making comics and that is something I wholeheartedly respect.
So here is to almost two decades worth of CAD:
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submitted by Groenboys to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Chill the hell out everyone. The game's far from being polished and the marketing was misleading, but the sudden switch here from 'let's worship CDPR' to 'CDPR is a bunch of thieves and liars' is worrying. You are entitled to talk about the issues, but not to be unnecessarily rude.

Yes, many of the arguments are valid and you have the right to express your feelings. But be civil, being an asshole doesn't help anyone. Besides, everyone at CDPR had to be fully aware of this even prior to the release. It's undeniable that their mistake was to set themselves an unrealistic release schedule. Even the delay from November to December didn't help, they just really tried to release it before Christmas to maximize their sales and minimize the backlash from community but it obviously didn't turn out well.
My advice is: come up with constructive criticism. That means sharing the bugs you encounter, the performance issues that are hindering your gaming experience, suggesting meaningful ways to improve the game. Seeing posts that do nothing but bash CDPR for being little shits will definitely not help the devs fixing the game. It's clear that positive motivation helps people more than putting them under massive pressure. That means saying 'if issues A and B were fixed I would gladly buy the game' is better than saying 'I'm outraged by the policy of those assholes in CDPR giving us shit product'.
Also worth noting is that the game is far from being as bad as some describe it to be. For me, solid 7/10. If the bugs get fixed and performance optimized, the game will be 8,5/10 imo. So please, be real with your expectations.
I feel like most of the passively aggressive messages here are made by the same people who expected the game to be revolutionary in every aspect, making GTA 5 and Witcher 3 look like trash. Two months ago those people would sell their souls to CDPR and now they're bashing the game for 'not having playable arcade machines'. Like what the hell? Yes it'd be neat but it's not something that's absolutely necessary. If you want to feel completely free, being able to interact with everything you can think of, reality is the place to go.
Remember, the game is good. But it's far from being phenomenal. And yes, the marketing was shady. But the expectations on CDPR were so high that there was no way not to disappoint and they apparently chose to pretend everything is going well up until, well, the world saw that it's not all that well. However, now the best we can do is to be constructive, give reasonable feedback and hope that they'll work hard on elevating this game as close to its potential as possible. It'll require some time, that's clear, but please, be patient and human.
submitted by SVOKRAplays to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

I feel like the internet is being a bit critical of this game.

I do have a few criticisms myself but a lot of people are acting like its the worst game ever. Its actually quite playable on ps4 pro minus a few instances of game crashes. Not like thats never happened to anyone playing Fallout 4 on ps4.
Lets go back another Fallout. Fallout 3. That game and New Vegas were both hardly playable on ps3 for the same reasons as Cyberpunk today. They were PC games ported for console. I couldnt go very long in Fallout 3 without game crashes. Why are that and New Vegas with their dated graphics deemed "the most iconic fallout games" when they ran like shit? Worse so than Cyberpunk. So many negative reviews "literally not every single object is interactable, the ads are kinda blurry sometimes" to those I ask: so what? So many games dont let you interact with every single object, why is Cyberpunk held to a higher standard?
Its a video game and most of these visuals are just that- background visuals meant to enhance the setting of the game. You dont need to be able to play the stupid arcade machines. Also everyone is comparing this game to GTA.
That is also unfair to CDPR in my opinion. They didn't make GTA. Rockstar did. With their own engines and techniques they've learned along the way of the rockstar games. CDPR basically only has the Witcher. And only the 3rd installment was worth playing.. It makes sense for this game to reflect a lot of the systems that the witcher had like its inventory management and dialogue. You guy's are holding CDPR to a higher standard than all these companies.
Thing about GTAV is it was a 3rd person free roam game from the start. It was meant to be played at a lower detail (hence the 3rd person camera angle). When they brought it to PS4 and Xbox One and added first person, they already had a foundation to build off of. CDPR started with first person and may have over did it with the detail to the point that its now a collage of just too much graphics and gameplay at once. I don't blame them, this is their first FPS RPG. They do a pretty damn good job of it too. The skill trees and stuff are all very deep and refined, the world does feel quite alive regardless of awkward NPCs. The fact that you can hack or scan almost anything is a layer of detail that doesn't get enough credit either. It looks beautiful, it breathes and it is awe inspiring.
And to top it off these guys came out with a patch like 24 hours after the release patch. They have been and are continuing to work their asses off on this game.
submitted by Surfin--Cow to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Diamond Casino Heist grinding guide

I haven't seen a good comprehensive guide for this, despite it being the best money making method in the game, so I thought I'd write a guide about it.

What is the Casino Heist and why should I do it?

The Casino Heist is semi-challenging PvE content for 2-4 players. As of August 2020 it's the best paying grind in the game, paying out $1.5-$2 million split between heist members every hour and a half. If you're doing setups with one friend, you're both effectively earning ~$80k per setup mission.
If you have no friends who play GTA:O, try to find a buddy in game or on HeistTeams
It's possible to get even higher payouts, but discussing glitches is against the rules of this subreddit; go to gtaglitches for that stuff.

Getting Started

To do the Casino Heist you need an Arcade, preferably Eight-Bit (Vinewood) or Videogeddon (La Mesa) as they're the closest to the Casino and setup missions.
Not required, but strongly recommended as they'll make setup missions much easier:

Scoping and Vault Contents

All Points of Interest
All Access Points
Cash has the worst payout (up to $2.1 mil). You will always get cash the first time you host the Casino Heist.
Art has middling payout (up to $2.3 mil) but is very fast to steal, which means you can get detected, or hit the vault with fewer players, and still get the maximum take.
Gold is like cash but gives much better payout (up to $2.6 mil), with the disadvantage of making you run slightly slower when you leave the vault.
Diamonds only appear during special events, but have the highest payout for vault contents (up to $3.6 mil).

Choosing Approaches

The Big Con is the best approach, since the security tunnel entrance + Gruppe Sechs disguise takes you straight to the vault. Always choose it when possible.
Silent & Sneaky is like The Big Con, but is more difficult and takes longer.
Aggressive is relatively fast, but gives less time in the vault, making it much harder to get the maximum take for any target except Art.
In general, you should choose Aggressive for Art, The Big Con for other targets, and Silent & Sneaky only as a last resort. You should also choose Hard mode whenever possible as it gives you a 25% higher take.

Support Crew

Your Hacker is the most important support crew member, as they determine how long you have in the vault, and therefore your maximum take. My go-to is Paige Harris, who you unlock by owning a Terrorbyte. Avi Schwartzman is equally good and can be unlocked by destroying all Signal Jammers. If you don't have either of them, Christian Feltz is a decent stopgap measure; just be aware you'll have a good chance of missing out on profits.
The Driver determines your getaway vehicles, and is largely irrelevant since most people ignore the getaway vehicles and jack a car or a helicopter for their escape. I always go with Karim Denz and source the Sentinel Classic. It's only worth getting a more expensive driver if you want to unlock a car's trade price.
The Gunman determines the weapons you'll be using in the run. Again, mostly irrelevant, since Karl Abolaji's weapon loadouts are good enough even for a Hard Aggressive approach. Only get a more expensive gunman if you're going Aggressive and aren't confident in your headshotting skills or those of your crew.

Optional Preps

I don't recommend paying to skip any of the preps, because it eats significantly into your profits, and unlike MC/bunker missions, you can't easily make back the cost by doing other missions in that time.
Mandatory for every approach. Remember to get level 2 security passes, not level 1. The mission is very easy and saves you from having to do lots of annoying hacking minigames during the final heist.
This is mandatory for Aggressive and Silent and Sneaky, as destroying at least 3 shipments will remove the bulletproof helmets from guards and allow them to be headshotted. Most people also do this for Big Con just to be safe. Having at least one other player in your organization, as well as a Buzzard or Oppressor Mk2, makes this mission very easy.
Unlocked after completing all Casino Penthouse missions, this is a once-off mission that reveals security cameras on the radar on all future casino heists. Do it when you unlock it.
Reveals guards on your radar. Not required, but useful on every approach, especially Silent & Sneaky. Do this if you have time.
This mission is relatively easy and the EMP saves a lot of headaches in a Silent & Sneaky run. Not required, but worth taking the time to do.
This unlocks the best entry route for the Aggressive approach where you tunnel straight to the vault. Not required (Staff Lobby is almost as fast) but it makes the approach to the vault very easy.
Don't bother with this mission, other than to play through it once or twice for fun. The money from the deposit boxes isn't worth your time.
These missions are annoying and the disguises aren't that helpful. Collecting all playing cards gives you a permanent exit disguise you can use; I recommend doing that instead and never having to worry about this prep.
This mission gives you night vision. Basically, it's only useful if you plan on using the EMP but don't know the casino floor layout. Do it the first time you do a Silent & Sneaky run; by the second time, you should be experienced enough that you don't need it.
This unlocks new outfits that reduce the damage you take during the heist finale. Personally, I hate this prep, because a) the mission is annoying, b) the finale is easy enough without it, and c) the armored outfits are ugly. Do it if you aren't confident in your shooting skills, or if you plan to do the heist with only two players.

Finale Screen

Buyer: Always choose the High Level buyer for the best payout. The only difference is that you have to drive or fly a few more miles after you lose the cops -- more than worth the extra percentage of the cut.
Decoy: This makes the helicopter getaway slightly easier on the Aggressive approach, or if you screw up either of the other two approaches. I don't think it's worth the extra cost, but it could be worth it if you find yourself constantly having trouble getting to the helicopter.
Clean Vehicle: Completely useless. Don't bother.

The Big Con

Entrance: Security Tunnel
Exit: Staff Lobby

Silent & Sneaky

Entrance: Staff Lobby
Exit: Staff Lobby


Entrance: Sewer or Staff Lobby
Exit: Staff Lobby

The Getaway

No matter which approach you take, you'll eventually end up outside the casino, on the main road, with a 5 star wanted level. There are two main strategies people use here.


Bug: You're in a getaway vehicle far from any cops, but your wanted level won't go away. This happens because one of your heist teammates has high ping and the game is having trouble syncing your wanted levels.
Fix: Have everyone get out of the vehicle and wait until the bug goes away. If you're in a helicopter with no safe place to land, the offending teammate(s) may have to parachute out.
Bug: On Silent & Sneaky, guards take a few moments to spawn in after you disable the metal detector.
Fix: Don't go through the metal detector or shoot anyone until the guards finish spawning in.
Bug: The guards in the casino aren't moving, and the cameras have weird movement patterns or are facing towards walls.
Fix: Just keep going; this bug actually makes Silent & Sneaky / Big Con easier most of the time. If there's a frozen guard you can't get past, use the Nano Drone.
Bug: You're getting away from the casino undetected when the vision cones suddenly disappear from your radar. Despite this, the police aren't coming after you.
Fix: This is a visual glitch and you haven't actually been discovered. Just keep going.
Bug: Someone joins as a spectator, then leaves. You screw up the heist and have to restart. Then you fail the heist because "Your heist team quit."
Fix: Suck it up and reset.
Bug: You're suddenly busted because a body was found... even if you haven't killed anyone yet.
Fix: Suck it up and reset.
Bug: You're doing heist prep mission with a friend, and you can't pick up the equipment because "you can't steal heist prep while on a heist prep mission."
Fix: Suck it up and reset.
Bug: You collect a heist prep vehicle and drive to your arcade, but it doesn't trigger the end of the mission.
Fix: Suck it up and reset.
Hope someone out there finds this guide helpful. Comments and suggestions appreciated.
submitted by chinkeeyong to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Dont spend money on arcade + my thoughts and experience on the DLC as someone who purchased everything

UPDATE 4th June 2020: Nevermind the heist is fun as fuck and you can make 1-1.7 million in an hour and a half. I just didnt know how to grind this. ITS WORTH IT, and a very good investment
Spent +10 fucking million dollars on the most expensive arcade location, with all the games and upgrades, including the casino mock up and the security panel for practicing. The result? Arcade makes you earn 3.5k dollars per day. PER DAY. A day in gta online lasts 48 minutes. Maintaining all of my businesses costs me 30k a day. The best part is that I cant even get that money, because the safe box is bugged and I cant open it, because it has no door and my character gets stuck if I try to open it.
About the heist itself:
Set up missions are very hard. And I mean VERY hard. I chose the stealth score option. Turns out that you have to do a lot of shit. Travel from A to B a lot of times carrying pieces of equipment. Kill Avon soldiers that will obliterate the fuck out of you everytime. And even better, the prep missions must be completed in a public lobby. Yes, they nerfed the MK2 and suicide thing, but they converted this heist into a paradise for griefers.
Still havent played the heist finale because it took 2 hours to do 4 set up missions and I still have a lot of them pending.
This DLC has disappointed me a lot. Its overpriced as fuck, the casino mock up costs $130k and the security pannel for practicing costs $430k (not to mention that most of the arcade machines cost +$300k). The new vehicles are overpriced as fuck. Missions are very hard and long, and impossiblenfor people without a group of friends willing to help them, since in some missions you have to get 2 or 3 pieces of equipment and you can carry only one per person.
Been investigating and Ive seen that highest payout is 2 million. People say that its very hard to get even close to that payout because of the crew cuts, the small amount of time you get inside the vault for picking up the money and the gunshots of the enemies that make you lose a lot of money everytime you get hit.
This is a HUGE disappointment. I thought it would be as good as the classic online heists. No. Its stupidly hard, intended to make you earn the least amount of money possible. Looks like Rockstar made it extremely hard on purpose. This is why people use money glitches and hacks. Because it is not fucking worth it to be 5 hours doing set up missions and a heist for that ridiculous payout. Just seen the case of a guy of this sub who did the entire heist with a friend. He did it with a friend (2 players) and they got $1.1M which turned into $900k after losing 200k in the gun fights. Take the crew cuts of that 900k. Both players got 300k. It is not worth it. It is not fair. This is not a decent update. I feel stupid for buying everything.
submitted by danielrp00 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Red Dead Redemption 2
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Publishers: Rockstar Games
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 97
Metacritic - 97
Credit to OpenCritic for the formatting.


Areajugones - Juan Linares - Spanish - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is, without a shred of doubt, a new masterpiece brought to us by Rockstar. The new entry by the company has managed to achieve excellence in gameplay, storytelling and technical aspects. In the end, Rockstar has been successful in pushing the franchise to its limits in order to create one of the most complete games of all time.
Atomix - Alberto Desfassiaux - Spanish - 100 / 100
Red Dead Redemption 2 survives the great expectations that were had of it, even far exceeding them in a way that is rarely seen within gaming.
Attack of the Fanboy - William Schwartz - 5 / 5 stars
With Red Dead Redemption 2 Rockstar Games has set the bar so high that other games of this nature seem infinitesimally lesser because of its existence.
AusGamers - Steve Farrelly - 10 / 10.0
Rockstar, my dusty old hat is off to you. You've made this old videogame cowboy a very happy camper.
CGMagazine - Brendan Frye - 9.5 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best game Rockstar Games has ever made, as it deftly combines one of the richest open worlds ever made with one of the most compelling stories of this generation.
Cheat Code Central - Jenni Lada - 5 / 5.0
It transcends the open-world, outlaw-focused games like Red Dead Revolver and Red Dead Redemption to become so much more.
COGconnected - Garrett Drake - 100 / 100
Whether I'm hunting a legendary animal, participating in a story mission, playing a game of poker, or just exploring the world I've absolutely adored every moment I've spent with the game.
ComiConverse - Jordan Samuel - 5 / 5 stars
Red Dead Redemption 2 is not just the best sandbox game there is. It's not just one of the best 3rd-person shooters ever. It's not just a great action title, a great cowboy or horse riding game. It's not just one of the biggest entertainment experience. Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best titles in a generation.
Critical Hit - Darryn Bonthuys - 9.5 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a story of endings and new beginnings, of the birth of legends and the consequences that come with creating a myth. It's all wrapped up in an immaculate presentation, told over dozens of hours and adventures that leads to an inevitable conclusion: Red Dead Redemption 2 raises the bar for the sandbox genre and stands tall as the definitive western game of this or any other generation.
Cubed3 - Tomas Barry - 9 / 10
While no single element of Red Dead Redemption 2 is revolutionary, due to its ambitious scope, it's greater than the sum of its parts. Few single-player experiences excel simultaneously at telling a deep and poignant story, whilst also providing the player with such a huge extent of freedom and possibility.
Daily Dot - Joseph Knoop - 4.5 / 5 stars
We suspect it will still stand among Rockstar's greatest games, but perhaps not its greatest saga.
Destructoid - Chris Carter - 9.5 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the epitome of ambition and like most things Rockstar, will meet the expectations associated with it. With all of the advancements since the last Red Dead and everything they've learned from Grand Theft Auto V under their belt, the series is in a better place, able to provide a more natural and less gamey world to explore.
Digital Chumps - Nathaniel Stevens - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the perfect gaming experience, and what you were hoping for in the next iteration of the series. It has a rich story, deep gameplay, unrivaled visuals, and plenty of plains to explore.
Digital Trends - Steven Petite - 5 / 5 stars
'Red Dead Redemption 2' is unrivaled in design, gameplay, and storytelling.
DualShockers - Ryan Meitzler - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 may just signal the dawn of a new era for open-world games, and it's an experience that I have no doubt players will be investing tens (if not hundreds) of hours into its immense, deep world and completing its story full of action, suspense, and deeply investing character moments.
Easy Allies - Brandon Jones - 10 / 10.0
Rockstar achieves a new level of open world immersion in the second chapter of their wild west epic. Big choices lead to surprising consequences, and lots of customization options generate an attachment to your surroundings. Incredible visuals and spontaneous events create a beautiful, breathing world to explore.
EGM - Nick Plessas - 10 / 10.0
Criticisms often come easier than compliments, but in the case of Red Dead Redemption 2, I am at a loss. This is one of the most gorgeous, seamless, rootinest, tootinest games ever made, and if you voluntarily miss out on it, you're either not a gamer or in a coma.
Eurogamer - Martin Robinson - Recommended
An astounding open world unlikely to be rivalled until well into the next gen, saddled by a throughline from the last. - Francesco Fossetti - Italian - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the most ambitious open world ever made. A new starting point for the genre, and an incomparable masterpiece.
Forbes - Dave Thier - 9 / 10.0
If you have the time and the inclination, buy Red Dead Redemption 2. It's a great game. It's an impressive game. Just know what you're getting into, and do your best to make it through the story to what's on the other side. This review is now nearly 3000 words long, and not nearly long enough for one of the greatest and most vexing games I've played in years.
Game Debate - Jon Sutton - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 isn't just a great game. It's a game that sets an impossibly high new bar for how open-worlds can be handled. Its depiction of late 19th-century America feels both historically accurate yet abundantly open-ended, slow-paced and yet alive, grim and yet majestic. It makes the original Red Dead Redemption feel like a warm-up, the doodles on the page before the real thing has come to life.
Game Informer - Matt Bertz - 10 / 10.0
Rockstar has once again created a game that redefines the open-world experience. Red Dead Redemption II is a triumph that every gamer should experience for themselves
Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 5 / 5 stars
The astounding thing about RDR 2 is that there's not only a staggering amount of story, side quests, and places to explore but that it's all high quality and doesn't feel tacked on.
Gameblog - Gianni Molinaro - French - 10 / 10
There's a new sheriff in the open-world action game genre in town. Red Dead Redemption 2 is sure ambitious but it succeeds everywhere he travels : exploration, gunfights, stealth, main quest, characters, side quests, customization, acting, hunting, fishing... Name one element, it delivers. And it sure looks like one of the best looking games ever seen and has many secrets yet to be discovered. And so it can be considered as a masterpiece, an extraordinary, legendary game that we will talk about with sincere admiration for ages.
Gameplanet - Chris Brown - 9.5 / 10.0
Despite stumbling at the very beginning Red Dead Redemption 2 cements Rockstar Games' place at the very top of the games industry. It's been eight years and well worth the wait.
GamePro - Tobias Veltin - German - 96 / 100
What a ride! Red Dead Redemption 2 is the next Rockstar-Masterpiece and the best game in this console-generation so far.
Gamers Heroes - Johnny Hurricane - 9 / 10
Surprising absolutely no one, Red Dead Redemption 2 is easily a game of the year contender, if not the winner. Rockstar Games knocks it out of the park once again, and we are eagerly awaiting Red Dead Online.
Gamersky - 不倒翁蜀黍 - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the game that I would like to keep playing for years. The wild west is marvelous and full of interesting events. The story is both solid and attractive. What's more, The interactive system makes a great progress and you can interact with nearly everyone in various ways, and it feels really real. RDR2 definitely will be one of the greatest video games of all time.
GameSpace - Christopher Coke - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is likely to go down as the best game of the generation. Rockstar has outdone themselves, delivering one of the biggest, richest, most engrossing open world games ever made. Whether you're an action fan, RPG fan, open world fan, or just want a great story, RDR2 has something for everyone.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 10 / 10.0
GameSpot - Kallie Plagge - 9 / 10
RDR 2 succeeds as both a prequel to Red Dead Redemption and a story in its own right, and though it can take some patience, your effort is well worth it.
GamesRadar+ - David Meikleham - 5 / 5 stars
One of the top three open-worlds of all time, and the best game Rockstar has ever made. An all-time Old West masterpiece.
GameZone - Cade Onder - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 feels like Rockstar's new GTA 3 as in it takes massive leaps towards a new era of open-world gaming the likes of which have never been seen or at the very least executed to this level of quality courtesy of the borderline photorealistic graphics and remarkable game design.
Gaming Nexus - Nicholas Leon - 10 / 10.0
An astounding triumph that will certainly stand above the pack this season, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a unique game about unique people. The writing, visuals, and gameplay combine to make an absolute standout of a title, one that has been well worth the wait.
GamingTrend - Ron Burke - 100 / 100
Red Dead Redemption 2 raises the bar for sandbox adventure games. It's organic in a way almost unseen in any genre, creating an authentic open world that is as cohesive as it is compelling. This title will set the bar for action adventure games for years to come.
Generación Xbox - Adrian Fuentes Berna - Spanish - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 offers an unprecedented level of interaction with NPCs. Its level of detail and brilliant way of telling Arthur Morgan's story in a completely open adventure make the Rockstar game a masterpiece.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 10 / 10.0
There was never any doubt that Red Dead Redemption 2 was going to be good, but this is something special. A masterpiece that many will be talking about for decades to come. - Unknown - Polish - 10 / 10.0
If only I could give Red Dead Redemption 2 a higher score that 10, I would. This is by far the best open-world game that has ever graced the face of Earth. No other sandbox can even dream of holding a candle to Rockstar's newest gun-blazing, incredibly detailed Western epic. I envy all of you, who are yet to embark upon this fantastic journey and discover all the secrets this game holds. Truly, I could wipe my memory clean just to be able to experience that world once again. A true gem of the most noble kind.
Guardian - Keza MacDonald - 5 / 5 stars
Total immersion in an astonishingly lifelike world – whether you're outgunning rivals or skinning animals – makes this outlaw adventure a landmark game
Hardcore Gamer - Adam Beck - 4.5 / 5.0
Throughout this review, I may have seemed a little hard on Red Dead Redemption 2, but the overall package is nothing short of spectacular.
Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 99 / 100
Rockstar delivers a masterpiece in every aspect. Its organic and evolving open world, characters, storyline and gameplay mechanics made us feel "free men". Red Dead Redemption 2 also brings the best technical elements of this generation.
IGN - Luke Reilly - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game of rare quality; a meticulously polished open world ode to the outlaw era.
IGN Italy - Gianluca Loggia - Italian - 10 / 10.0
One of the best open world games ever, with the single best story ever written for a videogame.
IGN Spain - Gustavo Maeso - Spanish - 10 / 10.0
A titanic videogame, a masterpiece that, like everything, will have passionate lovers and other players who do not get too caught up. Everything also depends on thematic genres and preferences. Maybe not everyone likes the stories of 'Indians and cowboys'. But this interactive universe created by Rockstar tells a story fantastically constructed and allows us to live a unique adventure. And for that reason, we believe that this production touches excellence. And for that, it takes the first 10 in the history of IGN Spain. Good trip, cowboys!
Impulsegamer - Andrew Bistak - 5 / 5.0
Wow… Red Dead Redemption 2 lives up to everything and more with what Rockstar Games have promised.
Kotaku - Kirk Hamilton - No Verdict
This game has heart; the kind of heart that is difficult to pin down but impossible to deny. It is a wonderful story about terrible people, and a vivacious, tremendously sad tribute to nature itself. There is so much beauty and joy in this expensive, exhausting thing. Somehow that makes it even more perfect—a breathtaking eulogy for a ruined world, created by, about, and for a society that ruined it.
LevelUp - Luis Sánchez - Spanish - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is technically impressive; a well-made game and a visual jewel polished to the smallest detail: a masterpiece in every way. By showing excellent writing and storytelling, developed character and plots, and a full array of activities, it stands one of the best open worlds to date. Rockstar Games once again stands as the creator of the most successful and influential works in the medium of interactive entertainment. Probably, we are facing the best game made by Rockstar Games.
M3 - Billy Ekblom - Swedish - 10 / 10
Rockstar's eye for detail, presentation and tongue-in-cheek-storytelling makes this one an instant classic. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the ultimate Wild West sandbox-experience everyone has been waiting so very patiently for. It gives us more of everything we loved about the original and then takes it to a completely new level.
Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 9 / 10
An incredible technical achievement and a hugely accomplished Western epic that, despite a few minor flaws, represents Rockstar Games' most engaging and ambitious work so far.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 82 / 100
Red Dead Redemption 2 is an enjoyable sequel that builds on the foundation of its predecessor, with much to do and plenty to see, all wrapped up in some of the best visuals you've ever seen on a console. With great characters and satisfying action, it's a Wild West worth exploring.
PlayStation LifeStyle - Chandler Wood - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 redefines the open world genre.
PlayStation Universe - Jack McCaskill - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 not only lives up to expectations, but it smashes them and feels like the missing half of a story we never knew was incomplete. Improving on its predecessor in every way that counts, it also reignites interest in its landmark prequel, enhancing the overall experience to an epic scale and giving gamers an odyssey quite unlike any other.
Polygon - Chris Plante - No Verdict
After Red Dead Redemption 2's story concludes, a huge epilogue begins, and the game's already gargantuan map grows even larger. I'm eager to dig into this postgame, where it seems I'll be free to focus on taking in the beautiful, meticulously simulated world, rather than hurling myself into the middle of it.
Post Arcade (National Post) - Chad Sapieha - 9.5 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the must-play of the year, and elegant proof that grand-scale single-player games are far from obsolete
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 10 / 10
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a triumph in world-building, character craft and downright skulduggery. Being bad has never felt so good as Rockstar toe the realism line while still keeping their sharp, trademark tongue in cheek. It's the keen attention to detail where Rockstar succeeds and this outlaw prequel comfortably outperforms their best works and in time, I believe, will be regarded as a once in a generation game.
PSX Extreme - Ryan Hartmann - 10 / 10.0
A game of unparalleled scope and ambition, with breathtaking visuals, a broad-ranging but intimate story, and an incredible sense of identity and purpose, Red Dead Redemption 2 will go down as one of the greatest games of the generation, and perhaps video game history.
Push Square - Robert Ramsey - 10 / 10
Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstar's best game, and it's gripping from start to finish.
Shacknews - Bill Lavoy - 9 / 10
Whether I'm chasing the thrill of a daring train robbery, or the serenity of a solo camping trip, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an open-world game I will return to time and time again.
Slant Magazine - Steven Scaife - 3.5 / 5 stars
Red Dead Redemption 2 never quite squares its themes with the need to give players an open-world cowboy fantasy. And outside cutscenes and conversation, most of those themes don't seem to exist.
Spaziogames - Matteo Bussani - Italian - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the new North Star of the open-world genre, to what was The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild last March.
Stevivor - Luke Lawrie - 10 / 10.0
Rockstar Games has created a living, breathing world that I am absolutely invested in.
Telegraph - Tom Hoggins - 5 / 5 stars
As you move around the country and the gang's predicament shifts, the complexion of both game and narrative can change to a startling degree. It is nothing if not carefully considered.
The Digital Fix - Stephen Hudson - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 takes everything that made the first so spectacular and elevates it to a new level. It boasts an enthralling story, coupled with rock solid gameplay, and is perhaps one of the best games ever made.
The Games Machine - Danilo Dellafrana - Italian - 9.8 / 10.0
Huge, technically incomparable and full of things to do: the Western epic of Rockstar Games manages to repeat the success of the first chapter, making one of the most impressive video games of all time.
The Jimquisition - Jim Sterling - No Verdict
As a game, Red Dead Redemption 2 is inspired and brilliant, as the product of a 60+ hour work week should be at bare minimum. As an overly detailed cowboy simulator, not so much.
Fortunately, Red Dead is big enough for everybody, no matter their tastes or levels of patience.
TheSixthAxis - Adrian Burrows - 10 / 10
The hype being created for Red Dead Redemption 2 and the expectations of the passionate fan-base made a part of me believe that Rockstar Games could never deliver on all of their many promises. They did, and then some. From the feeling of a realistic living world they've created to the emotional bonds you build, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the video game experience of this generation.
TrueAchievements - Dave Horobin - 5 / 5 stars
Red Dead Redemption 2's vast, detailed and stunningly beautiful open world sits as the perfect backdrop for its compelling and well-paced story filled with epic set pieces. With deeper gameplay mechanics, a larger cast of diverse and interesting characters to meet, and a wealth of content from side objectives to mini-games, RDR2 is a shining example of what makes Rockstar's games so special.
Twinfinite - Ed McGlone - 5 / 5.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 has certainly benefited from Rockstar allocating almost a whole generation's worth of development time to perfect what they wanted to accomplish. The result is a game that is easily one of the best games this year, and this console generation, but that's not all. It should eventually go down as one of the greatest games ever made.
USgamer - Mike Williams - 4.5 / 5 stars
Eight years after the masterpiece that was Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games is taking a second shot. New protagonist Arthur Morgan gets a better supporting cast, an absolutely beautiful open world with more visual variety, and a ton of things to kill or collect. There's some occasional tedium in travel, and a few bugs and annoyances, but nothing that prevents Red Dead Redemption 2 from being an excellent game.
VG247 - Kirk McKeand - No Verdict
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a brave prequel that isn't afraid of taking risks. It is innovative, surprising, stunning, dramatic, and generous – a highlight of this generation and a benchmark for other open world games to aspire to.
Video Chums - A.J. Maciejewski - 8.8 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a gorgeous and enormous open world game that you can easily get immersed in while the hours tick away.
VideoGamer - Colm Ahern - 9 / 10
Few worlds are as well-realised as the one Rockstar has created for Red Dead Redemption 2. Thanks to some wonderful scripting and stellar performances, the characters you randomly meet in the wild are captured as well as the ones you spend most of your days around camp. How do you follow Red Dead Redemption? You make Red Dead Redemption 2.
Wccftech - Alessio Palumbo - 9.7 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 may not be perfect, but its minor shortcomings are like tiny blemishes on a stunningly beautiful face. In a way, they only serve as a reminder of how this world isn't made for perfection. Every single aspect of the game will put you into the very shoes of an outlaw roaming America with his gang as they try to escape the law long enough to make the money needed to disappear for good. It's an epic, memorable and engrossing tale which also elevates the open world genre to new heights with the brand new interaction system, a cast of memorable characters and a ton of high-quality content to play for a long time.
We Got This Covered - Ethan Willard - 5 / 5 stars
Red Dead Redemption 2 is an immense, breathtaking experience that will be treasured for years to come.
Windows Central - Asher Madan - 5 / 5 stars
Despite some minor issues like stuttering in interiors, awkward camera angles in smaller houses, or the relatively slow start to story the campaign — Red Dead Redemption 2 simply overrides its small perceptible flaws with what is nothing short of a truly spectacular experience. Simply put, it is one of the best games ever made, setting a new standard for open world titles going forward.
Worth Playing - Cody Medellin - 9 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption II is exactly the kind of game you'd expect from Rockstar.
Xbox Achievements - Richard Walker - 95%
A stunning, elegiac western that features some of Rockstar's best writing to date, Red Dead Redemption 2 is also the studio's finest open-world to date, handcrafted with real, tangible care and attention, defying the boundaries of what a video game can be. Arthur Morgan will also inhabit a special place in your heart, as a likeable, relatable rogue striving to find his way in the world. Good ol' Arthur.
ZTGD - Ken McKown - 10 / 10.0
I wish there was more I could say about the game. There is so much to discuss, but that would take away from the experience. Avoid spoilers, avoid videos of this game, just buy it, play it, and fall in love with this world the same way I did.
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Solo money making guide for new and well set players.

I've got this cool solo money making guide I tried and tested.
Fore new players who are new or broke,click on this link here hence including new players in the title.
What businesses you'll need.
Recommended locations (For players who don't have the businesses yet).
If you already own the businesses and properties then you don't have to change from your current locations, except maybe moving your MC Businesses to Sandy Shores if it's in Paleto Bay or Elysian Islands/Terminal and moving your Bunker to Chumash or Farmhouse. This is mainly for players who are looking to buy those properties and businesses.
Note: This is my personal opinion. If you think there's another better location or disagree, then let me know why that's better.
If you already have multiple Special cargo small, medium or large warehouses then stick with the ones you have.
Vehicles you'll need.
1. Buzzard.
2. Bati 801RR.
3. Oppressor MK II (Optional).
4. Cargobob (Optional).
6. Post Op vans (Optional).

The main money making guide tips and steps.

I recommend doing the steps in a solo public session.
This is not only to avoid griefers and tryhards but this guide may spread to the popular GTA online money grinding youtubers such as TheProfessional, Tylerious or maybe even Ghilliemaster and this guide may get very popular that more players will be doing this guide so most likely someone else will be doing a Terrorbyte mission, Sightseer, Headhunter or any other VIP work. See GTA Online Mega Guide thread on how to go in a solo public lobby. Or you can just keep finding a new session until you're in a solo public lobby or in a session your happy with full of friendly players who don't do Terrorbyte client missions, Sightseer and Headhunter. If you want to do the Casino Heist or other jobs then set your MTU back to 1500 otherwise you can't join a heist or other activities with low MTU.
Get the Arcade with the Master Control Terminal.
The Master Control Terminal allows you to buy supplies in one building instead of having to fly to different businesses to resupply. However sell product from the actual businesses location because if you sell from the Master Control Terminal then you'll have to drive or fly to that business to begin selling which could cost valuable time.
Before you start the steps. (If you have a Nightclub).
If you have a nightclub and five technicians then put them on Cargo/Shipments (Hanger), Sporting goods (Bunker), South American imports (Cocaine), Pharmaceuticals (Meth) and Cash Creation (Counterfeit cash). Once Pharmaceuticals and Cash Creation is full then move those technicians to Organic Produce (Weed) and Printing and Copying (Document Forgery). Ignore this part if you don't have a nightclub.
Business battles (Optional).
If your in a lobby with three other players and a business battle starts. You can collect the crate or vehicle with the crates. Once you finished, delivering the product to your nightclub then continue what your doing.
Make sure your nightclub popularity is full. (Optional)
You can make a small profit with the nightclub safe. At any time in the steps if your nightclub popularity is full in the pre step and the the game tells you your safe is $20,000 just go back to your nightclub and book another DJ to make the nightclub popularity full again and wait until the game tells you have $40,000 and re-book another Dj and keep grinding until you reach $60,000. If it reaches $70,000 collect the money straight away and wait until the game tells you, that you have $10,000 in the safe and re-book another DJ and keep repeating this process. Make sure to change DJs every 90 minutes to avoid losing popularity.
Here's the Reddit thread that explains it all.
If you have a Terrorbyte.
Spawn it and start up Import/Export source vehicle or Special cargo missions since it's faster to go in rather than going all the way to your CEO office or Master Control Terminal depending where you are on the map.
Always do Headhunter in Los Santos.
The targets are more closer in Los Santos. Blaine County targets are more spread out so it'll take longer to do it there. Make sure your completely in Los Santos since even starting Headhunter in Vinewood Hills, you'll still get Blaine County targets.
Play in free aim lobbies.
The chances of being attacked or griefed by a tryhard is slightly lower than in auto aim. But they are still plenty of them, just not as much as auto aim. Your more likely to get placed in a peaceful lobby and if you do get attacked by a tryhard or griefer then find a new session since they're just wasting your time and to also protect your cargo since you only lose a little bit when you find a new session or close the application.
Also there's less players on free aim than auto aim so your more likely to find a lobby with less players.
PC only, If you see a modder or a cheater in your session.
Find a new session immediately since they may try to give you cheated money and get you falsely banned. They may also try to grief you with the use of mods.
If nightclub safe is full at $70,000.
Make sure to collect the money ASAP so more money can be stored in the safe.
If your flying a Buzzard or any vehicles or aircraft with homing missiles around in a peaceful lobby.
Make sure to use the homing missiles only when you need to use them such as killing enemy NPCs or Headhunter targets. One you finished using them then switch to the machine guns or non homing mode or the barrage missiles (if your in a Hunter) until you need to use the homing missiles again. This is to stop scaring other players who are in another aircraft or in a vehicle on the ground and it's also to prevent accidental firing of the homing rocket that's locked on to friendly players.
Terrorbyte client missions are quick and easy.
Finishing Targeted Data, Diamond Shopping and Robbery in Progress gets you an easy $31,000 in just 3-4 minutes of work. You'll need a drone station to do Targeted data though.
Stealing supplies is NOT worth it anymore if your Bunker and MC Businesses have full upgrades.
Steal missions take too long to do and it can take up to two or three hours to fill all your businesses. You can do the pre step and step 2 to easily pay off your supplies investment and even make some more money in the two and a half hours period before the businesses and Bunker stops producing due to lack of supplies. Good thing about this Casino heist DLC is that they include the Master Control Terminal where you can buy supplies for your businesses in one place instead of having to drive or fly to different locations.
The only time where I recommend stealing the supplies is when you don't have the upgrades yet on your Bunker or MC Businesses.
If you have an associate in your CEO.
If you have friends or a random person in your CEO, after you finished a Terrorbyte mission, do Point to point and share the money for an extra $5,250. Your associate can get paid well and still have fun grinding. Also if your in an MC then promote your friend or associate to Road Captain so they can use the non weaponized Buzzard or Havok (if they own one).
Don't waste money on junk.
One of the main reasons why players go broke and resort to buying Shark cards or give up on the game altogether. You don't need to own everything in the game and get a Deluxo or the latest supercar just because your friends and "everyone" has one. The clothes you only need are heavy heist vests for classic heists, quad lens helmets and scuba outfit. Supercars are only good for driving around the map and for races but not for missions. You can get around the map faster with a Buzzard. If your gonna buy a super car then buy the one that tops Broughy1322's tests.
The steps below are assuming you have the full day off from school or work and want to grind all day.
Note: The main steps are only if you have the CEO Office, Vehicle Warehouse, Bunker (Fully upgraded), MC Clubhouse, MC Businesses (Coke, Meth and Cash all fully upgraded), Nightclub, Terrorbyte and Arcade with Master Control Terminal. Also the tips below the steps are from my experience of grinding and selling cargo.

Pre step: Buy supplies for your Bunker and MC Businesses.

Make sure they're empty so sell whatever you have before buying supplies. Also set spawn location in the Arcade.
  1. Buy Supplies for your Coke, Meth, Cash and Bunker using the Master Control Terminal in the Arcade.

Step 1: Import/Export method (Best time to money ratio).

  1. Source vehicle.
  2. Sell vehicle.
  3. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  4. Source a vehicle.
  5. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  6. Do Headhunter.
  7. Sell vehicle.
  8. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  9. Source vehicle.
  10. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  11. Do Headhunter.
  12. Sell vehicle.
  13. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  14. Repeat 8-13 or move to step 2.
Import/Export sell tips.
Tips for vehicle sourcing missions, read this thread.

Step 2: Special cargo method. (Optional)

Special cargo method with a warehouse. It's only if you want to mix things up a bit since doing the same I/E method over again can be efficient but boring.
  1. Steal three crates.
  2. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  3. Steal three crates.
  4. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  5. Steal another three crates. You should have nine after you delivered those crates.
  6. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  7. Do one cycle of the I/E method above. (Do 1-5 on the Step 2: Import/Export method).
  8. Sell crates or continue filling up the warehouse.
  9. Repeat 1-8.
  10. (Optional) If continuing filling up the warehouse, repeat 1-9. (You don't have to do the cycle again but it's up to you if you want to)
  11. Sell the crates.
  12. Do Terrorbyte mission.
After finishing a source mission.
If you go the vehicle mission then do Headhunter then do a Terrorbyte mission. If you get vehicle missions back to back and Headhunter's still cooling down then simply do a Terrorbyte mission and source another three crates. If you got a three crate pickup mission, then just do a Terrorbyte mission and source another crate after.
Special cargo tips.
For more tips with special cargo read this thread.

Step 3: Selling the Bunker and MC Product.

This is a solo method on how to do MC Businesses and Bunker 100% solo.
Sourcing and selling top range cars after selling the MC product and disbanding MC and registering as CEO.Read before doing step 3.
Step 3.
  1. Sell Coke.
  2. Disband MC and register as CEO and steal a top range vehicle and sell straight away.
  3. Sell Meth.
  4. Steal top range vehicle and sell.
  5. Sell Cash.
  6. Steal top range car and sell.
  7. Sell the Bunker.
  8. Steal top range car and sell.
Fast step 3 (If your short on time and need to do something else).
  1. Sell Coke.
  2. Sell Meth.
  3. Sell Cash.
  4. Sell Bunker.
What you'll get when buying one batch of supplies for you Bunker and MC Businesses (Coke, Meth and Cash).
Note: This is with the Equipment and Staff upgrades.
Bunker and MC Business sell tips.
For more info about the MC Businesses.
Solo Post OP van tips.
I Know people give up on the MC Businesses all because of the Post OP aka Slow OP vans and I can understand why since the vans are very slow and the drops are far apart but reading this will give you confidence to do the MC Businesses again.
This Post OP Van tips are based off having the Sandy Shores/Grand Senora Desert MC Businesses.

Step 4 (Optional): Continue doing the step 1 I/E cycle or Step 2 Crates cycle.

If you don't want to do this part for whatever reason then skip to step 5.

Step 5: Selling the Nightclub.

Once you finish doing Step 3 or Step 4 then it's time to sell the Nightclub.
  1. Sell all the product via the special orders for a bonus if there is no special orders then sell all.
  2. Source and sell top range Import/Export vehicle.
  3. Do Terrorbyte mission.
  4. Do Headhunter.
  5. If there's money in both the Arcade and Nightclub safe, just collect it, also go to the Casino and spin the wheel.
  6. Wait for the game to auto save and you should be done for the day.

Alternative steps.

Simple method. (For players who don't have lots of time to play but still want to do the steps). Step 2 is not needed.
  1. Do the pre step.
  2. Do Step 1.
  3. Keep repeating Step 1 I/E cycle until the two and a half hour timer is up.
  4. Do fast step 3.
  5. Once you sold the MC Businesses then sell nightclub and you should be done for the day.
Simple Sightseer, Headhunter and Terabyte client mission cycle. (Best to do in an invite only session).
  1. Find a car and sell to Los Santos Customs.
  2. Start Headhunter.
  3. Do Terabyte client mission.
  4. Do Sightseer.
  5. Do Headhunter.
  6. Do Terabyte client mission.
  7. Do Sightseer.
  8. Do Headhunter.

AFK Solo Method.

What you'll need.
Steps for AFK solo method.
  1. Buy supplies for Bunker, Coke, Meth and Cash using the Master Control Terminal in the Arcade. With the Nightclub, set the five technicians to South American Imports, Cargo and Shipments, Pharmaceutical Research, Sporting Goods and Cash Creation first.
  2. Now start an easy contact mission in your apartment and go to the couch where the in game TV is and watch it. Once you sit down, then press the right D-Pad to make sure your watching the in game TV otherwise you may get kicked out due to idling or you could stay indoors and rubberband the right thumbstick so the camera moves in circles. Starting a contact mission and doing this AFK method means you won't pay utility bills and you cannot get raided, on top of that you won't lose any Nightclub popularity.
  3. Keep controller charging.
  4. Leave the console or PC on but turn off your real life TV or monitor your using to play the game. If your playing on you real life TV then you can change channels and watch what program you like.
  5. Do whatever you want outside the game such as school, work or whatever things you need to do, you can even leave your console/PC on overnight if you want.
  6. When your ready to comeback, turn your TV/monitor on and finish the contact mission. If South American Imports and Pharmaceutical Research is full then assign the two other technicians to Organic Produce and Printing and Copying since there's seven types of product and there's only five technicians to collect them assuming you bought all of the technicians. If South American Imports and Pharmaceutical Research isn't full yet then continue to AFK until they're filled up or you can also sell MC Businesses and Nightclub at this point if you want or otherwise continue to number 7.
  7. Once South American Imports and Pharmaceutical Research is finally full, set technicians to Organic Produce and Document Forgery. Start another easy contact mission to AFK again.
  8. Now once Organic Produce and Printing and Copying is filled up (takes 26.6 and 15 hours respectively to fill up), you can either sell the Bunker and MC Businesses or continue to AFK until Sporting Goods and Cargo and Shipments fill up. (Scroll up and follow step 3 or fast step 3 while selling the Bunker and MC Businesses).
  9. Repeat 1-6 or 1-8.
Additional AFK tips.

If board from doing the steps.

Grinding the same steps over and over again can get boring overtime.
For more info on CEO, Special Cargo, Vehicle Cargo, Casino Heist, Bunker, MC Businesses, Nightclub and Hanger then visit the GTA Online Mega Guide Thread. (Note: I already posted the same link earlier but I'll post it again to save time from Scrolling up).
I may edit this guide in case I missed something, made a mistake or you have great suggestions that I should write down. Let me know in the comments what you think. Also ask more questions in the comments section and I'll try my best to respond.
I've checked the GTA Online mega thread before posting this and spent plenty of hours testing this guide.
This guide was made by myself a passionate solo grinder.
submitted by xInfected_Virus to u/xInfected_Virus [link] [comments]

Beginners guide: Properties ranked by necessity

Based on Beginners guide: Properties ranked by Necessity by CretaceousFossil. Related: GTA Online property location guide, if you are wondering what the difference is between locations. For moneymaking specifics see /gtaonline's pinned weekly Mega Guide thread.
  1. An Apartment, Stilthouse, or Penthouse: The #1 property every player should have by Level 30 is an apartment. While they may be less effective property for earning money, they definitely have advantages. You can spawn there safely, not having to worry about spawn killing by griefers. If another player is relentlessly chasing you down, even if you own no other properties, you can evade them. And finally, its nice to feel like an actual resident of Los Santos. Also its the only way to do the regular heists as a host.
  2. CEO Office or Biker Clubhouse: It mainly comes down to what you like. You might like the clean, authoritative, high-rise feel of being a CEO, or you might like the gritty, street-level, rock'n'roll style of an MC president. However one or the other, is the second property you should invest in or at least prioritize. With the CEO Office, you won't need to make sure you have your 50,000 dollars every-time you join the game. Although the missions that come with the CEO are monotonous and underwhelming, so many of the other properties on this list require you to be a CEO or MC President to operate. As an MC president you have the ability to spawn in any bike you own, next to you with, no cooldown (except for the Oppressor Mk2); and as a CEO you have the ability to spawn in Organization vehicles (see #Organization_Vehicles on how to unlock them). You can also get free snacks at the Assistant in the Office.
  3. Bunker: If you are beginner or someone who doesn't own a ton of Mk2 weapons or weaponized vehicles, the money is definitely the best part. The resupply missions are fairly easy (but once you have both production upgrades, you should buy supplies), and most of the sell missions without rival players are a breeze. Whenever you are online and you have supplies in the Bunker, it is passively producing. This allows you to do other activities in the meantime. However besides the money, if you wish to own a lot of Mk2 Weapons and maybe a weaponized vehicle, the research does pay off. Also this property allows you to buy an MOC. While the interior may seem like a bunch of gray, drab, ugly, concrete tunnels at first, once you get the golf carts, sleeping quarters, shooting range, upgrades, and the yellow paint job its gives a nice industrial/laboratory feel.
  4. Vehicle Warehouse: Import/Export is one of the best solo money-making methods. There is no upfront cost as with Special Cargo but if done correctly it can still net a good $200k per hour (or more, combined with VIP jobs). The Specialized Vehicles stored in the basement are rather lackluster though, Rockstar introduced much more powerful weaponized vehicles since then, most of them even cheaper and customizable.
  5. (Special Cargo) Warehouse or MC Business: The warehouse's drop-shipping style buy & sell formula makes it the most straightforward and it's a good way to introduce beginners to selling. However, there are definitely some flaws with this option. While the selling yields good profits, if you lose your cargo, your losing time and money. Open-Road Businesses are similar in idea to gunrunning. Steal or buy supplies and wait for your stock to build up. However they don't pay that well, and are obsolete compared to other businesses.
  6. Nightclub: The nightclub definitely has some very good benefits. You get a free Speedo Custom right off the bat, which at first is a "so-so" vehicle, but once you have all the vehicle upgrades, the armor plating, the minigun, and mines, it's a very fun and effective vehicle. While the cargo accrues quite slowly, if you are patient and play the business battle missions, you will have some considerable stock. Plus you can purchase the Terrorbyte, more info on it below. For the Nightclub to be most effective you should own (and run, that is not have it shut down) other businesses, as the stock is generated from linked businesses. Keeping the Nightclub at higher levels of popularity will put more money every 24 ingame hours (48 minutes IRL) into your safe. Every ingame day decreases the popularity by 5% (1/4 of a popularity bar), changing DJs for $10k (once you unlocked them for $100k - this maxes out popularity) will up your popularity by 10% (half of a bar). Or you may wait a couple ingame days and do a popularity mission which increases popularity by 1.5 bar. You can see how much cash gets added into your safe (capacity: $70k) every day:
  7. Terrorbyte (requires Nightclub): The Terrorbyte is a really great vehicle. Besides having a literal base inside in a truck, which is sweet, it is incredibly functional. The missions have awesome pay considering the level of effort/hassle needed to complete them, plus you can remotely launch resupply missions for any of your businesses. If you decide to buy this truck, make sure you have over $1.2m extra, to get the drone station and missiles (though the latter is not very useful), and you if don't own a Mk2 weapon workshop, getting one with the terrorbyte is a good idea.
  8. Arcade: The Arcade provides another passive income (max $5k per day) to the player while also giving the player the ability to host Casino Heists which pay really well if the player knows what they are doing. The passive income depends on how many games are placed, you may even just place the same games in every slot to achieve the highest possible payout, you don't have to buy all the machines. Owning a Terrorbyte makes you able to hire Paige as hacker, which is necessary for good Casino Heist runs to max out the time you can spend grabbing loot (or you may alternatively unlock Avi Schwartzman as a hacker).
  9. Facility: The facility although one of the more expensive properties, can get you some serious cash and XP from the Doomsday Heists, plus the front desk has free snack. This is my favorite property just because of how expansive it is. With the wall designs, color scheme, fully upgraded quarters, and statues you get after the heists, its very aesthetically pleasing and is a good way to impress.
  10. Garage (standalone property): If you are too broke to afford an apartment because you don't that much time to play or apartments are not your thing, put this at number 1 over the apartment as the first property to buy. However although being able to to store cars, garages are obsolete considering you can add garages and garage levels to nightclub, and apartments and the facilities include garages. Also you can't set your spawn location to standalone garages.
  11. Mobile Operations Center (MOC) or Avenger): While both have a better bang for your buck than the warehouse, they aren't that crucial for beginning players. The MOC at first is very barebones and while there are missions that can be launched from it, they require multiple players and can't be launched in freemode. The Avenger can be a useful vehicle for freemode jobs (such as Hangar missions or Facility/Arcade preps) but it's definitely not necessary.
  12. Hangar: If you love flying in GTA Online and want to spend all your money on planes, this is the property for you. However, if you want to make money, it's not a very good option. Crates are only worth $10k each and the missions require some flying skills, and only give 1 crate per player in the MC or Organization, with a maximum of 4. The sale missions also require flying skills, some even more than the sourcing missions and some of them can't really be done solo.
  13. Arena Workshop: With the paint job, decals, and office, the Arena Workshop can be made to look very cool, and with the weapons workshop you can add weapons to vehicles and upgrade guns. You also have access to the Arena War career, which allows you to unlock discount prices for outfits and vehicle mods (albeit randomly, so it's not a very effective model), and the base prices for the upgardes are very steep. This property is over a million, so unless you are planning to buy a ton of discounted items or you just love Arena War, wait out on this one or skip it altogether.
  14. Casino Master Penthouse: Basically a very expensive apartment, with very expensive modular upgrades and decorations. You can also add a 10-car garage for $900k. It also lets you do the Casino Missions (from Agatha Baker) as a host, which upon completion awards the player with the Paragon R (Armored)) car, which is exclusively available from here.
  15. CEO Office Garage: Unless you are super rich and own more cars than you know what to do with, make this property dead last. It costs millions to add more levels. You can add a Custom Auto Shop (for even more money) with it to custom your cars straight from the garage though.
  16. Yacht: Big floating apartment on water, gives you the option to play one extra type of VIP job. Not a priority.
submitted by howellq to u/howellq [link] [comments]

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Red Dead Redemption 2
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Publishers: Rockstar Games
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 97
Metacritic - 97
Credit to OpenCritic for the formatting.


Areajugones - Juan Linares - Spanish - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is, without a shred of doubt, a new masterpiece brought to us by Rockstar. The new entry by the company has managed to achieve excellence in gameplay, storytelling and technical aspects. In the end, Rockstar has been successful in pushing the franchise to its limits in order to create one of the most complete games of all time.
Atomix - Alberto Desfassiaux - Spanish - 100 / 100
Red Dead Redemption 2 survives the great expectations that were had of it, even far exceeding them in a way that is rarely seen within gaming.
Attack of the Fanboy - William Schwartz - 5 / 5 stars
With Red Dead Redemption 2 Rockstar Games has set the bar so high that other games of this nature seem infinitesimally lesser because of its existence.
AusGamers - Steve Farrelly - 10 / 10.0
Rockstar, my dusty old hat is off to you. You've made this old videogame cowboy a very happy camper.
CGMagazine - Brendan Frye - 9.5 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best game Rockstar Games has ever made, as it deftly combines one of the richest open worlds ever made with one of the most compelling stories of this generation.
Cheat Code Central - Jenni Lada - 5 / 5.0
It transcends the open-world, outlaw-focused games like Red Dead Revolver and Red Dead Redemption to become so much more.
COGconnected - Garrett Drake - 100 / 100
Whether I'm hunting a legendary animal, participating in a story mission, playing a game of poker, or just exploring the world I've absolutely adored every moment I've spent with the game.
ComiConverse - Jordan Samuel - 5 / 5 stars
Red Dead Redemption 2 is not just the best sandbox game there is. It's not just one of the best 3rd-person shooters ever. It's not just a great action title, a great cowboy or horse riding game. It's not just one of the biggest entertainment experience. Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best titles in a generation.
Critical Hit - Darryn Bonthuys - 9.5 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a story of endings and new beginnings, of the birth of legends and the consequences that come with creating a myth. It's all wrapped up in an immaculate presentation, told over dozens of hours and adventures that leads to an inevitable conclusion: Red Dead Redemption 2 raises the bar for the sandbox genre and stands tall as the definitive western game of this or any other generation.
Cubed3 - Tomas Barry - 9 / 10
While no single element of Red Dead Redemption 2 is revolutionary, due to its ambitious scope, it's greater than the sum of its parts. Few single-player experiences excel simultaneously at telling a deep and poignant story, whilst also providing the player with such a huge extent of freedom and possibility.
Daily Dot - Joseph Knoop - 4.5 / 5 stars
We suspect it will still stand among Rockstar's greatest games, but perhaps not its greatest saga.
Destructoid - Chris Carter - 9.5 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the epitome of ambition and like most things Rockstar, will meet the expectations associated with it. With all of the advancements since the last Red Dead and everything they've learned from Grand Theft Auto V under their belt, the series is in a better place, able to provide a more natural and less gamey world to explore.
Digital Chumps - Nathaniel Stevens - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the perfect gaming experience, and what you were hoping for in the next iteration of the series. It has a rich story, deep gameplay, unrivaled visuals, and plenty of plains to explore.
Digital Trends - Steven Petite - 5 / 5 stars
'Red Dead Redemption 2' is unrivaled in design, gameplay, and storytelling.
DualShockers - Ryan Meitzler - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 may just signal the dawn of a new era for open-world games, and it's an experience that I have no doubt players will be investing tens (if not hundreds) of hours into its immense, deep world and completing its story full of action, suspense, and deeply investing character moments.
Easy Allies - Brandon Jones - 10 / 10.0
Rockstar achieves a new level of open world immersion in the second chapter of their wild west epic. Big choices lead to surprising consequences, and lots of customization options generate an attachment to your surroundings. Incredible visuals and spontaneous events create a beautiful, breathing world to explore.
EGM - Nick Plessas - 10 / 10.0
Criticisms often come easier than compliments, but in the case of Red Dead Redemption 2, I am at a loss. This is one of the most gorgeous, seamless, rootinest, tootinest games ever made, and if you voluntarily miss out on it, you're either not a gamer or in a coma.
Eurogamer - Martin Robinson - Recommended
An astounding open world unlikely to be rivalled until well into the next gen, saddled by a throughline from the last. - Francesco Fossetti - Italian - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the most ambitious open world ever made. A new starting point for the genre, and an incomparable masterpiece.
Forbes - Dave Thier - 9 / 10.0
If you have the time and the inclination, buy Red Dead Redemption 2. It's a great game. It's an impressive game. Just know what you're getting into, and do your best to make it through the story to what's on the other side. This review is now nearly 3000 words long, and not nearly long enough for one of the greatest and most vexing games I've played in years.
Game Debate - Jon Sutton - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 isn't just a great game. It's a game that sets an impossibly high new bar for how open-worlds can be handled. Its depiction of late 19th-century America feels both historically accurate yet abundantly open-ended, slow-paced and yet alive, grim and yet majestic. It makes the original Red Dead Redemption feel like a warm-up, the doodles on the page before the real thing has come to life.
Game Informer - Matt Bertz - 10 / 10.0
Rockstar has once again created a game that redefines the open-world experience. Red Dead Redemption II is a triumph that every gamer should experience for themselves
Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 5 / 5 stars
The astounding thing about RDR 2 is that there's not only a staggering amount of story, side quests, and places to explore but that it's all high quality and doesn't feel tacked on.
Gameblog - Gianni Molinaro - French - 10 / 10
There's a new sheriff in the open-world action game genre in town. Red Dead Redemption 2 is sure ambitious but it succeeds everywhere he travels : exploration, gunfights, stealth, main quest, characters, side quests, customization, acting, hunting, fishing... Name one element, it delivers. And it sure looks like one of the best looking games ever seen and has many secrets yet to be discovered. And so it can be considered as a masterpiece, an extraordinary, legendary game that we will talk about with sincere admiration for ages.
Gameplanet - Chris Brown - 9.5 / 10.0
Despite stumbling at the very beginning Red Dead Redemption 2 cements Rockstar Games' place at the very top of the games industry. It's been eight years and well worth the wait.
GamePro - Tobias Veltin - German - 96 / 100
What a ride! Red Dead Redemption 2 is the next Rockstar-Masterpiece and the best game in this console-generation so far.
Gamers Heroes - Johnny Hurricane - 9 / 10
Surprising absolutely no one, Red Dead Redemption 2 is easily a game of the year contender, if not the winner. Rockstar Games knocks it out of the park once again, and we are eagerly awaiting Red Dead Online.
Gamersky - 不倒翁蜀黍 - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the game that I would like to keep playing for years. The wild west is marvelous and full of interesting events. The story is both solid and attractive. What's more, The interactive system makes a great progress and you can interact with nearly everyone in various ways, and it feels really real. RDR2 definitely will be one of the greatest video games of all time.
GameSpace - Christopher Coke - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is likely to go down as the best game of the generation. Rockstar has outdone themselves, delivering one of the biggest, richest, most engrossing open world games ever made. Whether you're an action fan, RPG fan, open world fan, or just want a great story, RDR2 has something for everyone.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 10 / 10.0
GameSpot - Kallie Plagge - 9 / 10
RDR 2 succeeds as both a prequel to Red Dead Redemption and a story in its own right, and though it can take some patience, your effort is well worth it.
GamesRadar+ - David Meikleham - 5 / 5 stars
One of the top three open-worlds of all time, and the best game Rockstar has ever made. An all-time Old West masterpiece.
GameZone - Cade Onder - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 feels like Rockstar's new GTA 3 as in it takes massive leaps towards a new era of open-world gaming the likes of which have never been seen or at the very least executed to this level of quality courtesy of the borderline photorealistic graphics and remarkable game design.
Gaming Nexus - Nicholas Leon - 10 / 10.0
An astounding triumph that will certainly stand above the pack this season, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a unique game about unique people. The writing, visuals, and gameplay combine to make an absolute standout of a title, one that has been well worth the wait.
GamingTrend - Ron Burke - 100 / 100
Red Dead Redemption 2 raises the bar for sandbox adventure games. It's organic in a way almost unseen in any genre, creating an authentic open world that is as cohesive as it is compelling. This title will set the bar for action adventure games for years to come.
Generación Xbox - Adrian Fuentes Berna - Spanish - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 offers an unprecedented level of interaction with NPCs. Its level of detail and brilliant way of telling Arthur Morgan's story in a completely open adventure make the Rockstar game a masterpiece.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 10 / 10.0
There was never any doubt that Red Dead Redemption 2 was going to be good, but this is something special. A masterpiece that many will be talking about for decades to come. - Unknown - Polish - 10 / 10.0
If only I could give Red Dead Redemption 2 a higher score that 10, I would. This is by far the best open-world game that has ever graced the face of Earth. No other sandbox can even dream of holding a candle to Rockstar's newest gun-blazing, incredibly detailed Western epic. I envy all of you, who are yet to embark upon this fantastic journey and discover all the secrets this game holds. Truly, I could wipe my memory clean just to be able to experience that world once again. A true gem of the most noble kind.
Guardian - Keza MacDonald - 5 / 5 stars
Total immersion in an astonishingly lifelike world – whether you're outgunning rivals or skinning animals – makes this outlaw adventure a landmark game
Hardcore Gamer - Adam Beck - 4.5 / 5.0
Throughout this review, I may have seemed a little hard on Red Dead Redemption 2, but the overall package is nothing short of spectacular.
Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 99 / 100
Rockstar delivers a masterpiece in every aspect. Its organic and evolving open world, characters, storyline and gameplay mechanics made us feel "free men". Red Dead Redemption 2 also brings the best technical elements of this generation.
IGN - Luke Reilly - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game of rare quality; a meticulously polished open world ode to the outlaw era.
IGN Italy - Gianluca Loggia - Italian - 10 / 10.0
One of the best open world games ever, with the single best story ever written for a videogame.
IGN Spain - Gustavo Maeso - Spanish - 10 / 10.0
A titanic videogame, a masterpiece that, like everything, will have passionate lovers and other players who do not get too caught up. Everything also depends on thematic genres and preferences. Maybe not everyone likes the stories of 'Indians and cowboys'. But this interactive universe created by Rockstar tells a story fantastically constructed and allows us to live a unique adventure. And for that reason, we believe that this production touches excellence. And for that, it takes the first 10 in the history of IGN Spain. Good trip, cowboys!
Impulsegamer - Andrew Bistak - 5 / 5.0
Wow… Red Dead Redemption 2 lives up to everything and more with what Rockstar Games have promised.
Kotaku - Kirk Hamilton - No Verdict
This game has heart; the kind of heart that is difficult to pin down but impossible to deny. It is a wonderful story about terrible people, and a vivacious, tremendously sad tribute to nature itself. There is so much beauty and joy in this expensive, exhausting thing. Somehow that makes it even more perfect—a breathtaking eulogy for a ruined world, created by, about, and for a society that ruined it.
LevelUp - Luis Sánchez - Spanish - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is technically impressive; a well-made game and a visual jewel polished to the smallest detail: a masterpiece in every way. By showing excellent writing and storytelling, developed character and plots, and a full array of activities, it stands one of the best open worlds to date. Rockstar Games once again stands as the creator of the most successful and influential works in the medium of interactive entertainment. Probably, we are facing the best game made by Rockstar Games.
M3 - Billy Ekblom - Swedish - 10 / 10
Rockstar's eye for detail, presentation and tongue-in-cheek-storytelling makes this one an instant classic. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the ultimate Wild West sandbox-experience everyone has been waiting so very patiently for. It gives us more of everything we loved about the original and then takes it to a completely new level.
Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 9 / 10
An incredible technical achievement and a hugely accomplished Western epic that, despite a few minor flaws, represents Rockstar Games' most engaging and ambitious work so far.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 82 / 100
Red Dead Redemption 2 is an enjoyable sequel that builds on the foundation of its predecessor, with much to do and plenty to see, all wrapped up in some of the best visuals you've ever seen on a console. With great characters and satisfying action, it's a Wild West worth exploring.
PlayStation LifeStyle - Chandler Wood - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 redefines the open world genre.
PlayStation Universe - Jack McCaskill - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 not only lives up to expectations, but it smashes them and feels like the missing half of a story we never knew was incomplete. Improving on its predecessor in every way that counts, it also reignites interest in its landmark prequel, enhancing the overall experience to an epic scale and giving gamers an odyssey quite unlike any other.
Polygon - Chris Plante - No Verdict
After Red Dead Redemption 2's story concludes, a huge epilogue begins, and the game's already gargantuan map grows even larger. I'm eager to dig into this postgame, where it seems I'll be free to focus on taking in the beautiful, meticulously simulated world, rather than hurling myself into the middle of it.
Post Arcade (National Post) - Chad Sapieha - 9.5 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the must-play of the year, and elegant proof that grand-scale single-player games are far from obsolete
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 10 / 10
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a triumph in world-building, character craft and downright skulduggery. Being bad has never felt so good as Rockstar toe the realism line while still keeping their sharp, trademark tongue in cheek. It's the keen attention to detail where Rockstar succeeds and this outlaw prequel comfortably outperforms their best works and in time, I believe, will be regarded as a once in a generation game.
PSX Extreme - Ryan Hartmann - 10 / 10.0
A game of unparalleled scope and ambition, with breathtaking visuals, a broad-ranging but intimate story, and an incredible sense of identity and purpose, Red Dead Redemption 2 will go down as one of the greatest games of the generation, and perhaps video game history.
Push Square - Robert Ramsey - 10 / 10
Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstar's best game, and it's gripping from start to finish.
Shacknews - Bill Lavoy - 9 / 10
Whether I'm chasing the thrill of a daring train robbery, or the serenity of a solo camping trip, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an open-world game I will return to time and time again.
Slant Magazine - Steven Scaife - 3.5 / 5 stars
Red Dead Redemption 2 never quite squares its themes with the need to give players an open-world cowboy fantasy. And outside cutscenes and conversation, most of those themes don't seem to exist.
Spaziogames - Matteo Bussani - Italian - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the new North Star of the open-world genre, to what was The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild last March.
Stevivor - Luke Lawrie - 10 / 10.0
Rockstar Games has created a living, breathing world that I am absolutely invested in.
Telegraph - Tom Hoggins - 5 / 5 stars
As you move around the country and the gang's predicament shifts, the complexion of both game and narrative can change to a startling degree. It is nothing if not carefully considered.
The Digital Fix - Stephen Hudson - 10 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 takes everything that made the first so spectacular and elevates it to a new level. It boasts an enthralling story, coupled with rock solid gameplay, and is perhaps one of the best games ever made.
The Games Machine - Danilo Dellafrana - Italian - 9.8 / 10.0
Huge, technically incomparable and full of things to do: the Western epic of Rockstar Games manages to repeat the success of the first chapter, making one of the most impressive video games of all time.
The Jimquisition - Jim Sterling - No Verdict
As a game, Red Dead Redemption 2 is inspired and brilliant, as the product of a 60+ hour work week should be at bare minimum. As an overly detailed cowboy simulator, not so much.
Fortunately, Red Dead is big enough for everybody, no matter their tastes or levels of patience.
TheSixthAxis - Adrian Burrows - 10 / 10
The hype being created for Red Dead Redemption 2 and the expectations of the passionate fan-base made a part of me believe that Rockstar Games could never deliver on all of their many promises. They did, and then some. From the feeling of a realistic living world they've created to the emotional bonds you build, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the video game experience of this generation.
TrueAchievements - Dave Horobin - 5 / 5 stars
Red Dead Redemption 2's vast, detailed and stunningly beautiful open world sits as the perfect backdrop for its compelling and well-paced story filled with epic set pieces. With deeper gameplay mechanics, a larger cast of diverse and interesting characters to meet, and a wealth of content from side objectives to mini-games, RDR2 is a shining example of what makes Rockstar's games so special.
Twinfinite - Ed McGlone - 5 / 5.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 has certainly benefited from Rockstar allocating almost a whole generation's worth of development time to perfect what they wanted to accomplish. The result is a game that is easily one of the best games this year, and this console generation, but that's not all. It should eventually go down as one of the greatest games ever made.
USgamer - Mike Williams - 4.5 / 5 stars
Eight years after the masterpiece that was Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games is taking a second shot. New protagonist Arthur Morgan gets a better supporting cast, an absolutely beautiful open world with more visual variety, and a ton of things to kill or collect. There's some occasional tedium in travel, and a few bugs and annoyances, but nothing that prevents Red Dead Redemption 2 from being an excellent game.
VG247 - Kirk McKeand - No Verdict
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a brave prequel that isn't afraid of taking risks. It is innovative, surprising, stunning, dramatic, and generous – a highlight of this generation and a benchmark for other open world games to aspire to.
Video Chums - A.J. Maciejewski - 8.8 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a gorgeous and enormous open world game that you can easily get immersed in while the hours tick away.
VideoGamer - Colm Ahern - 9 / 10
Few worlds are as well-realised as the one Rockstar has created for Red Dead Redemption 2. Thanks to some wonderful scripting and stellar performances, the characters you randomly meet in the wild are captured as well as the ones you spend most of your days around camp. How do you follow Red Dead Redemption? You make Red Dead Redemption 2.
Wccftech - Alessio Palumbo - 9.7 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption 2 may not be perfect, but its minor shortcomings are like tiny blemishes on a stunningly beautiful face. In a way, they only serve as a reminder of how this world isn't made for perfection. Every single aspect of the game will put you into the very shoes of an outlaw roaming America with his gang as they try to escape the law long enough to make the money needed to disappear for good. It's an epic, memorable and engrossing tale which also elevates the open world genre to new heights with the brand new interaction system, a cast of memorable characters and a ton of high-quality content to play for a long time.
We Got This Covered - Ethan Willard - 5 / 5 stars
Red Dead Redemption 2 is an immense, breathtaking experience that will be treasured for years to come.
Windows Central - Asher Madan - 5 / 5 stars
Despite some minor issues like stuttering in interiors, awkward camera angles in smaller houses, or the relatively slow start to story the campaign — Red Dead Redemption 2 simply overrides its small perceptible flaws with what is nothing short of a truly spectacular experience. Simply put, it is one of the best games ever made, setting a new standard for open world titles going forward.
Worth Playing - Cody Medellin - 9 / 10.0
Red Dead Redemption II is exactly the kind of game you'd expect from Rockstar.
Xbox Achievements - Richard Walker - 95%
A stunning, elegiac western that features some of Rockstar's best writing to date, Red Dead Redemption 2 is also the studio's finest open-world to date, handcrafted with real, tangible care and attention, defying the boundaries of what a video game can be. Arthur Morgan will also inhabit a special place in your heart, as a likeable, relatable rogue striving to find his way in the world. Good ol' Arthur.
ZTGD - Ken McKown - 10 / 10.0
I wish there was more I could say about the game. There is so much to discuss, but that would take away from the experience. Avoid spoilers, avoid videos of this game, just buy it, play it, and fall in love with this world the same way I did.
submitted by falconbox to xboxone [link] [comments]

The PSP Need for Speeds - Underground Rivals to ProStreet

I decided to play through all the Need for Speed Titles released on the PSP and to give my thoughts on them. Specifically, Underground Rivals, Most Wanted 510, Carbon Own the City, ProStreet, Shift and Undercover. Initially, I planned to cover all 6 games in one post but as my word count went past 4000, I feel sticking to the first 4 for now is probably better
Before I begin. I feel I should give my history with the franchise as a whole. I would not consider myself an expert on racing as a whole. I've played Underground 1, Most Wanted on PS2, PSP and NDS. Carbon Own the City on PSP. A bit of Hot Pursuit and Undercover on PS3. Played all of Most Wanted (2012 and that game was good, fight me) and Rivals and Payback.
First up is Underground Rivals as a launch title for the PSP. I'll be honest, this game didn't really click for me. While the graphics and presentation are really great for the time, the visual customization cool and the interesting open-ended progression for events (you're given a bunch of events like races, drag, drift, Nitrous runs etc). I didn't really enjoy this game. Car performance is weak, the handling and physics are too loose for the tracks. Enemy AI is much to difficult. The tracks are repeated a lot. There is no story. This last one is subjective but I'm not a fan of hip hop, rap and the songs that are associated with underground racing. I did put on a playlist of songs from 2000 - 2009 to get In the mood.
But I can't really recommend this game. I expect there are many who would enjoy this game and I can see its appeal. I'll give it a "somewhat recommended".
Let's talk a little about Physics in racing games. As the Youtuber Whitelight puts it, your physics need to match the environment. If you take a Not Ferrari from GTA V and put it into Hot Pursuit, you'd get bored as you'd be able to take every corner and weave through traffic with ease. If you took a Lambo from Hot Pursuit and put in GTA V, you'd be frustrated as it would be much more difficult to weave through traffic and take hard turns. Underground Rivals has physics closer to Hot Pursuit's style so ideally turns would not be at right angles or even acute angles yet there are often many of them. This is a problem throughout the series on PSP.
- Most Wanted 510.
Next up is my first NFS game and the one I spent the most time on as a wee lad. 510 (police sign for a street race) was released a year after Underground Rivals. I remember a YouTube video praising UR over this due to the greater variety of events and presentation. And while I don't dispute that, I did massively enjoy 510 more.
510 doesn't have an open world, it has no voice calls or cutscenes, no Mia aside from 1 loading screen. It only has races (circuit, sprint and Lap Knockouts), and time trials and heat trials. Upgrades are handed out at an anemic rate. So it's like a really stripped down version of the main console game. That still works. The driving is fun and using the slow-mo power of speedbreaker is a nice addition though it does feel too necessary. The cars are cool. Customization is cool and varied with lots of options. (The physics of crashes at high speeds must be seen) I do like the flavour text written for races and blacklist drivers. It makes it feel there is a man on the inside helping you out. It's a bit of personality in an otherwise straightforward game. There is one new exclusive event for the PSP Version, Tuner Takedown, where you play as a cop car and ram racers until their health reaches 0. It's fun for a bit.
I have criticisms of the races. Many of the tracks are used so much they start to feel repetitive despite the high number of tracks and their backwards variation (when I beat the game. I looked over my lap records. I found there were many backwards versions of tracks I never raced. Yet the game reuses the same 4 tracks in its final 2/3s). In addition, I feel races go on for too long. The game loves its 3 lap races that can take you over 7 minutes. I feel needing to focus on one event for that long, especially when 1 mistake often means a restart, is too much for a handheld racer (tournaments, where you must race 3 of these races back to back and need to place first pretty much in all 3 with no restarts, feel the worst). I feel the next game, Carbon Own the City, manages this better with the normal races taking 3-5 minutes while boss races take 7+.
I'm not opposed to long races, but I feel that for a handheld game, needing to have to focus so intensely for so long and so frequently goes the design of games like this and the nature of the platform.
NPC AI is inconsistent. Enemy racers alternate from being competent to experts. Traffic and police roadblocks may appear in unpredictable places that may cost you the race. It's very hard to recover from mistakes in the latter half.
Speaking of Police, they will always target the racer in first place. So they can spin you out and be able to arrest you right there but immediately abandon you when someone overtakes you. In first place, they'll attack you to get you spin out in unpredictable patterns and gang up. The setup isn't as favourable for escapes and tight maneuvering. In fact, these cops would be better suited for a GTA game than a racer. I've noticed that when I get spun out and then get overtaken, the cops suddenly become less aggressive towards AI Drivers and even get left far behind them. AI drivers can get arrested but only due to crashing into a roadblock. It is possible for all your opponents to arrested so all you have to deal with are the aggressive cops.
Regarding the music, it's really subjective here but aside from Do Ya Thang and Static X, I disliked the soundtrack. I guess this kind of music really isn't for me. To get into the mood though, I put on multiple playlists of popular early 2000s Music. I've learned I have a thing for cheesy love songs though.
Now back to the tracks, one of my biggest problems, especially with later tracks is how windy and how much curves they have. Many of the tracks are also filled with turns that are at right angles, u shaped and even V-shaped. The game's physics are really heavy so even with max handling and low speed, I was still crashing all over the place. Seriously, If I had to judge the game in its last 7 members, it would easily be a 3/10. It's really really bad.
The upgrade system is simple but anemic. As you win races, especially Blacklist Races, you'll get a notification telling you performance upgrades are available. You go into a menu for the car and find the available upgrades and you can purchase them. The problem is often how rare new upgrades are available. Newer cars you unlock won't have anything beyond stock for a while, so you'll stick with your older car for longer than you should because it's a better option than technically better cars. This becomes a problem later on because you need to guess which car to unlock which will have enough upgrades available to be useful but not so old as to be useless even with upgrades. As an example, I had to use the Cobalt S, the starter car, until Blacklist 8 because by then, The Eclipse from 11 is finally viable. I bought the Corvette after number 6 because I needed a faster car than the Eclipse but still had to use the Eclipse on certain tracks because the Corvette, though faster, lacked nitrous and had worse handling so those curvy tracks were impossible with it. The Eclipse was still a better option than the Audi Quattro and Ford Mustangs that all the AI drivers were using because my Quattro and Mustang would be lacking the upgrades that made them superior to the Eclipse for me. The Corvette and later the Lamborghini Gallardo, weren't fully upgraded until you beat many Blacklist drivers later. Yet, the AI are naturally faster than you with the same cars. I dislike this style of upgrades and prefer ProStreet PSP's approach of just letting you buy whatever upgrades you want for any car you have unlocked. This system is good because it rewards players for investing more into the game without artificially locking them out for a padded challenge.
This is a weird point but Razor's BMW GTR2 has a racing car livery. I don't mind this but it is weird.
So despite my greater enjoyment, I'd rank this game a 5/10 with a "somewhat recommended". If you have the console version, no reason to get this. Compared to other PSP racers of the time, it's a decent choice. It appears the short development time limited the potential of this game.
So we're 2 games in and already the games aren't inspiring much confidence. It's a shame. Burnout, Ridge Racer, Wipeout are all running laps around a series whose console versions are killing it. Are short development times doomed to keep NFS only above mediocre on the PSP?
Enter Carbon Own the City- THE Need for Speed game the PSP deserved. The game franchise needs to stand on its own against the competition.
OTC is unique thus far in that it's open-world (Based on Rockport from MW) and has dynamic cop chases. However, with regards to exploring the world, it's not as fine. It's not intuitive to set waypoints to events (you can only set viewpoints to events for the current area in the story. And the GPS doesn't tell you if you did the event before. All in all, you'll find yourself using the Event Select in the pause menu to warp to events and play the game like 510 rather than as an open world game). You can find collectibles scattered about and they give small amount of money or concept art. Cop chases are rare but they function as you'd expect (but without MWs pursuit Breakers). During my first playthrough 10+ years back, I easily warped between races and never got in a pursuit. There is only 1 event type that makes full use of the open world, Takedowns, as you can go anywhere and enemy cars will spawn (The mode isn't that fun to play due to RNG). Other events that are listed as open-world like escape and deliveries still require you to follow an arrow but there aren't barriers. However, to the game's credit, the open-world still adds some benefits. Just driving around is fun. And events and tracks can be more varied now as they have more of a world to incorporate. The city itself looks kinda detailed and distinct. The city and its environments generally compliment the physics well (except for those really narrow and curved areas) and races tend to be 3-5 minutes tops, another check against 510.
The game unfolds by having you race to gain territory known as Turf (by the way, as a kid, I thought Turf was the fuel used in Ireland, so I was confused af for a while). Each territory has a series of events that can include sprints, circuits, lap knockouts, escapes, deliveries and takedowns. After completing a set amount of events, you can challenge the leader to 1-2 events to take over the territory from them permanently. Only Sprints, Circuits and Deliveries let you bring your own crew members along (I imagine if they included your crew in lap knockouts, the laps would be 6 long and if you survived the first 3, you'd pretty much win as it would just be you and your crew). It's pretty much The Blacklist system but with a bit more flexibility. I do feel Takedowns are a bit too hard early on and you need a better car for them. The events do start to feel repetitive as despite being an open world, many key areas are reused for race tracks. I feel a few "Police Chase" type events would have been a nice addition to vary things up. Escapes could also have a variant where there is no arrow and set destination, you just have to get x KM away from your starting position to win. Both these ideas use more of the open world to vary the experience.
Speaking of which, you have a crew that can race with you. You can bring up to 2 members with you (and visually customize their cars if you want) in races that allow it. Crew members can have 1 or 2 classes. The 3 main classes are: Brawler, which has the member target a car ahead of you and smash into them which has them stop for a while. Assassin, which drops a spike strip which puts anyone in hits (including you) out of action. By the way, you can change targets for these 2 guys by tapping the button which activates them before they hit. You also have Drafters. They pull ahead of you and give you a slipstream which adjusts your handling and gives you a speed boost. In addition to this, some crew members can have a secondary class as well, like Fixer who "fix the race so you earn a little more cash every time you win" and Mechanics who can give you a slight performance boost.
I really like the crew system. You have a fair bit of freedom with how you use them, they can help when the AI gets extra good so you can do something rather than just keep racing and hope they make a mistake. The speedbreaker is removed from MW but it isn't needed this time around due to the lack of cops and traffic and sharp turns. And from what I've seen, OTC's crew system seems more reliable and responsive than the main console versions. I like that crew members have a short bio in the menu and some of them are enemy drivers of rival leaders who will call you to tell you they will join you once you beat their leader. It adds a lot of personality to what were just enemy cars in prior games. There are some problems though. Firstly, sometimes your AI partners aren't the most reliable. Your Brawler may land a perfect hit or be so ridiculously inept that they never pass you to hit their target. Drafters can sometimes hit from behind giving you a bigger speed boost than the draft itself. But they can also slow down in front of you hurting your speed or make turns or racing lines that are not optimal. But by the end, Brawlers and Assassins become outclassed by enemy drivers so the best and only solution is to take 2 drafters and alternate as necessary. The speed boosts are more effective than the alternatives. Also, the performance boost from Mechanics seems negligible. All in all, it's a good system, it just needs some improvements and polish. I also feel cops could interfere in races. Maybe some of your wingmen could have an ability to help during police chases during races.
The car selection is pretty similar to MW and 510. Customization has 1 new addition in that you can add Crew paintings to your cars (also they show up as graffiti in the open world). Upgrades is the same anemic system from 510 which makes it hard to upgrade. Especially as money is rarer in this game.
Traffic is really rare. And crashes don't slow you down as much but bring AI to a complete stop.
-The Story
I'm not going to summarize the story, but here is the Wiki if you want that.
I am going to discuss it so Spoiler Warning.
I love the presentation of the story. The Comic Book Style art is much more appealing than the FMV like approach of the main console games. The voice acting is also much more on point. It's all great. If I had to rank this, this is probably in the best racing game stories I've ever played (not that it's a tough list).
The story also does serve as a nice way to keep the player keep on playing when they might have given up otherwise. I was willing to play more to get the nice voice message and cutscene so it was doing something right.
Now, sadly, the Negatives. I'm going to divide this into 3 sections, main issues, plot holes and nitpicks. I know it's a bit unfair due to the type of game but I feel if racing games want better stories, they gotta be more open to stuff like this.
--Main Issues: I have 2 main issues with the story. First is that the actions of the game, namely conquering territory which progresses the story, has nothing to do with the story. Aside from a few mentions early on, conquering territory has no correlation with finding out the truth. Characters don't acknowledge your progress or your actions. This is especially evident if you just go through the cutscenes and text messages. The game could have been a short film, comic or even a Blacklist style racing game and the end result would be the same. As a result, your progress feels arbitrary. You conquer territory until the game decides to play a cutscene that doles out more details.
The Second is the ending. Sara casts judgement on the player character, saying they are a good person now. If we treat the player character as an actual character, this lacks impact because our protagonist has no personality or many distinct actions for us to judge him by to make Sara's point. If we treat him as a player avatar, that also has problems because we the player never got the chance to express our character. The game is telling the player they are a good person without the player doing anything to earn that. If the game had a karma system then maybe you could make do with just the latter and not the former. As it stands, it rings hollow either way.
--Plot Holes
The story feels like they thought up the final twist first, wrote a first draft based on it and then just made the story out of that.
For example, Why Doesn't Ex just tell the Player they hired him? He's already pretty high up and has no reason keep the secret. What was his plan then if the accident never happened and the player accomplished his plan and knew the details? We aren't given any indications of why he changed his mind.
Why does Sara stick around for as long as she does anyway at first? She was able to fake her death later so why doesn't she do that when she was with Mick? Or just after the accident? She would have been able to avoid the plot. What makes her decide the player is a good person right after the final race and not at any point before? Why does she care if the player learns the truth from Ex if she's not even there?
The Protagonist is amnesiac and is trying to find out about who killed Mick. But apparently doesn't seem to care about Mick or even himself. Sara telling him about how monstrous Mick and the player was is what triggered his memory but that means he never tried to find out about Mick or himself despite that one cutscene showing him obsessing over the accident. Even characters like Ex are vague on what he knew about the brothers before the accident. He could have dropped a "Wow, you're not a dick anymore" which would have triggered his memory. Did he not speak with anybody who knew him and Mick before the accident about what they were like?
--Nitpicks (these are "issues" that are probably too small to even matter)
How is the player able to manage the territory of an entire city with only 5 other members? Does nobody else try to take some territory? Why does nobody care how much territory the player has?
Why are the police so absent? Wouldn't they step in when they find out one of the most notorious illegal street racers of the city is currently in the hospital for a coma and amnesia?
How is the player able to race with Carter when he was kidnapped? (ok, that's a bit of a joke)
Why is the final race a massive circuit that circumnavigates the city with 6 racers total but ends with just Sara and the player?
How is MX able to keep contacts with the police, even being able to send them against Ex without himself getting implicated?
After beating MX, he offers to trace Buddy's phone and says that once he finds out who sent it, gives the player 24 hours to get his revenge before he send in the cops. Either MX took a long time to trace that text or the player conquers a 3rd of the city really quick.

I wasn't a fan of the music this time as well except for one song Electric. According to a Youtube comment about the song: "The lyrics came from short stories I'd written about what London would be like in 30 years. These machines – "friends" – come to the door. They supply services of various kinds, but your neighbours never know what they really are since they look human. The one in the song is a prostitute, hence the inverted commas. It was released in May 1979 and sold a million copies. I had a No 1 single with a song about a robot prostitute and no one knew."
So yeah, OTC is the closest to a early 2000s Street Racing console NFS on a handheld and it's pretty good. If I had to rate it, It'd give it a 7.5/10 with a "recommended" rating. The game is really fun and the story is enough to keep you playing but the limited use of the open world and repetitive events bring it down. I'd love to see a current-gen successor to this game that improves and expands on this game. Maybe you can conquer Territory in any order and enemy cars will try and hunt you down while you're doing it. Maybe you need to defend conquered territory. You can combine it with a more general respect system that governs it. I feel there is some serious potential here for something truly spectacular here.
Things would take a turn for our next entry, ProStreet.
From a Real World Perspective, ProStreet makes sense. Illegal Street racing was having some parts of it make way for legally sanctioned racing. As a game series based on an evolving culture, it makes sense to explore other parts of that culture. Bringing the arcade-y physics, customization etc to real-world venues is cool.
From a gameplay/business perspective from the outside, ProStreet makes no sense. The Underground and Most Wanted Games were their best selling entries with MW alone selling 15+ million units. ProStreet takes away the open world, the cops, the Fast and the Furious influences in favour of a more realistic style. It would be if the next mainline Elder Scrolls game was purely a dungeon crawler. Still, I am impressed with the desire to mix it up and keep it varied and cannot deny that. It would have been really easy for EA to continue what Call of Duty does and just keep trying to remix their "greatest hit" for several years until finally moving on.
For the PSP however, ProStreet doesn't feel as much of a divergence. The PSP is used to racing games in general set on tracks and not open world or cop focused. The PSP version of the game is different from its main console versions.
For what it's Worth, ProStreet PSP is a pretty good game. I've heard online many people disregard this due to a lack of customization (a fair complaint) but the game is pretty solid.
Let's talk tracks and progression and racing. When you first boot up the career mode, you're presented with 3 difficulty options, Weekend Warriour, Adrenaline Junkie and Speed King. The choice of difficulty affects how much the game assists you with braking and navigation as well as how much money you earn. Easy mode obviously gives you the most help with the fewest money. Some races don't even allow easier difficulties.
The tracks themselves are based on real-world locations from race tracks in California, Texas, Ireland, Portland, Japan and even the Autobahn in Germany (don't think it has this many curves in real life but I've never been to Germany.) with a cool video explaining them (the UI and presentation in this game is really cool even if some sound effects are taken from prior games). You race in these locations until you complete them and/or unlock what you need in future cars and locations.
Each location has 6-9 races which changes the layout and orientation of the track. Some are really straight like Portland's where you only need to make shallow turns and is really easy, Some are snake-like which I feel is the best fit for physics like this. Some are full of bad curves which gave me 510 flashbacks. The races themselves have restrictions like "sports/Tuners/Muscle cars only", or specific only cars or only use part of a track or multiple laps. Once again, in another check against 510, races tend to take less than a minute to complete with longer ones taking 3 minutes at most. I like that you can have multiple locations and races available at once. I also love that certain races will reward you with a car. It keeps grinding low and your cash more free and lets you participate in more kinds of events and experience more of the game. Especially since different cars can have different wheel drives and axels. On top of that, for every car, all the upgrades are available to purchase from the beginning. So any new car you either win or buy can instantly be brought up to viable levels. This fixes a big problem I had with prior games and deserves to be celebrated. No more having to race with your cheap Nissan or Cobalt against Sports cars because your own Sports car can't have all the upgrades yet.
I feel now is a good time to discuss gameplay. It's good (when the tracks support it). It's the same physics as before so I'm pretty used to it by now. Nitros seems more powerful. Different cars have different wheel drives. What's really new is now damage to cars. Strong impacts can damage your wheels, lowering your speed and acceleration and even causing your car to trail off in the damaged direction needing constant correction and even if you win, repair fees come out of your winnings. I like a system like this in more arcade-y games because aside from being a way to measure skill, it can result in some risky choices like choosing to ram your car into an opponent about to overtake you. Like if you miss you may crash into a barrier and thus take damage which effects your performance. But if you hit, you may get them out of your hair for a while but take damage. You could choose to ignore it and drive clean. I prefer to be more aggressive so this does add a bit more tension during races. Car damage is pretty localized and visually doesn't look that much even for serious damages. Longer races with lots of turns make this system a nightmare though.
Events include sprints and laps, time trials, but no drift or drag (thank God). There is one sorta new event and one really new event. Instead of lap knockouts, you have checkpoints that act as laps. The really new event is one where there are lots of checkpoints but each one records your speed. The winner is the one with highest sum of speeds after going through all the checkpoints. Meaning it is possible to win even if you are physically behind the pack. Between the events, locations and cars PS does have a fair bit of variety even if the environments can start to blend in like Sonoma and Texas.
There is no story, which seems to actually be an improvement over the console versions. The graphics are pretty blurry and I'm not sure if this is due to the game being rushed or if it's secretly running at 60 FPS or something.
Overall, I'd give the game a 7.5/10 with a "recommended score". It lacks customization and the curvey tracks hurt a lot but the overall racing experience is pretty good.
And that ends part 1 of the PSP NFS analysis.
So what have we learned so far from these 4 games? Well, Most are linear games likely due to the fast development cycles. The physics are on the heavy side so more wide tracks are preferred. The upgrade system is anemic and is exponentially more fun with more availability and options.
If I had to rank these games, I'd recommend OTC and PS for sure. With a Maybe for 510 and UR. I'm excited to give Shift and Undercover a shot. I don't know much about the PSP versions so it could be fun.
So there you have it. If you read this whole thing I'm interested in your thoughts. I also have a blog where I write about games. I've written in-depth critiques of AC2, Bro Middle Earth Shadow of MordoWar, as well as more specific things like sailing in AC4 and bombs in Rev.
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